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Are we raising sexist sons and men?

Chloe: we are raising sexist sons and men -> when parents have them, they ‘teach’
them stereotypes

Elais: not now bcse mentalities have changed-

Lilias: I disagree bcs 150 countries have laws that separate men’s and women’s rights
Corentin: Is France included? Can you please define sexism?

Lise: when people are not equal by law, and one of them is identified as ‘more
important’ than the other

Elais: it is discrimination against any of the two genders

Mak: A lot of education is used to prevent sexism- in France, we are promoting

feminism and equality in school and we learn about society.

Lise: right now we are raising sexist sons and men _ Rita: female characters are often
depicted as sexualized objects and are portrayed as subordinate in the media and
especially in video games

Elais: Can you name any examples?

Rita: Zelda, and so on…

Corentin: it is a difference in power and representation. How do you explain that boys
have lower grades in school? Are we discriminating against men?

Lise: these are different things! You have lower grades and yet you earn more money
than us.

Jules: I think there is equality between boys and girls at school.

Lilias: Let me please disagree. Girls have to dress more appropriately than boys and
can’t dress the way they want.

Abigaelle: I see your point but it is not everywhere the case.

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