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Section: BSET4A



1. Define Environmental Science

Environmental Science is an interdisciplinary field that studies the interactions

between the natural world and human society. It combines knowledge from various
disciplines, including biology, ecology, geology, chemistry, physics, economics, and
sociology, to understand the complex relationships between living organisms and their
environment. Environmental scientists investigate how human activities affect the
natural world, and work to develop solutions to environmental problems such as climate
change, pollution, biodiversity loss, and habitat destruction. The ultimate goal of
environmental science is to promote sustainable use of natural resources and to create
a healthy and livable environment for present and future generations.

2. Define Environmental Engineering

Environmental engineering is a branch of engineering that focuses on protecting and

improving the environment through the application of engineering principles, such as
design, analysis, and synthesis. Environmental engineers work to develop and
implement solutions to environmental problems, such as air and water pollution, waste
management, and ecosystem restoration. They use their knowledge of chemistry,
biology, and physics to design and construct systems and processes that prevent or
mitigate the negative impact of human activities on the environment. Environmental
engineers may also work on developing sustainable technologies and practices to
minimize the environmental impact of industrial and other human activities. Their
ultimate goal is to promote sustainable use of natural resources and to create a healthy
and livable environment for present and future generations.
3. Differentiate Environmental science and Environmental engineering

Environmental science and environmental engineering are related fields, but they
differ in their focus and approach. Environmental science is a broad interdisciplinary
field that studies the interactions between living organisms and their environment. It
aims to understand how human activities affect the natural world and to develop
solutions to environmental problems through research and analysis.

On the other hand, environmental engineering is a branch of engineering that applies

scientific and engineering principles to solve environmental problems. It focuses on
designing and implementing solutions to prevent or mitigate the negative impact of
human activities on the environment. Environmental engineers use their knowledge of
chemistry, biology, and physics to design and construct systems and processes that
protect the environment, such as water and air treatment systems, waste management
facilities, and renewable energy technologies.

While both fields aim to protect and improve the environment, environmental science
tends to focus more on research and analysis, while environmental engineering focuses
more on the design and implementation of solutions. Environmental scientists may work
in academia, government agencies, or non-governmental organizations, while
environmental engineers may work in industries such as energy, manufacturing, or

4. Define Ecosystem

An ecosystem is a complex network of living organisms, their physical environment,

and the interactions between them. It includes both biotic (living) and abiotic (non-living)
components such as plants, animals, microorganisms, water, air, soil, and minerals.
Ecosystems can range in size from a small pond to a large forest, and they can be
found in diverse environments such as deserts, oceans, and mountains.

5. Define Biodiversity

Biodiversity refers to the variety of living organisms, including plants, animals,

microorganisms, and their genetic and ecological diversity. It encompasses the number,
variety, and variability of species, as well as the diversity of ecosystems and the
ecological processes that occur within them. Biodiversity is important because it
provides many ecosystem services that are essential for human well-being, such as
food, medicine, clean water, air quality, and climate regulation.
6. Differentiate Intrinsic ecosystem value vs. value to humans

Intrinsic ecosystem value refers to the inherent worth of an ecosystem, independent of

its usefulness or value to humans. This perspective sees ecosystems as having a
fundamental right to exist and thrive, regardless of their utility to humans. This value is
often based on ethical or moral considerations, recognizing that ecosystems have an
inherent right to exist and that they possess intrinsic beauty, complexity, and diversity.

On the other hand, the value of an ecosystem to humans refers to the benefits that
humans derive from ecosystems, such as food, water, medicine, recreation, and cultural
and spiritual values. This perspective recognizes that ecosystems provide many
essential services that support human well-being and economic development. Humans
depend on healthy ecosystems for their survival and prosperity, and therefore, they
have a strong incentive to protect and conserve them.

While both perspectives are important, the intrinsic value of an ecosystem is often
overlooked in decision-making processes that prioritize human needs and economic
development. Therefore, it is crucial to recognize the intrinsic value of ecosystems and
incorporate it into environmental policies and decision-making processes.

7. Discuss biotic and abiotic

Biotic and abiotic are two categories that are used to describe the components of

Biotic refers to the living components of an ecosystem, including plants, animals, and
microorganisms. Biotic components interact with each other and with the non-living
components of the ecosystem, such as water, soil, and nutrients. These interactions are
critical for maintaining ecosystem health and stability, as they drive the flow of energy
and matter through the ecosystem. For example, plants use sunlight and nutrients from
the soil to grow, and animals consume plants or other animals for food.

