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THE OATH OF THROWING IT BACK /E OFFICIAL HOMEBREW TO ONE ‘SHOT QUESTERS OATH OF THROWING IT BACK PALADIN MADE BY DUKE HIMSELF When a Paladin takes the Oath of Throwing it Back, they pledge themselves to the power of dance and bodacious backsides. They use their exalted glutes to inspire their friends and, distract their enemies. They were inspired by a character from One Shot Questers. ‘TENETS OF THROWING IT BACK. ‘The Tenets of Throwing it Back guide the paladins who ‘swear this oath in their actions and lifestyles. These tenets emphasize the power of the immense backwards inertia ‘Throw it Back: You understand the power of a great tush, specifically the move known as “Throwing it Back”. You embrace this dance and use it as a means to spread hope, triumph with others, and even confuse your foes. Celebrate All Shapes: You appreciate and celebrate all forms, especially booties. You believe in body positivity and encourage others to do the same. Encourage Others: You believe in the power of, optimism and always strive to uplift those around you ‘Support Your Friends: You stand by your allies, lending your strength in times of nee Oarx SPELLS You gain oath spells at the paladin levels listed. Paladin Level Spells ard Tasha's Hideous Laughter, Find Familiar sth Calm Emotions, Enhance Ability oth Hypnotic Pattern, Beacon of Hope 13th Compulsion, Freedom of Movement Vth ‘louckil, Conjure Volley CHannex Divinity ‘When you take this oath at 3rd level, you gain the following two special abilities. ‘Throw it Back Spectacle: As an action, you can put on ‘ performance that captivates everyone around you, Any creature of your choice within 30 feet that can see you ‘must make a Wisdom saving throw or be charmed by ‘your bopping buns until the end of your next turn, Encouraging Twerk: As a reaction, you can inspire ‘your allies with your nobal rump. When you or an ally ‘within 30 feet of you makes a saving throw, you can add your Charisma modifier to their rol. AuRA OF BOOTYLICIOUSNESS Beginning at 7th level, your dance moves synchronize your allies. Any friendly creature starting their turn, ‘within 10 feet of you can use their reaction to move up to half their speed without provoking opportunity attacks. Booty Bump STRIKE Ar 15th level, your swaying backside translate into ‘dynamic combat capabilities. Once on each of your turns when you hit a creature with a melee weapon, attack, you can unleash a powerful motion that echoes to their very soul. This motion deals an additional 148 force damage and, ifthe target is no more than one size larger than you, you can choose to push it up to 5 feet away from you. Divine THROWDOWN At 20th level, your ability to “throw it back” reaches a celestial zenith. As an action, you can initiate a divine dance routine that lasts for 1 minute. A dazzling light ‘extends 30 feet from you in all directions. Enemy creatures that start their turn in this aura must make a Wisdom saving throw. On a failed save, they are mesmerized by your glittering gluteus, becoming stunned until the start of their next turn [At the start ofits turn, a stunned creature can make another Wisdom saving throw. On a success, the ‘creature is no longer stunned and is immune to this, ‘effect for 24 hours. Allied creatures that start their turn in this aura are invigorated by your gleaming glutes, gaining the effect of, the Heroism spell. Once you use this feature, you can't use it again until you finish a long rest. yi > Zak = os THE OATH OF THROWING IT BACK LORE ne Oavi oF Tarowinc 1r BACK HAS 17S ORIGINS in an unlikely hero and an even more unlikely circumstance. It begins with a goblin named Snarf, a simple commoner STs J living on the fringes of the Wetwhistle Marsh, a verdant wetland renowned for its remarkable inhabitants: the Marshmallow Bunnies. ‘Marshmallow Bunnies are unique creatures; despite their name and appearance, they're not made of ‘marshmallow but are flufly and white as if they were. ‘They bring joy and happiness to anyone who lays eyes on them, their sheer cuteness brightening even the dreariest days. Unfortunately, their adorable looks made them a target for unsavory types looking to exploit them for their own gain, One fateful day, Snarf watched in horror as a horde of goblin raiders descended upon the unsuspecting ‘Marshmallow Bunnies. Though not a warrior, Snarf was fiercely protective of his fufly friends and knew he had to act. Inspired by the bunnies’ innocence and purity, he stood in defiance against the raiders, armed ‘with nothing but a brave heart and a... rather glorious rump. In this moment of erisis, something remarkable happened. Snarf, moved by his determination to protect, the innocent bunnies, discovered a deep, previously untapped power within himself. As he twerked, a burst of divine energy emanated from his rump, washing over the marsh in a wave of protection. The raiders were stunned and then driven back, unable to stand against Snarf’s newly found powers. ‘Snarf's familiar, a particularly plump Marshmallow Bunny affectionately named Marshmallow, stood by his side throughout the ordeal. Marshmallow was easily recognizable by a bite mark on his ear, a remnant of the ‘ime when Snarf, ina moment of confusion, mistook him for an actual marshmallow. Emboldened by his victory, Snarf swore an oath 0 protect the Marshmallow Bunnies and use his newfound power to bring hope and inspiration to others. ‘Thus, the Oath of Throwing it Back was born. Today, Snarf stands as the protector of the Marshmallow Bunnies and the mascot ofthis unique oath, using the power of his rump to bring hope, inspiration, and protection wherever he goes. His story serves as a reminder that heroes come in all shapes and sizes, and sometimes, they even throw it back. ‘Subclass created by: Duke Davis AKA One Shot Questers Artist Credit: Dumptruck

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