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A Paper
Submitted to Fulfill the Assignment of Ecological Subject

Lecturer: Dr. Nur Syamsiyah, M.Pd

Created By:

1. Dwi Ayu Nabila (2011040443)

2. Luftiah Nur Annisa (2011040335)



All praise and gratitude go to Allah SWT. For the abundance of His Grace,
Hidayah, and Inayah, the writers of this paper can be completed as planned.
Shalawat and greetings are continuously poured out to the Prophet Muhammad
SAW, along with his family, friends, and followers who have brought Islam and
developed it until now.

In preparing this paper, the writers cannot be separated from the guidance
and suggestions of various parties. So that, the preparation of this paper can be
completed. Therefore, with the completion of this paper, the writer would like to
thank Miss Dr.Nur Syamsiyah M.Pd as a lecturer for the Ecolinguistic subject.
Who always gives supports and encouragements for every single path the writer

The writers faced numerous difficulties when organizing this paper, but by
the team work, those difficulties could be overcome. The writers also realized that
this paper still imperfect. Then writers wish that the feedback and criticism from
the readers will aid in improving in perfecting the next paper. The last but not
least, hopefully this paper would give a positive contribution to the educational
development or those who want to carry out further research.

Bandar Lampung, 27th February 2023



PREFACE .............................................................................................................. 1

TABLE OF CONTENTS ...................................................................................... 2

CHAPTER I ........................................................................................................... 1

INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................. 1

CHAPTER II ......................................................................................................... 2

LITERATURE REVIEW..................................................................................... 2

A. Definition of Language ........................................................................... 2

B. Definition of Ecological environment ..................................................... 2

C. Interrelation of Language with Ecological Environment ..................... 3-4

D. Ecolinguistics and Language Studies ................................................... 4-7

CHAPTER III ....................................................................................................... 8

CONCLUSION...................................................................................................... 8

REFERENCES ...................................................................................................... 9

A. Background

Language and ecology essentially have a reciprocal relationship in linguistic

studies; especially ecolinguistics. The relationship is reflected in the use of the
names of flora, fauna, mineral sources, and so on found in the natural environment
when humans communicate with each other. The use of names associated with the
entities that make up the physical environment such as Geographical conditions and
typology of a country is also used to study the relationship between language and
ecology. Apart from the names of entities that make up the physical environment,
language relations and the environment as well formed on the various forces of
society that shape the mind and human life including belief systems, religion,
ethics, politics, society, economy, work, livelihood systems to the study of values
and morals. Eco linguistics is one of the studies in linguistics that seeks the
relationship between ecosystems that are part of the human life system (ecology)
with the language that humans use to communicate in their environment

This paper aims to determine the theories of ecological linguistics and

their correlations Understanding the relationship between language and the
ecological environment. this paper Focused on the importance of language in
shaping attitudes. and Actions on the ecological environment. This paper presents
their theories and concepts on the subject. Quarrel. Relationships between
language and environment, including the meaning examples of the use of
environmental language and language related to the eco-environment.

The writers hope that this paper will contribute to the ongoing discussion to
study the interrelationship between language and the ecological environment. This
paper will stimulate further research and discussion on the role of language Promote
sustainable development and an ecological environment.

A. Definition of Language

Language is a structured system of communication that consists of grammar and

vocabulary. It is the primary means by which humans convey meaning, both in spoken
and written forms and may also be conveyed through sign languages. The vast majority
of human languages have developed writing systems that allow for the recording and
preservation of the sounds or signs of language.
Human language is characterized by its cultural and historical diversity, with
significant variations observed between cultures and across time. Human languages
possess the properties of productivity and displacement, which enable the creation of an
infinite number of sentences, and the ability to refer to objects, events, and ideas that are
not immediately present in the discourse. The use of human language relies on social
convention and is acquired through learning. The functions of language
include communication, the expression of identity, play, imaginative expression, and
emotional release.

B. Definition of Ecological environment

Ecological environment is a branch of science that examines living things'

interests in the environment separately and in full, instead of examining them at the same
time. Ecology, which examines the positive and negative effects of living things on the
environment live in, aims to minimize environmental problems and sustain the
sustainability of life. Ecology is used as a basic science in understanding interactions in
the environment, it can be concluded that Ecology is a branch of a scientific discipline
biology regarding the interaction between things with other living things and also with
the surrounding environment.1

Ernita Daulay, D. W. (2021). ECOLINGUISTIC STUDY. Jurnal Tarbiyah , 45.

