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NPM. 1902030013





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Nama : Irhamni

NPM : 1902030013

Program Studi : Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris

Judul Skripsi : Improving Students Writing Skill By Using Resistance Method

For Eight Grade At Mts.S Darul Ilmi

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Langkat, May 2023

Diketahui Oleh Ketua Program Studi Hormat Saya

Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris Yang Membuat Pernyataan

Muhammad Hasan, S.Pd.,M.Pd Irhamni

NIDN. 0130099301 NIM.1902030013


Name : Irhamni

NPM : 1902030013

Study Program : English Departement

Judul Skripsi : Improving Students Writing Skill By Using Resistance Method

For Eight Grade At Mts.S Darul Ilmi

The purpose of this study was to improve the writing skills of eighth grade
students at Mts Darul Ilmi using the resistance method. This study uses a class
action research method (CAR). In this study, researchers used 22 subjects from
eighth grade at Mts Darul Ilmi. In collecting data, researchers used observation
and tests with quantitative analysis data.
Based on research findings, the recitation method can increase the
effectiveness of the process of improving writing skills. By observing students as
reflection and improvement, efforts are made to improve the quality of the
learning process of writing skills. From the scale of student activity observation
sheets, namely 53.33 in cycle I and increased to 73.33 in cycle II, it was proven
that there was an increase. Students' writing ability can be improved by using
recitation method. Students are given various assignments to complete during the
learning process, and then an essay writing test is given to assess students'
progress in their writing ability. This increase can be seen in the score of students'
writing ability which is increasing. In the first cycle the average score of students
was 47.59 in the pre-test to 54.35 in cycle I. Then the students' writing ability
increased to 71.26 in cycle II.

Keyword : Resistance Method, Writing Skill, Class Action Research


Nama : Irhamni

NPM : 1902030013

Program Studi : Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris

Judul Skripsi : Improving Students Writing Skill By Using Resistance Method

For Eight Grade At Mts.S Darul Ilmi

Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk meningkatkan keterampilan menulis

siswa kelas VIII Mts Darul Ilmi dengan menggunakan metode resistensi.
Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian tindakan kelas (PTK). Dalam
penelitian ini, peneliti menggunakan 22 subjek dari kelas VIII di Mts Darul Ilmi.
Dalam pengumpulan data, peneliti menggunakan observasi dan tes dengan
analisis data kuantitatif.
Berdasarkan temuan penelitian, metode resitasi dapat meningkatkan
efektivitas proses peningkatan keterampilan menulis. Dengan mengamati siswa
sebagai refleksi dan perbaikan, dilakukan upaya untuk meningkatkan kualitas
proses pembelajaran keterampilan menulis. Dari skala lembar observasi aktivitas
siswa yaitu 53,33 pada siklus I dan meningkat menjadi 73,33 pada siklus II
terbukti terjadi peningkatan. Kemampuan menulis siswa dapat ditingkatkan
dengan menggunakan metode resitasi. Siswa diberikan berbagai tugas untuk
diselesaikan selama proses pembelajaran, kemudian tes menulis esai diberikan
untuk menilai kemajuan siswa dalam kemampuan menulisnya. Peningkatan ini
terlihat pada skor kemampuan menulis siswa yang semakin meningkat. Pada
siklus I nilai rata-rata siswa pada pre-test 47,59 menjadi 54,35 pada siklus I.
Kemudian kemampuan menulis siswa meningkat menjadi 71,26 pada siklus II.

Kata Kunci : Metode Perlawanan, Keterampilan Menulis, Penelitian Tindakan



Alhamdulillah, thanks to His guidance and grace, the writer can finish this thesis
well. This thesis is the author's final assignment to fulfill some of the requirements
to achieve a Bachelor of English language education

The author realizes that in completing this thesis there are many people who have
helped, therefore, on this occasion the author would like to thank:

1. Mr. Dr. Muhammad Sadri, MM, as Chair of STKIP Al Maksum Langkat for
the opportunity given to the author to study at STKIP Al Maksum Langkat.

2. Mr. Muhammad Hassan, S.Pd., M.Pd, as Chair of the English Language

Education Study Program and Supervisor II who has provided guidance by
accepting the presence of the author and valuable input to complete this work.

3. Mr. Rosmen, M.Hum, as Advisor I who has provided guidance, motivation, and
direction in completing this thesis.

4. Mr. Donny Adiatmana Ginting, S.Pd,. M.S, As Vice Chair 1 and Lecturer
Examiner I who have provided many inputs and corrections so that this thesis
becomes the best work.

5. Mr. Edi Suprayetno, S.Pd., M.Pd, As Examiner II who has provided many
inputs and corrections so that this thesis becomes the best work.

6. Mr. Pradana Chairy Azhar, S.Pd, M.Psi, as Vice Chair II who always gives
direction and enthusiasm in completing this thesis.

7. Mr. Azri Ranuwaldy Sukma, S.Pd, M.Psi, as Vice Chair III who always gives
direction and enthusiasm in completing this thesis.

8. All Lecturers of STKIP AL Maksum Langkat who always provide input and
encouragement in completing this thesis.

9. All English Language Education Lecturers who always provide input and
motivation in completing this thesis.

10. Mrs. Siti Saodah,S.Ag as the principal of MTs S Darul Ilmi who has given the
author the opportunity to conduct research.

11. Mrs. Saki Milani, S.Pd, As Assistant Teacher for English Subject MTs.S
Darul Ilmii who has provided her knowledge and input so that this research can
run smoothly.

12. Mr. and Mrs. teachers of MTs .S Darul ilmi who provide a lot of information
and motivation so that the research goes well.

13. My parents, Mr. Sutrisno and Mrs. Zuraidah Hasibuan,for their prayers and
love and patience in providing support to me, which I cannot repay with anything.

14. my siblings Muhammad Rizky,Humaidi Al-Buchori, and my younger brother

Muhammad Ridho Mubarok for their prayers of love and patience in providing
support and encouragement to me.

15. My beloved friends,Putri Amelia, Rindita sari, Widya Alviionita, Wina Elvira
and Zaida Husna Bancin . who have helped and accompanied the ups and downs
of the author during the process of working on the thesis.

16. Colleagues in English education children who are equally struggling and
enthusiastic in completing this thesis.

17. To all parties who have helped that cannot be mentioned one by one.

Finally, the writer hopes that this thesis will be useful for fellow students and
readers. May Allah SWT. always bestow His taufik and guidance to all of us.


"There will always be a path to success for anyone, as long as that person is
willing to try and work hard to maximize the abilities they have."


LEMBAR PENGESAHAN....................................................................................i
BERITA ACARA...................................................................................................ii
TABLE OF CONTENTS.....................................................................................ix
LIST OF TABLE..................................................................................................xi
LIST OF FIGURE................................................................................................iv
CHAPTER I............................................................................................................1
A. Background Of Study....................................................................................1
B. Identification Of Problem.............................................................................6
C. Scope Of Study............................................................................................6
D. Problem of Study..........................................................................................7
E. The Objectives of Study................................................................................7
F. Significance of Study....................................................................................8
CHAPTER II.........................................................................................................9
THEORETICAL FRAME WORK......................................................................9
A. Theoretical Foundation.................................................................................9
B. Conceptual Framework..............................................................................26
CHAPTER III......................................................................................................28
RESEARCH METHODS....................................................................................28
A. Action Research Design................................................................................28
B. Place And Time Of Research........................................................................30
C. Population and Samples.................................................................................31
D. Data Collection Technique............................................................................31
E. Research Instruments.....................................................................................32

F. Data Analysis Technique...............................................................................35
CHAPTER IV.......................................................................................................38
RESEARCH RESULTS AND DISCUSSION...................................................38
A. Research Results............................................................................................38
1. Results Pre-action Observation...............................................................38
2. Description of Cycle I Research Results.................................................39
3. Description of Cycle II Research Results................................................44
B. Discussion......................................................................................................51
CHAPTER V........................................................................................................53
CONCLUSIONS AND SUGGESTION.............................................................53
A. Conclusions...................................................................................................53
B. Suggestion......................................................................................................54
Curriculum vitae................................................................................................101


Table 1.Student value data at Mts.S Darul Ilmi.......................................................3

Table 2. Research schedule....................................................................................30
Table 3. Guidelines for Assessment of Observation of Student Activities............32
Table 4.Student Activity Assessment Score..........................................................33
Table 5. Writing Skills Test Assessment Guidelines.............................................34
Table 6. Writing skill value category.....................................................................36
Table 7. Categories of student activity values.......................................................37
Table 8. Pre-treatment writing skill score..............................................................38
Table 9. The score of the writing skills of meeting I Cycle I................................40
Table 10. The score of the writing skills of meeting II Cycle I.............................41
Table 11.The score of the writing skills of meeting III Cycle I.............................42
Table 12. Meeting test results III...........................................................................42
Table 13. The average score of the first cycle of writing skills.............................43
Table 14.Observation scores of students in cycle I................................................44
Table 15.The score of the writing skills of meeting I Cycle II..............................45
Table 16.The score of the writing skills of meeting II Cycle II.............................46
Table 17. The score of the writing skills of meeting III Cycle II..........................46
Table 18.The average score of the second cycle of writing skills.........................48
Table 19.Observation scores of students in cycle II..............................................50


Figure 1.Learning Model.......................................................................................10

Figure 2.Conceptual Framework............................................................................26
Figure 3. Class Action Research Cycle..................................................................28


A. Background Of Study

Language is a symbolic system of sound, abitrer, used by the people to

speak, cooperate, communicate, and to identify,keraf & chaer (2006). In line with

the statement in opinion According to (Richards & rodger, 1986) many people in

various countries use English asa communication tool in key international

meetings. English mastery became essential because nearly all the global sources

of information in various aspects of life used this language. in relation to many of

the people who think English isa difficult language without them knowing the

importance of learning English and what it is that learning English is a major

medium of communication so that the need for language understanding is

essential in social life. In everyday life, language plays a pivotal role in all aspects

of life. With language, one is able to convey purpose and purpose so that

information and messages to others or to society are best conveyed.

The information and message that will be presented must also be fully

mixed in order to make the sense easier for the receiver because the difficulty with

understanding information and the message can result in both interprstasi

differences and comprehension.English was considered the first foreign language

and although formally from the elementary school level to the university. It is

recognized that learning English is not easy for Indonesian students because of the

fact that English and Indonesian are very different in spelling, sound, and

pronunciation, vocabulary or meaning, lexicon and grammar.

In English learning, there are four basic language skills: receptive,

listening (understanding spoken language) and reading (understanding written

language) and productive,speaking and writing skills,ambar wulan sari

(2006).English is the most common language in the world, and it is considered by

the most common people in the world to be the mother tongue. This was the basis

of how important it was to learn English.The English, which isa communications

tool in the age of globalization, is a key to one's success in a promising career in

the future, remembering that communication in particular, language (the

international language) forms a bridge to activity (Sri handayani, vol 3,2016).

The ability to speak English closely with the progress of a country can also

change as their openness for information, gained by the initiative of citizens to get

reliable sources of news, knowledge that knows no bounds to the tendency to

share cultural topics,English is becoming more important in life because it is in

line with the development of science and technology,(Muhammad Hassan 2019).

English is one of the languages that can help us in all of life as

communication, commerce, social, culture, science, education, entertainment and

technology. Recognizing the importance of English in front of obsession, then

learning English should be given and implemented early on. English must be

taught to children at the earliest times in which they can complete it in the current

era of globalization, (rosmen 2021).

Knowing the importance of the current English role, students must be

sufficiently equipped with both oral and written communication skills. Listening,

speaking, reading, and writing are four major language skills. Of all language

skills, writing seems a bit difficult by sisiswa as an ability of language which

requires a high level of ability to express ideas, thoughts, feelings and create

written texts. One area of English learning in the middle school is understanding

and creating functional text and good monologues such as essai in descriptions,

descriptions, narrations, procedures, and reports, (Depdiknas 2006).

Writing skills in English are the most difficult skills, for writing students

must have other skills as components of writing skills such as, vocabulary,

grammar, spelling, and so forth. The use of teaching materials already available at

school sometimes does not match the kontek where students study, for that

requires an English teacher's creativity in creating teaching of one's own

environment and contl teaching and learning (CAR) are deemed appropriate to the

students because CAR focuses learning on the real life of students as school is

more meaningful. Writing articles is the activity of writing something either in a

short form or a long paragraph,(Harmer 2007).argued that writing member of the

student gives more time to think than when speaking. As for the type of writing

may be fiction, reports, essays, editorial, articles, novels, non-fiction, drama,

poetry,(Brown 2007).

The learning method is one important aspect of a learning success. For the

optimum purpose of learning, it requires a variety of support from both inside and

outside learning activities.a smart teacher plays a vital role in creating an

effective and fun learning atmosphere.One is to use appropriate learning methods,

which match both the character and the needs of the students taught in the class.

Moreover, the use of the learning media will also significantly promote the

attainment of school objectives,(2022).

