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The labiopalatal impacted canine:

Accurate diagnosis based on the position
and size of adjacent teeth: A cone-beam
computed tomography study
Stella Chaushu,a Mikaela Vryonidou,a Adrian Becker,a Avi Leibovich,a Eyal Dekel,a Nimrod Dykstein,b
Ludovica Nucci,c and Letizia Perillod
Jerusalem and Tel Aviv, Israel, and Naples, Italy

Introduction: Labiopalatal impacted canines (L-PICs) occur when the canines lie between central and lateral
incisors, with their tip palatal to the central incisor and part of their crown labial to the lateral incisor. Because
of their unusual position, they are often misdiagnosed, and their orthodontic resolution fails. This study aims
to provide clinicians with pathognomonic features for early and accurate positional diagnosis of L-PICs.
Methods: The L-PIC sample included 21 subjects with full diagnostic records. The control group of normally
erupted canines was taken from a previous study. Clinical photographs, 2-dimensional radiographs, and
cone-beam computed tomography were used to evaluate the positions of the adjacent incisors and first
premolars, the canine incisor index, and the mesiodistal width of the lateral vs central incisors. Results: Central
incisors adjacent to L-PICs showed significant mesial root angulation, labial root inclination, and mesiolabial
crown rotation, whereas lateral incisors presented significant distal root angulation, palatal root inclination,
and mesiolabial crown rotation, in comparison to controls. The roots of the central and lateral incisors were diver-
gent, in contrast to the controls, in which they were slightly convergent. The first premolar positions were not
affected. The mean canine incisor index was significantly bigger in L-PICs vs the controls, suggesting a palatal
canine. The lateral incisor widths were similar between the groups. Conclusions: This study provides the ortho-
dontist with evidence-based clinical and radiographic red flags for diagnosing L-PIC, which may allow timely
initiation of orthodontic treatment and correct planning of mechanotherapy. (Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop

he maxillary canines are the most frequently
Department of Orthodontics, Hadassah Medical Center, Faculty of Dental impacted teeth after the third molars, and their
Medicine, Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Israel.
prevalence ranges from 1%-3%.1,2 They are
Department of Orthodontics, the Maurice and Gabriela Goldschleger School of
Dental Medicine, Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv, Israel. more common in females than in males, with a ratio of
Department of Orthodontics, University of Campania Luigi Vanvitelli, Naples, 3:1,3 and more often palatally than buccally impacted,
with a ratio from 6:1 to 9:1.4
Multidisciplinary Department of Medical-Surgical and Dental Specialties,
University of Campania Luigi Vanvitelli, Naples, Italy. Timely diagnosis of the impaction, approximately
Stella Chaushu and Mikaela Vryonidou are joint first authors and contributed when aged 9-10 years, is crucial for initiating preventive
equally to this work. measures to encourage spontaneous canine eruption or
Ludovica Nucci and Letizia Perillo are joint last authors and contributed equally
to this work. to reduce the severity of the impaction, facilitate ortho-
All authors have completed and submitted the ICMJE Form for Disclosure of dontic resolution, and reduce the risk of side effects. Pre-
Potential Conflicts of Interest, and none were reported. ventive and interceptive treatments include extraction of
Ethical approval was obtained from the Institutional Review Boards of the
Hadassah Medical Hospital (HMO-0300-20) and the University of Campania primary canines,5,6 space opening by rapid palatal
Luigi Vanvitelli (protocol no. 225). expansion,7,8 use of cervical pull headgear for distaliza-
Address correspondence to: Stella Chaushu, Department of Orthodontics, tion of molars,9,10 proclination of incisors,3 space main-
Hadassah Medical Center, Faculty of Dental Medicine, Hebrew University, PO
Box 12272, Jerusalem 91120; e-mail, or Drchaushu@ tenance with transpalatal arch11 and extraction of first premolars as part of serial extraction treatment.12 In
Submitted, December 2021; revised and accepted, May 2022. contrast, late diagnosis and the absence of monitoring
Ó 2022 by the American Association of Orthodontists. All rights reserved. and management of the impacted canine may cause se- vere complications, such as displacement and resorption
Chaushu et al 691

transposition, which may be partial or complete.33,34

Because of their unusual and challenging position they
are often misdiagnosed by even the most experienced
Consequently, their orthodontic resolution may fail
because of inappropriate surgical exposure and mecha-
notherapy. Mistaken positional diagnosis and an erro-
neous direction of the orthodontic force have been
reported as the second most common factor attributed
to failure to resolve maxillary canine impaction.35 This
study aimed to describe the clinical and radiographic
features of L-PICs, focusing on the typical positions
and size of the adjacent teeth, which will provide the
practitioners with clear diagnostic clues for their accu-
rate diagnosis and correct planning of the treatment
Fig 1. Three-dimensional view of a typical L-PIC patient. strategy.


