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Significance of Sonographic Subcentimeter, Subpleural Consolidations in
Pediatric Patients Evaluated for Pneumonia
Cynthia A. Gravel, MD, Mark I. Neuman, MD, MPH, Michael C. Monuteaux, ScD, Jeffrey T. Neal, MD,
Andrew F. Miller, MD, and Richard G. Bachur, MD

Objectives To investigate the rates of radiographic pneumonia and clinical outcomes of children with suspected
pneumonia and subcentimeter, subpleural consolidations on point-of-care lung ultrasound.
Study design We enrolled a prospective convenience sample of children aged 6 months to 18 years undergoing
chest radiography (CXR) for pneumonia evaluation in a single tertiary-care pediatric emergency department. Point-
of-care lung ultrasound was performed by an emergency medicine physician with subsequent expert review. We
determined rates of radiographic pneumonia and clinical outcomes in the children with subcentimeter, subpleural
consolidations, stratified by the presence of larger (>1 cm) sonographic consolidations. The children were followed
prospectively for 2 weeks to identify a delayed diagnosis of pneumonia.
Results A total of 188 patients, with a median age of 5.8 years (IQR, 3.5-11.0 years), were evaluated. Of these pa-
tients, 62 (33%) had subcentimeter, subpleural consolidations on lung ultrasound, and 23 (37%) also had larger
(>1 cm) consolidations. Patients with subcentimeter, subpleural consolidations and larger consolidations had the
highest rates of definite radiographic pneumonia (61%), compared with 21% among children with isolated sub-
centimeter, subpleural consolidations. Overall, 23 children with isolated subcentimeter, subpleural consolidations
(59%) had no evidence of pneumonia on CXR. Among 16 children with isolated subcentimeter, subpleural consol-
idations and not treated with antibiotics, none had a subsequent pneumonia diagnosis within the 2-week follow-up
Conclusions Children with subcentimeter, subpleural consolidations often had radiographic pneumonia; howev-
er, this occurred most frequently when subcentimeter, subpleural consolidations were identified in combination
with larger consolidations. Isolated subcentimeter, subpleural consolidations in the absence of larger consolida-
tions should not be viewed as synonymous with pneumonia; CXR may provide adjunctive information in these
cases. (J Pediatr 2022;243:193-9).

ung ultrasound has been observed to have reasonable diagnostic performance for the evaluation of pneumonia in chil-
dren and may be a potential alternative or adjunctive imaging modality to chest radiography (CXR).1-5 The presence of
large consolidations on lung ultrasound has been shown to correlate with radiographic pneumonia; however, the sig-
nificance of smaller subpleural consolidations is poorly defined.
Subcentimeter, subpleural consolidations are distinctive findings on lung ultrasound that are not visualized on CXR3,6-10 and
have been reported in patients with multiple types of lung pathology, including pneumonia, viral lower respiratory tract illness,
bronchiolitis, pulmonary embolism,11-13 and acute respiratory distress syndrome.5,14,15 Among children being evaluated for
pneumonia, it is unclear whether these findings represent early focal consolidation (ie, early pneumonia), viral lower respira-
tory tract changes, focal atelectasis, or possibly a combination.16-18 Some pediatric studies have specifically defined small sub-
pleural consolidations as missed or silent pneumonia or have recommended antibiotic treatment,3,9,10,19 whereas others have
included small subpleural consolidations in their definition of viral pneumonia.8,20-24 Two studies also have suggested that
visualization of these sonographic subpleural consolidations could lead to antibiotic overuse, thereby elevating the significance
of accurate interpretation to guide clinical management and antibiotic stewardship.3,25 This may be of particular importance
given the high likelihood of a viral etiology in children with pneumonia.
In an effort to further elucidate the significance of sonographic subcentimeter, subpleural consolidations in children under-
going evaluation for pneumonia, we examined data from a local prospective lung
ultrasound registry of children who underwent both point-of-care lung ultra-
sound and CXR for suspected pneumonia. Although imperfect, CXR is often
considered a diagnostic reference standard for pediatric pneumonia, given the From the Division of Emergency Medicine, Boston
Children’s Hospital Department of Pediatrics, Harvard
Medical School, Boston, MA
Supported by the Dr. Michael Shannon Emergency
CXR Chest radiography Medicine Award (Boston Children’s Hospital), to C.G.
The authors declare no conflicts of interest.
ED Emergency department
EMR Electronic medical record 0022-3476/$ - see front matter. ª 2021 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

