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1. Why management is important?

 The success or failure of companies, public sector institution and

services, not-for-profit organizations, sports teams and so on,
often depends on the quality of their managers
2. Who is Peter Drucker?
 Peter Drucker was an American business professor and consultant
who is often called things like “The Father of Modern
3. What are main task of a manager? 
 5 main tasks of a manager are planning, organizing, integrating,
measuring performance and developing people.
4. Write a brief summary of each of five tasks listed by Drucker?
=> Brief summary:
- Planning: The manager set objectives and decide organization
can achieve them
- Organizing: They analyse and classify the activities of the
organization, then they divide the work into manageable ativities
and select people to perform individual tasks
- Integrating: Manager have to practise the social skills of
motivation and communication.
- Measuring performance: They want to see whether their staff
can accomplish the objectives.
- Developing people: They have to consider future and modify or
change the organization’ s objectives when necessary, introduce
the innovations that will the business to continue

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