of the adjacent roots,13,14 recurrent infections, follicular
cysts,15,16 compromised periodontal condition of the This retrospective observational study was carried out
adjacent teeth17 and shortening of the dental arch.18 on pretreatment records of patients presenting with
Late diagnosis is also related to a longer, more complex, L-PICs. An initial sample of 38 subjects with L-PICs
painful, and expensive treatment, sometimes involving was gathered. Among them, 21 patients (mean age
several surgical procedures.19-21 The first step in 13.5 years, 11 females and 10 males) had full diagnostic
achieving an early diagnosis of an impacted maxillary records, including high-quality CBCTs, and they
canine and its location is recognizing its clinical comprised the final experimental sample.
pathognomonic features. Palatally-impacted canines The positions of the central incisors, lateral incisors,
(PICs) and buccally impacted canines (BICs) have and first premolars were evaluated in intraoral photo-
different etiologies and characteristics. PICs are associ- graphs, panoramic and cephalometric views and then
ated with anomalous (missing, peg-shaped, or small) validated in CBCTs; the widths of the L-IPC and the ipsi-
lateral incisors, aplasia of second premolars, infraocclu- lateral central incisor were measured in panoramic
sion of primary molars, small and missing teeth, and views; the widths of the central and lateral incisors
delayed dental age,22-26 whereas BICs are usually were measured in CBCTs (Fig 2).
associated with large teeth and crowding.4,22,27 PICs The control group of patients with normally erupted
and BICs are associated with different typical positions canines (mean age 14.0 years) was taken from a larger
of ipsilateral central incisors,28 lateral incisors, and first control group used in a previous study29 and was
premolars.29 The second step is a radiographic assess- aged- (6 0.5 years) and gender-matched to this study
ment of the impaction using 2-dimensional (2D) views, group. The data were obtained from the Department
such as periapical, panoramic, and cephalometric of Orthodontics of the Hebrew University, Hadassah
x-rays. Next, 3-dimensional (3D) imaging by cone- School of Dental Medicine, Jerusalem, Israel, and from
beam computerized tomography (CBCT) can be advised the Multidisciplinary Department of Medical-Surgical
for a more accurate positional diagnosis, detection of and Dental Specialties, Department of Orthodontics of
resorption of the canine or adjacent roots, and other the University of Campania Luigi Vanvitelli, Naples, Italy.
pathologies.30,31 However, CBCT imaging should be Ethical approval was obtained from the Institutional
judiciously prescribed because of its higher irradiation Review Boards of the Hadassah Medical Hospital (HMO-
dose, estimated as 2-4 times more than a panoramic 0300-20) and the University of Campania Luigi Vanvi-
radiograph.31,32 This study focuses on a distinct group telli (protocol no. 225). If underaged, all patients or their
of impacted maxillary canines, termed labial-palatal parents signed a consent form authorizing the institu-
impacted canines (L-PICs) (Fig 1). L-PIC occurs when tions to use all records before starting treatment for
the canine lies labial to the lateral incisor, and its crown this research project.
tip is palatal to the central incisor. L-PICs are not The final sample was selected on the basis of inclu-
frequent, but they represent a distinct entity and are sion criteria (the presence of L-PIC verified by CBCT, a
associated with a degree of canine or lateral incisor fully erupted first premolar, and high-quality

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Fig 2. Evaluation of central and lateral incisors and first premolar positions: A-C, Intraoral photo-
graphs; D, Panoramic view; E, Lateral cephalometric view; F-H, CBCT.