Teaching English as a foreign language is having a problem for an

Indonesian teacher. Many teachers complained about the results of that teaching.

It was found to get worse. This can be proved by the fact that most students

cannot write and read even plain English,yusrah (2019). Based on data school in

MTS.s Darul Ilmi,that many students cannot reach 75 points to minimum.

Table 1.Student value data at Mts.S Darul Ilmi

Value Frequency

40-49 2

50-59 8

60-69 12

70-79 11

80-89 3

This may be caused by teacher techniques and strategies that still

implement traditional methods,which fail to motivate students.The result in

learning processes is that students have bad cognition, poor concentration, and

limited knowledge of writing .Learning is affected by total situation,(Aggarwal

2001).The resistance method is the presentation method in which the teacher gives

a particular task for learners to do learning activities. This method was given

because the perceived material was too much for a little while. Chores may not be

the same as homework, but much broader,(alipandie 1984).The use of resistance

method,is given in the hope that students will have greater learning,(muchlisin


Recitation or assignment methods are learning methods that emphasize

reading,repetition,testing,and examination of oneself through a number of tasks

given by teachers to students outside school hours within a given time and the

results are accountable to teachers for the purpose of encouraging students to be

actively learning both individually and in groups. Duty and ression stimulate

children to actively learn, both individually and collectively. Through students'

resistance methods of opportunity to compare with the results of another's work,

can study and further study the results of another's description. Thus will expand,

enrich and deepen students' knowledge and experience,(djamarah and zain 2010).

Resistance methods are learning methods that combine between

memorization, reading, repetition, testing, and self-examination,(majid 2013).The

zipper learning is proposed to be one of the models that might be able to solve the

talking problem. Ression learning is an integrated teaching and learning model

that creates passionate teachers, involving meaningful classroom and

concentration that results in accelerated student achievement. It is an effective

strategy for class management, attention centered, and motivate students to

increase participation in learning. The situation will motivate students to

concentrate and easier to learn,ambar (wulan sari 2020). In line with the opinion

above acording to Saladin (1987) Resistance methods are more effective when

implemented with the following steps:

1. The task a disciple will do must be clear and explicit, so the student does

not hesitate to do the task.

2. The task assigned should be to the level of developing intelligence as well

as having disciples.

3. Time for the job must be obvious.

4. Establish systematic control, thus encouraging your child to work hard.

5. Assigned assignments should be able to enrich the experience of students

both at home and in the community.

6. Assignments should be able to be helpful for the needs of learners both in

the present and in the future. (saladin 1987).

Resistance method has a positive effect on learning english writing

skill,With the application of this resistance learning method it is hoped that the

quality of the process and result of learning to write world in english lesson can

be improved in connection with this,researcher are interested in conducting class

action research with the formula of the titel “improving student’s writing skill by

using resistance method for eight grade MTs.S Darul Ilmi”.

B. Identification Of Problem

Based on the above background, researchers want to test effectiveness of the

methods of resistance at MTs.S Darul Ilmi,pelawi pangkalan

berandan,kecamatan babalan kabupaten langkat In the eight grade,The research

Found three problems;

1. Lack of interest writing skill for students in learning English

2. The Teacher Uses Too Many Monotonous Methods in teaching


3. The students had difficulty writing English

C. Scope Of Study

Based on the background of the problem and identification of the problem

above, the researcher discusses to use resistance methode in lerning English  with

the aim of solving problems. Researchers will use resistance methode and

combine that with memorization, reading, repetition, testing, and self-

examination for Eight grade students of MTs.S Darul Ilmi.

D. Problem of Study

Based on the problem above, the formulation of the problem in this study is:

1. How does the process of applying resistance methods in English studies

to improving writing skill in classroom eight grade of MTs.S Darul


2. What obstacles are experienced when applying resistance methods to

promote student writing skill in English classe eighth graders of

MTs.S Darul Ilmi.

3. How does student’s learning accomplish after using Resistance methods

in increasing student writing skill English in classroom eighth MTs.S

Darul Ilmi.

E. The Objectives of Study

1. To know the process of implementing resistance methods in engish

writing skill in eight grade MTs.S Darul Ilmi.

2. To know the obstacles encountered when applying resistance methods

to improving writing skill of English in class VIII MTs.S Darul ilmi.

3. To know the results of students' learning after Based on the

formulation of the problem described above, the purpose of this study

is applying resistance methods to improve writing skill of English in

class VIII MTs.S Darul ilmi.

F. Significance of Study

Based on the research objectives described above, the expected results of

this research are theoretical and practical results.

a. Theoretical

1. The study is expected to contribute to schools to improve and

improve implementation in the learning process especially in

English lessons.

2. For researchers, the results of this study can enhance understanding

and experience in analyzing applications of the methods of


b. Practical

1. For students, research results can help students more readily

understand English lessons

2. For teachers, research results can be used as materials to implement

optimum teaching and learning processes and can use resistance

methods to maximize capabilities, understanding and improve

teaching quality in English subjects.



A. Theoretical Foundation

1. Learning Model

Conceptual skeletons Uma toda sugiyono (2011: 60) suggests that "the

framework is a conceptual model of how theory relates to the various

factors that have been identified." The achievements of English learning

are sometimes lower than other subjects. One reason is the teacher, since

the teacher brings out just one "move," that is, lecture. Teachers dare not

attempt to apply any other model or method because teachers feel that

this method of speech is most effective without regard to whether

students understand the material presented, students are not given the

opportunity to question or search for themselves and thus result in

learning achievement (non commissioned) with the research design used

is "one-group prepackaged posttest design. Links between students'

learning results and influences the use of resistance methods can be seen

from the following framework scheme:

Figure 1.Learning Model

English Studies
Writing descriptive text

(curriculum 2013) the learning process is carried out to enable

students in teaching learning activities that is by giving LKS

Result From Learning Analysis

There’s an Effect The Findings No effect


The opinion nurgiyantoro (2001) writing is the activity of

expressing ideas through the medium of language. Writing is a productive

activity and line with this opinion according to The kbbi

writes it just like the writer writes letters. While writing a letter. In an

indirect way we will put our intentions, ideas, opinions and ideas into a

series of sentences. According to (hargrove and pottet) delivered in

abdurahman, where writing is an attempt to describe thoughts, ideas,

feelings in the form of symbols.

Writing is creating letters (Numbers and so forth) by pen or may

also mean giving birth to thoughts, feelings, with writing,dod (2003).in

line with the opinion above according to,darwis (2011),writing is a

language skill, one's ability to express ideas, feelings, and thoughts to

another by using written media.

Writing skills are the ability to put thoughts into the written

language by means of sentences that are whole, complete, and clear

together so that the thoughts can be successfully communicated to the

reader,byrne (1979). Writers tend to think more about what is

communicated. Nevertheless, a writer still has to involve the attention of

readers and listeners to be readers.according to soemarmo markam

(1989:7) who also explains that writing is expressed not only in symbolic

form but also in pictorial form. Writing, according to crimmon (1976:2)

is the activity of digging out thoughts and feelings about a subject,

choosing what to write, deciding how to write it so that the reader can

readily and clearly understand it. In line with the above view, the slamet

(2009:96) argues that writing involves not only bringing to mind or

feeling but also revealing one's ideas, knowledge, knowledge, and life

experience in written language Suriamiharja (1997:2) suggests that

writing produces thoughts and feelings. Writing is the act of

communicating the thoughts, feelings, and will of others. Akkado

(1997:9) also argues that writing isa thought process, beginning with a

thought of what is presented. Writing is a ground for communication that

needs to be equipped with explanatory tools and rules of spelling and


Writing is a difficult and complex skill,heaton (1983:146).

Consistent with the opinion of the slamet (2003:96) that writing skills are

under the control of one after another has mastered language skills. Based

on the above opinions, if a person becomes proficient in writing when he

or she has the ability to master listening, speaking, and reading skills. In

addition to this view, tarigan (1986:3) argues that writing is a language

skill that is used to communicate indirectly and not get face-to-face with

others. Tarigan further explains that writing is an duplicating process,

portraying graphic symbols that represent a language understood by one

person so that others can read the graphic symbolism.

3. Resistance Methode

According to zainal aqid and ali murtadlo (20016: 9) bearorigins from

the Greek "methodos" method of using the method of method or walk.

Thus, a method is a means used to accomplish a set goal. Based on

learning planning, each component has a purposeful dependency. The

learning planning methods are also established by the objectives to be

accomplished. In the learning activity, methods are required for educators

and applications vary according to the goals they want to achieve after the

teaching has ended. murtadlo (2011: 46) explains that learning methods

are procedures, sequences, steps,and the way that educators use to

implement plans that have been devised in real and practical forms of

activities to achieve the purposes of learning.

The method of learning is a knowledge of the ways teaching is

employed by educators. Sudjana (2005: 76) suggests that learning

methods are the way educators use to connect with learners during

learning. It is used in the context of a personalized anatara approach to

the educators and learners to attract and like the material being taught. A

lesson will never work if the learner's level of enthusiasm diminishes.

Both insights suggested by murtadlo and sudjana suggest that method is a

presentation technique preferred by educators to teach or present the

learner's lesson material in the class, Both individually and in groups, so

the lesson materials can be absorbed, understood and used by the learner

well. The better teaching methods, the more effective the attainment of

teaching objectives.

Methods are learning procedures focused on achieving goals. The

sense of entitlement in the large English dictionary is something one must

do or do, a job that one is responsible for. Commission means

commission (to); Process, deed, task or task. According to ramayulis

(2001: 164) ression is a representation or a hoarder of something that has

already been owned, known or learned. This method is often called the

method of housework. According to roestiyah (2002: 47) the tasks

performed by learners can be done in the classroom, in the school yard, in

the laboratory, in the library, in the workshop, or anywhere from which

the task can be completed. Method of recitation according to manshiur

(1996: 110),It is the method of learning that is applied to the educators,

where the educators give a particular task for learners to do learning

activities, then having to make them accountable.

a. Resistance Features.

According to daradjat (2011: 65) the resistance method is a method of

learning that emphasizes on assigning duties by teachers to learners to

accomplish a number of skills, skills. Afterward the results of the

completion of the assignment were accountable to teachers. In carrying

out his education a protege not only finishes at home but also can

complete library, lab, lab, practice room and so on. The above four

Suggestions may be concluded that the method of copying or assigning a

commission is one of the methods of teaching that the educator, in whom

the educator should be working, requires that the learner be active in the

teaching activities and thus be able to complete the tasks assigned by the

educator. These assignments are usually individual, but they can also be

given in groups.

b. Purpose Of The Resistance Method

Traditionally, it was done by educators as classes were not available.

To complete a established teaching plan, learners are given assignments,

working on problems at home. Sometimes it also means that kids don't

play much. According to hamdayama (2014: 185) the assigning of

learning and copying is said to be natural for the purpose of the


1. Deepen the student's understanding of the lesson that has been received

2. To train students to self-study.

3. Students can divide their free time into completing a task.

4. Train students to find proper ways to complete a task on their own.

5. Enriching school experiences through activities outside the classroom.

Djamarah (2013: 85) argues that duty and ression stimulate children

to actively study, both individually and collectively. According to the

opinion expressed, the purpose of the teacher's commission and

participation to the student is that students can be responsible for both

themselves and the group, that students can build close and united

cooperation, Cultivate a student's motivation to be the best. This method

of copying students had the opportunity to compare with the work of

others, being able to study and ponder the results of others' descriptions.

Thus will expand, enrich and deepen students' knowledge and experience.

The ression method is a method that can enable students to learn a

problem by themselves reading, working on their own problems, so that

what they learn they can feel is useful to them and will be remembered

longer. The use of resistance methods, given in the hope that students will

have greater learning.

c. Use Of Resistance Method

Basically the use of the resistance methods in this learning can be

grouped into three types, that is, the methods that can be used in teaching

large classes, small classes and individuals. So, classificationLike this is

still flexible. Zainal aqib and ali murtadlo (2016: 142) believe that this

method of ression is consistent with its weaknesses and weaknesses.