Abiotic refers to the non-living components of an ecosystem, including water, air, soil,
minerals, and other physical factors such as temperature, sunlight, and climate. Abiotic
components provide the physical and chemical conditions necessary for the survival
and growth of biotic components. For example, sunlight and temperature are essential
for photosynthesis, the process by which plants produce their own food. The availability
of water and nutrients in the soil also plays a crucial role in plant growth and

The interactions between biotic and abiotic components of an ecosystem are complex
and interdependent. Changes in one component can have cascading effects on the
entire ecosystem. For example, climate change, which is largely driven by human
activities, is altering the abiotic components of ecosystems, such as temperature,
precipitation, and sea level. These changes are affecting the distribution and behavior of
biotic components, such as plants and animals, and are causing significant ecological
and social impacts.

Therefore, it is essential to understand and manage the interactions between biotic and
abiotic components of ecosystems to maintain their health, stability, and functionality.

8. Discuss the difference between ecological concepts and ecological principles

Ecological concepts and ecological principles are two different types of knowledge that
are used to understand and manage ecosystems.

Ecological concepts are the fundamental ideas and theories that describe the structure,
function, and behavior of ecosystems. These concepts include ideas such as trophic
levels, food webs, species interactions, nutrient cycling, and succession. Ecological
concepts provide a framework for understanding the complex interactions between
biotic and abiotic components of ecosystems and how they contribute to the health and
functioning of the ecosystem.

Ecological principles, on the other hand, are general guidelines or rules that are derived
from ecological concepts and are used to guide ecosystem management and
conservation practices. These principles are based on the idea that ecosystems are
complex, dynamic, and resilient systems that can adapt to changes over time.
Examples of ecological principles include the precautionary principle, the principle of
intergenerational equity, the principle of biodiversity conservation, and the principle of
adaptive management.

While ecological concepts provide the theoretical foundation for understanding

ecosystems, ecological principles provide the practical guidance for ecosystem
management and conservation. Ecological principles recognize that ecosystems are
dynamic and that management and conservation practices must be flexible and
adaptive to changes in the ecosystem.

In summary, ecological concepts provide the theoretical understanding of ecosystem

structure and function, while ecological principles provide the practical guidance for
ecosystem management and conservation.
9 – 14, discuss the 6 ecological principles and give situational examples each.

 The principle "Protection of species and species’ subdivisions will conserve genetic
diversity" recognizes that the conservation of individual species and their distinct
populations, also known as "subdivisions," is critical for maintaining genetic diversity
within ecosystems. Genetic diversity is important because it allows species to adapt
to changing environmental conditions and increases their resilience to disturbances
such as disease outbreaks or climate change.

A situational example of this principle in action would be the conservation of different

populations of a species, such as the African elephant. African elephants are divided
into two subspecies, the savanna elephant and the forest elephant, each of which
has unique genetic traits and adaptations. By protecting both subspecies,
conservationists are helping to maintain the genetic diversity of the African elephant
as a whole.

Another example is the conservation of salmon populations in Pacific Northwest

rivers. These salmon populations have evolved unique adaptations to their specific
river systems, such as the ability to migrate upstream to spawning grounds in
shallow waters. Protecting these distinct salmon populations helps to maintain
genetic diversity within the species, which is important for their survival in the face of
changing environmental conditions such as climate change and habitat loss.

In summary, the protection of species and their subdivisions is essential for

maintaining genetic diversity, which in turn promotes ecosystem resilience and
adaptation. By conserving individual species and populations, we can help to ensure
the long-term health and functioning of ecosystems.

 The principle "Maintaining habitat is fundamental to conserving species" recognizes

that species are intimately linked to their habitats, and that the conservation of
habitat is essential for the long-term survival of species. Habitat provides the
resources and conditions necessary for species to survive, such as food, shelter,
and breeding sites.

A situational example of this principle in action would be the conservation of the

giant panda in China. The giant panda is an endangered species that is found only
in a few isolated mountain ranges in China. These mountain forests provide the
giant panda with the bamboo it needs to survive, as well as shelter and breeding
sites. The conservation of the giant panda has therefore focused on protecting its
habitat, by establishing protected areas such as nature reserves and national parks,
and by working with local communities to promote sustainable land use practices
that minimize habitat destruction and degradation.

