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1. Explain the structure of the team you'd want to implement.

Elaborate on the importance of

each department. Mention what qualities of a candidate will you consider while recruiting
Since ChESA is the sole technical club for college-age chemical engineering students,
improving how this club operates would benefit the department as a whole. The following
should be the execution of the Team's Basic Plan: Executive Board, or "Core Committee" in
ChESA, is the primary governing body. Its members are the president, vice president,
secretary, and treasurer.
A. Executive Board:
• President: The club's top official who directs all operations, establishes the club's
mission, and serves as its public face. Who oversees the efficient and coordinated
operation of each committee.
• Vice-President: Supports the president, who leads alongside the vice-president,
participates in decision-making, and makes suggestions and contributes to improving
• Secretaries: Handling all administrative tasks for the club, keeping track of records, and
monitoring the work and coordination of the club to ensure that events go well.
• Treasurer’s club's finances, budgeting, fund-raising initiatives, and financial reporting are
managed by the treasurer. In order to provide the public a complete experience without
sacrificing effectiveness, and to ensure that all the programs are within budget.

The most crucial position in the team is played by the executive board, which ensures that
decision-making is coordinated and that activities and programmes are carried out smoothly
to the satisfaction of participants and the whole team.

B. Management Department: Charged for organising and carrying out a variety of club
activities, including guest lectures, seminars, and social experiments. Manages logistics,
including reserving venues, purchasing equipment, and liaising with outside providers.
They should be organised, and they should know how to remain composed under
pressure. They will plan events that are helpful to the department. This department will
be managed by a head, with coordinators assisting them.
C. Marketing and Communication Department:
The marketing team includes representatives of the areas of social media, publicity,
public relations and branding, all of which are focused on promoting events and
engaging audiences. It creates and puts into action marketing plans to advertise club
events, activities, and accomplishments. The Heads of publicity, public relations, and
social media will jointly oversee this department, with coordinators supporting them.
The coordination of all these individuals should guarantee that the public is adequately
reached by the event. Our ChESA organization has a combined content and social media
The club's social media channels are managed by the social media coordinator, who also
produces interesting material and engages with the online community. Then search for
internet communities that are supporting the event.
The public relations coordinator manages contacts with outside groups, including clubs
and universities, on social media.
Publicity Coordinator: Publicity Coordinators make sure that they communicate with
students at the college and that the public is properly informed about the event.
I would combine content and research team and appoint a Head and coordinators to
team who will work for the content writing as well research the best of the best
expertise and content to provide for the members.
D. If I am having freedom to add one more department then I will add Membership and
Outreach Department’s department will Look Out for The membership Of The club
where we can offer discount on the events and workshop we are arranging and also we
can provide merchant to the cub members A Membership and Head will Lookout the
responsibility of the members of the club and Coordinators will help them to have
satisfaction of all the members of the club .
E. Finance and sponsorship will be handled by the coordinators working under treasurer.
F. The Technical Team will work for bringing out the best of best website for the team and
the Industrial Interaction and placements team will handle the work related to the
industrial visits arranged by the team .
G. The Qualities I would look For a candidate while recruiting them is
 A candidate who has enough self-confidence and Leadership Qualities.
 Candidates with prior experience in that particular field are preferred since they will
find the work easier to complete and are more likely to be aware of any challenges
they may encounter.
 Despite having less experience, the applicant is responsible, eager to work , and
qualified for the position.
 People with excellent organizational and communication skills are preferred because
they pay attention to detail, are well-organized, and have the ability to persuade
others of their viewpoints.
 Candidates that put effort and enthusiasm into their pre-interview tasks.
 Candidates that are willing to dedicate their time and effort to the team are more
likely to inspire others to work hard.

Executive Board=

 President
 Vice President
 Secretary
 Treasurer-Finance and sponsorship coordinators

Marketing Team-

 Publicity and outreach- Head -Coordinators

 Public relations- Head -Coordinators
 Social and Multimedia - Head -Coordinators

Management Team-

 Head-Coordinators

Technical Team-

 Content And research Head-Coordinators

Industry Interaction and placements-

 Head-Coordinators
2.Consider an event where you have a series of speakers. You have take a certain registration fee.
Food should be provided. Mention a plan for the following: (a) Event management and scheduling (b)
Food and refreshment (c) Smooth registration process (d) Budget

Mention all the things you will consider while planning the entire event.—

To ensure successful implementation of an event that includes speakers, registration fees, and food
distribution, numerous important factors must be taken into account.

