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Forum on Immunopathological Diseases and Therapeutics, (3-4), 267-280 (2012) Case Study of Autistic Subjects with Stable Water Clusters in Panama Ricardo Velasquez,' Holly Chu,? & Shui Yin Lo** ‘Panama, Panama Republic; ‘Quantum Health Research Institute, Pasadena, CA, and American University of Complementary Medicine, Beverly Hills, CA. "Corresponding author: Shui Yin Lo; Quantum Health Research Institute, Pasadena, CA 91107, and American University of Complementary Medicine, Beverly Hills, CA; Tel.: (626) 768-7245; E-mail: ABSTRACT: In a Panama clinie, We examined 13 children, aged 5-19 years, diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) of varying degrees of severity. We simultaneously studied the healing effect of stable water clusters (SWC) with double helix configuration water (DHW) on these subjects, both immediately and over a 12-woeks period. At each visit, initial and follow-up, we took two sets of thermographs for each subject, one before the SWC treatment and one after 15 minutes of the SWC treatment. The immediate effect in both the initial visit and the follow-up visit was observed as a tomporaturo changes along different meridians after 15 minutes. We observed, in particular, the six yang meridians ST, GB, SI, LI, BL, and SJ and their respective acupoints. For long-term effects over 12 weeks, we used a 10-point health questionnaire completed during the initial visit and the follow-up visit, This questionnaire provided an interpretation of the health improvement of each child as observed by a parent or guardian. All 13 subjects showed quantitative improvement in physiological and social aspects, From our findings with this small number of 8 patients, suggest a reliable method for early diagnosis detection and also an effeetive treatment of ASD. KEY WORDS: Double-helix water, meridia thermographs ABBREVIATIONS: ASD: autistic spectrum disorder; gallbladder meridian; Li: large intestine meridian; SI stomach meridian; SWC: stable water clusters. 1. INTRODUCTION According to the official DSM V, autistic spectrum disorder (ASD) is defined as a neuro-developmental behavior disorder and is. considered a brain dysfunction.! Some authors argue that ASD might be related to gastroin- testinal diseases,> while others suggest that it may be an autoimmune disease,’ and still others advocate viral causation. Traditional Chinese medicine, such as acupuncture and Gi-gong massage, has been used to treat ASD 21S1-RO17/12{835.00 © 2012 by Hegel Hows, Ine autistic spectrum disorder, stable water clusters, acupuncture, BL: bladder meridian; DWH: double-helix water; GB: small intestine meridian; SJ: San Jiao meridian; ST: with varying degrees of success.*"® A recent 3-month pilot study has suggested that stable water clusters (SWCs) are able to improve 8 of 11 cases.'" We wished to duplicate this pilot study in Panama. Meridians comprise a discrete, non-phys- ical network that connects different parts of the body together, namely internal organs. It creates a comprehensive map in the body that functions as a channel for the organs to com- municate and channel energy, or qi. Acupune- ture points are situated along the meridian 267 268 path. In the meridian theory and acupunc- ture, two complementary meridians exist: yin and yang. The yang meridian includes regions surrounding various acupoints along the gallbladder (GB), bladder (BL), stomach (S1), small intestine (SD, large intestine, and San Jiao (SJ) meridians. Acupuncture points are labeled numerically along its respective meridian, For example, GB 14 is located on the forehead. The yang meridians start from the head, with branches in the brain that extend downward to the gastrointestinal tract and urinary bladder systems. Each of these meridians affects the organs and local areas along its extension, We have used the merid- ian theory and related acupuncture points to study the effects of SWCs in subjects with ASD.» Il, MATERIALS AND METHODS Children diagnosed with ASD were recruited by referral as well as by public announce- ments. This study was conducted in Panama at a medical clinic under the supervision of a licensed medical doctor. A total of 13 autistic children completed the long-term study; par- ents and guardians provided informed con- sent. The duration of the trial was from 1 to 3 months. The average duration of treatment was 2 months. During the trial period, there were no dietary requirements or changes for any of the subjects. During the time between the initial visit and the follow-up visit, each subject was asked to drink an 8-oz glass of double-helix water (DHW) twice daily (day and night) and to apply