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English Beehive

The Fun They Had

1. How was the book that Tommy found different from his
own books?

Ans: The book that Tommy found was an old, real book
which belonged to his grandfather's grandfather. It had
crinkly, yellow pages whereas, Tommy's books were
telebooks by mechanical teachers i.e., computers.

2. Tommy thought the old books were funny and a

big waste. Why?
Ans: Tommy thought that the old books were a waste
because the words stood still and did not run. He also
thought that they were a big waste because they could
not be reused like the screen of their mechanical

3. What kind of teachers did Margie and Tommy

Ans: Margie and Tommy had mechanical teachers,
computers, and telebooks. Their school had no separate
building. The robotic teachers have a big screen
showing lessons and test papers. They could evaluate
the assignment in no time. They were confined to study
rooms and taught mechanically.

4. Why did Margie hate school?

Ans: Margie hated school because it wasn’t fun. Her
teacher was a mechanical teacher who was punctual.
She disliked inserting the homework and test papers in
to the slot on the mechanical teacher.

5. What kind of teachers did Margie and Tommy

Ans: Margie’s school was at home. She had a
mechanical teacher. No other students were there in
the class, and work was fed in by the mechanical
teacher by punch codes. Whereas, the old schools had
proper buildings, many students and human teachers
who gave homework and asked questions. Everyone
learned the same things and books were of paper.
6. “May be,” he said nonchalantly. He walked
away whistling, the dusty old book tucked
beneath his arm. Margie went into the
schoolroom. It was right next to her bedroom,
and the mechanical teacher was on and waiting
for her. It was always on at the same time every
day except Saturday and Sunday, because her
mother said little girls learned better if they
learned at regular hours. The screen was lit up,
and it said: “Today's arithmetic lesson is on the
addition of proper fractions. Please insert
yesterday’s homework in the proper slot."


i) "May be", he said nonchalantly. who does

he refer to?

Ans: “He” refers to Tommy in the first line.

ii) What topic was Margie going to learn that


Ans: Margie was going to learn adding fractions of

iii) Find a word from the passage which has the
meaning same as “showing not any

Ans: Nonchalantly: not showing much interest or

enthusiasm; carelessly.

iv) It was right next to her bedroom. What

does “it” refer to?

Ans: “It” refers to Margie’s school room which was

next to her bedroom.

The Road Not Taken

1. What is your opinion about the difference

between the two roads in the poem? Does one
road seem to be more appealing than the other?
Use examples from the poem to support your
Ans: No, there is no difference between the two
roads as the poet describes them in stanzas two
and three as he says “the passing there had worn
them really about the same” and that “equally lay
in leaves no step had trodden black…” When the
narrator comes to a fork in the road, he is not able
to decide which path to take. One of the roads
looks more frequented by people while the second
road appears to be less travelled on. Though he is
tempted to walk on both, he decides to take the
second path with the intention of walking on the
other one sometime in the future.

2. Discuss the title of the poem “The Road Not

Taken”. Is it appropriate for the poem?

Ans: Yes, it is because the title of the poem concerns a

choice made between two roads by a person walking in
the woods. He would have liked to explore both the
roads, but he knows that he can't walk on both the
roads at the same time.

3. Robert Frost did not feel dejected or

disappointed in taking the road that was less
travelled. Justify.
Ans: The poet leaves a sigh of relief on having made
this choice. Repetition shows his sense of pride in
exercising, his individualism and his saying that it has
made all the difference.

4. “Oh, I kept the first for another day!” What did

the poet decide about the first road?

Ans: The poet leaves the first road that is well trodden
and chooses the one that is less travelled by’. It is the
second road that is full of challenges. It is this road
that would make him standout and that has ‘made all
the difference’.

5. What images does the poet use to compare the

two roads?

Ans: One of the paths was green and grassy while the
other one was not very appealing to the eyes. The poet
uses this imagery to show how things and people may
seem attractive, but when one experiences it, it is
different. The poet travels through the path that was
less travelled.
6. Read the extract given below and answer the
questions that follows:
Two roads diverged in yellow wood.
And sorry I could not travel both
And be one traveller, long I stood
And locked down once as far as I could
To where it bent in the undergrowth;

 What does the narrator mean by “a yellow


By “yellow wood” the poet means a forest where

the trees have yellowing and falling leaves.

 What choice did the narrator have to make?

The narrator had to choose between the two roads.

 What does the narrator regret?

The narrator regrets the fact that he cannot travel

on both the paths. He also regrets the fact that he
cannot come back to the start once he makes a

 In the poem what does “road” symbolizes?

Choices one make in life.

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