Therefore, educators need to consider the Suggestions for implementing

them as follows.

a) Educators should be able to plan a mature imitation

b) The assignment should be based on the interests and abilities of learners.

c) The assignment relates to the lesson materials that have been given.

d) The kind of duty assigned to the learner should be understood by the

learner, so that the task can be properly accomplished

e) If the assigned task is a group's task, then the task division (assignment

material) must be directed, including the deadline for completion.

f) Educators may assist with the provision of tools and tools needed in the


g) Each learner's work needs to be carefully corrected, graded, and then his or

her papers returned, for stimulation or encouragement.

h) Developing the value of learners' achievements should be recorded on the

educators' value notebooks in order to make their study charts known.

i) The assignment should stimulate the learner's attention and be realistic.

j) Assignments deepen the learner's understanding of the lesson he has


k) The task melatis learners toward learning self-reliant.

l) Learners can divide their time regularly.

m) So that learners can use their free time to complete task 14) the task is to

train learners to find proper ways of doing the job for themselves.

n) Assignments enrich school experiences through activities outside of class.

o) This tode is used by apabilaas: educationensteads hope for more complete

knowledge. Protege wants to activate children in learning a problem by

reading alone or trying on your own.

p) The protege dies dies learning habits and takes free time outside of lesson


4. Application Steps For Learning

The teacher gives the student assignments in hopes that the student

will be willing to learn, the more often the student is given the task and

the more the student studies will be conferral, there are

a. The Conferencing Phase Formulating a Scope and Sequenes With Clarity,

b. Stating the purpose of the task at hand,

c. Putting together a task (group/individual),

d. To explain or brief assignments,

e. Provide guidelines/resources that can help learners work, and

f. impose a time limit on execution

g. The Task Implementation Phase

Providing guidance or supervision in the performance of a task,Providing

motivation or encouragement so that children are willing to work,Providing

needed service,Is worked on or done by the learner himself, is not instructed by

others, and It is encouraged that the learner keep a careful, systematic record of

his achievements.

a. Accountability Phase

Oral or written reporting, action or demonstration,Executing assessments of the

performance of duty,Implement process assessments, execution results,

andDiscuss difficulties that learners cannot resolve during the performance of the

task.But according to shiful bahri and Aswan zain (2013: 86) steps to be followed

in the use of duty methods or reenactment, which is:The phase of administering

tasks given to students must considered steps for educators to go through:

b. Goals to be reached.

the right type of assignment enables a child to understand the purpose.according

to the abilities of the students.there are guidelines that can help students do their

work.allow yourself sufficient time for the task.

c. The performance of the task

1. given supervision by teachers

2. encourage children to work

3. be determined by the student himself, not telling others.

4. it is encouraged that the student record his good, systematic results

d. Answering phase of tasks to be done at this phase:

1. the oral/written student report from what he or she had done.

2. there was a class discussion.

3. assessments of students' work with either tests or nontes or other


According to the above opinion, teachers must observe the steps in

assigning duties to students so that assignments can be completed and

properly accountable to students. Through recitations methods, can help

students become more active and self-reliant in the teaching process, able

to improve the competence employed so as to help with students' interest

in learning.

1. Excess of resistance method

There are several methods of professional ression that

include:matically planned, especially the purpose of the assignment and

the way it is worked.according to zainal aqib and ali murtadlo (2016:144)

some of the advantages used by exploiting methods are as follows:

a. allow learners to learn more

b. cultivate a sense of responsibility

c. strengthen learning motivation

d. establishing a relationship between school and family

e. developing initiative courage

f. lessons are more durable and linger in learners' memories

g. learners learn and develop initiative and self-reliance h) give habit to

discipline and diligence

h. can practice the results of theories or concepts in real life or in society

i. can deepen the survival of learners in certain specialization relevan to

the cbsa

j. encourages learners to learn more, both close to educators and at a time

away from educators, both in school and outside school I) developing a

self-reliance trait in learners

k. more persuasive about what is learned from educators and deepening,

enriching, or broadening our view of material learning

l. build the habit of learners searching for and processing information

and communication on their own

m. the knowledge a learner acquires from his own learning will vary P)

stimulate eagerness to learn learners because they vary in their ability

n. establishing responsibility and discipline of learners s) develops

learners' creativity

according to shiful bahri djamarah and Aswan zain (2013: 87) the


1. Further stimulate students in engaging in individual or group study


2. May develop student self-reliance beyond teacher supervision.

3. In building up students' responsibilities and discipline.

4. May develop student creativity

In line with the opinion above according to mulyani (1999: 152):

1. the conferral method can make an active student study.

2. assignments encourage students to be more likely, both in class and out

of class or in other Settings, either close to the teacher or away from

the teacher.

3. this method can develop the necessary student self-reliance in his or

her life.

4. assignments are more convincing of what a teacher will learn, deepen,

enrich, or broaden his or her view of what he is learning.

5. assignments can build a student's habit of searching for and managing

information and communication on their own.

6. this method can stimulate students to study because they can vary from

one study to another so that they are less boring.

7. this method can build up students' responsibilities and discipline.

8. these methods can foster student creativity

2. lack resistance method

Apart from the advantages of the assignment-given method, the task -

giving method also has some drawbacks in its use. Some of the

weaknesses of this method, such as binvolvement:

In line with the opinion above according to zainal aqib and ali murtadlo


1. it requires close supervision, whether by educators or parents

2. it is difficult to determine whether the task is done by the learner

himself or with the help of others

3. many of the tendency of learners cheat on one another

4. it is rather difficult for students living with less regular families to


5. it can be frustrating to fail to complete a task

6. learners may cheat on assigned tasks because they can be done by

others or copied by others

7. when assignments are given too much, learners may experience

boredom or adversity and this can result in the learner's calm being


8. it is difficult to assign tasks that can meet the character of individual

differences and the interest of each learner

9. the presentation tends to take considerable time and energy and


a. strict surveillance was required, both by educators and parents

1. a student is difficult to control, whether he is doing the job

or someone else.

2. especially for group assignments, it is not uncommon for

those who actively work on and complete them to be

specific members, while others do not participate well.

3. it is not easy to give assignments that match individual

student differences.

4. frequent assignments that watch (invarying) can cause

student boredom.

5. too often a protege runs a scam where the protege just takes

someone else's job and doesn't bother to do it.

6. sometimes others do the job without understanding it.

In view of the a

method, the knowledge acquired by the educated can be remembered

longer because of the results of independent learning and the learners

have the opportunity to cultivate and grow courage in taking initiative,

independence, and responsibility.

The drawback of the resistance method is that a protege might cheat by

copying a copy of his or her friend's resume, since no matter how much

work is done by another person because of lack of supervision and

difficulty in providing a fulfilling assignment.

5. Result From Learning

Learning outcomes are changes in individual behavior which includes the

cognitive, affective, and psychomotor domains. This change in behavior is

obtained after students complete their learning program through interaction with

various learning resources and learning environments rusmono (2017). So from

some of the opinions above it can be concluded that learning outcomes is the

achievement of learning objectives obtained through experience learning that can

be seen from the results of written assessments and non-written assessments

writing that has been done.

6. Resistance method and writing skill relationships

One of the subjects in the middle school was an English subject.

This study is a series of prose, To the material that follows. Are associated

with the purpose and function of English learning. Learn English because

you want to improve your communication. This may be caused by

compound culture, the accents of languages, in our neighborhood. Another

short-term goal is to increase our confidence when it comes to sharing an

opinion in a formal forum. Because English is a patented language into an

international language where every person in the whole world can

communicate with someone who speaks a different language by speaking

English.Enhancing student achievement.

The increasing performance of students' learning is not solely

dependent on the teacher's role as the executor of the learning process. The

effort and hard work of students in the form of response, active roles,

communication, openness to problems and ideas in the learning process

are urgently needed. One of the important things a student has in

improving his learning achievement is the mastery of the learning

materials. Students who have less control of learning materials will have

lower grades than students who control learning materials. To master the

learning materials requires activity of students who need not only

remembering, but more than that, understanding, applying, synthesizing,

and evaluating learning materials. In carrying out the process of English

learning in The class leads to one purpose: the acquisition of learning and


Writing and the use of language in communication is such a simple

process that the key words of success lie in a unified, comprehensive

process of planning, so that in accordance with the very nature of learning

are a behavioral activity (behavioral change), which will be achieved

through the hard work and intelligent effort of anyone involved in the

learning process itself.depdiknas (2003:9). In the development of the

English learning process, it has brought implications for the many tasks

the students have to complete and their completion are done effectively

and efficiently.

B. Conceptual Framework
English Lesson

Lots Of Material But Little Time Allocation


Resistance Method/Assignment


students' perceptions of the resistance

Internal Factors Exsternal Factors
Figure 2.Conceptual Framework

C. Hypothetically

Hypotheses are the temporary answer to the problem of research,

where the formula of research has been expressed in question sentence

(sugiyono, 2019). Hypotheses are a temporary theory that the truth still

needs to be tested (under truth) (arikunto, 2018) hypotheses are the

alternative hypotheses that the author proposes are influential recitations in

the English study of the beautiful unity of class eight grade MTS.s Darul

Ilmi, babalan sub-district,langat district.north sumatra.

Temporary answer to the formulation of the problem, which

questions the effect of predictor factors on the response variable.

Formulation of the problem: Is there any influence between the use of the

resistance method on the English writing ability of Class VIII Students?

Research hypothesis

Ho: There is no effect on the use of the resistation method with the ability of

writing english class VIII students of Mts.S.

Ha: There is an effect on the use of the resistation method with the ability of

writing english class VIII students of MTS.s Darul Ilmi.



A. Action Research Design

The action research design that was employed was classroom action research
because the goal of the research was to improve the writing skills of students.
Kurt Lewin's research model was the classroom action research model employed
in this research. There are four stages in each cycle of the class action research
model developed by Kurt Lewin's: planning, acting , observing, and reflecting.
The cycle model for class action research developed by Kurt Lewin's is depicted
in the following.

Figure 3. Class Action Research Cycle

In this classroom action research, the four stages above are explained in detail

detailed as follows.

1. Planning

The researcher does several things during the planning phase. The first thing
to do is to make a lesson plan (RPP). The researcher consulted with the class
teacher before starting the lesson plan. In addition to making lesson plans,
researchers also prepared the tools needed for the learning process, observation
sheets, and assessment sheets to measure the results of the learning process that
had been implemented.

2. Acting

In conducting classroom action research, the researcher first explains what

activities and how to do them to students. During the research process, researchers
also act as observers or observe students' activities or behavior while in class and
researchers also document the activities carried out.

3. Observing

During the learning process observation activities are carried out. Observation
activities are carried out using observation sheets that have previously been made.
Student behavior is something that is observed during the learning process. The
purpose of observation activities is to learn the advantages and disadvantages of
the actions that have been taken so that they can be used as a basis for reflection.

4. Reflecting

At this reflection stage, the researcher collects data from the actions that have
been taken. to see whether the results of learning and observation achieve success.
if the value has not reached the point of success, then the researcher will continue
to the next cycle and re-plan the preparations, and make a new plan so that the
research can run successfully.

B. Place And Time Of Research

1. Research Place

This class action research was carried out at MTs.S Darul Imi Pelawi

which is located in Pangkalan Berandan for English class VIII semester II

academic year 2022-2023 with a total of 22 students, consisting of 13 male

students and 9 female students.

2. Research time

This research was conducted in the even semester of the 2022/2023

academic year, from January to April 2023. This research was conducted
in January 2023 starting from planning, action, observation and reflection
to data collection. The research time refers to the school's academic
calendar, because classroom action research requires several cycles which
require an effective teaching and learning process in the classroom. In the
following, the researcher provides a more complete description of the
research time in tabular form as follows:

Table 2. Research schedule

No Types of Time
Sept Okt Nop Des Jan Feb Marc Apr Mei

1 Proposal

2 Guidance


3 Instrumentation


4 Proposal

5 Field research

6 Data Retrieval

7 Data Analysis

8 Court at green

C. Population and Samples

1. Populations

The population was an eighth-grade English teacher and an eighth

grader at Mts.S Darul Ilmi Pelawi. The number of students in the eighth
grade was 22 from one class. Then the researchers took the entire VIII
class as an example.
2. Samples
The samples in this research is an application of the method of
resitation to English lessons in the eighth grade Mts.S Darul Ilmi Pelawi
and the factors that influence it. The samples of the research was one
teacher in English and an eighth grader at MTS.s in darul ilmi pelawi. the
entire eighth graders were 36 people from 1 class. the researchers then
took the entire eighth graders as a sample.

D. Data Collection Technique

A data collection technique is an activity that is done to collect data in a

specific way or method. Techniques for gathering data are crucial in research so
that the veracity or trustworthiness of the data is not questioned. Data collection
techniques used by researchers are as follows:

1. Observation
Observation is a data collection technique by doing observation of
measurement targets using guidelines observations that have been prepared

beforehand (Pardjono, et al. 2007). The basis for making observations
includes a list of potential research-related activities. In this study,
observations were made to determine the overall level of student activity
in the process of learning to write using the recitation method. The
researcher records the learning process to present a true picture of the
learning process and to support the observational findings.
2. Test
In this research, the researcher used the test as a measuring tool to
measure the level of writing skills of Grade VIII students at Mts.S Darul
Ilmi Pelawi. The test used is a written test related to the material studied
during the treatment.