The ecological environment is the ecological components (both abiotic and biotic)
that encompass a specific geographical area. The term ecological environment often
refers to an ecosystem. There are various aquatic ecosystems and terrestrial ecosystems. 2

C. Interrelation of Language with Ecological Environment

Ecolinguistics is a scientific discipline that studies the environment and language.

Ecolinguistics is an interdisciplinary linguistics that combines ecology and linguistics.
Therefore language is very closely related to its own environment.3 A language is also
likely to become extinct if the ecology that supports it becomes extinct. The process of
ongoing interaction in a society is characterized by the use of language. All community
activities will be good if there is a process of interaction and communication. The process
of interaction and communication occurs because of the existence of language, namely as
a communication tool used by every member of society. Language is used in every
community activity, from presenting the name of a newborn baby to funerals, inseparable
from the use of language. There are many forms of interaction between organisms that
could be studied, but ecology is concerned specifically with the literally vital ones, i.e.
one that are necessary for the continuation of life. It is because of the connection between
ecology and the continuing survival of life that the term is often used with a normative
(moral) orientation toward protection of the ecological systems that life depends on.

A person's ability to interact with his environment will be influenced by his ability
to use the language system that develops in the environment where he is. Language
becomes very important when someone wants to convey his thoughts and feelings to
others. Without language, there will be extinction of all fields.

Hornberger, N. H. Ecology of Language . Springer.77
Fill alwin,peter muhlauser; The Ecolinguistics Reader: Language,Ecology,and Environment, 87.

Furthermore, one's ability to use the language system is the result of one's
deepening of the environment and the surrounding community or society. Every
individual who is recovering or who is in society will study the system that develops in
that society and adapt it. No one in society is brought down by bringing their language
but is passed down through their mother tongue. A society develops a language system
that can be learned and understood by each of its members and then passed on from one
generation to the next.

D. Ecolinguistics and Language Studies

1. Basic Concepts of Ecolinguistics

As previously explained, Ecolinguistics examines the interaction of language

with its ecology. In the Ecology of Language Shift, Mackey in Fill and Muhlhausler
(2001:67) explains that basically ecology is the study of interdependence in a system.
In language ecology, the concept of ecology combines environment, conservation,
interactions, and systems in language (Fill 2001:43). This scientific discipline
examines the interrelationships between language and the human/social and natural
environment. The term ecolinguistics (language ecology) is related to the word
'ecology', namely the study of the interaction between organisms and their
environment and others.

Ecolinguistic studies have parameters, namely interrelationships (language

and environment interrelation), environment (physical and socio-cultural
environment), and diversity (language and environmental diversity) (Haugen in Fill
and Muhlhausler. 2003: 1). So it can be distinguished that the realm of ecological
studies includes dependency in a system, while in the ecology of language, the
concept of ecology combines environment, conservation, interaction, and systems in
language. Furthermore, ecolinguistics also highlights human resources and cultural
resources and their relation to verbal symbolization in regional languages. This
includes the use of lingual files (words, texts) as a mirror (understanding) of the
social and natural environment including the use of language and cultural symbols

that are reflects the verbal symbolic relationship between humans and humans and
humans with the natural world around them. The language environment in
ecolinguistics includes the physical and social environment. The physical
environment involves geography which consists of the physical: the topography of a
country (coastal, valleys, land, highlands, mountains), climate and intensity of
rainfall, the economic basis of human life consisting of fauna, flora, and mineral
resources; while the social environment consists of various social forces that shape
the thoughts and lives of each individual including religion, ethics, forms of political
organization, and the arts. So it can be concluded that the basic concept of
ecolinguistics is looking at the position, role, function, linkages, and influences of
ecology with linguistics and vice versa.

2. Ecolinguistics and Language Development

Language as a tool used to communicate has an important role in society as a tool

to interact and socialize with other people. The language a person uses determines his
or her ability to build communication with others.4 Ecolinguistics divides 6 language
environments, namely the physical environment, social environment, cultural
environment and political environment which complement each other. Meaning that
language cannot be seen as a system that stands alone but is seen as a unit with the
environment of society, the process of communication, and culture.

The maintenance of the language can be observed at the lexicon level. The reason
is that the completeness of the lexicon of a language reflects in large part the
character of the physical environment and the social and cultural characteristics of the
speaking community. Sapir in Ill and Muhlhausler (2001:2), also added that “this
interrelation exists merely on the level of the vocabulary and not, for example, on that
of phonology or morphology”.