SWC cream twice daily. The DHW mixture consisted of 50 drops of SWC in 1 gallon of distilled water. The mixture was stirred and shaken to ensure proper mixing. Velasquez, Chu, & Lo ‘The SWC cream contained 7% SWC. ‘At the first visit, each subject’s parent was asked to complete a 10-point health questionnaire, which supplied the data for the quantitative portion of our report. Next, using medical-grade infrared thermography, designed to measure skin temperature, ther- mographs of the entire body were taken, After the thermographs, each child was given 8 oz of SWC water, and 7% SWC cream was applied on six standard areas: left and right GBI14 on the forchead, left and right SJ21 on the tragus, and left and right ST12 above the collar bones. After treatment with DHW water and SWC cream, the subject was asked to wait 15 minutes. After 15 minutes, a sec- ond set of thermographs was taken of the entire body. Side-by-side comparison of the images before SWC treatment and after the SWC treatment was performed. We used the change in maximum temperatures indicated by the thermographs before and after SWC treatment of the acupuncture points where the meridians lie as an indication of the effectiveness of the SWC treatment on the 18 ASD subjects. ‘Although thermographs of the entire body of each subject were taken, we focused on the distribution of surface temperatures on the face, chest, abdomen, front and back of the legs and feet, upper and lower back, the back neck area, and the left and right sides of the neck. All thermographs shown heat differentiation with color. The temperature range corresponds to the thermograph colors. ‘The hottest is white, As the temperature pro- gressively decreases, the color changes to red, yellow, green, blue, and black at the coolest. ‘The color scale, ranging from 34°C to 36°C for surface skin temperature, was adjusted so that the green color implies a healthy state Forum on Immuropathological Diseases and Therapentcs Case Study of Autistic Subjects with Stable Water Clusters in Panama 269 and the colors yellow, red, and white represent inflamed tissue. ‘Analyzing the thermographs, we focused mainly on the very hot areas, that is, red and white areas, with white representing the most inflammation. A higher temperature along a meridian line indicates inflammation of organs and tissues along that meridian, which is considered an unhealthy state. The same temperature scale was used for images taken before and after SWC treatment. Fig- ures 1-7 show images taken before and after the treatment; images taken before the SWC treatment are in the left column, and images taken 15 minutes after SWC treatment are in the right column. In analyzing the thermal images, six colors are shown: white (hottest), then red, yellow, green, blue, and black. The entire temperature spectrum spans 8°C, from the temperature of the room to the hottest parts of the body. From one color to another color there is a change of 1.6°C. Within each color are three distinguishable shades; each shade indicates approximately 0.5°C. The statisti- cal fluctuation (standard deviation) of the skin temperature is approximately 0.1°C. Therefore, a color-shade change equals five standard deviations and is statistically sig- nificant, provided that all other conditions remain constant in the 15-minute duration between images. lll, SHORT-TERM RESULTS Our thermographs show some common hot areas among all 18 of the ASD subjects. The hot areas typical in ASD subjects occurred along the six yang meridians: stomach merid- ian (ST), bladder meridian (BL), gallbladder meridian (GB), large intestine meridian (L1), ‘Volume 3, Number 34,2012 small intestine meridian (SD), and San Jiao meridian (SJ). These meridians connect the head to the digestive and urinary bladder systems, and they are relevant when consid- ering all diseases associated with the brain. Any cure of brain-related issues has an effect, on some of these six meridians. Conversely, any healing effect on these six meridians also have an influence on the brain. ‘A. Stomach Meridian and Large Intestine Meridian Figure 1 shows three sets of thermography of faces from three ASD subjects. The images on the left (Figures 1A, 1C, and 1) were taken before any SWC treatment, and the images on the right (Figures 1B, 1D, and 1F) were taken 15 minutes after SWC treatment. Figure 1A shows two red lines running from below the eyes around the nose down to the opposite sides of the mouth, joined together below the mouth above the chin. They are identified as the ST meridians. Similar red lines can be seen on Figure 1D and Figure 1E. Clearly, on the first row (Figures 1A and 1B), a cooling effect resulted from the