E. Research Instruments

Data collection instrument or research instrument is a tool that used to

measure natural phenomena or social phenomena (variables) observed (Sugiyono,
2016). The following are the research instruments used by researchers in this

1. Observation sheet
On the observation sheet, what is observed is student activity.
observations were made by researchers during the learning of writing
skills. The aspects that are in the observation sheet, made in accordance
with the theory of things that need to be observed in the recitation method
by Moejiono & Dimyati (1992/1993). The aspects assessed in the
observation sheet are as follows:

Table 3. Guidelines for Assessment of Observation of Student Activities

No Rated aspect Number of Item

items number
1 Students pay attention to the teacher's 1 1
explanation about writing skills material
2 Students actively ask questions about the 1 2

material what explained
3 Students pay attention to the explanation 2 3,4
about assigned task
4 Students mean it deeply do the tasks given 2 5,6
5 Students are responsible for the assignment 2 7,8
6 Students give a positive response to learning 2 9,10
writing skills

The observation sheet for this study employs a model rating system with
four grading scales. The following student activities are listed by Arikunto (2013),
as for the observation rating score grid :

Table 4.Student Activity Assessment Score

No Description Score
1 Excellent 4
2 Good 3
3 Enough 2
4 Less 1

2. Test
The test given in this study is a form of performance test. This test is
given according to the material provided. The test is given to students after
learning writing skills using the recitation method. The researcher used
assessment writing skill indicators from Brown (2007). The indicators for
assessing students' writing skills tests used by researchers are as follows:

Table 5. Writing Skills Test Assessment Guidelines

Aspect Score Performance Description
The topic is complete and clear and the details
4 are relating to the topic 30
The topic is complete and clear but the details
Content 3 are almost relating to the topic 22,5
(30%) The topic is complete and clear but the details
2 are not relating to the topic 15
The topic is not clear and the details are not
1 relating to the topic 7,5
Identification is complete and description are
4 arrange with proper connectives 20
Identification is almost complete and
description are arrange with almost proper
3 connectives 15
n (20%)
Identification is not complete and description
2 are arrange with few misuse of connectives 10
Identification is not complete and description
1 are arrange with misuse of connectives 5
Very few grammatical or agreement
4 inaccuracies 20
Few grammatical or agreement inaccuracies
Grammar 3 but not affect on meaning 15
(20%) Numerous grammatical or agreement
2 inaccuracies 10
Frequent grammatIcal or agreement
1 inaccuracies 5
4 Effective choice of words and word forms 15
Few misuse of vocabulary, word forms, but not
Vocabulary 3 change the meaning 11,25
(15%) 2 Limited range confusing words and word form 7,5
Very poor knowledge of words, words forms,
1 and not understandable 3,75
It uses correct spelling, punctuation, and
4 capitalization 15
It has occasional errors of spelling,
Mechanics 3 punctuation, and capitalizaion 11,25
(15%) It has frequent errors of spelling, punctuation
2 and capitalization 7,5
It is dominated by errors of spelling,
1 puntuation, and capitalization 3,75
Minimum Sore 25
Maximum Score 100

F. Data Analysis Technique

In analyzing the research data, researchers used quantitative data analysis.

Quantitative research uses numbers as the main data .To determine the average
value of students' writing skills for each cycle and to determine the scores of
observations of students' activities during the learning of writing skills using the
recitation method to students, a quantitative data analysis approach was used. The
data analysis techniques used in processing the data in this study are as follows :

1. Analysis of Test Results

In analyzing data on improving students' writing skills from pre-
treatment to post-treatment from cycle I and cycle II, the researcher used
the following formula:

y 1− y
P= X 100 %

P = Percentage of Student Improvement

y = Pre-Treatment Result
y1 = Post-Treatment Result

In analyzing the test results, the researcher calculated the mean score
of students' writing skills. In finding the mean score of student writing skill
, the researcher used the following formula.

Mx = Mean
X = Individual score
N = Number of Students

After getting the mean score of the students' skills, the researcher
adjusted the scores to the value categories to determine the students'
success in writing skills

Table 6. Writing skill value category


81 - 100 Excellent

71 - 80 Good

61 - 70 Enough

0 - 60 Less
(Source : Badan Standar, Kurikulum, Dan Asesmen Pendidikan Kementrian
Pendidikan, Kebudayaan, Riset, Dan Teknologi Republik Indonesia)

2. Observational Data Analysis

In this data analysis is used to process the data obtained from the student
activity observation sheet. in analyzing the observation data, the researcher uses
the formula from Arikunto (2010) as follows :

The total score obtained

SCORE= X 100
Maximumtotal score

After getting the value results from the acquisition of student activity
observation data, the value is compared with the value criteria from Kusumah &
Dwitagama (2010) to determine the success of the learning process using the
recitation method.

Table 7. Categories of student activity values

No Range Score Category

1. 85 – 100 Excellent
2. 70 – 84 Good
3. 55 – 69 Enough
4. 40 – 54 Less
5. <40 Very less



A. Research Results

1. Results Pre-action Observation

This research begins by observing learning writing skill for VIII

students at MTs.S Darul Ilmi Pelawi. Observation activities conducted on
February 6, 2023. Observation activities were carried out by researchers to
determine writing skill and the process of learning to write by the teacher.
The results of the observation activities are used as a reference for
planning action research. The following are the results of tests carried out
before the treatment (pre-test)

Table 8. Pre-test writing skill score

No Name Score
1 A. Sofvina 45
2 Aidil Abiyansyah 40
3 Annisa Tuzahra 41,25
4 Aril Ardiansyah Bancin 45
5 Deri Bancin 45
6 Dian Dinata 32,5
7 Dimas Pratama 50
8 Faiz Rifqi 53,75
9 Halim Rosyid Siregar 50,75
10 Hidayatun Ridha 46,25
11 Indriyani 41,25
12 Intan Amira 52,5
13 Khairuddin 55
14 Khairunnisa 57,5
15 M. Firza 46,25
16 M. Yusuf 45
17 Nuraini 50
18 Rina Aulia 53,75

19 Rizki Maulana 50
20 Rodiah 50
21 Wafiq Azizah 46,25
22 M. Ilham Nur 50
Total 1047
From the results of these tests, the researcher looked for the average
value of the pre-treatment results as follows:

From these results the average score obtained by students was 47,59.
The value according to the value category is included in the less criteria.
Based on the data obtained from the observation, the researcher reflects
with the class teacher on the learning process that has taken place.
Through reflection activities the researcher found out the cause of the
students' low writing ability, namely the lack of variety of learning
methods used in the learning process. After the reflection activity, the
researcher prepared a lesson plan to increase the average grade VIII
students' writing ability

2. Description of Cycle I Research Results

Cycle I was carried out from Monday, February 13 th 2023, until

Monday February 20th 2023. Three meetings made up Cycle I. Each
meeting's implementation time is adapted to the class timetable. Stages are
completed in cycle I in accordance with the design of previously chosen
research. Below are the steps that were taken during Cycle I.
a) Planning
At this planning stage there are several activities carried out by
researchers. The following are the things that researchers do in the
planning stage:

1) Researcher conduct classroom action research carried out in
learning that includes English subjects, especially learning to
write. At this stage the researcher determine the learning theme
that will be taught at the time of implementation research
related to descriptive text.
2) The researcher makes a lesson plan and tests which are
discussed with the teacher
3) Prepare observation sheets to assess student activity during the
learning process.
b) Action
The implementation of research actions is carried out by
researchers with reference to the learning implementation plans that
have been made. The researcher conducted 3 meetings to carry out the
action. The following are the results of tests conducted at 3 meetings.
1) First meeting

Table 9. The score of the writing skills of meeting I Cycle I

No Name Score
1 A. Sofvina 37,5
2 Aidil Abiyansyah 40
3 Annisa Tuzahra 41,25
4 Aril Ardiansyah Bancin 45
5 Deri Bancin 50
6 Dian Dinata 28,75
7 Dimas Pratama 57,5
8 Faiz Rifqi 53,75
9 Halim Rosyid Siregar 50
10 Hidayatun Ridha 51,25
11 Indriyani 45
12 Intan Amira 52,5
13 Khairuddin 55
14 Khairunnisa 57,5
15 M. Firza 46,25
16 M. Yusuf 45
17 Nuraini 50
18 Rina Aulia 53,75

19 Rizki Maulana 61,25
20 Rodiah 50
21 Wafiq Azizah 53,75
22 M. Ilham Nur 50
Total 1075

2) Second meeting

Table 10. The score of the writing skills of meeting II Cycle I

No Name Score
1 A. Sofvina 50
2 Aidil Abiyansyah 52,5
3 Annisa Tuzahra 53,75
4 Aril Ardiansyah Bancin 48,75
5 Deri Bancin 57,5
6 Dian Dinata 45
7 Dimas Pratama 62,5
8 Faiz Rifqi 57,5
9 Halim Rosyid Siregar 57,5
10 Hidayatun Ridha 55
11 Indriyani 50
12 Intan Amira 57,5
13 Khairuddin 58,75
14 Khairunnisa 61,25
15 M. Firza 50
16 M. Yusuf 53,75
17 Nuraini 58,75
18 Rina Aulia 57,5
19 Rizki Maulana 58,75
20 Rodiah 53,75
21 Wafiq Azizah 57,5
22 M. Ilham Nur 58,75
Total 1216,25

3) Third meeting

Table 11.The score of the writing skills of meeting III Cycle I

No Name Score
1 A. Sofvina 57,5

2 Aidil Abiyansyah 55
3 Annisa Tuzahra 57,5
4 Aril Ardiansyah Bancin 53,75
5 Deri Bancin 61,25
6 Dian Dinata 50
7 Dimas Pratama 66,25
8 Faiz Rifqi 61,25
9 Halim Rosyid Siregar 61,25
10 Hidayatun Ridha 58,75
11 Indriyani 53,75
12 Intan Amira 61,25
13 Khairuddin 57,5
14 Khairunnisa 66,25
15 M. Firza 53,75
16 M. Yusuf 57,5
17 Nuraini 61,25
18 Rina Aulia 61,25
19 Rizki Maulana 61,25
20 Rodiah 57,5
21 Wafiq Azizah 61,25
22 M. Ilham Nur 61,25
Total 1296,25

The results of the research cycle I showed a good increase in the process of
student learning outcomes when learning to write using the experienced recitation
method. the researcher displays the average value of initial writing skills which
increased during cycle I shows this increase more clearly below:

1. Mean Value of Meeting I Cycle I


2. Mean Value of Meeting II Cycle I


3. Mean Value of Meeting III Cycle I


The table below shows the class VIII students at MTs.S. Darul Ilmi Pelawi's
average writing scores for cycle I.

Table 12. The average score of the first cycle of writing skills

g Score Mean
I 48,8636
II 55,2841 54,35606061
III 58,9205

From the table above it can be seen that the average score obtained by students
in writing skills in cycle I was 54,35. When compared with the average value of
the pre-action, which is 47,59 , it means that there is an increase of 6,76.

c) Observation
In observing the learning activities of cycle I students experienced an
increase in survival at each meeting. the results of observing student learning
activities can be seen in the table below:

Table 13.Observation scores of students in cycle I

Meeting I Meeting II Meeting III Cycle I

42,5 52,5 65 53.33

Based on the table above, scores from observations of student activity

in the process learning to write through the recitation method during cycle I
increase. The average score of the results of observations of student activity in the
learning process writing through the recitation method reached 53.33 with the
enough predicate category at cycle I

d) Reflection
Reflection is carried out for review and examine the weaknesses
and strengths in the process learning to write through the method of recitation. By
reflecting, the problems that existed during the research can be identified,
allowing the researcher to adjust the previously planned plans to the conditions. In
order for the next meeting to be better, reflection activities are carried out. The
following are things that must be reflected in the actions of cycle I.

3. Description of Cycle II Research Results

Cycle II is an attempt to fix the problems that exist at the time cycle I is
being implemented. The following are some of the activities completed in cycle
a) Revision and Planning

To get good results, there are still some deficiencies in the implementation
of cycle I that need to be corrected. The following is a plan to increase

1) Researchers set up several assignment kinds so that students don't

become bored with the work but still in line with the goal, which is to
develop students' writing abilities. Making a material summary book
was the assignment for the first meeting of cycle II, arranging random
words into appropriate sentences was the task for the second meeting,
and filling in the gap sentences was the task for the third meeting.