(a)Event management and scheduling-Event date and time should be fixed based on the numbers of
the speakers and for how much time they will be speaking .3 dates should be taken in consideration
and best date which is suitable will be selected .

Finding a venue that meets our needs for seating, audio-visual capabilities, and technical assistance.

Make a thorough event schedule that includes breaks, Q&A sessions, and time slots for each speaker.

If we are having breaks then how to engage the audience must be considered

We have to stay in the coordination of the speakers continuously to confirm their participation ,their
requirements, their presentation topic and audio-visual requirements if they are travelling from
other city then managing their transport and accommodation must be considered.

Necessary staff, volunteers recruiting .

(b) Food and refreshment—

If the event is to long and having 2 or three breaks then what will be the food according to the break
time should be decided .

Food is important part of the event as food experience will lead to satisfaction of attendees so choice
of good and quality food under budget is a hard task .

Proper delivery of food is necessary before the event .

We can also ask our sponsors to provide refreshment .

There are many vendors who provides food and refreshment for the events in colleges on discounts
we can ask them .

(c) Smooth Registration Process—It is one of the important task as attendees should not get it hard
to register for the event .

We can have the registration in real person as well as through online sources.

By developing a QR code and it will lead to the link for registration or else we can make their
registration on spot before the event near the event venue.

(d)Budget –Budget is the most important part of the event as all the execution depends on the
budget of the thing.

Dividing all the domains like production, food and refreshment, aesthetics ,execution,
merchandise( if providing)
Getting requirements from each domain, Bringing the quotations from the vendors and then
approving the budget through faculty adviser ,dean of students activity .

Along with this, we first need to confirm how many speakers we are inviting to the event. All these
elements are important for creating any budget. The coordination of the team during the entire
event. dividing up individual tasks and duties among the club members. Keeping in touch with the
suppliers. Putting the finishing touches on the design and aesthetics before the event. checking every
technical component, including the lighting and sound system. If we are giving out gifts or products,
they should arrive at the college on schedule.

Team coordination is crucial for the event's successful execution, therefore team leaders' goal is to
help the team get there. They also have the responsibility of resolving any difficulties that arise as a
result of the event in a composed and patient manner .

Suppose we are organising an event having three speakers based on the theme of understanding the
industry ,where we are inviting three speakers based on three different domains like, petroleum
industry ,food industry and Beauty and Chemicals industry. These speakers will talk about specifics
topics about the industry. Each individual session would be for about 1 hour .

 The entry for the attendees will start at 5PM

 At 6PM we can start the event with the inauguration with the leads and speakers .
 Speaker 1 will start at about 6:30 PM
 Break-15 minutes-Engagement activity or performance.
 Speaker -2 7 PM
 Refreshment Break 30 minutes 8PM
 Speaker 3 8:30 PM
 Thanking session by leads

We can ask for the sponsors for one of the refreshment item.

If they are agreed suppose we have a food plate which cost around 80rs per plate

We can set the registration fees as between 150-200 if we are targeting the audience of 200 people .

3. Give 3 events that you would want to conduct as a part of ChESA. Consider no restrictions on the
type of event (can be technical/non technical/semi technical). Explain what the event will be and
why do you think it'll make a good event.-

We can Arrange so many events based on the Chemistry and subjects related to it .

 Know Your Lab: A training program designed especially for second- and third-year students
will give them a thorough understanding of the chemicals used in the lab.Depending on the
syllabuses for SY and TY, the programming may change. With the assistance of our professors
in organic chemistry, we can start this. According to our educational system, students only
really have a theoretical understanding of chemicals and specially in our college they don't
have any chemistry courses in the first year, so it can be challenging for them to pick up the
topic again. Therefore, this activity will be especially helpful for SY students and will teach
them about how exactly chemicals react and how we should treat them in a practical way.
 ChemInno Challenge: Chemistry Innovation Challenge where we will allow participants to
participate as a group or individually and they will be assigned to domains such as green
chemistry, carbon foot printing and finally we will give them a problem statement and all the
teams participating will be given time to work on the statement for one or two weeks and
the best innovation amongst all of them will be awarded. This activity promotes critical
thinking and teamwork while also giving participants a chance to put their learning to use in
a collaborative and practical environment. It encourages the growth of practical problem-
solving abilities while also igniting interest and passion for chemistry.
 ExibiChem-Celebrating Chemistry: All of the students' chemically-related projects and
experiments will be displayed Members will get a chance to present their individual or group
initiatives, research, or experiments through this. Participants had the option of showcasing
their work through interactive exhibitions, demonstrations, or poster presentations.
Members are encouraged to express their creativity, share their expertise, and use their love
of chemistry to motivate others at this event. The opportunity to be acknowledged for their
efforts also installs a sense of pride and success in the participants. The Chemistry Showcase
event encourages the club's learning, teamwork, and innovative cultures. Also we can invite
student’s other than our department and college to take participate in this as we can
establish a connection between the chemical clubs of other colleges also.