SWC treatment. The two red lines on Figure 1A cool to green and yellow colors, respectively, on Figure 1B. In the second row, Figures 1C and 1D show two red faint ST lines. Compar- ing before (Figure 1C) with after (Figure 1D), the temperature increased from a faint red to a deep red. In the third row (Figures 1B and 1F), the two red ST lines cooled down to yellow. Based on the color/temperature analyses, as discussed in the Materials and Methods section, these three sets of pictures indicate the effect of SWC on the ST meridians. Two red horizontal red lines can be seen below - Velasquez, Chu, & Lo FIG. 4: The stomach meridian (ST) and large intestine meridian (Li) of three subjects before SWC treatment anc 415 minutes after SWC treatment. FIG. 2: The gallbladder meridian (GB) and San Jiao meridian (Sv) of two subjects before SWC treatment and 15 \ minutes after SWC treatment. i Forum on Inmropatological Diseases and Therapentcs Case Study of Autistic Subjects with Stable Water Clusters in Panama a1 FIG. 4: The bladder meridian (BL) of two subjects before SWC treatment and 15 minutes after SWC treatment. the nose and above the mouth in Figures 1D and E. These red lines can be easily identified to represent the large intestine meridian (LI). For the first subject (Figures 1A and 1B), the LI meridian, which goes across the upper lip, cannot be seen. The LI of the second subject on the second row heats up, and the LI meridian of the third ‘Volume 3, Number 34,2012 subject cools down. B. Gallbladder Meridian In Figure 2, the thermographs show the right profiles of the heads of two subjects. In both subjects, red areas can be seen about an inch above the temples, which can be identified as _——— m Velasquez, Chu, & Lo FIG. 6: Images of the torso and lower abdominal of three subjects before SWC treatment and 15 minutes after SWC treatment. Forum on inmancpathlogical Diseaes and Therapwtics Case Study of Autistic Subjects with Stable Water Clusters in Panama 273 FIG. 7: The back, or DU, meridian of a subject (4) before SWC treatment and 15 minutes e) after SWC treatment. acupoint GB14. Next to the right eye of each ‘subject, a red spot can be observed, which corresponds to GB1, commonly known as the temple. When comparing the image taken before SWC treatment (Figure 2G) and after SWC treatment (Figure 2H), GB14 cooled down from deep red to a lighter red within15 minutes after applying the 7% SWC cream and drinking DHW water. In the bottom row (Figures 21 and J), GB14 turned deep red after SWC treatment, showing an increase in temperature compared to Figures 2G and 2H, The white spot on the temple, acupoint GBI, on the top row cooled down to a red color; however, in the bottom row, the GB1 hot red spot near the right eye did not change. C. Small Intestine Meridian and Acupoint S21 Figure 3 shows thermographs of the left and right sides of the head of a subject. All four pictures show red vertical lines on the side of the neck. According to meridian theory and acupuncture, these are the small intestine meridian (SI). There is no observable color change from before (Figure 3K) to after SWC treatment (Figure 3L). However, the white areas in Figures 3M and 3N show that the red SI line shrinks by more than half from before (Figure 3M) to after (Figure 3N) SWC Volume 3, Number 34,2012 treatment. White hot spots can be seen at the tragus, which are identified with acupoint $J21. Comparing Figures 3K and 3L, the area of the white spot decreases significantly, by half, However, no noticeable change from Figure 3M to Figure 3N is notable. D. Bladder Meridians Figure 4 shows two vertical red lines above the two eyes of both subjects displayed on the top and bottom rows, identified as the bladder meridian (BL). The two deep-red BL lines cooled down to light red lines before (Figure 40) and after (Figure 4P) treat- ment; the two vertical BL lines heated up to deep-red lines after using SWC on the bottom row (compare Figures 4Q and 4R). ‘The white dots at the inner side of the eyes indicate acupoint BL1. The inflammations along the BL meridian and at acupoint BL1 indicate an unhealthy condition on an organ (or organs) somewhere along the BL meridian line. Other red lines ean be seen below the nose and above the mouth along the large intestine meridian (LI). In all four images, the two red lines down the eyes, along the nose and below the mouth are identified with the stomach meridian (ST). 