2) Researchers prepare rewards so that students are more enthusiastic and
more active in doing assignments.

b) Treatment / Action Implementation

The researcher conducted cycle II research in three meetings. the
researcher carried out the treatment according to the lesson plan that had been
made. The following are the test results from three meetings during cycle II.
1) First Meeting

Table 14.The score of the writing skills of meeting I Cycle II

No Name Score
1 A. Sofvina 65
2 Aidil Abiyansyah 57,5
3 Annisa Tuzahra 70
4 Aril Ardiansyah Bancin 61,25
5 Deri Bancin 65
6 Dian Dinata 58,75
7 Dimas Pratama 65
8 Faiz Rifqi 66,25
9 Halim Rosyid Siregar 70
10 Hidayatun Ridha 75
11 Indriyani 58,75
12 Intan Amira 62,5
13 Khairuddin 61,25
14 Khairunnisa 66,25
15 M. Firza 62,5
16 M. Yusuf 62,5
17 Nuraini 71,25
18 Rina Aulia 66,25
19 Rizki Maulana 65
20 Rodiah 66,25
21 Wafiq Azizah 71,25
22 M. Ilham Nur 66,25
Total 1433,75

2) Second Meeting

Table 15.The score of the writing skills of meeting II Cycle II

No Name Score
1 A. Sofvina 66,25
2 Aidil Abiyansyah 65
3 Annisa Tuzahra 65
4 Aril Ardiansyah Bancin 68,75
5 Deri Bancin 73,75
6 Dian Dinata 71,25
7 Dimas Pratama 70
8 Faiz Rifqi 73,75
9 Halim Rosyid Siregar 78,75
10 Hidayatun Ridha 70
11 Indriyani 70
12 Intan Amira 71,25
13 Khairuddin 61,25
14 Khairunnisa 75
15 M. Firza 70
16 M. Yusuf 77,5
17 Nuraini 78,75
18 Rina Aulia 66,25
19 Rizki Maulana 70
20 Rodiah 66,25
21 Wafiq Azizah 86,25
22 M. Ilham Nur 75
Total 1570

3) Third Meeting

Table 16. The score of the writing skills of meeting III Cycle II

No Name Score
1 A. Sofvina 75
2 Aidil Abiyansyah 77,5
3 Annisa Tuzahra 70
4 Aril Ardiansyah Bancin 82,5
5 Deri Bancin 75
6 Dian Dinata 87,5
7 Dimas Pratama 75
8 Faiz Rifqi 77,5
9 Halim Rosyid Siregar 75
10 Hidayatun Ridha 82,5

11 Indriyani 70
12 Intan Amira 82,5
13 Khairuddin 77,5
14 Khairunnisa 80
15 M. Firza 72,5
16 M. Yusuf 75
17 Nuraini 77,5
18 Rina Aulia 75
19 Rizki Maulana 82,5
20 Rodiah 70
21 Wafiq Azizah 77,5
22 M. Ilham Nur 82,5
Total 1700

The results of the research during cycle II showed an increase at each meeting, an
increase both in terms of the learning process and also in terms of learning
outcomes. This increase can be seen from the mean value of learning outcomes
during cycle II as follows:
1. Mean Value of Meeting I Cycle II

2. Mean Value of Meeting II Cycle II


3. Mean Value of Meeting III Cycle I


The following is a table of the mean scores for writing skills during the second
cycle of class VIII students at Mts.S Darul Ilmi Pelawi.

Table 17.The average score of the second cycle of writing skills

g Score Mean
I 65,1704
II 71,3636 71,2689
III 77,2727

From the table above it can be seen that the average value of the writing skills
of class VII students at Mts.S Darul Ilmi Pelawi is 71,26. Of course this value has
increased when compared to the average value of the pre-treatment and first cycle,
namely the pre-action average value of 47,59 and the first cycle average value of
54,35. The following bar chart shows the increase in the average value of writing
skills from pre-action to Cycle II.

30 54.35

Apart from showing a chart to show how much the increase is, the
researcher is also looking for the amount of increase from cycle I and
cycle II with the following percent:
1. Cycle I
y 1− y
P= X 100 %
P= X 100 %
P=14,6 %

2. Cycle II
y 1− y
P= X 100 %
P= X 100 %
P=50,3 %
From the results of the percentages above, it can be seen that in cycle I
there was an improvement of 14.6% from the initial results before
treatment. then in cycle II, this improvement increased again to 50.3%,
which means there was an increase of 35.7% from cycle I to cycle II.
c) Observation
Based on the findings of observations made of student activity in cycle
II, students appear to be taking writing instruction using the recitation
technique with a lot of enthusiasm. Students are getting used to learning in
groups. Each member of the group all contributes, and there are no
students who do not contribute. The fact that students carry out their work
systematically and according to the direction of the researcher, has made
the classroom environment very peaceful. Also, neither group took longer
than the allotted time to complete the work. Overall student activity in
cycle two has increased at each meeting. The table below shows the results
of observing student activities in cycle II.

Table 18.Observation scores of students in cycle II

Meeting I Meeting II Meeting III Cycle II
67,5 75 77,5 73,33

Based on the table above, the results of the observations of student

activity as they learned writing skill using the recitation method
throughout cycle II show an improvement. At cycle II, the average score
of the outcomes of observations of student activity in the skills learning
process writing through the recitation method increased by 20 points from
cycle I to 73.33 (good predicate).

d) Reflection
In cycle II, student activity in writing skills using the recitation method
was better than cycle I. This is shown by the increased average observation
value in cycle II, when compared to the average observation value in cycle
I. Even so, there are still some deficiencies in the implementation of cycle
II. The following are some of these drawbacks :
1) Some students are still not listening when researchers are
explaining stuff.
2) When given the chance to ask questions, the majority of students
still feel ashamed.
The results of the analysis and reflection show that each treatment carried out
during cycles I and II had a positive effect. The average value of the writing
ability of class VIII students has reached the success criterion, which is 70. In
addition, the observation value of student activities has also met the success
criteria, namely 70. Therefore, the research can be completed until this cycle, so
there is no need to continue to the next cycle.

B. Discussion
Based on research that has been conducted on class VIII students at Mts.S
Darul Ilmi Pelawi, researchers will describe the results of research on improving
students' writing skills. The research results include data from the learning process
and also data on student learning outcomes from pre-action to cycle II.
Pre-treatment data on the writing abilities of Mts.S Darul Ilmi Pelawi's class
VIII students show that they are still not in the good category. According to the
findings of the pre-action test, the average writing skill score of students was just
47,59, placing them in the "less" category. According to these findings, students'
writing abilities were poor at the time of the pre-action period, and action was
required to improve their writing skill. The researcher's chosen course of action is
to use the recitation method to help the eighth-grade students at Mts.S. Darul Ilmi
Pelawi enhance their writing abilities.
In cycle I, the average value of observing student activity is 58.5 with enough
category. In addition, students' writing skills in cycle I were also better than at
pre-action. This is indicated by the average value of writing skill in the first cycle
of 54,35. The average value of writing skills in the pre-action was 47.59 so that
there was an increase of 6.76 or the same as an improvement of 14.6%.
Student activity and learning outcomes increased during the second cycle of
learning and were higher than pre-action and cycle I. Student activity and learning
outcomes consistently increased at each meeting in cycle II. This can be seen from
the value observation of student activity in cycle II of 70.33 with a good predicate.
When compared with the average value of observing student activity in cycle I of
58.85, which means there is an increase of 11.48. Besides that, in cycle II
students' writing skills also increased gradually at each meeting, with an average
value of 71,26. When compared with the average value of students' writing skills
in cycle I, which is 54,35, this shows an increase of 16,91. In cycle II, there was
an increase in the improvement from the value before giving treatment to cycle II,
which increased by 50.3%.

Based on the research data that has been obtained and what has been described
above, this shows that the recitation method can improve students' writing skills
and also increase the activity of class VIII students at Mts.S Darul Ilmi Pelawi.



A. Conclusions

Based on research and data analysis that has been carried out by researchers, it
can be concluded that the application of the recitation method in an effort to
improve the writing skills of class VIII students at Mts.S Darul Ilmi Pelawi has a
positive effect. The application of the recitation method to improve students'
writing skills not only increases in terms of learning outcomes but also from the
activeness of student learning in class.

The improvement of students' writing skills can be seen from the data that has
been obtained by researchers. In the observation before treatment, the average
value of students' writing skills was 47,59 which was included in the less
category. In cycle I, the average value of students' writing skills increased by 6,76
to 54,35 with a percentage increase of 14.6%. In cycle II, the average score of
students' writing skills increased again by 16,91 to 71,26 with a percentage
increase of 35,7%. With a total increase in overall improvement of 50.3% from
pre-treatment to cycle II. This makes the average value of students' writing skills
which were initially in the less category become the good category. Not only in
terms of improving learning outcomes, but also in terms of active student
learning. Based on observations of student learning activeness in cycle one, the
average value was 58.85 which was included in the sufficient category. In cycle
II, the average value of observing students' activeness was 70.33 which was
included in the good category. From these data it can be concluded that by
applying the recitation method to improving the writing skills of class VIII
students at Mts.S Darul Ilmi Pelawi it was successful.

B. Suggestion

Based on the research results that have been obtained, the researcher provides
the following suggestions:

1. For the teacher

Teachers can use the recitation method to develop and improve their students'
writing skills.

2. For the student

Students are expected to be more courageous in asking the teacher when

something is not understood

3. For the other researcher

Researchers hope this research can be continued and expanded so that it is

better and more useful for the field of education.


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Instrument Pre-test

Name :

Class :

Make a descriptive paragraph, at least 2 paragraphs using the title below !

Title : My favorite animal

Instrument Post-Test
Cycle/Meeting : I/I

Name :

Class :

Choose one of the tourist attractions below and make a descriptive

paragraph, with at least 2 paragraphs !

1. Lake Toba
2. Maimun palace
3. Tangkahan

Instrument Post-Test
Cycle/Meeting : I/II

Name :

Class :

Choose one of the types of people below that you want to write in descriptive
paragraphs, make at least 2 paragraphs !
1. Family Member
2. Artist Favorite
3. Inspiring person

Instrument Post-Test
Cycle/Meeting : I/III

Name :

Class :

Make a descriptive paragraph of at least 2 paragraphs based on the picture

below !

Instrument Post-Test
Cycle/Meeting : II/I

Name :

Class :

Make a descriptive paragraph about your last holiday at least 2 paragraphs!

Instrument Post-Test
Cycle/Meeting : II/II

Name :

Class :

Write the meaning of the song lyrics below and give your opinion about the
song !

Skies are crying

I am watching
Catching tear drops in my hands

Only silence
Has an ending
Like we never had a chance

Do you have to
Make me feel like
There is nothing left of me
You can take everything I have
You can break everything I am
Like I'm made of glass
Like I'm made of paper
Go on and try to tear me down
I will be rising from the ground
Like a skyscraper
Like a skyscraper
As the smoke clears
I awaken
And untangle you from me
Would it make you
Feel better
To watch me while I bleed
All my windows
Still are broken
But I'm standing on my feet
You can take everything I have
You can break everything I am
Like I'm made of glass
Like I'm made of paper
Go on and try to tear me down
I will be rising from the ground
Like a skyscraper
Like a skyscraper

Instrument Post-Test
Cycle/Meeting : II/III

Name :

Class :

Make announcements or notifications related to school activities at least 2


Student Activity Observation Sheet
School name : Mts.S Darul Ilmi

Day/Date : Selasa,28 february 2023

Cycle/Meeting :I/I

Filling Instructions: Put a checklist () on the score according to the aspect that

observed under the following conditions.

4 = Excellent, 3 = Good, 2 = Enough, 1 = Less

No Rated aspect Score

4 3 2 1
1 Students pay attention to the explanation about
writing skill material

2 Students actively ask questions about the material
3 Students pay attention to the explanation about
Assigned task
4 Students answered asking about the clarity of the
task which are given
5 Students mean it deeply do the tasks given
6 Students work on assignments in an orderly
manner according to instructions
7 Students complete the assigned tasks
8 Students work on assignments according to the
time specified has been established
9 Students are happy and enthusiastic in learning
10 Students give the impression of a positive message
on the learning process
Total Score

Total Value



Results of Observation of Student Activity Meeting I Cycle I

Student Activity Observation Sheet

School name : Mts.S Darul Ilmi

Day/Date : Selasa,14 Maret 2023

Cycle/Meeting : I/I

Filling Instructions: Put a checklist () on the score according to the aspect that

observed under the following conditions.

4 = Excellent, 3 = Good, 2 = Enough, 1 = Less

No Rated aspect Score

4 3 2 1

1 Students pay attention to the explanation about 
writing skill material
2 Students actively ask questions about the material 
3 Students pay attention to the explanation about 
Assigned task
4 Students answered asking about the clarity of the 
task which are given
5 Students mean it deeply do the tasks given 
6 Students work on assignments in an orderly 
manner according to instructions
7 Students complete the assigned tasks 
8 Students work on assignments according to the 
time specified has been established
9 Students are happy and enthusiastic in learning 
10 Students give the impression of a positive message 
on the learning process
Total Score 0 6 6 5

Total Value 17
x 100 = 42,5



Results of Observation of Student Activity Meeting II Cycle I

Student Activity Observation Sheet

School name : Mts.S Darul Ilmi

Day/Date : Selasa,25

Cycle/Meeting : I/II

Filling Instructions: Put a checklist () on the score according to the aspect that

observed under the following conditions.

4 = Excellent, 3 = Good, 2 = Enough, 1 = Less

No Rated aspect Score
4 3 2 1
1 Students pay attention to the explanation about 
writing skill material
2 Students actively ask questions about the material 
3 Students pay attention to the explanation about 
Assigned task
4 Students answered asking about the clarity of the 
task which are given
5 Students mean it deeply do the tasks given 
6 Students work on assignments in an orderly 
manner according to instructions
7 Students complete the assigned tasks 
8 Students work on assignments according to the 
time specified has been established
9 Students are happy and enthusiastic in learning 
10 Students give the impression of a positive message 
on the learning process
Total Score 0 12 6 3

Total Value 21
x 100 = 52,5



Results of Observation of Student Activity Meeting III Cycle I

Student Activity Observation Sheet

School name : Mts.S Darul Ilmi

Day/Date :

Cycle/Meeting : I/III

Filling Instructions: Put a checklist () on the score according to the aspect that

observed under the following conditions.

