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Small Town (Edge of the Iron Wood)

Shadow Deep 3/ The Wild 2 / Internal Corruption 1


Denby sits at the edge of both the High and Iron Forests, nestled into the neck of the
Glannet River. The small town has a tradition of strong woodsmen and trackers in the
surrounding hills, but benefits from sitting on the major road out of Longwall heading
west to central Alladore. Denby serves as a stopping point before the road stops being
surrounded by fallow arable land and starts to head into the Iron Forest.
This geographical quirk sees many caravan guards being located here, willing to offer
their services to traders who might not have been aware back in Longwall what lay ahead
on the journey into central Alladore.

The economy of the town has become twisted towards the provision of hardened merc’s
for that reason and the Hundred Swords Mercenary company operate out of here. The
town is also seen as a valuable base of operations for the local Rangers, due to its central
geographical location for the region. While the rangers are not known as settling down
and laying roots, the town of Denby has a formal ranger training station, benefiting from
the militant infrastructure of the town and proximity to the Iron Forest. The station will
always be manned by a couple of semi-retired Rangers, who will be likely running
somewhere between 3-5 apprentices through their paces.

View of Denby

Denby is a small town which is boosted in its population due to the trade route running
through it. The merchants guild have little interest within the running of the location as
long as the timber and crops which are harvested head south, either transported along the
Glannet river or along the road back down to Longwall. Then they are more than happy
to leave well alone and remain within the more comfortable surroundings of the regional
capital. The merchants are also happy to over-rely on the presence of the Rangers to act as
peace keepers, trading on the fact that between the Mercenaries and Rangers, the journey
between Longwall to Denby and beyond is relatively non-life threatening , if not free of
robbery and occasional assault.


The rangers of Alladore are not a secret society per-say, but those who have dedicated
their lives to patrolling the border of the country were typically little seen by the general
population as they enacted their given tasks before the Shadow Deep arrived. This makes
Denby stand out due to the formal ranger presence, and that has granted the town a
certain kudos, both in attracting want-to-be rangers and also acting as a deterrent to local
bandits and miscreants. The town therefore takes great civic pride as being the ranger
base, and much appreciates their presence.

The Hundred Swords mercenary company who operate within the area are not
particularly pleased with the presence of the Rangers here, as they tend to get in the way
of some old fashioned extortion and double dealing. Nobody likes to say protection racket
when dealing with protection, but some of the Mercenaries are more than happy to spend
a few weeks acting as Brigands so as to boost the price they can charge the passing
caravans. They hope to be able to diminish the influence that the Rangers have within
Denby, but have to be careful not to over play their hand as they understand how well
liked the Rangers are.

Settlement Locations
The Inn Place to Train

Place of Study Place to Trade

Place of Worship Weapon-smith

Location Specific Actions and Quirks

This locations default settlement actions per round is 7.

Due to the presence of the Training Ground here, all recruits hired at this location will
start with D10 progression points, but those who gain 7 or more will also need to make a
+2 roll on the survival table to see if they have picked up any injuries.

Companion Hire Options

Recruit, Hound, Tracker, Arcanist, Battlemage, Templar, Raptor, Knight, Man-At-Arms,

Conjuror, Savage, Illusionist, Archer, Swordsman


Companion Race Table

Roll Companions Race

1-2 Elf

3 Dwarf

4-19 Human

20 Halfling

Factions (and who starts in Ascendance)

Ranger Trainers (In Ascendance) -Opinion of the Rangers: Friendly

Noted Personalities Gorvom Duskbow (Retired Ranger who runs the training station)

The Hundred Swords Mercenary Company -Opinion of the Rangers: Neutral

Noted Personalities Cosca Nicomo (Head of the Hundred Swords)

Settlement Event Table

1-4 Power Shift - Things are getting tense in Denby. The faction in ascendance has got
somewhat complacent and the others are making a grab for power. Roll a D20 for each
faction. Add +2 to those in ascendancy and if you wish, the Rangers can add +3 to one side
or the other. The winner of the roll will claim ascendancy, with the current ascendant
faction continuing in the case of a tie. If the Rangers got involved, and they backed the
winner that factions opinion of the Rangers improves by one. If they got involved and
backed the loser, the now ascendant faction lowers their opinion of the group by 1.

5-6 Recruitment Issues - Gorvom reaches out to you as you arrive in the settlement. He
explains that the current recruits had been struggling and he had sent them out on a
mission that he hoped would allow them to prove their worth. They have not returned.
From now on, at the start of any scenario roll a D20. On a 10+ you find the Recruits. After
normal deployment, set up 4 Recruits on the table. Place all 4 at least 8” from any other
figures, then roll a D10 for each of them. They will lose that much health respectively. Any
who roll a 0 will count as being at full health. Aside from the normal objectives, you will
gain +4xp at the end of the scenario for each of these recruits that survive. They will
immediately depart back to Denby after the scenario.


