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Which Animal?

2. Unlike other bears, this animal eats mostly plants.
4. Some of these colorful birds can be trained to talk.
5. This fish is one of the top predators in the ocean.
6. This bumpy amphibian starts its life as a little tadpole.
8. This amphibian can regrow its tail if it gets bitten off by a predator.
10. This bouncy mammal carries its young in a pouch.
11. This intelligent mammal is the largest in the primate family.
12. Some types of this slippery fish can stun their prey.
1. This limbless reptile squeezes its prey.
3. This tough mammal rolls into a ball to protect itself.
4. This bird uses its impressive tail to attract a mate.
5. The male of this type of fish carries its eggs in a pouch to protect them.
7. This flightless bird is an excellent swimmer.
9. This reptile has a strong shell to protect itself from predators.
Animal Crossword Answers
2. Panda
4. Parrot
5. Shark
6. Toad
8. Newt
10. Kangaroo
11. Gorilla
12. Eel

1. Boa
3. Armadillo
4. Peacock
5. Seahorse
7. Penguin
9. Turtle

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