4 = Excellent, 3 = Good, 2 = Enough, 1 = Less

No Rated aspect Score

4 3 2 1
1 Students pay attention to the explanation about 
writing skill material
2 Students actively ask questions about the material 
3 Students pay attention to the explanation about 
Assigned task
4 Students answered asking about the clarity of the 
task which are given
5 Students mean it deeply do the tasks given 
6 Students work on assignments in an orderly 
manner according to instructions
7 Students complete the assigned tasks 
8 Students work on assignments according to the 
time specified has been established
9 Students are happy and enthusiastic in learning 
10 Students give the impression of a positive message 
on the learning process
Total Score 8 6 12 0

Total Value 26
x 100 = 65



Results of Observation of Student Activity Meeting I Cycle II

Student Activity Observation Sheet

School name : Mts.S Darul Ilmi

Day/Date :

Cycle/Meeting : II/I

Filling Instructions: Put a checklist () on the score according to the aspect that

observed under the following conditions.

4 = Excellent, 3 = Good, 2 = Enough, 1 = Less

No Rated aspect Score

4 3 2 1
1 Students pay attention to the explanation about 
writing skill material
2 Students actively ask questions about the material 
3 Students pay attention to the explanation about 
Assigned task
4 Students answered asking about the clarity of the 
task which are given
5 Students mean it deeply do the tasks given 
6 Students work on assignments in an orderly 
manner according to instructions
7 Students complete the assigned tasks 
8 Students work on assignments according to the 
time specified has been established
9 Students are happy and enthusiastic in learning 
10 Students give the impression of a positive message 
on the learning process
Total Score 12 3 12 0

Total Value 27
x 100 = 67,5



Results of Observation of Student Activity Meeting II Cycle II

Student Activity Observation Sheet

School name : Mts.S Darul Ilmi

Day/Date :

Cycle/Meeting : II/II

Filling Instructions: Put a checklist () on the score according to the aspect that

observed under the following conditions.

4 = Excellent, 3 = Good, 2 = Enough, 1 = Less

No Rated aspect Score

4 3 2 1
1 Students pay attention to the explanation about 
writing skill material
2 Students actively ask questions about the material 
3 Students pay attention to the explanation about 
Assigned task
4 Students answered asking about the clarity of the 
task which are given
5 Students mean it deeply do the tasks given 
6 Students work on assignments in an orderly 
manner according to instructions
7 Students complete the assigned tasks 
8 Students work on assignments according to the 
time specified has been established
9 Students are happy and enthusiastic in learning 
10 Students give the impression of a positive message 
on the learning process
Total Score 12 12 6 0

Total Value 30
x 100 = 75



Results of Observation of Student Activity Meeting III Cycle II

Student Activity Observation Sheet

School name : Mts.S Darul Ilmi

Day/Date :

Cycle/Meeting : II/III

Filling Instructions: Put a checklist () on the score according to the aspect that

observed under the following conditions.

4 = Excellent, 3 = Good, 2 = Enough, 1 = Less

No Rated aspect Score

4 3 2 1
1 Students pay attention to the explanation about 
writing skill material
2 Students actively ask questions about the material 
3 Students pay attention to the explanation about 
Assigned task
4 Students answered asking about the clarity of the 
task which are given
5 Students mean it deeply do the tasks given 
6 Students work on assignments in an orderly 
manner according to instructions
7 Students complete the assigned tasks 
8 Students work on assignments according to the 
time specified has been established
9 Students are happy and enthusiastic in learning 
10 Students give the impression of a positive message 
on the learning process
Total Score 12 15 4 0

Total Value 31
x 100 = 77,5



Details of Test Score

Meeting I Cycle I

No Name Aspect Score

Content Organization Grammar y Mechanis
1 A. Sofvina 7,5 5 10 7,5 7,5 37,5
2 Aidil Abiyansyah 15 5 5 7,5 7,5 40
3 Annisa Tuzahra 15 10 5 7,5 3,75 41,25
4 Aril Ardiansyah Bancin 15 5 10 7,5 7,5 45
5 Deri Bancin 15 10 10 7,5 7,5 50
6 Dian Dinata 7,5 5 5 3,75 7,5 28,75
7 Dimas Pratama 22,5 10 10 7,5 7,5 57,5
8 Faiz Rifqi 15 10 10 11,25 7,5 53,75
9 Halim Rosyid Siregar 15 10 10 7,5 7,5 50
10 Hidayatun Ridha 15 15 10 7,5 3,75 51,25
11 Indriyani 15 10 5 7,5 7,5 45
12 Intan Amira 22,5 5 10 7,5 7,5 52,5
13 Khairuddin 15 15 10 7,5 7,5 55
14 Khairunnisa 22,5 10 10 7,5 7,5 57,5
15 M. Firza 15 10 10 7,5 3,75 46,25
16 M. Yusuf 15 5 10 7,5 7,5 45
17 Nuraini 15 10 10 7,5 7,5 50
18 Rina Aulia 15 10 10 11,25 7,5 53,75
19 Rizki Maulana 22,5 10 10 11,25 7,5 61,25
20 Rodiah 15 10 10 7,5 7,5 50
21 Wafiq Azizah 22,5 10 10 7,5 3,75 53,75
22 M. Ilham Nur 15 10 10 7,5 7,5 50
Mean 48,8636

Meeting II Cycle I

No Name Conten Score
t Organization Grammar Vocabulary Mechanis

1 A. Sofvina 15 10 10 7,5 7,5 50
2 Aidil Abiyansyah 22,5 10 5 7,5 7,5 52,5
3 Annisa Tuzahra 22,5 10 10 7,5 3,75 53,75
4 Aril Ardiansyah Bancin 15 5 10 7,5 11,25 48,75
5 Deri Bancin 22,5 10 10 7,5 7,5 57,5
6 Dian Dinata 15 5 10 7,5 7,5 45
7 Dimas Pratama 22,5 15 10 7,5 7,5 62,5
8 Faiz Rifqi 15 10 10 11,25 11,25 57,5
9 Halim Rosyid Siregar 22,5 10 10 7,5 7,5 57,5
10 Hidayatun Ridha 15 15 10 7,5 7,5 55
11 Indriyani 15 10 10 7,5 7,5 50
12 Intan Amira 22,5 10 10 7,5 7,5 57,5
13 Khairuddin 22,5 15 10 7,5 3,75 58,75
14 Khairunnisa 22,5 10 10 7,5 11,25 61,25
15 M. Firza 15 10 10 7,5 7,5 50
16 M. Yusuf 15 10 10 11,25 7,5 53,75
17 Nuraini 15 15 10 7,5 11,25 58,75
18 Rina Aulia 22,5 10 10 7,5 7,5 57,5
19 Rizki Maulana 15 15 10 11,25 7,5 58,75
20 Rodiah 22,5 10 10 7,5 3,75 53,75
21 Wafiq Azizah 22,5 10 10 7,5 7,5 57,5
22 M. Ilham Nur 15 15 10 11,25 7,5 58,75
Mean 55,2841

Meeting III Cycle I

No Name Conten Organizatio Gramma Vocabular Mechani Score
t n r y s

1 A. Sofvina 22,5 10 10 7,5 7,5 57,5
2 Aidil Abiyansyah 15 15 10 7,5 7,5 55
3 Annisa Tuzahra 22,5 10 10 7,5 7,5 57,5
4 Aril Ardiansyah Bancin 15 10 10 7,5 11,25 53,75
5 Deri Bancin 22,5 10 10 7,5 11,25 61,25
6 Dian Dinata 15 10 10 7,5 7,5 50
7 Dimas Pratama 22,5 15 10 11,25 7,5 66,25
8 Faiz Rifqi 22,5 10 10 7,5 11,25 61,25
9 Halim Rosyid Siregar 22,5 10 10 11,25 7,5 61,25
10 Hidayatun Ridha 15 15 10 7,5 11,25 58,75
11 Indriyani 15 10 10 11,25 7,5 53,75
12 Intan Amira 22,5 10 10 7,5 11,25 61,25
13 Khairuddin 22,5 10 10 7,5 7,5 57,5
14 Khairunnisa 22,5 15 10 7,5 11,25 66,25
15 M. Firza 15 10 10 11,25 7,5 53,75
16 M. Yusuf 15 10 10 11,25 11,25 57,5
17 Nuraini 22,5 10 10 7,5 11,25 61,25
18 Rina Aulia 22,5 10 10 11,25 7,5 61,25
19 Rizki Maulana 22,5 10 10 11,25 7,5 61,25
20 Rodiah 22,5 10 10 7,5 7,5 57,5
21 Wafiq Azizah 22,5 10 10 11,25 7,5 61,25
22 M. Ilham Nur 22,5 10 10 7,5 11,25 61,25
Mean 58,9205

Meeting I Cycle II

No Name Conten Organizatio Gramma Vocabular Mechani Score
t n r y s

1 A. Sofvina 22,5 10 10 11,25 11,25 65
2 Aidil Abiyansyah 22,5 10 10 7,5 7,5 57,5
3 Annisa Tuzahra 22,5 10 15 11,25 11,25 70
Aril Ardiansyah
4 Bancin 22,5 10 10 7,5 11,25 61,25
5 Deri Bancin 22,5 10 10 11,25 11,25 65
6 Dian Dinata 15 15 10 7,5 11,25 58,75
7 Dimas Pratama 22,5 10 10 11,25 11,25 65
8 Faiz Rifqi 22,5 15 10 7,5 11,25 66,25
Halim Rosyid
9 Siregar 22,5 15 10 11,25 11,25 70
10 Hidayatun Ridha 22,5 15 15 11,25 11,25 75
11 Indriyani 15 15 10 11,25 7,5 58,75
12 Intan Amira 22,5 15 10 7,5 7,5 62,5
13 Khairuddin 22,5 10 10 11,25 7,5 61,25
14 Khairunnisa 22,5 10 15 7,5 11,25 66,25
15 M. Firza 15 15 10 11,25 11,25 62,5
16 M. Yusuf 15 15 10 11,25 11,25 62,5
17 Nuraini 22,5 15 15 7,5 11,25 71,25
18 Rina Aulia 22,5 15 10 11,25 7,5 66,25
19 Rizki Maulana 22,5 10 10 11,25 11,25 65
20 Rodiah 22,5 15 10 11,25 7,5 66,25
21 Wafiq Azizah 22,5 15 15 11,25 7,5 71,25
22 M. Ilham Nur 22,5 15 10 7,5 11,25 66,25
Mean 5

Meeting II Cycle II

No Name Aspect Score

Conten Organizatio Gramma Vocabular Mechani
t n r y s
1 A. Sofvina 22,5 15 10 7,5 11,25 66,25
2 Aidil Abiyansyah 22,5 10 10 11,25 11,25 65
3 Annisa Tuzahra 22,5 10 10 11,25 11,25 65
Aril Ardiansyah
4 Bancin 22,5 10 10 11,25 15 68,75
5 Deri Bancin 22,5 15 10 11,25 15 73,75
6 Dian Dinata 22,5 15 15 7,5 11,25 71,25
7 Dimas Pratama 22,5 15 10 11,25 11,25 70
8 Faiz Rifqi 22,5 15 10 11,25 15 73,75
9 Halim Rosyid Siregar 30 15 15 11,25 7,5 78,75
10 Hidayatun Ridha 22,5 15 10 11,25 11,25 70
11 Indriyani 22,5 15 10 11,25 11,25 70
12 Intan Amira 22,5 15 15 11,25 7,5 71,25
13 Khairuddin 22,5 10 10 11,25 7,5 61,25
14 Khairunnisa 22,5 15 15 7,5 15 75
15 M. Firza 22,5 15 10 11,25 11,25 70
16 M. Yusuf 30 15 10 11,25 11,25 77,5
17 Nuraini 22,5 15 15 11,25 15 78,75
18 Rina Aulia 22,5 15 10 11,25 7,5 66,25
19 Rizki Maulana 22,5 15 10 11,25 11,25 70
20 Rodiah 22,5 10 15 11,25 7,5 66,25
21 Wafiq Azizah 30 15 15 11,25 15 86,25
22 M. Ilham Nur 22,5 15 15 11,25 11,25 75
Mean 71,3636

