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Dr Shalini Salwan
Beta blockers
 Competitive inhibitors of β -adrenergic receptors – inhibit action of
CA & other β agonists.
 Most are pure antagonists – some partial agonists
 Differ in relative affinities for β 1 & β 2 Receptors .
 Selectivity is dose related-diminishes at higher concentration. It is
NOT absolute.
 Also differ in PK

ISA : Intrinsic sympathomimetic activity /partial agonistic activity

MSA: Membrane stabilizing activity/ local anaesthetic activity



 Without ISA: Propranolol,  Atenolol

 Metoprolol
Sotalol, Timolol
 Acebutolol
 With ISA: Pindolol
 Bisoprolol
 With additional α  Esmolol
blocking property:  Celiprolol

Labetolol, Carvedilol  Nebivolol



Classification of Beta blockers
Beta blockers: PK
 Most are well absorbed PO.
 Peak conc. 1-3 hrs.
 Propranolol extensive 1st pass metab –low BA.
 Due to variation in first- pass there is great individual
variability in plasma conc.
Distribution & Clearance :
 Rapidly distributed and have large Vd.
 Propranolol & penbutalol lipophilic-cross BBB readily.
 Most have t1/2 of 3-10 hrs. (EXCEPT Esmolol-10 mins) .
 Propranolol & Metoprolol extensively metab. in
liver mainly by CYP2D6 .
 Poor metabolizers have 3-10 times higher pl. conc.
than extensive metab.
 Atenolol , celiprolol, & pindolol less completely
 Nadolol excreted unchanged in urine & has longest
 Elimination of propranolol prolonged in liver
disease & CHF or d/t enzyme inhibition
Pharm actions of Beta blockers
 1. On CVS:
Propranolol depresses SAN , AVN & myocardial contraction :
Pharmacological actions of Beta
- Decrease the expected increase in HR during exercise/stress
- Decreases force of contraction and CO – useful in HT
- Cardiac work & oxygen consumption are decreased d/t β 1 blockade
–useful in angina
- Total coronary flow is reduced.
- Effectively suppress cardiac arrythmias by decreasing automaticity.
Effects on CVS…
 Peripheral Vasoconstriction:
 β blockade opposes β 2 mediated vasodilation. Can acutely lead to
rise in PVR d/t unopposed α- receptor mediated effects. (Re-
 Acute effects –Rise in PVR ,CO is reduced(little change in BP).
 Chronic admn leads to fall in PVR in pt of HT.
 Resistance vessels adapt to chronically reduced CO.
 Inhibit release of renin from the JGA caused by sympathetic NS.
 Reduced NA release
 Central action reducing sympathetic outflow.
Effects on Respiratory tract
 Bronchoconstriction
 Blockade of β2 receptors in bronchial sm ms – increase in airway
resistance esp in pt of asthma –
 β1 selective antagonists m/b better BUT no available β1 selective
agent can completely avoid action on β2 receptors.
 Hence these drugs are CI in pt of asthma
Metabolic & Endocrine effects
 Disturbance in CHO & lipid metab.
 Propranolol inhibits symp NS stimulation of lipolysis .
 Glycogenolysis in liver inhibited (β2 blockade)
 Propranolol may delay recovery from hypoglycemia in
Type 1 DM and less frequently in Type 2DM.
 Also interfere with counter –regulatory effects of CA
secreted during hypoglycemia- tremor, tachycardia ,
 Should be used with caution in pt with diabetes and
frequent hypoglycemia.
 If indicated, β1 antagonists preferred
 Chronic use causes
↑LDL- C, ↑ Triglycerides
↓ HDL –C
 Unfavourable for heart
 Occur with both selective & non-selective blockers
 But some vasodilating βblockers (carvedilol, carteolol,
celiprolol ) may be devoid of this effect.
Effects on eye
 β blockers reduce IO pressure d/t decreased aqueous humor
production- useful in glaucoma.
Effects on CNS
Forgetfulness, dreaming and nightmares.
Suppresses anxiety in stressful situations.
Effects on skeletal muscle
 Suppresses tremor

 Reduces exercise capacity

Local Anaesthetic Effect

Membrane stabilizing action
Ocular irritation and corneal anaesthesia.
Specific agents
Metoprolol , Atenolol,Acebutalol,Bisoprolol
Safer than propranolol in, DM, PVD , COPD (with MI)
No deleterious effect on lipid profile, exercise capacity
Ineffective in essential tremor. (β2 )
Third generation selective β1 blocker
Additional vasodilatory axn d/t release of endoth NO
May increase insulin sensitivity
Doesn’t effect lipids and CHO metabolism.
Used in HT and CHF.
Third generation selective β1 blocker, NO production.
Additional β2 agonist activity: : safe in Asthmatics
Specific agents…
ISA (partial agonist activity)
Pindolol, Acebutolol, Celiprolol

 Less prominent bradycardia.

 No exacerbation of HT, Angina after withdrawal.

 Lipid profile is not worsened.

 Not effective in migraine prophylaxis, MI.

 Celiprolol- has mild β2 agonist activity – Br. Asthma

Specific Agents
d/t blockade of Na channels.
 Not seen after systemic admn.(low conc)
 Seen after topical adm. : such agents not used in glaucoma e.g
 Ultrashort acting β1 antagonist. T1/2=10min

 Rapidly metab. by esterases in RBCs.

