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FOREWORD PREFACE 1. GOD'S COVENANT 2. The Trinity FAITH AND TRUSTbased on the Creeds .

3. God the Father, Creator 4. God the Son, born man 5. God the Son, who died 6. God the Son, who
rose 7. God the Holy Spirit 8. The Holy Catho lic Church 9. The Communion of Saints 12. 10. The
Forgiveness of Sins 11. Life Everlasting CONTENTS Assurance of Salvation LOVE AND OBEDIENCE
based on the Ten Comm andments 13. The only God 14. The Majestic, Holy Name 15. The Holy
Day 16. Respect for Auth ority 17. Respect for Life 18. Respect for Body 19. Honour God-our Money
20. Respect for Word 21. The Basis of it all 22. Loving God and Man LOVE AND SERVICE 23. The
Word of God 24. The Lord's Prayer 25. Morning and Evening Prayer 26. Worship in the home 27.
Witness 28. Stewardship 29. The Sacraments 30. The Lord's Supper 31. The Holy Communion 32.
Confirmation MEMORY PASSAGES 2 4 19 33 47

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