Meeting III Cycle II

No Name Conten Organizatio Gramma Vocabular Mechani Score
t n r y s
1 A. Sofvina 22,5 15 15 11,25 11,25 75
2 Aidil Abiyansyah 30 15 10 11,25 11,25 77,5
3 Annisa Tuzahra 22,5 15 10 11,25 11,25 70
4 Aril Ardiansyah Bancin 30 15 15 11,25 11,25 82,5
5 Deri Bancin 22,5 15 15 11,25 11,25 75
6 Dian Dinata 30 20 15 11,25 11,25 87,5
7 Dimas Pratama 22,5 20 10 11,25 11,25 75
8 Faiz Rifqi 30 15 10 11,25 11,25 77,5
9 Halim Rosyid Siregar 22,5 15 15 11,25 11,25 75
10 Hidayatun Ridha 30 15 15 11,25 11,25 82,5
11 Indriyani 22,5 15 10 11,25 11,25 70
12 Intan Amira 30 15 15 11,25 11,25 82,5
13 Khairuddin 30 15 10 11,25 11,25 77,5
14 Khairunnisa 22,5 20 15 11,25 11,25 80
15 M. Firza 30 10 10 11,25 11,25 72,5
16 M. Yusuf 22,5 15 15 11,25 11,25 75
17 Nuraini 30 15 10 11,25 11,25 77,5
18 Rina Aulia 22,5 15 15 11,25 11,25 75
19 Rizki Maulana 30 20 10 11,25 11,25 82,5
20 Rodiah 22,5 10 15 11,25 11,25 70
21 Wafiq Azizah 30 10 15 11,25 11,25 77,5
22 M. Ilham Nur 30 15 15 11,25 11,25 82,5
Mean 77,2727


No Name Conten Organizatio Gramma Vocabular Mechani Score
t n r y s
1 A. Sofvina 15 10 5 7,5 7,5 45
2 Aidil Abiyansyah 15 5 5 7,5 7,5 40
3 Annisa Tuzahra 15 10 5 7,5 3,75 41,25
4 Aril Ardiansyah Bancin 15 5 10 7,5 7,5 45
5 Deri Bancin 15 10 5 7,5 7,5 45
6 Dian Dinata 7,5 5 5 7,5 7,5 32,5
7 Dimas Pratama 15 10 10 7,5 7,5 50
8 Faiz Rifqi 15 10 10 11,25 7,5 53,75
9 Halim Rosyid Siregar 15 15 10 7,5 3,25 50,75
10 Hidayatun Ridha 15 10 10 7,5 3,75 46,25
11 Indriyani 15 10 5 7,5 3,75 41,25
12 Intan Amira 22,5 5 10 7,5 7,5 52,5
13 Khairuddin 15 15 10 7,5 7,5 55
14 Khairunnisa 22,5 10 10 7,5 7,5 57,5
15 M. Firza 15 10 10 7,5 3,75 46,25
16 M. Yusuf 15 5 10 7,5 7,5 45
17 Nuraini 15 10 10 7,5 7,5 50
18 Rina Aulia 15 10 10 7,5 11,25 53,75
19 Rizki Maulana 15 10 10 7,5 7,5 50
20 Rodiah 15 10 10 7,5 7,5 50
21 Wafiq Azizah 15 10 10 7,5 3,75 46,25
22 M. Ilham Nur 15 10 10 7,5 7,5 50
Mean 47,5909


Education Unit : Mts.S Darul Ilmi

Class/Semester : VIII/II

Topic : Descriptive Text about Place

Skills : Writing

Time Duration : 60 minutes

Cycle/Meeting : I/I

A. Competency standards
Expressing meaning in written functional texts and simple short essays
descriptive to interact with the environment.
B. Basic competencies
Expressing meaning and rhetorical steps in simple short essays using a variety
of written language accurately,fluently and acceptably to interact with the
surrounding environment in the form of descriptive text.
C. Indicator
1. Identify the use of the simple present tense in the text descriptive
2. Describe the place according to its characteristics with the correct
language in the text descriptive
3. Make simple short essays in the form of descriptive text
D. Learning Objectives
1. Using the simple present tense in the text descriptive
2. Describe the place according to its characteristics with the correct
language in the text descriptive
3. Make simple short essays in the form of descriptive text
Learning Approach: Scientific.
Learning Model : cooperative learning
Learning Methods: recitation, simulation, discussion, question and answer,
and discourse

Learning Steps

Activity Activity Description
1. The researcher enters the class with a greeting and
Introduction starts the class with a prayer 5 minutes
2. The researcher checks the attendance of students

3. The researcher introducing the subject of what they
will study today
1. The researcher explains about Tourist attractions use
descriptive text
2. The researcher gives an example of how to describe
a place in writing by using good and correct sentences
3. Researcher and students mention tourist attractions
that exist or have been visited
4. The researcher gave an example of writing about
tourist attractions and together with the students
identified errors in the writing
5. The researcher asks students to do the assignments
on the question sheet given about explaining tourist
attractions in accordance with the provisions of writing
Core activities
6. Students are given the opportunity to ask if there are 45 minutes
difficulties encountered
7. After students have finished working on the task,
students asked to come to the front of the class to
take responsibility for assigned tasks done
8. Students in the class are guided by researchers to
conduct discussions about the results of work on
assignments that are read in front of the class
9. Students who have advanced to the front of the class
get a reward from the researcher
1. Researcher and students review the material that has
been studied
2. Students explain the meaning of what can be taken
Closing 10 minutes
from learning
3. The researcher ended the lesson by greeting and


Indicators of Competence Assessmen Instrument'

Achievement t technique s Shape Instrument / question
Make short essays in the form of Make a descriptive text about
descriptive text Written test Essay tourist attractions

Rubric Assesment

Aspect Score Performance Description
Content 4 The topic is complete and clear and the details 30
(30%) are relating to the topic

The topic is complete and clear but the details
3 are almost relating to the topic 22,5
The topic is complete and clear but the details
2 are not relating to the topic 15
The topic is not clear and the details are not
1 relating to the topic 7,5
Identification is complete and description are
4 arrange with proper connectives 20
Identification is almost complete and
description are arrange with almost proper
3 connectives 15
n (20%)
Identification is not complete and description
2 are arrange with few misuse of connectives 10
Identification is not complete and description
1 are arrange with misuse of connectives 5
Very few grammatical or agreement
4 inaccuracies 20
Few grammatical or agreement inaccuracies
Grammar 3 but not affect on meaning 15
(20%) Numerous grammatical or agreement
2 inaccuracies 10
Frequent grammatIcal or agreement
1 inaccuracies 5
4 Effective choice of words and word forms 15
Few misuse of vocabulary, word forms, but not
Vocabulary 3 change the meaning 11,25
(15%) 2 Limited range confusing words and word form 7,5
Very poor knowledge of words, words forms,
1 and not understandable 3,75
It uses correct spelling, punctuation, and
4 capitalization 15
It has occasional errors of spelling,
Mechanics 3 punctuation, and capitalizaion 11,25
(15%) It has frequent errors of spelling, punctuation
2 and capitalization 7,5
It is dominated by errors of spelling,
1 puntuation, and capitalization 3,75
Minimum Sore 25
Maximum Score 100
Pangkalan Brandan, …….



Education Unit : Mts.S Darul Ilmi

Class/Semester : VIII/II

Topic : Descriptive Text about People

Skills : Writing

Time Duration : 60 minutes

Cycle/Meeting : I/II

A. Competency standards
Expressing meaning in written functional texts and simple short essays
descriptive to interact with the environment.
B. Basic competencies
Expressing meaning and rhetorical steps in simple short essays using a variety
of written language accurately,fluently and acceptably to interact with the
surrounding environment in the form of descriptive text.
C. Indicator
1. Identify the use of the simple present tense in the text descriptive
2. Describe the place according to its characteristics with the correct
language in the text descriptive
3. Make simple short essays in the form of descriptive text
D. Learning Objectives
1. Using the simple present tense in the text descriptive
2. Describe the place according to its characteristics with the correct
language in the text descriptive
3. Make simple short essays in the form of descriptive text
Learning Approach: Scientific.
Learning Model : cooperative learning
Learning Methods: recitation, simulation, discussion, question and answer,
and discourse

Learning Steps

Activity Activity Description
1. The researcher enters the class with a greeting and
Introduction starts the class with a prayer 5 minutes
2. The researcher checks the attendance of students

3. The researcher introducing the subject of what they
will study today
1. The researcher explains about descriptive text about
2. The researcher gives an example of how to describe
a people in writing by using good and correct
3. Students together with the researcher mention what
are the characteristics of people
4. The researcher gave an example of writing about
people and together with the students identified errors
in the writing
5. The researcher asks students to do the assignments
on the question sheet given about explaining people in
Core activities accordance with the provisions of writing
45 minutes
6. Students are given the opportunity to ask if there are
difficulties encountered
7. After students have finished working on the task,
students asked to come to the front of the class to
take responsibility for assigned tasks done
8. Students in the class are guided by researchers to
conduct discussions about the results of work on
assignments that are read in front of the class
9. Students who have advanced to the front of the class
get a reward from the researcher
1. Researcher and students review the material that has
been studied
2. Students explain the meaning of what can be taken
Closing 10 minutes
from learning
3. The researcher ended the lesson by greeting and

Indicators of Competence Assessment Instrument's Instrument /

Achievement technique Shape question
Make short essays in the form of Make a descriptive
descriptive text Written test Essay text about people
Rubric Assesment

Aspect Score Performance Description
The topic is complete and clear and the details
4 are relating to the topic 30
The topic is complete and clear but the details
3 are almost relating to the topic 22,5
2 The topic is complete and clear but the details 15

are not relating to the topic
The topic is not clear and the details are not
1 relating to the topic 7,5
Identification is complete and description are
4 arrange with proper connectives 20
Identification is almost complete and
description are arrange with almost proper
3 connectives 15
n (20%)
Identification is not complete and description
2 are arrange with few misuse of connectives 10
Identification is not complete and description
1 are arrange with misuse of connectives 5
Very few grammatical or agreement
4 inaccuracies 20
Few grammatical or agreement inaccuracies
Grammar 3 but not affect on meaning 15
(20%) Numerous grammatical or agreement
2 inaccuracies 10
Frequent grammatIcal or agreement
1 inaccuracies 5
4 Effective choice of words and word forms 15
Few misuse of vocabulary, word forms, but not
Vocabulary 3 change the meaning 11,25
(15%) 2 Limited range confusing words and word form 7,5
Very poor knowledge of words, words forms,
1 and not understandable 3,75
It uses correct spelling, punctuation, and
4 capitalization 15
It has occasional errors of spelling,
Mechanics 3 punctuation, and capitalizaion 11,25
(15%) It has frequent errors of spelling, punctuation
2 and capitalization 7,5
It is dominated by errors of spelling,
1 puntuation, and capitalization 3,75
Minimum Sore 25
Maximum Score 100
Pangkalan Brandan, ……..



Education Unit : Mts.S Darul Ilmi

Class/Semester : VIII/II

Topic : Descriptive Text about Picture

Skills : Writing

Time Duration : 60 minutes

Cycle/Meeting : I/III

A. Competency standards
Expressing meaning in written functional texts and simple short essays
descriptive to interact with the environment.
B. Basic competencies
Expressing meaning and rhetorical steps in simple short essays using a variety
of written language accurately,fluently and acceptably to interact with the
surrounding environment in the form of descriptive text.
C. Indicator
1. Identify the use of the simple present tense in the text descriptive
2. Describe the place according to its characteristics with the correct
language in the text descriptive
3. Make simple short essays in the form of descriptive text
D. Learning Objectives
1. Using the simple present tense in the text descriptive
2. Describe the place according to its characteristics with the correct
language in the text descriptive
3. Make simple short essays in the form of descriptive text
Learning Approach: Scientific.
Learning Model : cooperative learning
Learning Methods: recitation, simulation, discussion, question and answer,
and discourse

Learning Steps

Activity Activity Description
1. The researcher enters the class with a greeting and
Introduction starts the class with a prayer 5 minutes
2. The researcher checks the attendance of students

3. The researcher introducing the subject of what they
will study today
1. The researcher explains about descriptive text about
2. The researcher gives an example of how to describe
a picture in writing by using good and correct
3. The researcher gives an example of a picture, and
the researcher and the students mention what things
are in the picture
4. The researcher gives students an example text about
pictures and asks students to observe the text
5. The researcher asks students to do the assignments
on the question sheet given about explaining picture in
accordance with the provisions of writing
6. Students are given the opportunity to ask if there are
Core activities
difficulties encountered
7. After students have finished working on the task, 45 minutes
students asked to come to the front of the class to
take responsibility for assigned tasks done
8. Students in the class are guided by researchers to
conduct discussions about the results of work on
assignments that are read in front of the class
9. Students who have advanced to the front of the class
get a reward from the researcher
1. Researcher and students review the material that has
been studied
2. Students explain the meaning of what can be taken
Closing 10 minutes
from learning
3. The researcher ended the lesson by greeting and

Indicators of Competence Assessment Instrument's Instrument /

Achievement technique Shape question
Make short essays in the form of Make a descriptive
descriptive text Written test Essay text about picture
Rubric Assesment

Aspect Score Performance Description
The topic is complete and clear and the details
4 are relating to the topic 30
The topic is complete and clear but the details
3 are almost relating to the topic 22,5
2 The topic is complete and clear but the details 15

are not relating to the topic
The topic is not clear and the details are not
1 relating to the topic 7,5
Identification is complete and description are
4 arrange with proper connectives 20
Identification is almost complete and
description are arrange with almost proper
3 connectives 15
n (20%)
Identification is not complete and description
2 are arrange with few misuse of connectives 10
Identification is not complete and description
1 are arrange with misuse of connectives 5
Very few grammatical or agreement
4 inaccuracies 20
Few grammatical or agreement inaccuracies
Grammar 3 but not affect on meaning 15
(20%) Numerous grammatical or agreement
2 inaccuracies 10
Frequent grammatIcal or agreement
1 inaccuracies 5
4 Effective choice of words and word forms 15
Few misuse of vocabulary, word forms, but not
Vocabulary 3 change the meaning 11,25
(15%) 2 Limited range confusing words and word form 7,5
Very poor knowledge of words, words forms,
1 and not understandable 3,75
It uses correct spelling, punctuation, and
4 capitalization 15
It has occasional errors of spelling,
Mechanics 3 punctuation, and capitalizaion 11,25
(15%) It has frequent errors of spelling, punctuation
2 and capitalization 7,5
It is dominated by errors of spelling,
1 puntuation, and capitalization 3,75
Minimum Sore 25
Maximum Score 100
Pangkalan Brandan, ……..



