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Case Study: How I Built An Ecom

Store From $0 to $5,680,537.65 In

Under 1.5 Years Without Buying
Inventory Or Traditional
Hey, it’s Brook here, and in this document, I’m going to show you
exactly how I built an eCommerce store from $0 to $5,680,537.65 in
under 1.5 years without having to buy any inventory or do traditional
dropshipping. I have literally never seen or touched a product.

Now If you’ve been trying to break into eCom but you haven’t been able
to reach the success all the dropshipping gurus talk about, close all
tabs and pay close attention because this might just be what you’ve
been looking for.

I can guarantee that If you focus and you just follow this playbook
step-by-step, you’ll be at least at $10k/month (profit) in the next 24

Now that I have your attention let me show you proof of the statement
above, so that you know I’ve actually done this.
The image above is a screenshot directly taken from my Shopify
Dashboard from October 1, 2021, to April 29, 2022. (As you can verify,
exactly $5,680,537.65 in total sales in under 1.5 years)

Now that we got that out of the way, let me tell you who this document
is for:

● If you’re looking to start an eCommerce business and scale it to

$10k/month profit in the next 24 weeks, this is for you.

● If you’ve tried to launch an eCommerce store in the past and

failed, this is for you.

● If you’re currently struggling to try to run an eCommerce store

with the traditional dropshipping model, this is for you.

● If you want to start a proper eCommerce brand but you have no

money to buy large amounts of inventory, this is for you.

● If you work a regular career and you want to transition into an

online business, this is for you.

● If you’re trying other business models but failing to get results,

this is for you.

Now let me tell you who this document is NOT for:

● If you’re looking just to make some quick cash and not run a
proper business, this is not for you.

● If you want to follow the traditional over-saturated eCom business

models and struggle, this is not for you.
● If you don’t care about delivering high-quality products to your
customers, this is not for you.

● If you’re someone who’s looking for a get-rich-quick thing, this is

not for you.

Now here’s the truth…

You can build an eCommerce business to $10k/month profit in 24

weeks without using traditional dropshipping or ordering inventory.

However, there’s no one talking about this model currently.

All the eCom influencers tell you to do dropshipping with clickbaity

Youtube thumbnails and titles so they can peddle you low-effort
courses and increase their Ad revenue.

And the problem with building a real brand is that it requires you to put
down a bunch of capital upfront.

I’ll show you exactly how to circumvent these issues and how to
launch an eCom store from scratch and make at least $10k/mo profit
in the next 24 weeks.

And in case you don’t know me, my name is Brook Hiddink, and in
October 2021 I came across a different way of doing eCom.

This new way, High Ticket eCommerce, was ultimately what allowed
me to hit my first $5.7 million over the last year.

But before I came across this way of doing things, much like everyone
who tries to get into eCommerce, I started by doing traditional
Back in August 2021, I had just finished my 2nd year of law school +
finished my 2 month internship at a law firm.

At this time I had a ton of debt that I wanted to pay off because of my
law-school degree and about 6 weeks before my third year of law
school started so I committed myself to finding a way to make money
until then.

I had heard of dropshipping before, so I just bought a $300 course and

started doing it.

The course was extremely outdated. I tried building and running 13


LED lamps, pet items, toilet bowl cleaners, kitchen brushes… I tried
selling everything you can think of. All 13 stores failed.

Eventually, I came across the High Ticket eCom model. I bought a

course for $4k. At the time this was the most money I had ever paid for
a course.

I remember buying the course, immediately getting into the Facebook

Group, and realizing there were 10,000 people there, hundreds of them
asking questions and getting 0 feedback.

The course had an upsell option to pay an extra $4k to get coaching
and mentorship. I paid for the coaching.

Eventually, inside the group, I formed my own mastermind of people

running active stores.

In this group was one woman that was supposed to be my coach.

Came to find out that the person that was going to coach me was
actually LOSING money.

Looking back, it was pretty hilarious but at the time I was another $8k
deep adding to my already existing debt.
I had 6 weeks until law school restarted, fresh new debt, and nothing to
show for it.

I decided I was going to put my head down and focus on eCom every
day for 12 hours a day until I managed to make this work.

Law school had restarted but the majority of classes were online, so I
just showed up to the classes, muted my mic, hid my camera, and
focused on getting my store up and running.

After a few weeks of doing this, things finally started to click.

Around October my store was finally showing progress. Throughout the

remainder of 2021, I solely focused on High Ticket eCom. 12-hour days.
Nothing but grit pushing me forward.