THE JOURNAL OF PEDIATRICS Volume 243  April 2022

limitations of physical examination26 and its high negative Data Collection

predictive value.27 The main objectives of this study were A physician survey was completed by the treating physician
to investigate the association of sonographic subcentimeter, after obtaining patient/caregiver consent. This survey re-
subpleural consolidations with radiographic pneumonia in corded clinical details (including history of fever) and phys-
a prospective cohort of children and to report the clinical ical examination findings (including presence of rales/
outcomes of children with sonographic subcentimeter, sub- crackles, decreased breath sounds, or wheeze). A lung ultra-
pleural consolidations. We hypothesized that isolated sub- sound was then performed by a study sonographer, and find-
centimeter, subpleural consolidations are not indicative of ings were recorded on a standardized data collection form.
bacterial pneumonia and thus do not require anti- The treating physician was blinded to the results of the
biotic treatment. lung ultrasound, so management decisions were made
without knowledge of the lung ultrasound findings. Small
Methods subpleural consolidations were defined a priori as sub-
centimeter (<1 cm in size and <1 cm in depth from the
Our prospective convenience sample of pediatric patients pleural line) hypo hypoechoic pleural-based regions of
with acute respiratory complaints and possible pneumonia consolidation with poorly defined margins5,10,20,29; larger
was collected over a 3-year period from March 2017 to March consolidations were defined as subpleural hypoechoic or
2020 at a single tertiary care pediatric emergency department tissue-like regions measuring >1 cm with or without bron-
(ED) with an annual census of approximately 60 000 visits chograms (Figure 1; available at Isolated
per year. Patients between age 6 months and 18 years who subpleural consolidations were defined as those small,
presented to the ED with acute respiratory complaints and subcentimeter consolidations not associated with a larger
underwent CXR for possible pneumonia were assessed for in- (>1 cm) consolidation in any lung zone.
clusion. Patients were identified by research coordinators A standardized data collection form, completed by both
based on chief complaint (eg, fever, cough, respiratory the study sonographer and subsequently by a blinded expert
distress, chest pain) on an electronic tracking board during reviewer, was used to record any of the following lung ultra-
times when a study sonographer was available. Patients sound findings in each of 12 zones scanned: small (<1 cm)
were excluded if they were immunocompromised, had un- subpleural consolidations, larger (>1 cm) consolidations,
derlying chronic lung disease (including cystic fibrosis) or a B-lines, pleural effusion, and pleural line irregularity. The
complex chronic condition, were deemed too ill for interven- final assessment of the presence or absence of sonographic
tion by the treating physician, were unable to comply with findings was based on the blinded expert review. Overall im-
the study scanning protocol, or were non–English-speaking. age quality was rated by the expert reviewer on a scale of 1 (no
For eligible patients, caregivers were approached for consent, recognizable structures, no objective data can be gathered in
and assent was obtained from children when appropriate. 1 or more zones) to 5 (at least minimal criteria met for a
This study was approved by the hospital’s Institutional Re- complete lung US study protocol, all structures imaged
view Board. with excellent image quality and diagnosis completely sup-
ported), and studies rated at <3 were excluded from
Sonographers and Scanning Protocol our analysis.
Our study sonographers were 7 board-certified pediatric A caregiver follow-up survey was emailed to each enrolled
emergency medicine physicians who were credentialed by patient/family after the ED visit. If the survey was not
our department in point-of-care lung ultrasound. Each completed, the caregiver was contacted by phone or email
physician completed >50 lung ultrasounds and a study- twice more until 14 days after the visit. The follow-up survey
specific didactic session lead by the principal investigator consisted of structured questions, with responses recorded
and passed both a knowledge assessment evaluation and a directly in a REDCap database. Caregivers of children who
proctored lung ultrasound to ensure compliance with the were not diagnosed with pneumonia during the initial ED
study scanning protocol. visit were asked “Since leaving the emergency department,
Our study scanning protocol was initially established by was your child diagnosed with pneumonia?”
Copetti and Cattarossi28 and is described in detail else- The electronic medical record (EMR) was reviewed for all
where.7,10,22,23 The protocol consisted of scanning 6 zones enrolled patients for the 30 days following the ED visit to
on each hemithorax, with transverse and longitudinal clips determine whether follow-up visits or CXRs occurred. De-
saved in each zone. Study clips were obtained with a portable mographic information, vital signs data, ED management de-
ultrasound machine (TE-7; Mindray) with a 12-4 mHZ tails including antibiotic administration and prescriptions
linear transducer and archived using a web-based applica- with reason for treatment, CXR results, ED final diagnosis,
tion, Q-path (Telexy Healthcare). All study clips were subse- and hospitalization details if appropriate were recorded for
quently reviewed by a blinded expert reviewer, an American the index ED visit. CXR results were documented as the
Registry for Diagnostic Medical Sonography–certified or attending radiologist’s final reading and classified as positive,
emergency ultrasound fellowship-trained pediatric emer- equivocal or negative for pneumonia based on a previously
gency medicine physician, for image quality and accuracy published classification system.30 We defined definite pneu-
of interpretation. monia as those children with positive CXR and probable
194 Gravel et al

