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Vocabulary Vocabulary Mushroom → champiñón

Commission → comisión Hare → liebre Peas → guisantes

Fringe Benefit → beneficio adicional Lamb → cordero Pepper → pimiento

Discount → descuento Mutton → carne de cordero Pumpkin → calabaza

Profit-sharing → reparto de utilidades Pheasant → faisán Sweetcorn → maíz dulce

Stock option scheme → opción sobre acciones de Pigeon → paloma Turnip → nabo
esquemas Apricot → albaricoque
Veal → ternera
Salary → salario Gooseberry → grosella
Venison → venado
Performance-related pay → pago relacionado con el Grape → uva
Cod → bacalao
Haddock → eglefino Lychee → lichi (fruta)
Fees → honorarios
Herring → arenque Plum → ciruela
Wages → salarios
Lobster → langosta Peach → melocotón
Retirement saving scheme → jubilación plan de
ahorro Mussel → mejillón Coriander → cilantro

Cautious → precavido Oyster → ostra Garlic → ajo

Critical → crítico Plaice → platija Parsley → perejil

Helpful → útil Prawn → gamba Rosemary → romero

Loyal → leal Scallop → vieira Saffron → azafrán

Outgoing → extrovertido Artichoke → alcachofa Sage → sabio

Reliable → confiable Cabbage → repollo Turmeric → cúrcuma

Resourceful → ingenioso Courgette → calabacín Thyme → tomillo

Tactful → diplomático Cucumber → pepino Beans → frijoles

Thorough → exahaustivo Lettuce → lechuga Noodles → fideos

Vocabulary Grammar: Dependent Prepositions Grammar: Relative Clauses

Currency fluctuations → fluctuaciones monetarias Verbs + dependent prepositions WHO → refers to people

Floods → inundaciones Apply of Refer to Decide on THAT → when we talk about people especially in
Believe in Wait for Insist on informal language; refer to things
Fraud → fraude
Compare with Agree with Mistake for
Consist of Concentrate on Respond to WHICH → refer to things in more formal
Infectious diseases → enfermedades infecciosas
Succeed in Prepare for Thank for WHOSE → refers to things belonging to people
Kidnapping/ Hijacking → secuestro/rapto Approve of Talk to/ about Attend to
Head for Ask for Depend on WHERE → refers to a place
Personal injuries → lesiones personales
Listen to Choose between Think of/ about
WHEN → refers to a time
Recession → recesión

Riots → disturbios Adjetives + dependent prepositions UNIT 10: RISK

Rising fuel prices → aumento precio combustible Absent from Accustomed to Attached on Grammar: Modal Verbs
Anxious about Famous for Dependent on MAY/MIGHT COULD BE → tos ay that something is
Stikes → palos Different from Pleased with Preferible to possble
Horseback riding → montar a caballo Interested in Sorry for/about Serious about
Proud of Afraid of Aware of MUST BE → tos ay we are completely sure about
Hot-air ballooning → paseos en globo Similar to Good at Friendly with something
Typical of Kind to Responsable for
Mountaineering → montañismo CAN´T BE → tos ay we are sure that something is
Keen on Satisfied with Superior to
Potholing → espeleología
SHOULD BE → tos ay something is advisable
Skiing → esquiar Nouns + dependent prepositions

Skydiving → paracaidismo Delay in Reason for Decrease in

Effect on Result of Increase in
Whitewater rafting → rafting en aguas bravas Information on Views on Knowledge of
Snowboarding → snowboarding Need for Idea of Protection fro
Raction to Key to Report in
Windsurfing → windsurfing Chance of Problems with Solution to
Help with Reduction in
Scuba diving → submarinismo
Interest in Rise in
Paragliding → parapente

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