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1. Who had a US and UK number 1 hit in 1962 with the instrumental, 039;Telstar039;?

a. !The Tornados
b. The Ventures
c. The Tremeloes
d. The Spotnicks

2. Who was not in the band quot;The Smithsquot;?

a. Morrissey
b. Andy Rourke
c. !Martin Chambers
d. Mike Joyce

3. PacMan was invented by the designer Toru Iwatani while he was eating pizza.
a. False
b. !True

4. In the 2002 video game quot;Kingdom Heartsquot;, how many Keyblades are usable?
a. 13
b. !18
c. 15
d. 16

5. Which of these bands are NOT from Australia?

a. !The Naked and Famous
b. Tame Impala
c. Cut Copy
d. Empire of the Sun

6. According to Sherlock Holmes, quot;If you eliminate the impossible, whatever

remains, however improbable, must be the...quot;
a. Source
b. Answer
c. !Truth
d. Cause

7. quot;Yes, America Can!quot; was this United States politician039;s de facto

campaign slogan in 2004.
a. Barack Obama
b. John Kerry
c. Al Gore
d. !George W. Bush

8. Who created Agent 47 in the game series quot;Hitmanquot;?

a. Professor Otto Rothwinkler
b. !Dr. Otto Wolfgang OrtMeyer
c. Professor Hertz Amadeus Schneider
d. Dr. Josef Mengele

9. Linus Pauling, one of the only winners of multiple Nobel Prizes, earned his
Nobel Prizes in Chemistry and what?
a. PhysiologyMedicine
b. Physics
c. !Peace
d. Economics

10. Who won the 2018 Monaco Grand Prix?

a. Lewis Hamilton
b. !Daniel Ricciardo
c. Kimi Raikkonen
d. Sebastian Vettel

1. Talos, the mythical giant bronze man, was the protector of which island?
a. Sardinia
b. Sicily
c. !Crete
d. Cyprus

2. What was the punishment for Sysiphus039;s craftiness?

a. Standing in a lake filled with
water he could not drink.
b. !Cursed to roll a boulder up a
hill for eternity.
c. To fell a tree that regenerated
after every axe swing.
d. Tied to a boulder for eternity,
being pecked by birds.

3. In Greek Mythology, who was the daughter of King Minos?

a. Ariel
b. !Ariadne
c. Alana
d. Athena

4. According to Greek Mythology, Zeus can control lightning.

a. False
b. !True

5. The Japanese god Izanagi successfully returned his wife Izanami from the
a. !False
b. True

6. In Greek Mythology, who killed Achilles?

a. Hector
b. !Paris
c. Helen
d. Pericles

7. Who is the Egyptian god of reproduction and lettuce?

a. !Min
b. Meret
c. Menu
d. Mut

8. The Maori hold that which island nation was founded by Kupe, who discovered it
under a long white cloud?
a. Hawaii
b. !New Zealand
c. Fiji
d. Vanuatu

9. What mytological creatures have women039;s faces and vultures039; bodies?

a. Mermaids
b. Lilith
c. Nymph
d. !Harpies

10. Which Norse God has a horse named Sleipnir?

a. Balder
b. Frigg
c. !Odin
d. Thor

1. This Greek mythological figure is the godgoddess of battle strategy among other
a. !Athena
b. Apollo
c. Ares
d. Artemis

2. This Greek goddess039;s name was chosen for the dwarf planet responsible for
discord on Pluto039;s classification amongst astronomers.
a. Dysnomia
b. Ceres
c. !Eris
d. Charon

3. According to Greek Mythology, Zeus can control lightning.

a. False
b. !True

4. In Norse mythology, what is the name of the serpent which eats the roots of the
ash tree Yggdrasil?
a. Ymir
b. !Nidhogg
c. Odin
d. Bragi

5. The greek god Poseidon was the god of what?

a. !The Sea
b. War
c. Fire
d. Sun

6. What is the name of the first human being in Norse mythology?

a. Asmund
b. Asger
c. !Ask
d. Ake

7. Which greek godgoddess tossed a golden apple with the words quot;for the
fairestquot; into the middle of the feast of the gods?
a. !Eris
b. Ares
c. Artemis
d. Hades

8. What is the name of the Greek god of peaceful deaths?

a. Tartarus
b. !Thanatos
c. Moros
d. Hades

9. Hel was the daughter of which Norse Mythological figure?

a. Balder
b. !Loki
c. Thor
d. Odin

10. Who is a minor god that is protector and creator of various arts, such as
cheese making and bee keeping.
a. !Aristaeus
b. Cephisso
c. Autonoe
d. Carme

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