The Ecolinguistics Reader: Language, Ecology and Environment (Alwin Fill Peter Mühlhäusler,) journal, pp. 46-49.

The paruah or mouth is still used to refer to the (mouth) of humans in certain
areas. But now, in general, the paruah is used to refer to birds or chickens. Paruah
which is still maintained in certain areas is strongly influenced by the ecology of the
people. It can be concluded that the people in the area are very close to the livestock
environment or are still preserving and raising chickens and birds as their pets.
Because it is always in contact with chickens and birds, the word paruah already
conceptualized in their minds to call a meaningful word: mouth with paruah. And
that only happens in that environment and will be different from the usual
environment, such as the market environment, fisherman environment, student
environment, and others.

3. Ecology and Endangered Languages

To lend the concept of endangered languages clarity, the findings of the UNESCO
Ad Hoc Expert Group on Endangered Languages may be cited here in a selective
1. Language diversity is essential to the human heritage. Each and every
language embodies the unique cultural wisdom of a people. The loss of any
language is thus a loss for all humanity.
2. A language is endangered when it is on a path toward extinction. Without
adequate documentation, a language that is extinct can never be revived. A
language is in danger when its speakers cease to use it, use it in an
increasingly reduced number of communicative domains, and cease to pass it
on from one generation to the next. That is, there are no new speakers, adults
or children.
3. Language endangerment may be the result of external forces such as military,
economic, religious, cultural or educational subjugation, or it may be caused
by internal forces, such as a community‟s negative attitude towards its own
language. Internal pressures often have their source in external ones, and both

Cultural Productions and Language Ideologies, The Routledge Handbook of Linguistic Anthropology, 93.

halt the intergenerational transmission of linguistic and cultural traditions.
Many indigenous peoples, associating their disadvantaged social position with
their culture, have come to believe that their languages are not worth
retaining. They abandon their languages and cultures in hopes of overcoming
discrimination, to secure a livelihood and enhance social mobility or to
assimilate to the global marketplace.
4. The extinction of any language results in the irrecoverable loss of unique
cultural, historical and ecological knowledge. Each language is a unique
expression of the human experience of the world. Thus, the knowledge of any
single language may be the key to answering fundamental questions in the
future. Every time a language dies, we have less evidence for understanding
patterns in the structure and function of human language, human prehistory
and the maintenance of the world’s diverse ecosystems.


From the explanation that has been described above, the writer can conclude that Ecolinguistic is
a study of language and ecological environment. Basically ecology is the study of
interdependence in a system. In language ecology, the concept of ecology combines
environment, conservation, interactions, and systems in language. Language is very closely
related to its own environment. Language and the environment have a complicated and nuanced
relationship. Language not only reflects the people understanding of the world, but it also affects
how people see it and how people interact with it. A people's ability to interact with his
environment will be influenced by his ability to use the language system that develops in the
environment where he is. The relationship between language and ecological environment is
intricate and linked. The way in which the writers describe the surroundings through language
might language, and alterations in the environment might affect how the writer behaves toward
it. Ecology and Endangered Languages may be cited here in a selective manner there are related
to attitudes and language maintenance (language maintenance) community he said. If the choice
not to use and peoples habits parents not to pass on the mother tongue to the children is weak,
moving towards extinction it will be even faster. The other cause is related to the dominance of
communication in socio-economic mobility as well as mastery of the sources of power of the
majority group owners of the majority language who inevitably have to be faced by all speakers,
especially speakers of minority languages. The group that owns the majority language is due to
the mastery over sources of economic, political, educational, and political power, ”forcing”
groups of speakers of languages minorities by bringing for citizen development reason. These all
can be make an authentic language endangered easily and quickly.


Daulay Ernita, D. W. ECOLINGUISTIC STUDY. Jurnal Tarbiyah 28, (1) (2021): 44-55.
Alwin Fill Peter Mühlhäusler, The Ecolinguistics Reader Language,Ecology,and Environment
CONTINUUM, New York: London.2001.
Keith Allan, Cultural Productions and Language Ideologies, The Routledge Handbook of
Linguistic Anthropology 1st Edition, Informa UK company, New York: London.2019.
Hornberger, N. H. Ecology of Language . Oxford university press: Springer.2002.

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