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A method of banishing using some of The Forty Servants

None of the rituals below have been tested thoroughly yet. I am curious what you guys
think of this. Independently of this I will start testing it when my other ongoing daily
rituals are done. I do not own anything.

The Forty Servants Banishing Ritual Of The Pentagram (FSBRP)


1. Calm yourself with some deep breaths.

2. Stand upright and face east.
3. Close your eyes and raise both of your arms so that your body forms a column.
4. Vibrate “I” and visualize a white beam descending from above, going through your body into
the earth beneath you. By this you are connecting above and below, the macrocosm and the
5. Stretch out your arms to your sides so that your body forms a cross.
6. Vibrate “A” and visualize a red beam coming from your right, going through you to your left.
By this you are connecting all opposing forces.
7. Put your hands together below your navel with your thumbs touching each other.
8. Vibrate “O” and visualize a blue sphere of energy surrounding you. You are now in a state of
perfect balance and thus of authority.
9. Still facing east, extend your hand in the Sword Mudra (adapted from Damien Echols: Extend
index and middle finger together, fold your other two fingers down toward your palm. Close
your thumb over your folded fingers).
10. Draw a banishing pentagram in a blue flaming light starting at your bottom-left corner.
11. Put your hand (still using the Sword Mudra) inside the Pentagram and vibrate “IAO”
visualizing the Pentagram glowing even brighter.
12. Repeat steps 4 and 5 for the south, west and north cardinal points.
13. Keep standing where you are, with your arms outstretched to either side, palms facing up.
Lay your head back so that your face is directed upwards. Visualize The Saint above you and

“Oh, great servant The Saint,

the great patron of magick and magicians,
place a good word in the ears of the powers that be,
so that I may more easily get their attention.
May my prayers be heard.”
14. Face east again, with your arms outstretched to either side, palms facing up, visualize The
Levitator hovering before you and say:

“Oh, great servant The Levitator,

who rises above it all and sees the greater story,
show me how I can escape all this drama
so that the events that surround me no longer drain me.
May the bigger picture be clear to me.”

15. Turn south, with your arms outstretched to either side, palms facing up, visualize The
Protector standing before you and say:

“Oh, great servant The Protector,

who keeps all things safe and secure from evil,
protect me from all harms and attacks
so that I may walk freely and safely through the world.
May all be protected and safe.”

16. Turn west, with your arms outstretched to either side, palms facing up, visualize The Healer
standing before you and say:

“Oh, great servant The Healer,

who is the most healing and soothing of all the Servants,
assist me in this healing miracle to occur,
so that I can return to full strength and health.
May all beings be well.”

17. Turn north, with your arms outstretched to either side, palms facing up, visualize The
Fortunate hovering before you and say:

“Oh, great servant The Fortunate,

who showers the blessed with riches and happiness,
send me some good luck and good fortune,
so that I can delight in the good times.
May I live in abundance.”

18. Keep standing where you are. Be aware of the blue flaming Pentagrams around you and say:
“For I am standing a state of grace,

about me flame the pentagrams,

and within me shines the light of infinity.”

19. Ponder the sensation for a while then close your eyes, use a deep Vase Breath and mentally
end the ritual with the exhalation.


Reasons for choosing this specific Servants: The Levitator to detach from persons or events that are
draining, The Protector for obvious reasons, The Healer to heal any energetic damage, The Fortunate
to let in good fortune in general. While in the classical LBRP you do not turn to actually face the
angels you called I feel that it is appropriate here.

The Forty Servants Pillar Of Protection (FSPP)


1. Calm yourself with some deep breaths.

2. Close your eyes and imagine a brilliant white energy extending down from the heavens right
to a place above your head.
3. Extend your hand in the Sword Mudra and use it to pull the energy in a vertical axis through
your body right into the earth.
4. Use the Sword Mudra to pull the energy up again.
5. Stop at the perineum between your legs, right behind the genitals.
6. Visualize the Sigil of The Fortunate in a dark earth-tone color in this place and say:
“Everything is wonderful.”
7. Use the Sword Mudra to pull the energy even higher in your body.
8. Stop at a place just below and behind the navel.
9. Visualize the Sigil of The Protector in a red color in this place and say: “Everything is secure. I
am safe.”
10. Use the Sword Mudra to pull the energy even higher in your body.
11. Stop at a place the same height as your heart but more in the middle.
12. Visualize the Sigil of The Healer in a blue color in this place and say: “All is well.”
13. Use the Sword Mudra to pull the energy even higher in your body.
14. Stop at the throat.
15. Visualize the Sigil of The Levitator in a yellow energy in this place and say: “I rise above it all.”
16. Use the Sword Mudra to pull the energy even higher in your body.
17. Stop at the crown of your head at an upper point of your forehead.
18. Visualize the Sigil of The Master in a bright and clear energy in this place and say: “I am
complete and total.”
19. Use the Sword Mudra and release the energy back into the heavens.
20. Ponder the sensation for a while then close your eyes, use a deep Vase Breath and mentally
end the ritual with the exhalation.


The locations of the elements in the body are taken from Jason Millers “The Pillar and the Spheres”
exercise who took it from Tibetan exercises.

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