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MB 505 Advanced Genetics

Name: Date:

Laboratory 3:

DNA Extraction at home


1. Table salt (NaCl) (iodized salt is ok)

2. Dishwashing soap (liquid)
3. Rubbing alcohol (70% isopropyl or ethyl alcohol)
4. Tablespoon
5. 2 Cups or glass (clear glass is preferrable)
6. Measuring cup, graduated cylinder or just a cup or glass (no need for precission measurement)
7. Clean Stirrer (rod or stick or spoon)


1. add 2 cups of salt to distilled water in a drinking glass/cup

2. gargle ¼ cup of salt water solution for 1 minute. Then spit out to a clean beaker/glass/cup
3. add 2 drops of dishwashing soap (joy, etc), and stir gently. Try to avoid making bubbles.
4. add ½ cup rubbing alcohol (ethyl, isopropyl) to the mixture. Set aside for 3 minutes
5. Look at floating precipitates. That is your DNA

Output for this Lab Activity:

Make an instructional video of yourself doing the DNA extraction Activity. You may add a voice-over to
explain the process. Please be mindful of seeking permission first for copyrighted material/s that might
be included in your video (or you may just avoid using any copyrighted material).

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