Settlement Event Table

7-8 On Operations - The Ranger station is empty, and it appears that Gorvom has the recruits
out on operations. No recruits will be available to hire this settlement visit, and any rolls at
the Place to Train will have their TN increased by 2.

9-10 Supportive locals - gain +1 settlement action for the next 3 rounds.

11-12 Serious Threat - The next Threat that is generated for this settlement has +1TP added when
determining its Starting TP. If rolled again, before the next threat is revealed than this will

13-14 Looking for Work - A large number of potential companions have flooded into Denby
looking for work. For this entire Settlement stay, any companion can be hired at the Inn
with the Recruit settlement action.

15-18 Smithy - The weapon-smith does not have much time for you, he appear to be working on a
large order from the Hundred swords (probably making 100 maces) and is too busy to stop.
All TN’s at the Weapon-smith this settlement visit have their TN increased by 2.

19-21 Bustling market - It appears that a number of merchant caravans have stopped over in
Denby at the same time, and with all of them taking the time to hawk their wares, the
market is thriving. For the next two rounds, when making a roll at the Place to Trade, add
+1 to the roll.

22-24 In need of Repairs - Gorvom is more than pleased to see you. He explains that the training
station has fallen into disrepair and that he needs a contribution from all the Rangers to
help keep it in running order. Each Ranger must pay 10xp to the running costs of the
Ranger Station. If they don’t all pay (while the amount needed is fixed, who pays it is not)
then the Ranger Trainers will see their opinion of your group lowered by one.

25 Local Knowledge - You are told about a megalithic structure in the locality that appears to
have some strange properties. Randomly select a hex within D4 spaces of Denby and note
that it contains the Red Rock. This megalithic structure somehow interferes with magical
energies, and if any scenario if fought here, before any spell is cast, a D20 must be rolled.
On a 1-4 it instantly fails, on a 5-15 nothing special happens, on a 16-20 the spell can be cast
again this scenario.

26-28 Church Roof - The church here has seen its roof collapse, causing untold damage and
leaving the building in little shape for prayer. For the rest of this settlement visit, the Place
of Worship is unavailable.

29-31 Chance Meeting - One Ranger must spend a Settlement action this round having a social

32-34 Just another day in Denby - The locals are keeping themselves busy, the trade caravans are
rolling through. The Merc’s are hawking their services and the Ranger Novices are off out
in the wild. Its just another day in Denby. Nothing happens.

35-36 Blood on the Streets - The two factions here have thrown down while you have been away,
and that has caused the potential for a power shift within the settlement. Roll a D20 for
each faction. Add +2 to those in ascendancy. The winner of the roll will claim ascendancy,
with the non-ascendant faction gaining ascendancy in the case of a tie.


Settlement Event Table

37-38 The Hundred Swords - The Hundred Swords have reached out to you for a meeting. If a
Ranger chooses to spend a settlement action this round, they will go to a meeting with the
Mercenary’s enigmatic leader. They can pick up to 2 of their companions to accompany
them, but these figures will not be able to do anything else this round. The Ranger must
make a Will roll TN 15, with +1 for each companion to accompany them. If passed, the
meeting goes well and the Vipers opinion of you increases by one. If you scored less that 5
however, the Vipers opinion of the group falls by one.

39-41 Sword for Hire - The local’s looking for work all appear to be somewhat hardened to the
life of combat, and so any companions hired this settlement visit will all start with D6
progression points.

42 Local Knowledge - You hear whispers of an abandoned dungeon out in the deep woods,
which is populated by minions of the Shadow Deep. Randomly determine a Deep Forest
hex within 4 hex’s of Denby. Note that this Hex contains a Gnoll Camp within the
Dungeon. If you wish you can travel to the Hex and fight a Threat scenario straight away.
success here will not reduce the current threat but if this is rolled again and the Dungeon
has not been cleared, then add +1 to the Shadow Deep’s threat level at Denby.

43-45 Serious Threat - The next Threat that is generated for this settlement has +1TP added when
determining its Starting TP. If rolled again, before the next threat is revealed then this will

46-49 Swords not for Hire - The Hundred Swords have signed a few big contracts recently and
appear to be looking to change their name to The Hundred Plus Swords. This means that
for the rest of the settlement visit, the only recruitment options available will be recruits.

50 The Watchers - Locals are reporting that they feel like they are being followed and watched
as they go about their daily business. Reports of poltergeist activity is increasing as well. It
appears that Denby is suffering from a spike in Cursed Spirits. Increase the Internal
Corruption Threat for this location by 1. The next Internal Corruption faced will be Cursed
Spirits. These spirits appear more violent, but less stable - all Spectres and Cursed Spirits
will have +1 fight but -2 Health for the duration of this Threat.