pneumonia as those children with equivocal CXR based on

the previously published definitions.30
approached for
Outcome Measures N = 352
Our primary outcomes were the rates of definite and prob-
able radiographic pneumonia and the clinical diagnosis of
pneumonia (ie, the percentage treated with antibiotics for
pneumonia) in children with subcentimeter, subpleural con-
solidations, stratified by the presence of a larger sonographic
consolidation. Our secondary outcome was the rate of subse-
quent pneumonia diagnosis during the 14-day follow-up of
children with isolated subcentimeter, subpleural consolida-
tions who did not receive antibiotics during or after their N = 232
ED visit. A subsequent pneumonia diagnosis was determined
either from a completed caregiver survey or from EMR re-
view, if a caregiver survey was unavailable. Withdrawn prior to ultrasound (N = 28)
No chest radiograph performed (N = 7)
Data Analyses Image quality <3 (N = 6)
Descriptive statistics of demographic and clinical characteris- Incomplete lung ultrasound data (N = 3)
tics (including the presence of additional lung ultrasound
findings) were calculated using medians with IQRs for
continuous variables and frequencies with proportions for data for analysis
categorical variables. Proportions with 95% CIs were used N = 188
to estimate the prevalence of the primary outcomes.
Demographic and clinical characteristics of children with Figure 2. Patient enrollment flow diagram.
and without subpleural consolidations were compared using
the Wilcoxon rank-sum test for continuous variables and the
c2 test (or Fisher exact test for rare outcomes) for categorical
variables. We also examined the subset of patients with sub- consolidations had significantly lower minimum oxygen
centimeter, subpleural consolidations and compared demo- saturation and were more likely to have decreased breath
graphic and clinical characteristics between those with and sounds compared with children without subcentimeter,
those without larger consolidations. All analyses were con- subpleural consolidations. Definite radiographic
ducted using Stata 16.0 (StataCorp). The a value was set at pneumonia was detected in 22 of the 62 patients with
0.05, and all tests were 2-tailed. subcentimeter, subpleural consolidations on lung
ultrasound (35%), compared with 13 of 126 (10%) without
subcentimeter, subpleural consolidations (P < .001). In
Results addition, 35 of the 62 children with subcentimeter,
subpleural consolidations on lung ultrasound (56%) had
During the study period, 352 eligible patients were ap- definite or probable radiographic pneumonia, compared
proached for enrollment, and 232 were enrolled with 29 of 126 children (23%) without subcentimeter,
(Figure 2). A total of 188 patients with both CXR and subpleural consolidations (P < .001).
complete lung ultrasound data were available for analysis.
The median patient age was 5.8 years (IQR, 3.5- Subcentimeter, Subpleural Consolidations in
11.0 years), and 40% were female. Overall, 62 children Combination with Larger Consolidations
(33%; 95% CI, 26%-40%) had at least 1 subcentimeter, Of the 62 children with subcentimeter, subpleural consolida-
subpleural consolidation on lung ultrasound; 40 (21%) tions, 23 (37%) also had a larger (>1 cm) consolidation on
had a single subcentimeter, subpleural consolidation, lung ultrasound, and 39 (63%) did not (Table II). There
and 22 (12%) had multiple subcentimeter, subpleural were no statistically significant differences in age, sex,
consolidations. Twenty-three children (37%) with a history of fever, or physical examination findings between
subcentimeter, subpleural consolidation also had a larger the 2 groups. Patients with subcentimeter, subpleural
(>1 cm) consolidation (Figure 3). consolidations and larger consolidations were significantly
more likely to have definite or probable radiographic
Patients with and without Subcentimeter, pneumonia and to receive antibiotics in the ED (Table II).
Subpleural Consolidations
The children with and without subcentimeter, subpleural Isolated Subcentimeter, Subpleural Consolidations
consolidations were similar in terms of age, sex, and history Thirty-nine of the 62 patients with subcentimeter, subpleural
of fever (Table I). Children with subcentimeter, subpleural consolidations (63%) did not have a larger (>1 cm)
Significance of Sonographic Subcentimeter, Subpleural Consolidations in Pediatric Patients Evaluated for Pneumonia 195

