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Hello, and welcome to my kitchen.

Today, I am in the mood to make some banana bread, so that's what we're going to

You know it's just sometimes you get in mood to make some banana bread so when that
mood comes....

You have to follow your instinct which means that today is another segment of the
world famous.. cooking show..


Babble and bake!


For today's episode I actually want to just babble, like I don't have a topic..

I'm just gonna babble, because I told myself that I'd make these Wednesday videos
easier for me to make and then I always like...

make them really hard for me to make. So, I'm actually just going to turn on my
camera and make banana bread and talk about

random things because it's more fun..


Let's make some banana bread.

Gotta get my cookbook!

My mother gave me and my sister this cookbook filled with all of our

recipes that we have from when we were a kid and like growing up and stuff and
since banana bread is one of my favorite

things in the entire world there is a banana bread recipe in here, and that is what
we're going to make today.

I am going to make it gluten free because gluten makes me poop a lot....

Um, was that too much information?

.....*shakes head no*

Okay, this recipe is called Banana Banana bread.

We need

2 cups of all-Purpose Flour

1 teaspoon of baking soda

1/4 teaspoon of salt

1/2 cup of butter

3/4 cup Brown sugar

2 eggs beaten

and 7 to 8 large Bananas

*cookin' search*

Where is our baking Soda? *cough*

Sea salt? I don't need sea salt!!


Why is this happening to me..? :(( I'm just a boy who wants some banana bread... :(

I'm going to use baking powder, and I know it is not the same thing, but at this
point, I don't care.


Yay, we have eggs!


Ok, we have 5 bananas here. And we have one banana in the fridge look, how brown
this banana is...

._. ...

Since we have no bowls, I'm making this banana bread..

In a wok..

I love being Asian!! 00:02:09,600

So, so far summer vacation has been very uneventful for me.

Like my summer vacation in Texas... Summer vacation in California has been

extremely eventful.

But the second I came back to Texas, everything slowed down a ton and I was just
kind of like sitting around and not really..

doing much.

Banana. So, in the past few days I've spent a lot of time at home, doing nothing,
and I can't do that.. !

I am incapable of sitting at home and doing nothing, It drives me crazy, if I could

be productive,

why would I not be productive? and the answer is because, I should be relaxing, but
I can't do that relaxing..

I don't know her. I've never met her... met her once and decided that I didn't like

Oh this banana is so brown and so cold. Oh, so gross. I hate it. So gross. God.
It's disgusting!!
Goodness gracious there you go. Since

I didn't like doing nothing what I did instead is I wrote like 30 songs in the

of like two days. I also edited lots of videos and made lots more videos. I can't
relax y'all..

I tried. I tried so hard, I can't do it. Just not my thing. I really commend people
who are good at relaxing..

I can't do it. I can relax but my form of relaxing is spending time with friends...

I almost dropped that. But which I have been doing but since I am a very strange

and I do not have a normal job at Sonic like the rest of my friends do,

I have no one to spend time with during the day because all of them are working and
I am sitting at home because my

hours of my job making YouTube videos is not normal. I have written so many songs..

It's a little bit silly. I've recorded as many demos.

And I'm working on music a lot with some producers and stuff

The text messages that I send my producers are the

Weirdest thing ever. They're so funny because they look so bizarre..

I was texting my producer Mike and all it said was, "You know that part that goes..
ah ah ah ah..?"

"Well, I wanted to go ah ah ah ah.."

Oh, and he's like oh

It's the funniest thing ever. I love making music.

Music is the coolest thing on Earth and the fact that I'm having the opportunity to
make it for

other people to listen to is, super, super cool and uh...

It's amazing.

I'm mooshing these bananas real good! Those are smooshed. And let's add the eggs.
Like I mentioned earlier when I bake,

I don't really follow the directions. I just- I just make it. It's a loose

2 eggs, beaten.


Fingers have salmonella on them... and I ain't about that salmonella life.
Actually, that's not true..

I eat brownie batter all the time, and I still haven't died yet...

Maybe I have a death wish, maybe I just have really low self-control..


Okay, one teaspoon of baking soda..

Don't have that.. I'm gonna use baking powder instead. It's not going to do the
same thing, but..

you know..

sometimes you just...

