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1: How To Give Direccion

Eyron meets in the shitai
Eyron: Men Mandam ¿The nearest village?
Madam:There is a village a couple of minutes away but I Heard
there is a riot in the village to the east be careful if you go there.
Eyron:Thank you very much I Will be careful


2: How To Give Direccion
Eyron meets in the village
Eyron;Excuse me sir, you Know where you are sea soul.
Village Lord:Do you really want to go, To that place?I have Heard
that it is a very toxic swamp fo us I recommend that you do not go.
Eyron:Oh I dindn t Know about tha but I ll still take the risk to go.
Village Lord:Well, there is you if you don t want to listen to me, but
its not my responsibility if somenthing happens to you. Well, go to
the southwest of the island, going uphill with Earht fungus and cross
the river very carefully. I wish you good luck on your trip,
Eyron:Thank you!!!


3: How To Give Direccion
Kivara is found in fungus
Kivara: Excuse me sir, I think I'm lost, could you help me?
Men Sir: Claron for his sake. Where are you going?
Kivara: I'm heading to fishing Zine, I heard that it fish very well
Men Sir: It is a wonderful place and the bad is very far from here but
good is to the southwest In 210 SW good luck on your trip miss.
Kivara: Thank you so much.

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