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Role Play

Short performance
My opinion about the film
Stev: Good morning (Artistic name or just call me Mari)
Mari: OHH! I really sorry for arrive late, but my limo crashed with a big trailer very close to
Stev: Don’t worry I've only been waiting six hours in this chair.
Mari: Uhm, I like a lot this place, it´s very modern, very contemporary even I would dare to
say with a futuristic style.
Stev: So… you can sit down
Mari: Oh yes, yes and… who are you? You are Steven, right?
Steve: Yes, I am and my purpose is talk about your last participation in the cinema.
Mari: I understand, I really feel excited to participate in this interview.
Steve: Ok, if I don’t remember wrong, the film is called: XXXX and the narrative locates in
the future, more or less in 2050. When the humanity produced the necessary technology to
live on Mars and take advantage of its resources…
Mari: Yes! In fact, this lifestyle changes when an terrrorific asteroid threats destroyed Mars
because a big percentage of population begin to immigrate to Earth.
Steve: Ok, let’s start…The first question is:
1. How would she describe her character in this movie and how does she relate to him?

Uhm, my character has a very important role in the movie because he is a interplanetary
customs official, specifically of Mars. Maybe, you don’t remember every details of movie,
but a relevant part or topic in the film is the moral dilemmas related with my public
function. For example: In a certain occasion my character must choose if leave pass a
woman with her son the border of one of the regions of mars and she doesn’t achive the
necessary requirements.

My relation with the character is very simple, because my character is just a simple
person like me or you, like anyone that affront dilemmas moral. What is the correct? Or
what is wrong?

2. What was your process for interpreting it?

The process was very hard, my routine consists to wake up early every day for arrives to
set and I spent long days making scenes and reading the script to get best possible
3. Is there a particular scene that you found especially challenging or memorable while

Of course, there is a specific scene relation with the consequences of my decisions

throughout the film. When my character affront to own government for leave pass illegal
people and he ends to die for his actions.

Or other very memorable scene is the final of film, because it demonstrates how the
human being was capable (keipovol) of destroying the entire civilization for his own

In my opinion, the director shaped a negative perspective of human and the future in the

4. How would you describe the movie in one sentence for those who haven't seen it yet?
“A film that shows that the seventh art is still that, art”
5. What advice would you give to young people who want to follow in your footsteps in the
film industry?
I recommend that develop a strong discipline that keeps them improving every day. In
addition, the most adequate is begin with a bit films and TV shows. In my case, I initiate
my professional career with some shorts participations in sitcoms and finish here, in
some melodramatic movies.
6. What was it like working with the director and the rest of the cast? Can you share an
interesting anecdote?
Oh, I worked with them was a very special for me, because I can learn a lot about
different tecniques to improve my actor skills and learn about the interesting director’s
perspective relation with the future
And I remember how we need to transport for several states in all country because there
are cheaper places to record than others and I visited more places working than inmy
free time.
7. Is there an actor or actress that you have always wanted to work with and why?
Yes, I always want to work with Getulio Vargas. He is a very famous Brazilian actor. In
fact, he dedicates to comedy and interpretates a satiric character like a crazy leader
political. Undoubtebly, there are not similar actor like his.
Even, he appears in different films related with the second world of war like a powerful
men that affront the European imperialism.
8. Are there any lessons or messages that viewers can take away from the film?
Yes, the first and the most important, too is the danger that represent the overpopulation
and the spent of natural resources within limit.
The second is value our life and our beloved.
The fragility of human life and science
9. How would you describe the atmosphere on the set of the film?

Warm, an ambient of multiple cooperation among the actors with the director. In case, I
feel satisfied with the workteam and for the all results of that evidence in every second of

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