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General Structure:

Butterflies belong to the kingdom Animalia. specifically in the phylum Arthropoda. Arthropoda is a
phylum whose members are segmented or knot-legged animals.

Butterflies are animals that are lucky enough because they are included in the phylum which is the
largest animal phylum in terms of number and area of distribution.

Arthropoda is divided into 4 more classes namely Insecta, Arachnida, Crustacea, and Myrrapoda.
Butterflies belong to the class Insecta.


This animal is a winged insecta (Pterygota). I am a very beautiful butterfly, there are various kinds
of motifs. Butterfly wings are a type of scaly wings (Lepidoptera).

Not a few people are amazed by the uniqueness of butterfly wings, so there are people who
preserve them for the purpose of being a collection.

Butterfly wings also help us distinguish between species.

In development to maturity, Pterygota undergoes metamorphosis. Metamorphosis in Pterygota can

be divided into 2, namely Hemimetabola and Holometabola.

Hemimetabola are insects that undergo incomplete metamorphosis. While Holometabola are
insects that undergo complete metamorphosis.

Butterflies are included in the Holometabola group because they undergo a complete
metamorphosis from a caterpillar to a butterfly with stages namely egg, larva (caterpillar), pupa, and

Butterflies also play a role in ecosystems where butterflies help plants pollinate. Even the Bombix
Mori butterfly can produce silk threads.

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