orthodontic records) and exclusion criteria (previous crown and the occlusal plane; angulation of the first pre-
orthodontic treatment, craniofacial syndromes, cleft molar—the angle between the long axis of the crown and
lip and palate, dental trauma to anterior teeth, and the occlusal plane.
cysts or other pathologies of the impacted and adja-
2. Radiographic evaluation (panoramic views) (Fig 2, D):
cent teeth).
The CBCTs were taken with either of 2 CBCT systems: Angulation of central and lateral incisors—the angle
Cranex 3Dx (Soredex Oy, Tuusula, Finland) with a small between the long axis of the root and the midline—a ver-
field-of-view (5 3 5 cm) and a resolution (voxel size) of tical line passing perpendicular to the palatal plane,
0.2 mm 3D Accuitomo FPD80/ACCU (Morita, Kyoto, passing through the anterior nasal spine. The angle
Japan), with small field-of-view (5 3 5 cm), and resolu- was labeled positive when the roots were mesially angu-
tion (voxel size) of 0.2 mm. The 3 reference planes were lated and negative when the roots were distally angu-
identified according to a previous study.29 lated; the angle between the central and lateral
The dependent variables were as follows: incisors’ roots. The angle was labeled positive when
the roots were convergent and negative when the roots
1. Clinical evaluation (intraoral photographs) (Figs 2,
were divergent; canine incisor index—the ratio between
the maximal mesiodistal width of the L-PIC and the ipsi-
Frontal view (Fig 2, A): angulation of central and lateral central incisor.36
lateral incisors—the angle between the long axis of the
3. Radiographic evaluation (lateral cephalometric
crown and the midline—a vertical line passing perpen-
views) (Fig 2, E):
dicular to the occlusal plane, passing between the maxil-
lary central incisors; the angle between the long axes of The inclination of central and lateral incisors—the
the central and lateral incisors’ crowns. angle between the long axis of the root and the Frank-
Occlusal view (Fig 2, B): rotation of central and furt plane; the angle between the long axes of the cen-
lateral incisor and first premolar—the angle between a tral and lateral incisors’ roots.
line tangent to the labial aspect of the crown and a mid-
4. Radiographic evaluation (CBCT scans) (Fig 2, F-H):
palatal line parallel to the midpalatal suture.
Lateral view (Fig 2, C): the inclination of central and Axial view (Fig 2, F): Rotation of central and lateral
lateral incisors—the angle between the long axis of the incisors—the angle between a tangent to the facial

May 2023  Vol 163  Issue 5 American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics
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Table I. Clinical evaluation of the adjacent teeth position in intraoral photographs: comparison between L-PIC and
control groups ( )
Angle Impacted Control Difference P value
Frontal View
Central incisor angulation 5.29 6 9.61 9.59 6 2.24 14.88 0.0001***
Lateral incisor angulation 7.63 6 15.31 7.95 6 4.29 15.58 0.002**
Central incisor lateral incisor 11.50 6 20.65 23.19 6 4.43 34.69 0.0004***
Lateral View
Central incisor inclination 84.14 6 10.65 78.27 6 6.41 5.87 0.0635
Lateral incisor inclination 59.42 6 14.20 71.69 6 7.05 12.27 0.004**
First premolar angulation 80.44 6 7.82 79.02 6 9.37 1.42 0.6495
Occlusal View
Central incisor rotation 66.78 6 12.03 78.96 6 11.13 12.18 0.0083**
Lateral incisor rotation 41.64 6 16.07 51.82 6 11.11 10.18 0.0399*
First premolar rotation 71.18 6 9.57 72.85 6 8.19 1.673 0.5833
Note. Values are mean 6 standard deviation.
*P \0.05; *P \0.01; ***P \0.001.