51-53 Interested in your gear. - The local weapon-smith is impressed with the craftsmanship of
your gear. They offer to assist improving such elegant weapons. All rolls as the Weapon
Smith have there TN reduced by 2, plus any non-magical weapon can be nominated here
and upon a success, the weapon is imbrued with or unlocks its magical potential and
counts as ‘magic’ with 3 charges.

54-57 Shadows Draw In - Add 1 Shadow Deep threat to the settlement, even if it had been reduced
to 0.

58-60 Business as Usual - Nothing much is going on today. Nothing happens.

61-63 Closed Market - The market day was yesterday and pretty much everyone has packed up
and gone home. The Place to trade is not available for the next 3 rounds.

64-67 Non-serious Threat - The next Threat that is generated for this settlement has -1TP added
when determining its Starting TP. If rolled again, before the next threat is revealed then this
will stack.


Settlement Event Table

68-69 The Rule of Quarters - The Hundred swords appear to be spending more time that normal
operating on the wrong side of the law as the number of alleged random caravan attacks is
at an all time high. Plus you can’t help but notice that Cosca is looking more flush than
normal in his residence at the local Inn. Increase this locations The Wild Threat by 1, and
the next time you face that Threat, it will automatically be Looters who will be faced.

70-71 Street Brawl - You arrive at a scene of chaos. Ranger Trainees are brawling with some
Hundred Sword Merc’s outside the Inn. You feel that you will need to step in to sort things
out.Fight a generic scenario on a 1ft x 1ft table. Deploy 2 Recruits and 4 Man-At-Arms on
two opposing table edges. They will consider each other enemies and the Man-at-Arms will
also consider you enemies. Use the Internal Corruption Event deck for the cards. At the
start of each turn a Ranger can attempt a Leadership or Will test TN 15+. if passed, you
manage to talk some sense into them and the scenario ends. If the test is failed however,
then the Recruits will also treat you as enemies. Both sides are fighting without weapons so
have their Fight stat set at 1. If any enemies would be added due to an event card, add 1
Man-at-arms. If you chose to use weapons/spell then all Rangers suffer -1 Will
permanently, and suffer -1 to both factions opinion of the Rangers. Fighting without
weapons will reduce the Group fight stat to 1.

72-73 Ranger station records - The Rangers Station holds some form of record dating back to
when it was first commissioned, and you have convinced Gorvom to allow you full access
for a short time. Any roll at the Place to Study for the next 2 rounds (1 round if the Rangers
Trainers have an opinion of Neutral or Worse/3 rounds if the Ranger Trainers have an
opinion of Adoring) has its TN reduced by 3.

74-76 Chat in the Inn - One Ranger must spend a Settlement action this round having a social

77-79 Local Knowledge - You are told about a natural series of wide crevices which hide what the
locals call the screaming caves, due to the sound of the wind rushing through them.
Randomly determine a direction and note on a hex D3 away that it contains the Screaming
caves. This Hex has its exploration limit increased by 2, but if it was considered Easy
terrain, it is now difficult.

80-82 Labour glut - It appears that things are a little slow around here at the minute, and this
means the settlement has plenty of idle hands. Any attempts to use the Labour action at this
visit to the settlement will only result in 1xp/2xp for the respective successes

83-85 Weapon smith left town - The current weapon smith appears to have moved on, and so for
the rest of this Settlement Visit, the location is not available to be visited.

86-89 Asked to give a demonstration - Gorvom has requested if you could come to the Training
station and show off your prowess to the fresh recruits. With studious eyes on you, you find
that you’re able to excel beyond normal! All TN’s at the place to train for the duration of
this settlement visit as -3.

90-91 Fieldwork - The fields need tending and any help is more than welcome at the minute. Any
attempts to use the Labour action at this visit to the settlement will now result in 5xp/10xp
for the respective successes

92-94 Hostile Locals - The group has -1 settlement action for the next 3 rounds.

95-97 Chat with an old associate -One Ranger must spend a Settlement action this round having a
social encounter.


Settlement Event Table

98-99 Twisting Fates - The next time a Threat is rolled for, the Ranger making the roll can select
the threat either above or below the one rolled for on the table.

100 Local Knowledge - You are told of a stretch of the Glannet River that fords at this time of
the year. Determine a random river Hex without a road crossing it, within 5 hex’s of Denby.
Note that this hex contains the Giants Spine Ford, and that it if it was classed as Difficult
then it is now Easy and if it was classed as Dangerous then it is now Difficult. The next time
you roll this result, it counts as Nothing of interest.


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