Around February 2022, I had made enough money to clear off my debt
and I decided to tell my parents I was dropping out with only one year
of law school left. (which I did)

Fast forward to now and I’ve generated over $5.7 million in sales.

As you can see, the journey was not easy and it was filled with
desperate attempts and failures.

Because I know how hard it was for me, I decided to help you
potentially avoid some of the failures and pain I went through myself.

As a result, I decided to break down the process I’ve used to create

these results for myself.

In the following steps, I’ll outline the entire process A to Z of what I did
to accomplish these results, and hopefully, you will use these steps to
launch a profitable high-ticket eCom store and hit $10k/month profit
(minimum) in the next 24 weeks.

Let’s get to it.

High Ticket eCommerce 1-on-1

Now, let me tell you right away, this is not Rocket Science.

But at the same time, the barrier of entry is not as low as simply setting
up a Shopify store, connecting it to Oberlo, and start running ads.

This is a good thing for you because if you actually get good at this,
you’ll have way less competition.

If you run some numbers, you’re also going to realize that it’s much
more profitable to do eCom this way, regardless of your profit margins
because of the sheer price of the items you’re selling.

Think about it.

If you sell a $50 product at 20% profit margin, that’s $10 per sale.
It will take you 10 sales to make $100 of profit.

If you sell a $1,000 item at a 10% net profit margin after you pay for the
product, shipping, advertising, software, and your team, that’s still $100
per sale.

It literally only takes one sale at half the profit margin for you to make
the same amount of money.
So now that you understand that mathematically it just makes more
sense, let me break down the process for you.

Every successful and profitable High Ticket eCom Store follows a

specific set of steps and has a specific set of pieces that makes it

These are:

1 - A Proper Business Setup based in the USA that sells high-

quality products from USA warehouses (You need this to actually
deal with high-ticket suppliers)

2 - A Niche that consists of Products that already have built-in

demand and people consistently searching for them.

3 - Building a list of potential Partnerships with Reliable Suppliers

that facilitate you selling high-quality high ticket products and push
volume on them.

4 - A Niche Store with a Theme around the products we’re going to

sell that resonates with the customers we’re targeting.

5 - Closing Partnerships with Reliable Suppliers that facilitate you

selling high-quality high ticket products and push volume on them.

6 - A proper Ads strategy that specifically targets people that are

already looking for what you’re selling and are ready to buy.

7 - A well-functioning system that refines, and optimizes all of

these pieces as you add volume to your Ad Spend and Sales.
Every successful and profitable High Ticket eCom Store has all of these
pieces dialed in.

More importantly, all of them simultaneously influence each other in

chronological order.

Meaning you don’t want to skip any of these steps and have them
completely dialed in before you move on to the next.

And now that you understand the process overview, here’s the step-by-
step breakdown of how to execute this process, and I did so to
generate $5,680,537.65 in 1.5 years.

The High Ticket Ecom Framework

The High Ticket Ecom Framework revolves around 3 key pillars:

1 - Setup and Research

2 - Launch and Iteration
3 - Systems and Scale

Each pillar incorporates the steps mentioned above.

So without further ado, let’s get into it

1 - Setup and Research

A Proper Business Setup
Our process starts with setting up an actual business entity.
Unlike traditional dropshipping where you can just build a Shopify page,
connect it to Oberlo, and start running Facebook Ads, that’s not how it
works with high-ticket eCom.

With high ticket eCom to actually “dropship” expensive items, you’ll

need to establish business partnerships with the suppliers of these

And there’s no way that any legit supplier will partner up with you if you
don’t have a proper business setup.

Now I know what you might be thinking…

“Damn this sounds like a lot of work right from the get-go”

And if you’re thinking that, I don’t know why you’re still reading this, you
should just leave.

But if you’re not, let me explain to you why this is actually a good
thing for you.

You see, one of the reasons why traditional dropshipping is so

unsustainable is because it has such a low barrier to entry.

Any kid with a laptop and a wifi connection will watch 2 hours of
Youtube and can run a dropshipping store.

Even if you come across a winning product/angle/ad etc… You will be

copied almost immediately, your profit margins will dip, and only after
a few months, you’ll have to start again.

Now by actually adding some friction at the beginning of the process,

we’re raising the barrier of entry. What does this mean?
It means that your competition will be 100x lower because it’s not as
easy to access the business opportunity.

This is a great thing if you’re willing to put in work and do it right as the
upside to the opportunity becomes significantly higher the less
competition exists.

So how do you create a proper business setup for High Ticket Ecom?

The H.T.E Business Setup

1: Business structure [not legal/accounting advice - just my


You have two options here: Include operating as a sole proprietor or a


As a sole proprietor, you are your business.