contour and the midpalatal plane; rotation of the first The data distribution of the different groups was
premolar—the angle between a line connecting the analyzed for normality. Consequently, independent t
most prominent point on the buccal and lingual surfaces tests were used to compare the variables in the L-PIC
of the crown and the midpalatal plane; width of central and control groups that passed the normality tests.
and lateral incisors’ crowns—the distance between the Mann-Whitney U test was used to compare the variables
mesial and distal tips of the crown measured at the in the L-PIC and control groups that did not pass the
incisal edge. normality tests. The significance level was set at 0.05.
Coronal view (Fig 2, G): Angulation of central and
lateral incisors—the angle between the long axis of the RESULTS
root and the midpalatal plane; inclination of the first The intraclass correlation coefficient values were 0.92
premolar—the angle created between the long axis of for linear measurements and 0.98 for angular measure-
the premolar and the midpalatal plane. ments. Thus, all the measurements were considered
Sagittal view (Fig 2, H): Inclination of central and highly reliable.
lateral incisors—the angle between the long axis of the Clinical evaluation (intraoral photographs) (Table I;
incisor and the palatal plane; angulation of the first pre- Fig 3): The crowns of the central incisors in the L-PIC
molar—the angle between the long axis of the premolar group showed a significant mesial angulation with a
and the palatal plane. mean difference of 14.88 (P \0.001), a significant me-
siolabial rotation with a mean difference of 12.18
Statistical analysis (P \0.01), and a slightly labial inclination with a mean
The 2D measurements were performed with ImageJ difference of 5.87 , compared with the control group.
software (version 1.52t; National Institutes of Health The crowns of the lateral incisors in the L-PIC group pre-
and the Laboratory for Optical and Computational sented a significant distal angulation ( 7.63 ), with a
Instrumentation, University of Wisconsin, Madison, mean difference of 15.58 (P \0.01) compared to
Wis). The 3D measurements were performed with Horos the controls, a significant palatal inclination, with a
software (Horos Project, Annapolis, Md) and GNU Lesser mean difference of 12.27 (P \0.01), and a significant
General Public License (version 3.0). The statistical tests mesiolabial rotation of 41.64 (P \0.05). The central
were performed using GraphPad Prism (version 9.3; and lateral incisors crowns in the L-PIC group were
GraphPad Software, La Jolla, Calif). divergent (mean, 11.50 ), whereas the control group
Two weeks after completing the data collection, the was convergent (mean, 23.19 ). The mean difference be-
CBCT scans of 8 patients were randomly selected using tween the groups was 34.69 , which was highly statis-
online software ( to tically significant (P \0.001). No significant differences
examine the intraobserver reliability. The intraclass were found for the positions of the first premolar.
correlation coefficient was used to assess the consistency Radiographic evaluation (panoramic views) (Table II;
and reproducibility of angular and linear measurements. Fig 4): In the L-PIC group, central incisors exhibited a

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694 Chaushu et al

Fig 3. Intraoral photographs histograms: A-C, Frontal view; D-F, Lateral view; G-I, Occlusal view. Blue
and red represent the control and L-PIC groups, respectively.

Table II. Two-dimensional radiographical evaluation of adjacent teeth position and size in panoramic views: com-
parison between L-PIC and control groups ( )
Angle Impacted Control Difference P value
Central incisor angulation 9.29 6 4.72 5.47 6 1.89 14.76 0.0001***
Lateral incisor angulation 4.38 6 14.98 8.69 6 3.86 13.07 0.002**
Central incisor lateral incisor 10.69 6 17.71 11.38 6 1.73 22.76 0.0001***
Canine incisor index 1.17 6 0.16 0.98 6 0.08 0.1939 0.0001***
Note. Values are mean 6 standard deviation.
**P \0.01; ***P \0.001.

significant mesial root angulation (mean, 9.29 ) with group presented a labial root inclination, with a mean
a difference of 14.76 compared with controls difference of 5.06 , whereas lateral incisors displayed
(P \0.001), whereas lateral incisors showed a significant a significant palatal root inclination, with a significant
distal root angulation with a mean of 4.38 and a dif- difference of 10.0 (P \0.001) compared with controls.
ference of 13.07 compared with the control group In the L-PIC group, the angle between the long axes of
(P \0.01). The long axes of the roots of central and the roots of central and lateral incisors was significantly
lateral incisors showed a significant root divergence larger than in the control group by a mean of 5.63
(mean 10.69 ). The difference in the central and lateral (P \0.05).
incisors angle between the L-PIC and the control groups Radiographic evaluation (CBCT scans) (Table IV;
was 22.76 (P \0.001). Fig 6): central and lateral incisors for the L-PIC group
The mean canine incisor index was 1.17 vs 0.98 in the showed a mesiolabial crown rotation, with a difference
control group (P \0.001). of 9.54 and of 11.6 respectively, compared to con-
Radiographic evaluation (lateral cephalometric trols (P \0.01). Central incisors also showed a mesial
views) (Table III; Fig 5): central incisors in the L-PIC root angulation (P \0.001) with a mean of 8.07

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Fig 4. Panoramic views histograms: A, Central incisor angulation; B, Lateral incisor angulation; C,
Angle between central and lateral incisors’ roots; D, Canine incisor index ratio. Blue and red represent
the control and L-PIC groups, respectively.

