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Inspired by what volunteer work can contribute and the positive impacts it has on the world, I have

always wanted to be part of it, both inside and outside of my country.

The idea of volunteering was always there; I just didn’t know how to start and take action. But right
after completing high school in summer 2020 and being able to legally participate in associations, I
started looking and searching for a role to participate in and be an active member of my community.

And fortunately, I found one, a community service program in the American Language Center. I
immediately contacted them and was welcomed with open arms. From that day on, I never missed
any of those meetings or events, and I am always happy to help, manage projects, and lead teams, as
in construction work for people in small villages in need, sports events in orphanages with kids and
teens, baking sales for charities, and many more.

Being a full-time student in preparatory classes in administrative management field and dedicating
time for both my studies and volunteering wasn’t easy. I indeed gave up a lot of my free time, but in
fact, I was helped even more. Every time I go and witness the lifestyle of those in need and become
aware of their difficulties, it changes my perspective on life. It makes me appreciate every little
blessing in my life even more and make good use of my privilege to put a smile on those people's
faces and make sure their voice is heard.

Thanks to those experiences, I developed a better sense of understanding and empathy for my
surroundings than before. It also helped me discover new strengths within myself and gain very
valuable experiences that helped me grow as a person.

Not only that, it made me aware of the social challenges that my community is suffering from, which
motivated me to take action and start spreading awareness myself about important topics such as
ocean pollution, water economizing, etc. by organizing meetings and trying to educate people in my
school on those topics and inspiring them to engage in associations as well, plus using advertising
posters to get people's attention and help collect as many clothes as possible for the people in cold
areas in Morocco.

What's more, engaging in community service has brought me numerous upsides in my professional
life, such as leadership skills; I am now able to lead teams and achieve collective objectives very
effectively. In the same vein, working towards the same goals and meeting up with people from
different backgrounds has helped me build remarkably strong communication skills and expand my
social and professional networks. Furthermore, I was able to enhance my capabilities in solving
problems, managing projects, and planning events.

All of that helped me create a sense of fulfillment and satisfaction, as it honed my ability to motivate
and inspire others and keep doing what I’m doing with pride and joy.

Gathering all these experiences makes me eager to establish a broader impact and be an active
member outside the borders of my country. I am pretty sure that my proven dedication, my social
personality, my strong will to serve vulnerable populations, and my level of commitment and
resilience make me an ideal candidate for this opportunity. And I will assure you that I am
determined to approach this opportunity abroad with the same level of enthusiasm.

Thank you in advance for your consideration.

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