ultrasound data
n = 188

35% definite1 pna by CXR (n = 22) 10% definite pna by CXR (n = 13)
56% definite or probable2 pna by CXR (n = 35) 23% definite or probable pna by CXR (n = 29)

61% definite pna (n = 14) 21% definite pna (n = 8) 40% definite pna (n = 6) 6% definite pna (n = 7)
83% definite or probable pna (n = 19) 41% definite or probable pna (n = 16) 60% definite or probable pna (n = 9) 18% definite or probable pna (n = 20)

Figure 3. CXR results stratified by presence of small (<1 cm) subpleural and larger (>1 cm) consolidations on lung ultrasound.
Definite PNA, patients with evidence of pneumonia on CXR (ie, positive CXR). 2Probable PNA, patients with equivocal evidence
of pneumonia on CXR (ie, equivocal CXR).

consolidation on lung ultrasound (Figure 3). Of these 39 pneumonia; 35% had definite radiographic pneumonia,
patients, 8 (21%) had definite radiographic pneumonia and and 56% had definite or probable radiographic pneumonia.
16 (41%) had definite or probable radiographic When subcentimeter, subpleural consolidations were present
pneumonia. In this group of patients with isolated in combination with larger consolidations (>1 cm) on lung
subcentimeter, subpleural consolidations, 18 were treated ultrasound, children had the highest rates of definite and
with antibiotics at the index ED visit and 5 others probable radiographic pneumonia. However, 59% of chil-
continued on a course of antibiotics initiated before their dren with isolated subcentimeter, subpleural consolidations
visit. None of the remaining 16 children (41%) who were (ie, subcentimeter, subpleural consolidations in the absence
not prescribed antibiotics had a subsequent pneumonia of larger consolidations) did not have radiographic findings
diagnosis within the 2-week follow-up period (6 based on of pneumonia, and among 16 children not treated with anti-
negative caregiver survey results and 11 based on biotics, all recovered without a subsequent diagnosis of pneu-
EMR review). monia during the immediate follow-up period. This suggests
that a majority of children with isolated subcentimeter, sub-
Additional Lung Ultrasound Findings pleural consolidations do not have bacterial pneumonia.
Children with subcentimeter, subpleural consolidations were This study focused on a cohort of children undergoing
significantly more likely than those without subcentimeter, evaluation for suspected pneumonia and specifically exam-
subpleural consolidations to have larger consolidations ined the radiographic and clinical outcomes of children
(P < .001), B-lines (P < .001), pleural effusion (P < .001), with sonographic subcentimeter, subpleural consolidations.
and pleural line irregularities (P < .001). B-lines were more The pediatric literature contains subanalyses of subpleural
frequent in children with both subcentimeter, subpleural consolidations in a variety of settings and patient popula-
consolidations and larger consolidations compared with tions, although there is significant heterogeneity in study def-
those without larger consolidations; however, the presence initions of pneumonia and inferred clinical implications of
of pleural effusion and pleural line irregularities were similar this sonographic finding.1,3,4,18,24 There is ongoing debate