Table III. Two-dimensional radiographical evaluation of adjacent teeth position in lateral cephalometric views: com-
parison between L-PIC and control groups ( )
Angle Impacted Control Difference P value
Central incisor inclination 107.10 6 6.63 112.2 6 6.14 5.06 0.0370*
Lateral incisor inclination 127.10 6 7.36 117.1 6 3.18 10.00 0.0004***
Central incisor lateral incisor 17.43 6 7.30 11.80 6 3.63 5.63 0.0314*

Note. Values are mean 6 standard deviation.

*P \0.05; ***P \0.001.

compared with central incisors in controls which dis- position and confuse clinicians by diagnosing them as
played slight distal root angulation ( 6.18 ). Lateral in- PICs. The second most common radiograph in the initial
cisors presented a very significant distal root angulation diagnosis is the panoramic view. Chaushu et al36 showed
with a mean difference of 13.07 and a significant that by using the canine incisor index, accurate diagnosis
palatal root inclination, with a mean difference of of PICs vs BICs could be achieved in approximately 88% of
16.33 compared to controls (P \0.001). The posi- the patients. A PIC will have a canine incisor index higher
tions of first premolars were not affected in the L-PIC than 1.15 because of the magnification of the PIC crown,
group. which is farther from the x-ray source than the central
The mean of the central and lateral incisors’ width ra- incisor. In this article, the mean canine incisor index of
tios was similar between the L-PIC and the control the L-PICs was higher than 1.15, erroneously implying a
groups (77.08% vs 75.08%, respectively). palatal position.
The practical implications of such a misdiagnosis are
that an L-PIC will be surgically exposed from the wrong
DISCUSSION side of the alveolar ridge, and orthodontic traction will
For almost a century, the most widely recognized tech- be applied in a hopeless direction. These examples will
nique for initial and fast pinpointing the location of an generally end up as failures, and the patient may finally
unerupted maxillary canine tooth has been Clark’s tube- lose the canine because it will have been drawn into an
shift method,12,37 which is extremely simple and inexpen- intractable position. In addition, the adjacent lateral in-
sive to perform. The technique employs a pair of periapical cisors may be severely periodontally compromised
radiographs of the same area, taken at different angles, because of collateral damage being inflicted both by
and uses the altered positional superimposition of the un- the surgical exposure and subsequently by contact be-
erupted tooth on the adjacent erupted tooth on the 2 films tween its root and that of the canine, as the latter is be-
to diagnose their relative labiolingual positions. The prin- ing drawn through the palatal tissue.
ciple behind the method is the attempt to augment 2D To the best of our knowledge, this cross-sectional
plane films using altered angulation to construct the third study is the first to describe the clinical and radiographic
dimension. Every undergraduate dental student and or- characteristic features of L-PICs, based on the positions
thodontic resident has been taught the method, and its and size of the adjacent teeth. A comparison with the
virtues have been extolled in the literature.38,39 Neverthe- few studies that evaluated the effects of impacted maxil-
less, Clark’s method will not recognize the unusual L-PICs’ lary canines on the 3D positions of adjacent

American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics May 2023  Vol 163  Issue 5
696 Chaushu et al

Fig 5. Lateral cephalometric views histograms: A, Central incisor inclination; B, Lateral incisor
inclination; C, Angle between the long axes of the central and lateral incisors’ roots. Blue and red
represent the control and L-PIC groups, respectively.

Table IV. Three-dimensional radiographic evaluation of the adjacent teeth position and size in CBCT scans: compar-
ison between L-PIC and control groups ( )
Variables Impacted Control Difference P value
Central incisor
Rotation 68.82 6 7.81 78.36 6 11.22 9.54 0.004**
Angulation 8.07 6 7.09 6.18 6 2.98 14.25 0.0001***
Inclination 68.58 6 10.82 61.00 6 9.74 7.57 0.0343*
Lateral incisor
Rotation 42.55 6 12.96 54.15 6 8.41 11.6 0.003**
Angulation 1.16 6 15.75 14.24 6 4.09 13.07 0.0004***
Inclination 47.70 6 15.26 64.03 6 8.26 16.33 0.0003***
First premolar
Rotation 66.63 6 8.19 71.18 6 8.55 4.55 0.1080
Angulation 84.67 6 8.45 84.74 6 9.89 0.07 0.9766
Inclination 84.60 6 8.92 89.73 6 10.32 5.13 0.1090
Central incisor lateral incisor
Ratio 77.08 6 9.43 75.08 6 8.41 1.99 0.5177
Note. Values are mean 6 standard deviation.
*P \0.05; **P \0.01; ***P \0.001.