Another example is the conservation of migratory bird species, such as the arctic
tern. Arctic terns breed in the Arctic during the summer months, and then migrate
thousands of kilometers to spend the winter in the Antarctic. The conservation of
these species requires the protection of habitat along their entire migratory route,
including breeding and wintering grounds as well as stopover sites where they rest
and refuel during their long migrations.

In summary, maintaining habitat is fundamental to conserving species, as it provides

the resources and conditions necessary for species to survive and thrive. By
protecting and managing habitat, we can help to ensure the long-term survival of
species and the health of ecosystems.

 The principle "Large areas usually contain more species than smaller areas with
similar habitat" recognizes that larger areas of habitat can support more species
than smaller areas with similar conditions. This is because larger areas of habitat
offer more resources and provide more opportunities for species to specialize and

A situational example of this principle in action would be the conservation of the

Brazilian Amazon rainforest. The Amazon rainforest is the largest tropical rainforest
in the world, covering an area of over 6 million square kilometers. It is one of the
most biodiverse regions on Earth, home to an estimated 10% of the world's known
species. The conservation of the Amazon rainforest therefore requires the protection
of large areas of intact forest habitat, to maintain the high levels of species diversity
found in the region.

Another example is the conservation of large grassland ecosystems, such as the

Serengeti in Tanzania. The Serengeti is a vast savannah ecosystem that covers an
area of approximately 30,000 square kilometers. It is home to a diverse array of
species, including large herds of grazing mammals such as wildebeest and zebras,
as well as predators such as lions and hyenas. The conservation of the Serengeti
therefore requires the protection of large areas of intact grassland habitat, to
maintain the complex ecological interactions that support the high levels of species
diversity found in the region.
In summary, the principle that "Large areas usually contain more species than
smaller areas with similar habitat" highlights the importance of protecting large, intact
habitats in order to maintain high levels of species diversity. By conserving large
areas of habitat, we can help to ensure the long-term survival of species and the
functioning of ecosystems.

 The principle "All things are connected but the nature and strength of those
connections vary" recognizes that everything in an ecosystem is interconnected, but
the strength and nature of those connections can vary widely depending on the
species and ecological processes involved. This principle underscores the
complexity of ecological systems and the need to consider multiple factors when
managing and conserving ecosystems.

A situational example of this principle in action would be the management of

fisheries in the Gulf of Mexico. In this ecosystem, a variety of fish species, including
shrimp, red snapper, and bluefin tuna, are commercially harvested. However, the
abundance and distribution of these species are influenced by a range of
interconnected factors, including ocean currents, water temperature, and the
availability of food and habitat. Moreover, the effects of fishing on these species can
ripple through the ecosystem, impacting other species that depend on them for food.

To effectively manage fisheries in the Gulf of Mexico, it is important to consider the

complex connections between species and ecological processes in the ecosystem.
For example, fisheries managers might use data on ocean currents and water
temperature to predict the distribution and abundance of key fish species, and adjust
fishing quotas accordingly. They might also consider the effects of fishing on other
species in the ecosystem, and set limits on the catch of certain species to avoid
harming the overall health of the ecosystem.

Another example is the conservation of pollinators such as bees and butterflies.

These species play a critical role in maintaining the health of ecosystems by
pollinating plants, but their populations have been declining in many regions due to
factors such as habitat loss and pesticide use. To conserve pollinators, it is
important to consider the complex connections between these species and the
plants they depend on, and to implement strategies that address multiple factors
contributing to their decline, such as protecting habitat, reducing pesticide use, and
promoting the planting of pollinator-friendly plants.
In summary, the principle that "All things are connected but the nature and strength
of those connections vary" highlights the need to consider the complex interactions
and dependencies between species and ecological processes when managing and
conserving ecosystems. By understanding and managing these connections, we can
help to ensure the long-term health and sustainability of ecosystems.

 The principle "Disturbances shape the characteristics of populations, communities,

and ecosystems" recognizes that disturbances such as fires, storms, and disease
outbreaks can have significant impacts on ecological systems. While disturbances
can be disruptive and destructive in the short term, they can also play an important
role in shaping the characteristics of populations, communities, and ecosystems
over the long term.

A situational example of this principle in action would be the management of forest

ecosystems. Forests are subject to a range of natural and human-induced
disturbances, including wildfires, insect infestations, and logging. While these
disturbances can have negative impacts on forest ecosystems in the short term, they
can also create opportunities for regeneration and renewal over the long term.