in patients with subcentimeter, subpleural consolidations as to whether these findings represent early or missed pneu-
with larger consolidations and without larger consolidations monia, viral changes, or focal atelectasis (or possibly all 3).
(Table III; available at There are also variable or frequently unreported size mea-
sures to define small subpleural consolidations, making
Discussion interpretation and application to clinical management diffi-
cult.6,8,22,24,31 The present study provides insight into the
In this prospective cohort of children evaluated for pneu- clinical significance of both isolated subcentimeter, subpleu-
monia, we observed that children with subcentimeter, sub- ral consolidations and the combination of subcentimeter,
pleural consolidations often had radiographic findings of subpleural consolidations with larger consolidations for

196 Gravel et al

Table I. Patient demographics and characteristics of children based on presence of subcentimeter, subpleural
No subcentimeter, Subcentimeter, subpleural
subpleural consolidation consolidation
Characteristics on lung ultrasound (N = 126) on lung ultrasound (N = 62) P value
Age, y, median (IQR) 5.7 (3.5-11.2) 6.0 (3.4-9.0) .700
Female sex, n (%) 47 (38) 27 (44) .383
History of fever, n (%) 81 (64) 42 (68) .639
Minimum oxygen saturation, median (IQR) 97 (96-98) 95 (93-97) <.001
Physical examination findings, n (%)
Rales/crackles 32 (25) 21 (34) .225
Decreased breath sounds 27 (21) 27 (44) .002
Wheezing 20 (16) 12 (19) .550
Hospitalized, n (%) 30 (24) 24 (39) .034
Inpatient floor bed 22 (76) 18 (75)
ICU or higher level of care 7 (24) 6 (25)
CXR results, n (%)
Definite pneumonia 13 (10) 22 (35) <.001*
Definite or probable pneumonia 29 (23) 35 (56) <.001†
Negative 97 (77) 27 (44)
Antibiotic prescribed or given in the ED, n (%) 50 (40) 35 (56) .030
Antibiotic given for pneumonia‡ 28 (22) 31 (50) <.001

ICU, intensive care unit.

*Compared with equivocal and negative CXR.
†Compared with negative CXR.
‡Other antibiotic indications included acute otitis media, sinusitis, pharyngitis, and urinary tract infection.

guiding clinical management and antibiotic therapy in chil- preted as being more sensitive for the diagnosis of pneu-
dren with suspected pneumonia. monia.7,9,10,19 With this assumption, several studies
In the pediatric pneumonia literature, subcentimeter, sub- support treating these small subpleural consolidations if the
pleural consolidations are frequently represented as small or clinical course is concerning for pneumonia, although previ-
early pneumonia that warrant antibiotic treatment. Although ous work has shown that examination findings and clinical
larger (>1 cm) consolidations are equated with sonographic presentation are poorly reliable for the diagnosis of pediatric
pneumonia,1,2,4,5 subcentimeter, subpleural consolidations pneumonia.26,32
are frequently reported as representing missed pneumonia Our data show that a large number of children with sub-
or radiographic false-negatives. Lung ultrasound makes it centimeter, subpleural consolidations in combination with
easy to visualize these small consolidations and thus is inter- larger consolidations have either definite (61%) or definite