Education Unit : Mts.S Darul Ilmi

Class/Semester : VIII/II

Topic : Recount Text

Skills : Writing

Time Duration : 60 minutes

Cycle/Meeting : II/I

A. Competency standards
Understanding the purpose, structure of the text and linguistic elements of the
recount text about experiences/activities/events/events, very short and simple.
B. Basic competencies
Capturing meaning in spoken and written recount texts is very short and
C. Indicator
1. Identify the function and purpose of recount text
2. identify linguistic elements of recount text
3. Compose a recount text based on personal experience or a historical
event with the correct text structure and linguistic elements
D. Learning Objectives
1. Students can identify the function and purpose of recount text
2. Students can identify the linguistic elements of recount text
3. Students can compose recount texts based on personal experience or
historical events with the correct text structure and linguistic elements
Learning Approach: Scientific.
Learning Model : cooperative learning
Learning Methods: recitation, simulation, discussion, question and answer,
and discourse

Learning Steps

Activity Activity Description
1. The researcher enters the class with a greeting and
starts the class with a prayer
Introduction 5 minutes
2. The researcher checks the attendance of students
3. The researcher introducing the subject of what they

will study today
1. The researcher explains about recount text
2. The researcher gives an example of how to retell an
incident or past event in writing using good and correct
3. The researcher gave an example of a past holiday
story, then the researcher and the students identified
the story
4. The researcher and the students mentioned where
the students' last holidays were
5. The researcher asks students to do the assignments
on the question sheet given about explaining their last
holiday in accordance with the provisions of writing
6. Students are given the opportunity to ask if there are
difficulties encountered
7. After students have finished working on the task,
students asked to come to the front of the class to
Core activities take responsibility for assigned tasks done 45 minutes
8. Students in the class are guided by researchers to
conduct discussions about the results of work on
assignments that are read in front of the class
9. Students who have advanced to the front of the class
get a reward from the researcher
1. Researcher and students review the material that has
been studied
2. Students explain the meaning of what can be taken
Closing 10 minutes
from learning
3. The researcher ended the lesson by greeting and

Indicators of Competence Assessment Instrument's

Achievement technique Shape Instrument / question
Make short essays in the form of Make a recount text
recount text Written test Essay about last holiday
Rubric Assesment

Aspect Score Performance Description
Content The topic is complete and clear and the details
(30%) 4 are relating to the topic 30
The topic is complete and clear but the details
3 are almost relating to the topic 22,5
2 The topic is complete and clear but the details 15
are not relating to the topic

The topic is not clear and the details are not
1 relating to the topic 7,5
Identification is complete and description are
4 arrange with proper connectives 20
Identification is almost complete and
description are arrange with almost proper
3 connectives 15
n (20%)
Identification is not complete and description
2 are arrange with few misuse of connectives 10
Identification is not complete and description
1 are arrange with misuse of connectives 5
Very few grammatical or agreement
4 inaccuracies 20
Few grammatical or agreement inaccuracies
Grammar 3 but not affect on meaning 15
(20%) Numerous grammatical or agreement
2 inaccuracies 10
Frequent grammatIcal or agreement
1 inaccuracies 5
4 Effective choice of words and word forms 15
Few misuse of vocabulary, word forms, but not
Vocabulary 3 change the meaning 11,25
(15%) 2 Limited range confusing words and word form 7,5
Very poor knowledge of words, words forms,
1 and not understandable 3,75
It uses correct spelling, punctuation, and
4 capitalization 15
It has occasional errors of spelling,
Mechanics 3 punctuation, and capitalizaion 11,25
(15%) It has frequent errors of spelling, punctuation
2 and capitalization 7,5
It is dominated by errors of spelling,
1 puntuation, and capitalization 3,75
Minimum Sore 25
Maximum Score 100
Pangkalan Brandan, ……..



Education Unit : Mts.S Darul Ilmi

Class/Semester : VIII/II

Topic : Song Lyric

Skills : Writing

Time Duration : 60 minutes

Cycle/Meeting : II/II

A. Competency standards
Interpreting social functions and linguistic elements in the lyrics songs related
to teenage life SMP/MTs.
B. Basic competencies
Capturing meaning contextual related to social functions and elements related
song lyrics
life of junior high school / MTs.
C. Indicator
1. Identify the meaning of the lyrics song.
2. Identify meaning in song.
D. Learning Objectives
1. Students can identify the meaning of the lyrics of the song.
2. Students can identify the meaning in the song.
Learning Approach: Scientific.
Learning Model : cooperative learning
Learning Methods: recitation, simulation, discussion, question and answer,
and discourse

Learning Steps

Activity Activity Description
1. The researcher enters the class with a greeting and
starts the class with a prayer
Introduction 2. The researcher checks the attendance of students 5 minutes
3. The researcher introducing the subject of what they
will study today
1. The researcher explains about song lyric
2. The researcher gave an example of how to know the

meaning of a song
3. The researcher gave the students an example of song
lyrics, and the researcher and the students identified
the song to find out its meaning
4. The researcher asks students to do the assignments
on the question sheet given about search for the
meaning of the song lyrics in accordance with the
provisions of writing
5. Students are given the opportunity to ask if there are
difficulties encountered
6. After students have finished working on the task,
students asked to come to the front of the class to
take responsibility for assigned tasks done
7. Students in the class are guided by researchers to
conduct discussions about the results of work on
assignments that are read in front of the class
8. Students who have advanced to the front of the class
get a reward from the researcher
Core activities 1. Researcher and students review the material that has 45 minutes
been studied
2. Students explain the meaning of what can be taken
Closing 10 minutes
from learning
3. The researcher ended the lesson by greeting and

Indicators of Competence Assessment Instrument's

Achievement technique Shape Instrument / question
Write a short essay
about the meaning
Make short essays in the form of contained in the song
song lyrics Written test Essay lyrics
Rubric Assesment

Aspect Score Performance Description
The topic is complete and clear and the details
4 are relating to the topic 30
The topic is complete and clear but the details
Content 3 are almost relating to the topic 22,5
(30%) The topic is complete and clear but the details
2 are not relating to the topic 15
The topic is not clear and the details are not
1 relating to the topic 7,5
Organizatio 4 Identification is complete and description are 20
n (20%) arrange with proper connectives

Identification is almost complete and
description are arrange with almost proper
3 connectives 15
Identification is not complete and description
2 are arrange with few misuse of connectives 10
Identification is not complete and description
1 are arrange with misuse of connectives 5
Very few grammatical or agreement
4 inaccuracies 20
Few grammatical or agreement inaccuracies
Grammar 3 but not affect on meaning 15
(20%) Numerous grammatical or agreement
2 inaccuracies 10
Frequent grammatIcal or agreement
1 inaccuracies 5
4 Effective choice of words and word forms 15
Few misuse of vocabulary, word forms, but not
Vocabulary 3 change the meaning 11,25
(15%) 2 Limited range confusing words and word form 7,5
Very poor knowledge of words, words forms,
1 and not understandable 3,75
It uses correct spelling, punctuation, and
4 capitalization 15
It has occasional errors of spelling,
Mechanics 3 punctuation, and capitalizaion 11,25
(15%) It has frequent errors of spelling, punctuation
2 and capitalization 7,5
It is dominated by errors of spelling,
1 puntuation, and capitalization 3,75
Minimum Sore 25
Maximum Score 100
Pangkalan Brandan, ……..



Education Unit : Mts.S Darul Ilmi

Class/Semester : VIII/II

Topic : Announcement/notice

Skills : Writing

Time Duration : 60 minutes

Cycle/Meeting : II/III

A. Competency standards
Comparing social functions,text structure, and elements language of some
texts specifically in message form abbreviations and
announcements/notification (notification), by giving and request related
information school activities, accordingly
with context its use
B. Basic competencies
Compose custom text in form of short messages and
announcement/notification (notice), very short and simple, related activities
school, with Pay attention to social functions text structure, and elements
language, correctly and according to context
C. Indicator
1. Identify functions announcement/notification
2. Identifying information details contained in
3. Write announcements and notification based given context.
D. Learning Objectives
1. Student can Identify functions announcement/notification
2. Student can Identifying information details contained in
3. Student can write announcements and notification based given

Learning Approach: Scientific.
Learning Model : cooperative learning
Learning Methods: recitation, simulation, discussion, question and answer,
and discourse

Learning Steps

Activity Activity Description
1. The researcher enters the class with a greeting and
starts the class with a prayer
Introduction 2. The researcher checks the attendance of students 5 minutes
3. The researcher introducing the subject of what they
will study today
1. The researcher explains about
2. The researcher gave an example of
3. Researchers provide examples of announcements
/notifications to students, then researchers with
students identify these announcements or notifications
for the linguistic elements in them
4. The researcher asks students to do the assignments
on the question sheet given about announcement /
notification in accordance with the provisions of
5. Students are given the opportunity to ask if there are
difficulties encountered
6. After students have finished working on the task,
students asked to come to the front of the class to
Core activities take responsibility for assigned tasks done 45 minutes
7. Students in the class are guided by researchers to
conduct discussions about the results of work on
assignments that are read in front of the class
8. Students who have advanced to the front of the class
get a reward from the researcher
1. Researcher and students review the material that has
been studied
2. Students explain the meaning of what can be taken
Closing 10 minutes
from learning
3. The researcher ended the lesson by greeting and


Indicators of Competence Assessment Instrument's

Achievement technique Shape Instrument / question
Write a short essay on
Make short essays in the form of school-related
announcement/ notification Written test Essay announcements/notices

Rubric Assesment

Aspect Score Performance Description
The topic is complete and clear and the details
4 are relating to the topic 30
The topic is complete and clear but the details
Content 3 are almost relating to the topic 22,5
(30%) The topic is complete and clear but the details
2 are not relating to the topic 15
The topic is not clear and the details are not
1 relating to the topic 7,5
Identification is complete and description are
4 arrange with proper connectives 20
Identification is almost complete and
description are arrange with almost proper
3 connectives 15
n (20%)
Identification is not complete and description
2 are arrange with few misuse of connectives 10
Identification is not complete and description
1 are arrange with misuse of connectives 5
Very few grammatical or agreement
4 inaccuracies 20
Few grammatical or agreement inaccuracies
Grammar 3 but not affect on meaning 15
(20%) Numerous grammatical or agreement
2 inaccuracies 10
Frequent grammatIcal or agreement
1 inaccuracies 5
4 Effective choice of words and word forms 15
Few misuse of vocabulary, word forms, but not
Vocabulary 3 change the meaning 11,25
(15%) 2 Limited range confusing words and word form 7,5
Very poor knowledge of words, words forms,
1 and not understandable 3,75
It uses correct spelling, punctuation, and
4 capitalization 15
It has occasional errors of spelling,
Mechanics 3 punctuation, and capitalizaion 11,25
(15%) It has frequent errors of spelling, punctuation
2 and capitalization 7,5
It is dominated by errors of spelling,
1 puntuation, and capitalization 3,75

Minimum Sore 25
Maximum Score 100

Pangkalan Brandan, ……..


Curriculum vitae

IRHAMNI, Born in Langkat Regency, precisely in Securai Village, Babalan
District, on Wednesday, February 21, 2001. The first of four children, the couple
from Sutrisno and Zuraidah Hasibuan. The researcher completed his education at
elementary school at Securai 1 public elementary school in Babalan sub-district,
Langkat Regency in 2013. That same year the researcher continued his education
at Mts.S Al-ikhwan, Tanjung Pura sub-district and graduated in 2016 then
continued to high school at Ma Negri 2 in 2016 and finished in 2019. In 2019
researchers continued their education at private tertiary institutions, to be precise
at the Al-Maksum Teaching and Education College (STKIP) English Language
Education Study Program (PBI). researchers completed undergraduate studies
(S1) at the AL-MAksum College of Teaching and Education (STKIP).


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