24 Armpit Area Figure 5 shows the thermographs of the arm pits area of two subjects. In our study of adult subjects were other health problems, we found a correlation between a white area in the armpits and inflammation of the lym- phatic nodes (indicating an overactive immune system) and related health issues. Similarly, children with ASD are often found to have overactive immune systems; hence, some researchers claim that ASD may be caused by a malfunction of the immune system. In these images, the hottest (white) areas in both subjects cool to a red color after SWC treatment. Therefore, SWC had a significant effect on the function of the immune system. ‘The reduction of inflammation is regarded as ‘a positive influence of SWC on the activity of the immune system. F. Lower Abdominal Area ‘Thermographs of the lower abdominal areas of three subjects are shown in Figure 6. In the top row (Figures 6W and 6X), the abdominal area of the subject was hot. The yellow horizontal line in the area above the colon increased in temperature from red to a deeper red after SWC treatment (compare Figures 6Y and 62). In the bottom row (Fig- ures 6a and 6b), the lower abdominal area of the subject cooled. The broad horizontal red area corresponds to the colon. The white area around the genitals was reduced more than 90% after SWC treatment. Ina detailed adult study, we noticed that the hot spots and lines tended to heat up in the first or second minute after SWC treatment. If the unhealthy condition is not serious, it cools down. However, if the unhealthy condi- Velasquez, Chu, & Lo tion is more serious, then it becomes hotter. We can apply the results of the adult study to the children who presented with ASD. Our tentative conclusion is that whether the body heats up or cools down, the change is a posi- tive sign that SWC is working, at least in the 15 minutes after SWC treatment. G. Back Area Figure 7 shows a hot red area that is vertical along the middle of the back. Notably, many children have such hot areas at the back. Clearly, after drinking SWC, the red area was reduced significantly and the green area increased significantly. In this image, signifi- cant change can be seen throughout the back along the spine as a result of SWC treament. IV, LONG-TERM RESULTS ‘To analyze long-term quantitative results, we used the 10-point health evaluation forms, which were completed by the parents and guardians of the autistic children to determine the quantitative improvement of these study subjects. The parents were asked to fill out the ‘questionnaire during the initial visit, and the same questionnaire was completed 6-9 weeks after the start of the SWC treatment. Using a. scale from 1 to 10, they were asked to evalu- ate their children from to healthy/functional to unhealthy/non-functional, respectively. Based on their observations, the parents were asked to assign a number from 1 to 10 for each week, based the child's level of prob- Jems or competence during that week. On the form, L represented the best health condition and 10 represented the worst. By the end of the study, the parents were asked to fill the form again. Comparing the final forms with Forum on immunopathological Diseases and Therapentcs (Case Study of Autistic Subjects with Stable Water Clusters in Panama 25 the initial form filled in at the beginning of the trail, a quantitative measurement of the improvement of the child was derived. The 10 areas of evaluation asked in the question- naire were the following: (1) digestive system: eating, appetite, drinking, stomach ete.; (2) bowel movement, urine; (3) body movement: repetitive, obsessive, compulsive; (4) sleep- ing and waking; (5) communication of needs, following directions; (6) language skills; (7) non-verbal expressions: eye contact, facial expressions, ticks, posture; (8) social skills: interacting with others, peer relationships; (9) attention span or focus; and (10) ability to attend to academic studies. A. Analysis of the Findings Parents gave a score (s) to their child on the each question (j), where j was numbered from 1 to 10 as described above. The range of values for s, was from 1 to 10, with 1 being the best condition and 10 being the worst condition. For example, s,= 9 indicates that the child’s, attention span was very bad. On the other hand, s, = 2 indicates that bowel movements were very good. We sought to determine the improvement that the child achieved during the trial period, so, the important quantity was improvement, As: As, = 5, (1) -59) ) where (1) represents the score at week 1, the beginning of the clinical test, and 5/9) represents the score at week 9, the end of the clinical test. Questions 1 through 4 were designed to evaluate the physiological state of the child. We denote the average value by A, = % (As, + As, + As, + As). @ When A, is positive, the physiological state of the child improved during the trial period. Volume 3, Number 3-4, 2012 If A, is negative, the physiological state of the child deteriorated. Questions 5 through 9 served to evaluate the child’s behavior and developmental state. The average behavior and developmental improvement was deter- mined using Ay = U6 (Asst Ast As Asyt Asst As,,).