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Corruption Worldwide

Corruption refers to a form of crime and untruthfulness. It refers to an hidden act by

an individual or a group. Moreover, this crime exploits the rights of others. Bribery
and extortion are forms of corruption. However, corruption can take place in many
ways. Authorities are likely more prone to corruption.

Types of Corruption

To start off, bribery is the most common method of corruption. Bribery involves
offering someone money or something valuable in order to persuade them to do
something for you. Furthermore, there are a vast variety of things the bribed can
help in return. Above all, the favours include money, gifts, company shares, sexual
favours, employment, entertainment, and political benefits. Also, personal gain can
be helping the person to do dirty work.

Extortion is another major method of corruption. It means to obtain property,

money or services illegally. In order to obtain these, coercion must have taken
place. Thus, extortion is quite similar to blackmail.

How to Stop Corruption?

One important way of preventing corruption is to give a better salary to government

services. Many government employees receive low salaries. Therefore, they resort
to bribery to meet their expenses. So, government employees should receive higher
salaries. Consequently, high salaries would prevent government employees from
accepting bribery as they have nothing to lose.

Increasing the number of workers can be another suitable way of curbing

corruption. In many government jobs, the workload is very high. This provides an
opportunity to slow down the work by government employees. Therefore, these
employees then involves in bribery in reutrn for faster delivery of work. Hence, this
opportunity to bribe can be eradicated by bringing in more employees in
government offices.

In conclusion, corruption is a great crime of society. This crime should be quickly

eliminated before its too late. Corruption is hard to spot as it does not occur in plain
sight. Hopefully, with political and social efforts, we can get rid of corruption.

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