For example, wildfires can clear out older trees and brush, creating openings in the
forest that allow sunlight to reach the forest floor and promote the growth of new
vegetation. This can create a more diverse forest structure that supports a wider
range of wildlife species. Similarly, logging can create openings in the forest canopy
that allow new vegetation to grow and provide habitat for wildlife.
To manage forest ecosystems in light of the principle that "Disturbances shape the
characteristics of populations, communities, and ecosystems," forest managers may
implement strategies such as prescribed burning and selective harvesting to mimic
natural disturbance regimes and promote ecological diversity. These strategies can
help to maintain the health and resilience of forest ecosystems over time.

Another example is the role of disease outbreaks in shaping wildlife populations.

Disease outbreaks can reduce the population sizes of affected species, but can also
promote the evolution of disease resistance and lead to the development of more
robust and resilient populations over time.

In summary, the principle that "Disturbances shape the characteristics of

populations, communities, and ecosystems" highlights the importance of
understanding the role of disturbances in ecological systems and managing them in
a way that promotes long-term health and sustainability. By recognizing the natural
processes of disturbance and regeneration, we can help to maintain the resilience
and diversity of ecological systems over time.

 The ecological principle that "Climate influences terrestrial, freshwater, and marine
ecosystems" recognizes that climate plays a critical role in shaping the structure and
function of ecosystems across the planet. Changes in temperature, precipitation,
and other climatic factors can have profound impacts on the distribution and
abundance of species, the productivity of ecosystems, and the cycling of nutrients
and other essential elements.

A situational example of this principle in action is the impact of climate change on

coral reef ecosystems. Coral reefs are highly diverse and productive ecosystems
that support a wide range of marine species. However, rising ocean temperatures
and increased acidity due to carbon emissions are causing widespread coral
bleaching, where corals expel the algae that provide them with essential nutrients,
leaving the coral weakened and more susceptible to disease and death.

As the coral reefs decline, the entire ecosystem is impacted, including the fish and
other organisms that rely on the reefs for food and habitat. This can have cascading
effects on the health of the ocean ecosystem and on human communities that
depend on fishing and tourism.

Another example of the impact of climate on terrestrial ecosystems is the melting of

permafrost in Arctic regions. As the permafrost thaws, it releases large amounts of
carbon dioxide and methane, which can contribute to further warming of the
atmosphere and exacerbate climate change. The melting permafrost can also alter
the landscape and cause changes in the distribution of plant and animal species.

To address the impact of climate change on ecosystems, scientists and

policymakers are working to mitigate carbon emissions and promote the resilience of
ecosystems in the face of changing conditions. This includes strategies such as
reducing greenhouse gas emissions, protecting and restoring degraded ecosystems,
and promoting the adaptation of species and ecosystems to changing climatic
In summary, the ecological principle that "Climate influences terrestrial, freshwater,
and marine ecosystems" highlights the importance of understanding the role of
climate in shaping ecological systems and the need to address the impacts of
climate change on ecosystems and human communities.

15– 20, discuss at least 6 applications of ecological concepts and principles and
give situational examples.

 The "use coarse and fine filter approaches" ecological principle is a management
strategy used to prioritize conservation efforts. The coarse filter approach refers to
protecting large, intact ecosystems and habitats, while the fine filter approach
focuses on protecting specific species and their habitats.

One example of the coarse filter approach is the protection of large, intact forest
ecosystems. These ecosystems provide important ecosystem services, such as
carbon storage, habitat for wildlife, and water purification. By protecting large areas
of intact forest, we can help maintain ecosystem processes and promote

On the other hand, the fine filter approach is used to protect individual species and
their habitats. For example, the endangered red-cockaded woodpecker is a species
that requires specific habitat conditions, such as mature pine forests with a particular
type of understory vegetation. To protect this species, conservation efforts have
focused on identifying and protecting suitable habitat and implementing forest
management practices that promote the growth of suitable understory vegetation.

By using a combination of coarse and fine filter approaches, conservation managers

can prioritize their efforts and achieve the greatest conservation impact. Coarse filter
approaches focus on maintaining the overall health of ecosystems, while fine filter
approaches are used to target specific species and habitats that are particularly
vulnerable. Ultimately, the use of both approaches can help promote biodiversity and
ecosystem resilience.