(8) Similarly, when A, is positive, the behav- ioral and developmental state of the child improved during the study period. Conversely, when A, is negative, the behavioral and development state of the child deteriorated. The results shown in Table 1 indicate the percentage of improvement of each subject's physiological and behavioral state. \V. DISCUSSION The mechanism of healing as a result of DHW treatment may be explained simply as follows: meridians are hypothesized to consist of DAW (stable water clusters of a double-helix shape). ‘The malfunction of organs along the meridians is explained in Chinese medicine as the block- age of the flow of qi along the meridians. After drinking DHW, the charged water repairs the meridian and unblocks it, so that gi can flow freely again. A blocked meridian is like a river that is blocked by a boulder; the qi can- not flow smoothly. DHW builds an alternate small river around the blockage. Alternatively, DHW unblocks the boulder and, henee, qi can fiow smoothly again in both of these routes. Organs along the meridians are then healed, and the inflammation of the organs decreases. The hot regions along the meridian cools or heat up to a green temperature, as observed in the thermographs. The hot spots in the eye region, BL1, are shown in white color, 2°C higher than in the normal healthy regions, were a green 276 Table 1; Total Difference and Percentage Change in 1 to 3 Months of Drinking Stable Water Clusters CODE Initial Follow-up Difference __% difference SI al ry 72.42 s2 a1 32 2 78.05 83 we 18 2 86.67 s4 6 6 5 923 85 51 50 a 98 6 16 14 2 ers s7 689 4 93.65 88 58a at 81.03 so 1% © 10 4 625 si 62a 10 80.77 si 8 8B 20 65.52 siz) Be 8: 28 50 S13 48 25 -23 52.08, Tnitial and follow-up numbers show the total points tallied in the 110-point questionnaire, The total points possible are 100, which in- dicate that the subject's guardian has circled all 10 s for each of the 10 questions. Ten are the least possible points, which indicate that the subject has answered circled 1 in all the categories, indicating best health in all of the 10 questions. color (Figure 1). Thus, at face value, the ther- mographs might suggest that the eyes were inflamed, However, none of our ASD children reported eye problems. Using meridian theory, the hot temperature at BLI in the corner of the eyes indicates inflammation in organs along the bladder meridian. Meridians act like optical fibers for infrared radiation and transmit the information (of inflammation of the organs along the meridians) to the observ- able surface point of the acupoint BL1. For these autistic children, the parents generally report either constipation or diarrhea, thatis, some form of digestive and/or bowel issue. In other studies of adults, we have found that hot spots in BL1 generally indicate a problem with constipation. Hot spots above the collarbone region are indicate acupoint ST14. Our study of adult hot spots in the collarbone region indicates that these represent a malfunction of the thyroid. ‘According to meridian theory and practices of acupuncture, the path in which a meridian line travels affects the local area. Thus, the infrared radiation, shown on the thermograph from the inflammation of the thyroid gland located above the collarbone on the left and right sides of the neck, is transmitted by the stomach meridian. Therefore, autistic chil- dren might have problems with their thyroid. ‘Therefore, we suggest that the malfunction of the thyroid should be confirmed in blood tests for autistic children. Similarly, the hot area in the armpit is where GB22 is situated. This area indicates inflammation of the lymphatic nodes under the arm, The inflammation may be caused by an overactive immune system. This inter- pretation supports the view that an excessive function of the immune system may be a major Forum on immnopatblegical Diseases and Theraptics Case Study of Autistic Subjects with Stable Water Clusters in Panama Table 2: The Difference in 10-Point Health Data Collected During the Initial and Follow-up Visits, Averaged 2 Months Apart 2 ‘Autism Children Health Report After 1 month of Drinking Stable Water Clusters 18 16 Average point difference 1 2 3 4 5 10-point Health Questionnaire ee 8 = 83 — $3 - oS 224 at | 6 7 8 9 Data were collected from the parents of 13 autistic children. The difference in point value was taken from ‘the two visits. The questionnaire had 10 questions, ranging