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Cloak of the Glade Guardian

starting 5
owner gains a level +1d10
owner is a primal source class +2

owner spends the day in a city or indoors -1

owner or ally kills an animal or otherwise needlessly harms the nature -1

pleased 16-20
satisfied 12-15
normal 5-11
unsatisfied 1-4
moving on - 0

vannak - 3

Callimar Abaeir Glaurach Elddrinnsshar -drow

Barathus of the blood council

coin pouch - freeze coin, heat coin.

tone columns support the vaulted ceiling of this spacious cham#ber. Three large
stone tables with drainage grooves cut into them
stand in the center of the room. One or two stone urns are placed
adjacent to each table, and several more urns are lined up along
the north wall. In te east side of the room, a pile of stacked coffins
stands 10 feet high. Atop the pile rests a large wooden throne,
battered and worn but elegantly carved with motifs of flowers
and fantastic animals.

barathus - 128
vannak - 31 (6)
hannah - 5

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