teeth28,29,40,41 shows that L-PICs display characteristics An etiologic explanation for these positional changes
of both palatal and buccal impactions. relates to the tooth-eruption process itself. During the
The central incisors ipsilateral to L-PICs showed sig- “ugly duckling stage of development,” which usually oc-
nificant mesiolabial rotation and mesial root angulation curs when aged 7-8 years, the roots of the maxillary in-
in all records and labial root displacement. These cisors are generally tipped mesially because of the
changes were similar to those recently reported for influence of the canines’ crowns on their
PICs by Light et al.28 apices.12,41,42,44 Later, the canine is guided down along
In contrast, the lateral incisors displayed a significant the distal aspect of the lateral incisor’s root toward its
palatal root displacement and a mesiolabial rotation, crown to influence the incisors to gradually upright.
typical of a buccal canine.28,29 The most important So, they lose their eruptive guidance when the canines
and pathognomonic change in the position of lateral in- are labiopalatally displaced. Therefore, their labiopalatal
cisors adjacent to L-PICs was the distal root inclination. impaction produces a mesial force on the central inci-
This distal angulation of the lateral incisors signifi- sor’s root and a distal force on the lateral incisor’s root
cantly differed from the normal angulation previously that causes a mesial root angulation of the central
found in relation to a BIC29 and the mesial42,43 or incisor and a distal root angulation of lateral incisor,
upright40 angulation found in PIC patients. respectively. In agreement with this hypothesis, the

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Fig 6. CBCTs histograms: A-D, Central incisor rotation, angulation, inclination, and mesiodistal crown
width; E-H, Lateral incisor rotation, angulation, inclination, and mesiodistal crown width; I-M, First pre-
molar rotation, angulation, and inclination. Blue and red represent the control and L-PIC groups,

authors found that in most of the L-PIC group’s patients, on detailed interpretation because of distortion, arti-
the long axes of the roots of the central and lateral inci- facts, and superposition,18 whereas CBCT scans provide
sors are divergent, in contrast to the controls. additional information on the relationship between the
No significant differences were found in the positions impacted canine and the roots of the neighboring teeth
of the first premolars, in contrast to a previous study in along the full length of the root. Moreover, it also allows
which PICs was associated with mesiobuccally rotated the detection of the possible presence and extent of the
first premolar crowns. This result is probably because resorption on the palatal side of the central incisors and
of the anterior position of the L-PICs, which are distant the buccal side of the lateral incisors’ roots, which are
from the first premolar roots. hidden in the labiolingual plane by the superimposition
An additional finding in this study was that the lateral of the impacted canine.5,36
incisors were found to be of normal size. Previous Knowledge of the typical displacement of the
studies showed that PICs are associated with reduced incisor roots adjacent to L-PICs is crucial while plan-
volumes of the central and lateral incisors27,45,46 and ning the mechanotherapy strategy, to shorten the
an increased prevalence of peg-shaped, small, or anom- duration, minimize potential damage, and avoid fail-
alous lateral incisors.1,40,43,47,48 BICs are usually adja- ure. Because of their mesiodistal displacement, the
cent to larger or normally-sized lateral incisors.27,49 L-PICs should be exposed from the labial side with a
This finding can be used as an additional clue in the dif- partial thickness flap raised from the keratinized
ferential diagnosis of an L-PIC vs PIC. gingiva of the crest of the ridge,17 and traction should
This study showed that the initial orthodontic re- be applied first distolabially to distance the canine tip
cords, including intraoral photographs and panoramic from the palatal side of the central incisors, and then
and lateral cephalometric x-rays, contain all information distally to by-pass the roots of the lateral incisors. Dur-
necessary for the early diagnosis and differential diag- ing these stages, the roots of the lateral incisors should
nosis of L-PICs from either PICs or BICs. The 3D analysis be maintained in their distal inclination and palatal
confirmed the measurements on the 2D records. displacement, meaning that they should not be bonded
However, 2D imaging techniques impose limitations or bonded passively.17 In severe examples, the root

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American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics May 2023  Vol 163  Issue 5

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