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Swedish Massage

What Is Swedish Massage?

Swedish massage is one of the most popular forms of massage therapy. It can help you relax,
give you more energy, and may help after an injury.
Swedish massage involves long, kneading strokes combined with rhythmic tapping strokes and
movement of the joints.
This type of massage targets the uppermost layer of muscles and aims to relieve muscle tension.
The Invention of Swedish Massage
Swedish massage was invented by a Swedish fencing instructor named Per Henrik Ling in the
1830s. The specific techniques used in Swedish massage involve the application of long gliding
strokes, friction, and kneading and tapping movements on the soft tissues of the body.
Sometimes passive or active joint movements are also used. At first this massage was called
Medical Gymnastic but this term changes over time.
What can I Expect from my first Swedish Massage?
A 60 minute full body massage typically starts with a head & scalp massage to get you relaxed.
Then, they will work the neck and shoulders, move on to each arm, and work their way to the
legs & feet. Next, you will flip around on the massage table and they will work on the back of
the legs and potentially the glutes.
Penemu Swedish Massage
(source : google image dengan keyword Swedish massage)

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