 Given by infusion for controlling supraventricular arrhyth. d/t

thyrotoxicosis, perioperative HT & Myo ischemia in critical

Nonselective - β blocker with Class III antiarrhythmic act. Used in
ventricular arrhythmias & AF & Afl
Specific agents..
 Racemic mixture of 2pairs of chiral isomers .
 Potent α1 blocker and β1 and β2 blocker and weak β2 agonism.
 Causes less bronchospasm & vasoconstriction than Ppnol
 Used as IV infusion in hypertensive emergencies & PIH,clonidine
withdrawal, cheese reaction and in essential hypertension.
Nonselective β blocker & α1 blocking capacity.
Extensively metab in liver by CYP 2D6 & CYP2C9. t1/2=7-10 hrs .
Has MSA but no ISA
Produces vasodilation d/t α blocking and calcium channel blocking
Has antioxidant & anti-inflammatory effects- useful in trt of CHF, & L V
dysfunction following MI
Therapeutic uses: Cardiovascular
 Hypertension
 β blockers effective & well tolerated
 MOA: Exact not clear
 ↓ CO ; ↓ Renin sec. ↓ PVR on chronic use & ↓sympathetic outflow
from CNS
β blockers in Hypertension…
 Often used along with diuretic or a vasodilator
 Given once or twice daily despite short t1/2
 Maybe less effective in the elderly Blacks
 Mostly β1 selective agents used eg atenolol, metoprolol

 Ischemic heart disease: Angina pectoris

 β blockers reduce the frequency of anginal episodes & increase
exercise tolerance in pt of angina.
 Not suitable for variant angina
β blockers in Cardiovascular diseases..
Myocardial Infarction : Administ. of β blockers
1. during early phase of MI : Limits infarct size and prevent
2. long term use for secondary prophylaxis may decrease mortality
by 25%.: Prevent re-infarction and sudden ventricular fibrillation.

metoprolol, propranolol most useful

Cardiovascular diseases..
 Cardiac arrhythmias
 Effective in both supraventricular & ventricular arrhythmias
- Increase AV nodal refractory pd.- slow ventricular response in AF &
Afl .
Also reduce ventricular ectopics d/t CA.
Mainly Propranolol
Esmolol: Alternative in PSVT.
Sotalol : antiarryhthmic as well as β blocker
Cardiovascular diseases..
 Heart failure
 Earlier were CI in CHF
 Reduce mortality in pt of compensated mild-moderate HF (class2-3)
on ACE inhibitors & diuretics
 Only 4 agents shown to be effective- BMCN- Bisoprolol, Metoprolol,
 MOA: Prevent excessive effects of CA on heart;
attenuate cardiac remodelling;
sudden arrhythmias,
antioxidant actions.
 Precautions: START LOW & GO SLOW eg Carvedilol 3.125 mg BID
( Normal Anti HT dose 6.25 bid) ; Bisoprolol 1.25 mg OD (N Anti HT
dose 5mg )
0ther Cardiac Indications
 Hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy:
Ppnol is std therapy . High dose -462 mg /d reduces ventricular
 Mitral stenosis with sinus rhythm: β blockers ↓resting & exercise HR
---allowing longer diastolic filling & improved exercise tolerance.
 Mitral valve prolapse
 Dissecting aortic aneurysms
Non-cardiovascular uses of β blockers
 Thyrotoxicosis
 Used alongwith antithyroid drugs-
 1. before surgery
 2. in thyroid storm –
 controls symptoms – tachycardia, palpitations, tremor& nervousness
& reduces vascularity of gland .
 Anxiety states
 Ppnol m. commonly used – reduce peripheral s/s –tachy-, tremors .
Useful for orators, musicians with performance anxiety (stage fear) .
 Essential tremors
 Pheochromocytoma: To control tachycardia and arrythmias.(NOT
without α- blocker.)
 Post alcoholic withdrawal synd
Non-cardiovascular uses of β
blockers.. ..
 Glaucoma
 Timolol, carteolol.
 Caution: Systemic s/e can occur
 Migraine Prophylaxis
Ppnol 80-240 mg for prophylaxis – reduces incidence of migraine in
60 % pts .
MOA –vasoconstriction in cranial BV
NOT for attacks once they have occurred
Portal HT: in liver cirhhosis pt- decrease incidence of bleeding
esophageal varices.
Side effects of β blockers
 Three major mech of side effects of β blockers
-smooth ms spasm-
bronchospasm & cold extremities, worsening of symptoms of PVD or
Reynaud’s phenomenon & claudication
-exaggeration of cardiac pharmacological axn
bradycardia, heart block , excess negative inotropic effect ; may ppt or
exacerbate HF in pt with compensated HF/AMI
-CNS penetration ( related to lipid solubility)
Fatigue, Insomnia, depression, vivid dreams
- Impotence , Metabolic disturbances
- Sudden stopping of is β blockers dangerous –may exacerbate angina &
increase risk of sudden death due to cardiac arrhythmias/MI
 Reason: supersensitivity

 Hence tapering the dose several weeks before stopping

 : Al salts, cholestyramine , colestipol decrease absb.
 Drugs like phenytoin , rifampin increase metabolism.
 Inhibitors like cimetidine , hydralazine increase BA
 PD interactions - β blockers & CCBs esp verapamil & diltiazem =
additive effects on cardiac conducting system –can cause complete
heart blockade.
 Severe asthma or bronchospasm
 Severe bradycardia, high degree heart block, overt LVF, cardiogenic
 Severe PVD, claudication
 Severe depression
 Non-selective agents in T1DM
Selection of a β blocker
 Should depend on PK & PD differences among drugs, cost &
concomitant disease.
 Eg in pt of Diabetes , PVD or Reynaud’s phenomenon - β1
selective antagonists preferred .

Agents with ISA m/b preferred in pts with bradycardia.

Third gen agents may have specific therapeutic advantages.

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