 The "ensure representation in a system of protected areas" ecological principle is an

approach used to promote conservation and protect biodiversity. This principle
recognizes the importance of maintaining representation of different ecosystems and
habitats in protected areas.
Protected areas, such as national parks, wildlife refuges, and other conservation
lands, can provide important habitat for wildlife and help maintain ecosystem
processes. However, it is also important to ensure that protected areas are
representative of the range of ecosystems and habitats found within a region. This
helps to ensure that biodiversity is protected and that ecosystems are able to adapt
to changing environmental conditions.

For example, in the United States, the National Wildlife Refuge System is a network
of protected areas that includes over 560 refuges and is managed by the U.S. Fish
and Wildlife Service. The refuge system includes a range of different habitats, such
as wetlands,
grasslands, forests, and coastal areas, which provide habitat for a diverse array of
species. By ensuring that a variety of ecosystems and habitats are represented
within the refuge system, conservation managers can help protect biodiversity and
promote ecosystem resilience.

Similarly, the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) is an international treaty that

recognizes the importance of protecting biodiversity and promoting sustainable
development. One of the goals of the CBD is to establish a representative system of
protected areas that includes a range of different ecosystems and habitats.

By ensuring representation in a system of protected areas, conservation managers

can help protect biodiversity and promote ecosystem resilience. This approach can
help to ensure that a range of ecosystems and habitats are protected, which in turn
can support the survival of a diverse array of species and maintain ecosystem

 The "retain large contiguous or connected areas" ecological principle is an approach

used to promote conservation and protect biodiversity. This principle recognizes the
importance of maintaining large, intact areas of habitat that are connected to one

Large, contiguous areas of habitat provide important habitat for wildlife and help
maintain ecosystem processes. By retaining these areas, conservation managers
can help protect biodiversity and promote ecosystem resilience. In addition,
connecting these large areas of habitat can help to ensure that species are able to
move freely and adapt to changing environmental conditions.

One example of the "retain large contiguous or connected areas" principle in action
is the Yellowstone to Yukon Conservation Initiative (Y2Y). The Y2Y is a large-scale
conservation effort aimed at protecting a connected system of habitats that stretches
from Yellowstone National Park in the United States to the Yukon Territory in
Canada. The Y2Y includes a range of different ecosystems, including forests,
grasslands, wetlands, and alpine habitats, and provides habitat for a diverse array of
wildlife species.

By retaining large, contiguous areas of habitat and connecting these areas through
wildlife corridors and other means, the Y2Y aims to protect biodiversity and promote
ecosystem resilience. This approach helps to ensure that species are able to move
freely between habitats, which in turn can help to maintain genetic diversity and
ensure the survival of vulnerable populations.
Another example of the "retain large contiguous or connected areas" principle is the
establishment of green corridors within urban areas. These corridors, which may
include parks, greenways, and other green spaces, can provide important habitat for
urban wildlife and help connect fragmented habitats within urban areas. By retaining
and connecting these areas, conservation managers can help promote biodiversity
and support the survival of urban wildlife populations.

 The "Maintain or emulate natural ecological processes" ecological principle is an

approach used to promote conservation and restore ecosystems that have been
degraded or disturbed. This principle recognizes the importance of natural ecological
processes such as fire, flooding, and grazing, and seeks to maintain or restore these
processes to promote ecosystem health and resilience.

Maintaining or emulating natural ecological processes can help to restore habitats

that have been degraded or fragmented. For example, prescribed burning can be
used to restore fire-adapted ecosystems, while controlled flooding can be used to
restore wetland habitats. By restoring these natural ecological processes,
conservation managers can help to promote biodiversity and improve ecosystem

One example of the "Maintain or emulate natural ecological processes" principle in

action is the restoration of the Florida Everglades. The Everglades is a unique
wetland ecosystem that has been severely impacted by human development,
including water diversions and changes in land use. To restore the Everglades,
conservation managers have employed a range of strategies aimed at emulating
natural ecological processes.
One of these strategies involves using controlled flooding to restore wetland
habitats. By releasing water from Lake Okeechobee during the wet season,
conservation managers can simulate the natural flooding that would occur in the
Everglades. This flooding helps to recharge wetland soils, promote plant growth, and
provide important habitat for wildlife species.

Another example of the "Maintain or emulate natural ecological processes" principle

is the use of prescribed burning to restore fire-adapted ecosystems. Prescribed
burning involves intentionally setting fires in a controlled manner to reduce fuel loads
and promote the growth of fire-adapted plant species. This technique can help to
restore fire-adapted ecosystems that have been impacted by fire suppression or
other factors.