You just do stuff..

with no reason you just... do that.

But look, I'm sure it'll still taste good. It might not look good though, still
tastes good.



and some


3/4 of a cup of it. 3/4 of a cup is like..

It's like this much..

Thats good.

Oh, no. oh my fork is disappearing.

I've got it.. saved that.

I don't do that whole...

Measuring thing.

I don't, I probably should..

But I just don't care enough, I guess. We need to melt this butter.

I finally decided on what major I want to have...

I was doing a lot of research about what kind of classes UCLA has and...

*Microwave break*


I found this perfect, perfect minor for me. UCLA has a school of music and they
actually have a minor program

that is...

called music industry. Like, it's the music industry minor, which is so perfect for
me because the whole reason why I'm going to college is

I wanted to learn about the music industry. I wanted to learn about, like, the
business side of the music industry.

So, that is what my minor is going to be and my major is going to be


That way, if I want to go into the business route of the world, I will have that
there for me.

So, I'm super excited, cuz I'm going to be studying the music industry, while I'm
actually in the music industry. It's going to be..




I might take some fine art classes, but fine arts would never something that I
really wanted to do career-wise.

I love making artwork like, I love painting and stuff like that.

But, to me, it has always been a lot more of something I do as a de-stresser and,
like, as a hobby.


But that may change, so I'm going to take some fine art classes just to see if I
like it.

It's just not a career that I really want to do but that may change. You know
kiddos, they're always changing their minds.. ;)

I'm looking for apartments, which is a little bit stressful because..

UCLA happens to be in the middle of Beverly Hills...


Every single apartment is crazy expensiveeee~ 🎶

But that's okay, but if actually not that much more expensive than being in a dorm

It's actually- it might be cheaper depending on where I end up staying. We're just
trying our best here trying our best..

I really hope that I can keep up with

taking classes at college and working on music at the same time, because I'd really
hate to have to compromise either one of them..

Let's add some chocolate chips to this...

Depending on how my music career goes, if it really takes off and like I'm doing
crazy well, then I'll probably just try to..

Make the best out of that situation and like pursue that for a bit..

Maybe take like a year off because I know you're allowed to tak Gap years and stuff
like that.

But, if music doesn't do well,

Then, I'll just finish college and keep making Youtube videos. I noticed that you
guys comment a lot that you're scared that once I..

get signed to a label or..

Start working on music a lot more. I'm going to stop making videos. That's not
true. I'm not going to stop making videos.

I don't plan on quitting YouTube once I start making music,

So, you don't have to worry about that happening..

This banana bread is almost done. Now, I just have to put it in a...

the thingy,

and cook it.

Lets get the thingy..!


Pour into "prepared loaf pan.."

I'm guessing that means oil it. They're so nondescript about that.

*pew pew pew pew*

College is going to be different from high school in the sense that I'm going to
have so much more free time so I think

that I will be able to manage doing both of them at the same time like making music

Going to classes.

And since I am doing music industry stuff,

I'm hoping that some of the things that I do in class will overlap with the things
that I do out of class, and I'll be able to like knock out an assignment while I'm

I'm really hoping this all works out.

Time to pour... Ta da~~

Oh, that's not the prettiest sight I've ever seen.. oW, my wrist..!

I'm not that strong. Some of you guys pointed out in my latest video that I said,

The album pure heroine like pure "hero-INE" it's because there are certain words-
and not certain-

There's actually a lot of words that I say really weird for no reason..

I have an unidentiablah-


Unidentifiable accent.

and I've been told that, many times, people tell me that I talk weird and I don't
talk weird..

It's just, I say certain words weird for no reason. For example, heroine, I say
like "heroINE."


I don't know just because my brain tells me so..

The other day when I was in LA, I was getting into a car and I was talking to my
friend summer.

And the driver was like "Hey, I like your accent. Where are you from?" and I was


Maybe because Japanese was my first language, I have like a weird..

Pronunciation of words. I noticed that I do very much articulate my words, but I'm
sorry if I say certain weird- certain words weird


Also growing up, I had a stutter.

Not a bad one

But I did have one..

Talking was not my forte. For most of my life.

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