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Didactic Unit 2. Where in the world?


1. Europe
2. Asia
3. América (North and South)
4. Oceania / Australia
5. África
6. Antártica


1. Honduras
2. Spain
3. Australia
4. Denmark
5. venezuela
6. France
7. Germany
8. Argentina
9. United Kingdom
10. Colombia
11. Switzerland
12. Bolivia
13. Central Republic of Africa
14. Republic of Congo
15. Democratic Republic of Congo
16. Brasil
17. Nigeria
18. China
19. United States of America
20. México
21. Perú
22. Senegal
23. Canadá
24. Papua New guinea
25. Jamaica
26. Barbuda
27. Malaysia
28. Sweden
29. Andorra
30. Moscovo
31. Portugal
32. Russia
33. Panama
34. Vietnam
35. Turkmenistan
36. Japan
37. Egypt
38. Turkey
39. Chad
40. Gabon
41. Filipines
42. Dominican Republic
43. Qatar
44. South Africa
45. Greece
46. Italy
47. Nicaragua

Cardinal Points

1. North
2. South
3. East
4. West
5. Northeast
6. Northwest
7. Southeast
8. Southwest


1. Go straight (ahead)
2. Turn (to the) right
3. Turn (to the) left
4. Go backwards
5. Turn back
6. Go up
7. Go down

Tourist attraction

1. Water park
2. Aquarium
3. Zoo (park)
4. Theme park
5. Monument
6. Botanical Garden
7. Tower
8. National park
9. Safari
10. Wildlife reserve
11. Parade
12. Bridge
13. Museum
14. Beach
15. Stadium
16. Ancient site
17. Church/cathedral
18. Library
19. Statue
20. Cave paintings

Holidays Activities

1. Go to the beach
2. Visit a monument
3. Play video games
4. Skydiving
5. Bungee-jumping
6. Base jumping
7. Sleep all day
8. Travelling
9. Horse riding
10. Mountain bike
11. Go running
12. Go surfing
13. Hang out with friends
14. Read a book
15. Watch a movie
16. Scuba diving
17. Go to the cinema
18. Watch a football match
19. Play football / soccer
20. Draw
21. Paddle boarding
22. Eat an icecream
23. Writing a story
24. whatsapping
25. Canyoing
26. Ziplining
27. WaterSkiing
28. Sightseeing

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