from 1 to 10, with 10 being the worst in health ‘and 1 being the best in health. The same questionnaire was given to the parent to fill out during each visit. A comparison between the two visits is plotted above, then arranged in the order that show the most improved areas to least observable improved areas. In each question, we took the average of the difference and plotted it on the y-axis. ‘component of ASD. The thermographs reveal a definite heat pattern on the body surface temperature of children with autism. For practitioners that employ acupuncture or gi gong to treat ASD, these thermographs provide a pictorial guid- ance for positioning of their needles and for ‘Volume 3, Number 3-4, 2012 unblocking the qi channel. ‘The thermographs of the abdomen of the subject in Figures 6a and b show that this subject has inflammation in the colon and small intestinal areas. Most of the autistic children in this study presented an abnormal temperature distribution of the body surface area in the gastrointestinal and head regions. From the point of view of meridian theorists and Chinese traditional medicine doctors, brain disorders and gastrointestinal disorders are connected. Disorders in various parts of the body are expressed as a blockage of ai cir- culation along the meridian system. Removal of qi blockage along the meridian either by qi gong method, acupuncture needles, herbs, or DHW treatment simultaneously reduce simultaneously the abnormality in the abdo- men and brain. In the discussion of thermal patterns of ASD above, it is quite clear that the pattern does not depend on meridian theory, although meridian theory dos provide a rational explanation of the pattern. Hence, if such consistency of first-order thermal patterns is demonstrated when more ASD children are studied in the future, then thermal patterns could be used as a diagnostic tool. Thermo- graphs are inexpensive, non-intrusive, and non-physical. They ean be used as a diagnostic tool for much younger children, say at 1 year of age, before observation of any behavioral disorder is possible. It is generally believed that the earlier the healing method is applied to children with ASD, the sooner the health problems can be helped or resolved. With early diagnosis, healing methods such as herbal supplements, qigong massage or DHW can be undertaken much earlier and with greater efficacy to stop and to prevent the develop- ment of ASD. VI. SUMMARY In this study, we used thermographs on 13 children with ASD to investigate abnormal thermal patterns on the body surface tem- perature distribution. We discovered a consis- ‘Velasquez, Chu, & Le tent set of thermal patterns characteristic of children with ASD. If these patterns remain constant for a larger sample of children with ASD, thermographs may provide a promising tool to detect ASD and to track the progress of improvement. ‘These characteristic thermal patterns, when viewed through the meridian theory, confirm that the meridians connecting the head to the gastrointestinal system (.c., the gallbladder meridian, bladder merid- ian, stomach meridian, and small intestine meridian) are the most important meridians associated with ASD. The hot spots on the thermographs may provide guidance for vari- ‘ous methods in Chinese medicine, such as where to insert needles in the acupuncture treatment and where to perform the qi gong treatment. Specifically, in every subject, the body's thermal pattern changed within 15 minutes after drinking DHW. Both quali- tative and quantitative evidence from the thermographs and from the parents’ evalu- ations showed that drinking DHW improved the health in each of 13 subjects. Finally, analysis through health questionnaires answered by the subjects’ parents, we were able to observe the healing effects of SWC on the ASD subjects for up to 3 months during the trial period. Currently, two other stud ies of the same protocol used here are being conducted in China, namely, one in Shen- zen and another in Nanjing. Both studies suggest that 70% of the children with ASD improved in a 3-month study, Based on our research presented here and that currently being evaluated in China, we recommend a longer-term double-blind clinical test with ‘a larger sample of subjects with ASD for disease outcome. Forum on Inmunopatholgicl Diseases and Therapewics Case Study of Autistic Subjects with Stable Water Clusters in Panama ACKNOWLEDGMENTS We wish to thank the parents and children who cooperated in this study. REFERENCES 1 American Psychiatrie Association. Diagnos- tic and statistical manual of mental disor. ders, 4th edition (DSM IV), Washington, DG, APA, 1994. 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