Table II. Characteristics of children with subcentimeter, subpleural consolidations stratified by the presence of larger
Subpleural consolidation Subpleural consolidation
without larger with larger
Characteristics consolidation (N = 39) consolidation (N = 23) P value
Age in y, median (IQR) 5.1 (2.2-12.2) 6.6 (4.2-8.6) .457
Female sex, n (%) 14 (39) 13 (57) .134
History of fever, n (%) 25 (64) 17 (74) .425
Minimum oxygen saturation, median (IQR) 96 (93-97) 95 (94-96) .27
Physical examination findings, n (%)
Rales/crackles 12 (31) 9 (39) .502
Decreased breath sounds 16 (41) 11 (48) .602
Wheezing 10 (26) 2 (9) .182
Hospitalized, n (%) 18 (46) 6 (26) .117
Inpatient floor bed 12 (67) 6 (100)
ICU or higher level of care 6 (33) 0 (0)
CXR results, n (%)
Definite pneumonia 8 (21) 14 (61) .001*
Definite or probable pneumonia 16 (41) 19 (83) .002†
Negative 23 (59) 4 (17)
Antibiotic prescribed or given in the ED, n (%) 18 (46) 17 (74) .033
Antibiotic given for pneumonia, n (%)‡ 15 (38) 16 (70) .23
*Compared with equivocal and negative CXR.
†Compared with negative CXR.
‡Other antibiotic indications included pharyngitis and unspecified lower respiratory tract illness.

Significance of Sonographic Subcentimeter, Subpleural Consolidations in Pediatric Patients Evaluated for Pneumonia 197

