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Revision Sheets

Reading Assessment
Name: ___________
Class: ____________
The Lazy Bear
It was spring. The sun was shining down among the trees in the
green forest. Lazy Bear opened his eyes. He just woke up from his
long sleep. He didn’t eat for a long time and his stomach was
“ I’d better look for some food right now,” he said to himself. He
started to walk through the forest sniffing in the air. Suddenly, he
smelled honey. The nice smell was coming from a hole in a small
tree. Lazy Bear put his nose in the hole to lick some honey. While
he was enjoying the honey, the bees got together and stung him
right on his nose. Suddenly, he felt a terrible pain in his nose and
started to run as fast as he could to get away from the angry bees.

1. Who is the character in the story?

A. The honey
B. The Trees
C. The Lazy Bear.

2. What is the setting of the story?

A. The green forest
B. The ocean
C. The Savannah
3. What was the author’s purpose for writing this text?
A. To persuade
B. To inform
C. To entertain

4. Why does the author call him the “Lazy Bear”?

A. Because he took the bee’s food
B. Because he never did anything
C. Because he went hunting

5. What was the central idea of this story?

A. We should not work hard.
B. Don’t be lazy.
C. Share the food.

6. What is the meaning of the word growling?

A. hurting
B. having pain
C. making a low sound
7. Why the bees were angry? What can you infer?
Write a complete sentence.
Astronauts on the Moon
Astronauts are trained workers who explore outer space. They ride
in powerful rockets and they can even visit the moon.
In 1969 millions of people around the world watched on T.V. how an
astronaut, Neil Armstrong, set foot on the moon for the first time. He
was one of the first three astronauts who were sent to explore the
moon and return to Earth. The astronauts had to wear a special suit
and a special helmet. There is no air or water on the moon, so the
astronauts had to bring their own water and oxygen with them.
Do you wonder how astronauts sleep while they are in space? They
have to tie themselves to the bed with a belt, so they don’t start
floating around.

1. What was the author’s purpose for writing this text?

A. To persuade
B. To inform
C. To entertain

2. What type of job do astronauts do?

A. Explore outer space
B. Explore space
C. Explore moon
3. How the word water and oxygen are written differently in the
A. Bold
B. heading
C. illustration

4. How do astronauts travel in space?

A. ride in powerful rockets
B. ride in powerful planes
C. ride in powerful machines

5. The astronauts had to wear a special suit and a special

helmet. What can you infer?

1-Identify the text feature displayed below.
A. illustration
B. diagram
C. chart

2-Identify the text feature displayed below.

A. diagram
B. illustration
C. photograph

3-Identify the text feature displayed below.

A. diagram
B. illustration
C. title page
4-Identify the text feature displayed below.
A. table of contents
B. index
C. glossary

5-Identify the text feature displayed below.

A. table of contents

B. index

D. glossary

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