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1.Which of the following is true for displacement? (a) It cannot be zero. (b) Its magnitude is greater than
the distance travelled by the object.


2. Distinguish between speed and velocity.


3. What does the odometer of an automobile measure? Define it.


4. When will you say a body is in (i) uniform acceleration? (ii) Non-uniform acceleration?



5. Displacement of a body can be positive , zero, or negative. When this can happen.

6.Represent diagrammatically and fill the blank

1. When s-t graph is parallel to x-axis, the body is____________.

2. When v-t graph is parallel to x-axis, the body is____________.

3. The slope of v-t graph for a body in uniformly accelerated motion is____________.

7. What is the displacement and distance covered by the car which moves in a circular road of
radius R when it covers half the circle?

8. A car goes from point A to B and then come back from B to A. What is the displacement and
average velocity?


9. A body moves over a horizontal surface with an initial velocity of 2 m/s. Due to friction its velocity
decreases uniformly at rate of  . How much time will it take to stop?

10. A car has a uniform accleration of  . Calculate the distance travelled by the car after 10
seconds of start?

11 .A car is travelling at a speed of 72km/h, the brakes are applied so as to produce a uniform
acceleration of  .
Find the distance it travels after applying brakes so that it completely stops?

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