4. Explain your plan of action for implementing AIChE in the department.

 AIChE-American institute of chemical engineers-

 Spreading awareness of the AIChE among students is the first action we can do. What is
AIChE, how does it work, and why is it significant to students studying chemical engineering.
 To effectively reach out to all other students, it is essential that every team member is aware
of AIChE. Therefore, we should start by educating the team as a whole. If the team is
convinced about the AIChE then it will easier for them to tell their friends.
 I advise creating a specific team reporting to secretaries who will be in charge of educating
students about the issue and managing all associated activities. Which basically include one
head and 2or 3 coordinators.
 We can schedule a talk by faculty or students to introduce the AIChE.
 We can inform and guide college students about becoming an AIChE member.
 Create a group and community for anyone who are interested in learning more about AIChE.
Where we Will be updating all the members about AIChE
 We can set up one meeting each month for this group where we can discuss the events that
are now taking place, their specifics, and the new developments AIChE offers to society.
 Only arranging sessions and meet-ups may sound boring for some people so we can arrange
some unofficial meet ups for that community.
 In addition to this we can promote our other events of ChESA in this community so we will
get an audience

5. Enlist all the hurdles you think you'll face in your tenure with respect to the entire working of the
club. Envisage how you'll overcome them.

 Limited Resources and Budget: Every time we have an event or activity on a large scale, we
need budget and resources, so the club may have limited financial resources, equipment, or
access to facilities. These are just a few of the challenges I may face as a responsible leader
of the club during my tenure. To combat this, we can look for income from other sources
through sponsorships, grants, or collaborations with nearby firms or organisations.
Additionally, we can work with other clubs or departments to pool resources and capitalise
on our strengths as a prioritising the work and putting it off until later, you can
conserve resources.
 Participation of team-I may face problems like low activation by team, sometimes people
have exams and their important works so they may show low activation in the events so we
have to manage that. Some of the team members may have conflicts with each other so it
may affect the whole team. Foster a welcoming and inclusive club culture that values diverse
perspectives and encourages member involvement. We can arrange unofficial meetups for
the team members so they will get to know each other better and they will get excite to
work with each other and will improve the bond of team.
 External coordination: Proper coordination with external faculties and expertise may provide
a challenge. The team leaders' ability to engage with them and persuade them requires
strong organisational and communication abilities. Sometimes we may need to postpone the
event or hunt for alternative professors or expertise since they may not be accessible for a
variety of reasons. One should keep in mind at this time to not compromise the content we
are offering for students.
 Execution: For every lead, ensuring the event runs as planned and smoothly is a difficult
challenge. Many issues arise during the event; thus, the lead and the entire team must be
prepared to manage any issues that arise. The leader must remain composed and handle the
 Reaching Audience: Our primary audience is the chemical engineering students at VT Pune.
Occasionally, however, due to improper instruction or for any other reason, we may find that
students are not receiving the precise information we are trying to convey to them, which
may result in a problem with low student activation. In such a situation, the marketing team,
which includes the publicity and social media team, should work to make them aware of the
events and properly reach out to every student in the department. Including going in the
classrooms and pitching them or calling them.

Challenges are unavoidable, but by proactively addressing them and exploiting your team's abilities,
you may overcome these obstacles and lead the chemical club to success. It is critical to develop a
friendly and collaborative environment inside the club, adjust to changing conditions, and seek
feedback and improvement possibilities on a constant basis.

6. What change would you like to bring out in the working of ChESA that you have seen so far. Defend
your answer with proper reasons.

Chesa works tirelessly for the well-being of our college's chemistry department. I have an emotional
connection with Chesa, and working for the ChESA has truly encouraged me to grow myself and
discover new things. I adore ChESA’s work, and as such, I don't want to change anything. I simply
want more and more students in our department to benefit from our club. Right now, ChESA focuses
on the second and third years, but I would like to expand its work to first year students who have
chosen chemical engineering, as well as some events that can be beneficial to B tech students. One
thing I'd want to mention is that because all of the heads were so helpful and understanding, some
of the coordinators took advantage and never did any work, so those individuals who don't want to
work should not be there because they waste our time.

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