Overall, the "Maintain or emulate natural ecological processes" principle is an

important approach to conservation and restoration that can help to promote
biodiversity and improve ecosystem function. By restoring natural ecological
processes, conservation managers can help to create healthier, more resilient
ecosystems that are better able to adapt to changing environmental conditions.

 The "Manage landscapes and communities to be responsive to environmental

change" application of ecological concepts and principles recognizes that
ecosystems are constantly changing and that management strategies need to be
adaptive to be effective. This principle emphasizes the importance of monitoring and
modeling ecological systems, and using this information to develop management
strategies that are responsive to changing environmental conditions.

Managing landscapes and communities to be responsive to environmental change

involves a range of strategies, including habitat restoration, species reintroduction,
and the establishment of conservation corridors. These strategies are designed to
promote ecosystem resilience and help species adapt to changing environmental

One example of the "Manage landscapes and communities to be responsive to

environmental change" principle in action is the restoration of tidal wetlands in the
San Francisco Bay. The San Francisco Bay is a highly urbanized area that has been
impacted by a range of human activities, including shoreline development and water
diversions. To restore the bay's wetlands, conservation managers are using a variety
of strategies aimed at promoting ecosystem resilience.
One strategy involves the use of sediment augmentation to help wetlands keep pace
with sea-level rise. By adding sediment to the wetlands, conservation managers can
raise the elevation of the wetland surface, creating new habitat for marsh plants and
other wetland species. This strategy helps to promote ecosystem resilience and
allows the wetlands to adapt to changing environmental conditions.

Another example of the "Manage landscapes and communities to be responsive to

environmental change" principle is the establishment of conservation corridors to
help species adapt to changing environmental conditions. Conservation corridors are
designed to connect fragmented habitats, allowing species to move between
different areas as environmental conditions change. By establishing conservation
corridors, conservation managers can help to maintain biodiversity and promote
ecosystem resilience in the face of environmental change.

Overall, the "Manage landscapes and communities to be responsive to

environmental change" principle is an important approach to conservation and
restoration that can help to promote ecosystem resilience and maintain biodiversity
in the face of environmental change. By developing management strategies that are
adaptive and responsive to changing environmental conditions, conservation
managers can help to create healthy, resilient ecosystems that are better able to
withstand future challenges.

 The "Manage towards viable populations of native species" application of ecological

concepts and principles focuses on ensuring that native species populations are
viable and can persist over time. This principle emphasizes the importance of
managing habitat, controlling invasive species, and reducing human impacts on
Managing towards viable populations of native species involves a range of
strategies, including habitat restoration, species reintroduction, and the control of
invasive species. These strategies are designed to create and maintain suitable
habitat for native species, reduce the impacts of invasive species, and minimize the
negative impacts of human activities on ecosystems.

One example of the "Manage towards viable populations of native species" principle
in action is the recovery of the gray wolf population in Yellowstone National Park. In
the 1920s, gray wolves were extirpated from Yellowstone National Park as a result
of hunting and habitat destruction. In the 1990s, a program was initiated to
reintroduce gray wolves to the park.

The program involved the release of gray wolves from Canada into the park and the
establishment of a program to monitor and manage the wolf population. The goal of
the program was to create a viable population of gray wolves in Yellowstone
National Park that could persist over time.

Today, the gray wolf population in Yellowstone National Park is thriving, and the
wolves have had a positive impact on the park's ecosystem. By reducing the
population of elk and other herbivores, the wolves have helped to restore balance to
the park's ecosystem and promote the growth of new vegetation.

Another example of the "Manage towards viable populations of native species"

principle is the management of habitat for the endangered California condor. The
California condor was brought to the brink of extinction in the 1980s due to hunting,
habitat loss, and other human impacts. Today, a recovery program is in place to help
the species recover.

The recovery program involves the management of habitat, the control of lead
poisoning (a major threat to the condor population), and the establishment of a
captive breeding program. The goal of the program is to create a viable population of
California condors that can persist over time and eventually be reintroduced into the

Overall, the "Manage towards viable populations of native species" principle is an

important approach to conservation and restoration that can help to promote
ecosystem health and maintain biodiversity. By managing habitats, controlling
invasive species, and reducing human impacts on ecosystems, conservation
managers can help to ensure that native species populations are viable and can
persist over time.

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