or probable (83%) pneumonia on CXR, suggesting that these gold standard for comparison, it is the most widely available
children potentially could be treated empirically for pneu- and least subjective measure by which to compare lung ultra-
monia without CXR. However, when isolated subcentimeter, sound at this time. Along those lines, antibiotic treatment
subpleural consolidations are identified, those rates decrease was at the discretion of the treating physician and likely
to 21% with definite and 41% with definite or probable multifactorial. This is reflective of typical practice; however,
radiographic pneumonia (ie, 59% negative for radiographic it is possible that some children with subpleural consolida-
pneumonia). As such, our data suggest that some, but not tions treated with antibiotics did not have bacterial pneu-
all, patients with clinical concern for pneumonia and evi- monia and might have recovered fully without antibiotics.
dence of subcentimeter, subpleural consolidations will Our follow-up data were limited in that we used caregiver
benefit from antibiotic treatment; CXR may provide adjunc- self-report to determine subsequent diagnoses of pneu-
tive information in these cases. monia. It is unlikely that this misclassified the patients whose
Although the present study focused on children with caregivers reported no subsequent pneumonia diagnosis or
concern for pneumonia, it is important to note that studies initiation of antibiotics after the ED visit. EMR review for
of children with bronchiolitis and viral respiratory illness follow-up of children without caregiver surveys could have
have reported a substantial prevalence of subpleural consol- missed follow-up visits if care was obtained outside of our
idations, ranging from 25% to 100%.8,20-22,24,29,33 In these network. Regarding the study scanning protocol, we limited
studies, patients showed clinical improvement without anti- our protocol to the use of a linear, high-frequency transducer
biotics. Some studies also have reported that patients with despite age or body habitus considerations. This might have
bronchiolitis and/or viral lower respiratory tract infections affected our ability to fully characterize lung US findings in
can have multiple, small subpleural consolidations, which older patients or patients with greater body mass index. We
are often correlated with severity of disease.20,22,33 These also did not assess for the presence of bronchograms within
findings highlight the likely heterogeneous pathophysiologic subpleural consolidations and used the arbitrary, previously
etiology of subcentimeter, subpleural consolidations, as focal published size definition of 1 cm to define small vs large con-
atelectasis and viral changes are much more likely in these pa- solidations. It remains to be determined whether this size
tients who improve without antibiotics. threshold is the most appropriate clinically, although it
Two studies that used lung ultrasound instead of CXR as does appear to accurately represent sonographic consolida-
the initial imaging modality reported a 10% increase in anti- tions that are not visualized on CXR.6,7,9,10
biotic administration in the lung ultrasound group.3,25 These We conclude that although many children with sub-
studies highlight the importance of determining the clinical centimeter, subpleural consolidations on point-of-care lung
relevance of small subpleural consolidations to guide appro- ultrasound have radiographic findings of pneumonia, the
priate antibiotic use. Our present findings demonstrate that overwhelming majority of these are children who also have
antibiotic treatment is not warranted in a large percentage larger consolidations on lung ultrasound. A minority of chil-
of children with clinical suspicion of pneumonia and sub- dren with isolated subcentimeter, subpleural consolidations
centimeter, subpleural consolidations identified on lung ul- have evidence of definite radiographic pneumonia. In addi-
trasound. Of note, none of the children in our cohort with tion, all children with isolated subcentimeter, subpleural
isolated small, subpleural consolidations discharged from consolidations discharged without antibiotics recovered
the ED without antibiotic treatment were diagnosed with fully, suggesting that isolated small subpleural consolidations
pneumonia during the follow-up period. should not prompt routine antibiotic treatment
This study has several limitations. Our patient population for pneumonia. n
was limited to children undergoing CXR for evaluation of
pneumonia, which limited the study to a specific subpopula- Submitted for publication Sep 10, 2021; last revision received Nov 19, 2021;
tion of those children with presentations concerning for accepted Dec 22, 2021.

pneumonia. However, our institution had established guide- Reprint requests: Cynthia A. Gravel, MD, Boston Children’s Hospital, Division
of Emergency Medicine, BCH 3066, 300 Longwood Ave, Boston, MA 02115.
lines during the study period that recommended obtaining E-mail:
CXRs for all children with suspected pneumonia, in an effort
to reduce antibiotic overuse. As such, our study population is
representative of the majority of children seen for pneumonia References
evaluation at this site. The study methodology, with a conve-
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Significance of Sonographic Subcentimeter, Subpleural Consolidations in Pediatric Patients Evaluated for Pneumonia 199

Figure 1. Lung ultrasound consolidations. A, Small (<1 cm) subpleural consolidation (arrow). B, Larger (>1 cm) consolidation
with air and fluid bronchograms.

199.e1 Gravel et al

Table III. Lung ultrasound findings for children stratified by the presence of subcentimeter and larger subpleural
No subcentimeter, Subcentimeter, subpleural Subcentimeter, subpleural
subpleural consolidation consolidation without consolidation with larger
Lung ultrasound findings on lung ultrasound (N = 126), n (%) larger consolidation (N = 39), n (%) consolidation (N = 23), n (%) P value*
B-lines 47 (37) 32 (82) 23 (100) .04
Consolidation (>1 cm) 15 (12) 0 (0) 23 (100) n/a
Pleural effusion 2 (2) 5 (13) 7 (30) .09
Pleural line irregularity 31 (25) 21 (54) 9 (39) .263
Single subpleural consolidation n/a 28 (72) 12 (52)
Multiple subpleural consolidations n/a 11 (28) 11 (48)
*Comparison of children with subcentimeter, subpleural consolidations with and without larger consolidation.

Significance of Sonographic Subcentimeter, Subpleural Consolidations in Pediatric Patients Evaluated for Pneumonia 199.e2

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