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Spell for Regeneration Of Energy

If you would like to Regenerate the energy of your 3 bodies this is an amulet
that is a shock wave. It is a booster that can be used for a myriad of purposes
and works, like a shockwave (starting out soft & constant to a strong push), to
provide you the energy needed to fulfill any effort be it a day-to-day activity or
a paranormal endeavor.


Activation Code Word: Sarazi (Sah-rah-zee)

Deactivation Code Word: Temuku (Teh-moo-koo)

You can recite the Code Words out loud or through telepathy. Once you recite the Activation Code
Word the magick of the binding is invoked. You can then use the magick immediately and in
whatever way benefits you with the power of the enchantment. Being focused on the intent and
desire of outcome you wish with the spell is important. The more you work with the spell the
more aligned you become in commanding and working with its energy. The enchantment
remains active until you recite the Deactivation Code Word. You can activate & deactivate as often
as necessary. Working with this spell can be done through meditation, quiet time, telepathic
command, verbal command, prior to dreams, and intent with magick.

You can use the spell alongside other enchantments for more diversified castings and you can task
your spirits or entities to work with the magick if you are Keeper.

SIGIL Use of tools is not required for work with this spell. If you
This Sigil is unique to this spell wish to use them, here are recommendations for Moon
& can be drawn to work with phase, wand type, stone, candle, herb, oil, and color.
the power of the spell in medi-
tation, casting, etc. New Moon Time of Day:
Early Evening

Ash Wood Wand Gingseng Herb

Eucalyptus Essential Oil

Yellow Candle Color: Light Aqua Blue

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