If your business makes money, it goes on your income return. If your

business gets sued, you get sued.

The advantage of a sole proprietorship is cost-effectiveness, and the

fact that it is extremely easy to set up; you can essentially start right

A corporation is a separate legal entity, and exists as a legal “person”.

A corporation will provide you liability protection should your business
get sued, and it will also provide numerous tax advantages depending
on where you are incorporated and the type of corporation used.

(A-C corp in the US is a “pass-through entity”, meaning the advantages

are only liability protection).

It also adds legitimacy to your business when contacting suppliers.

If you're serious about your business, I’d recommend getting set up

with a corporation to begin and saving yourself the headache down the

Now, I’d go into deeper detail on how to set this up but it’s a different
process for every country, but a simple Google search should show
you everything you need to know and do.

2: Business Phone Number

Sign up for a business phone number to add legitimacy to your

business and to keep things separate).
I personally used an OpenPhone at the start.

Later down the line, I switched to Aircall so I could track analytics and
manage my VAs, but OpenPhone is a cost-effective starting option.

3: Business Address

The next thing is registering for a virtual mailbox to use on supplier

applications and your website. This will further add to your credibility.

You can use Anytime Mailbox for this

Ensure that whatever service you use does not give you a PO box
address, but preferably something with “Suite___” or “Unit___”.

4: Business Banking

Very important that you set up a business bank account to keep your
business finances separate. This will make your life much easier down
the road. I highly recommend Wise.

You can get set up in under 24 hours.

5: Business Credit Card

A business credit card will give you some cool perks and cashback. I’d
recommend signing up for an AMEX Platinum if you travel often, and if
not, an AMEX Gold which has excellent cashback for advertising spend.

Jeeves is an excellent eCommerce option with 0 FOREX fees globally.

6: Sign up for a Shopify account

Make sure to click the link above to get 3 days FREE, and then
$1/month for 3 months ($3 for 93 days). It is worth clicking the link
above and creating an account just to familiarize yourself with the

Once you have everything set up, we’re ready to dive into market
research and start building our business.

A Niche that consists of Products that already

have built-in demand
The next step in our process is finding a niche/sub-category of
products that already have built-in demand.

When doing traditional dropshipping or selling lower ticket items,

everything you sell only has so much use case.

What I mean by that is that a $50-$100 product will never solve any
significant issue.
On the other hand, when you sell more expensive items, not only are
you selling items that people will always buy, but you’re also selling
items that solve big inconveniences.

This is directly correlated to price.

A good example of this would be cars. People have been buying cars
since the beginning of time.

Cars are expensive because of the utility and use case they provide to
the average citizen. In other words, they solve a big inconvenience
(traveling places more efficiently)

Obviously, we’ll not sell cars but extrapolate this to the eCommerce
model we’re going to run.

The sheer nature of the type of items we’ll sell solves big

As a result, they never “go out of fashion”.

Because of this, not only will your business have a longer lifespan but
also it becomes harder to compete if you’re working with the right
suppliers. (more on this later)

The H.T.E High-Level Niche Selection

Now in eCommerce and traditional dropshipping, you usually have 2
types of stores:
1 - Broad Stores
2 - One Product Niche Stores

With Broad Stores, you can sell everything to everyone but your
conversion rates will be low because you’re not appealing to one
specific avatar.

With One Product Niche Stores, you’ll build your store, ads, and copy
directed specifically at one avatar which means you’ll have a higher
conversion rate but you’ll be very limited because you can only sell
one product and scaling with only one product becomes hard to do
past a certain amount of revenue (especially with high ticket eCom)

So what do you do?

You do what’s called a Hybrid Niche-Themed store.

So let’s say for example you were running a Niche One Product Store
and you were selling Canoes.

Running that store you’d probably attract someone interested in a

wilderness lifestyle/hunting etc...

So instead of just selling Canoes, we are going to create a Hybrid

Niche-Themed Store that revolves around Survival equipment.

Sell multiple things that one group of specific avatars would be

interested in buying.

So here’s how you go about this process.

1 - You list out a bunch of themes you’d want to turn into a store.

- Home Fitness Equipment

- Home Heat
- Survival
- Outdoors equipment
- Fishing
- Survival


2 - Aggregate different products that fall under the same Themed

Niche (ideally +10) that you can sell for +$1,000.

Example in the Survival Niche:

- Canoes
- Kayaks
- Tents
- Sleeping bags
- Rock Climbing Equipment
- Inflatable boats
- Life Jacket Sets
- Boats
- Hunting gear
- Gun cases
- Camo Suits


3 - Verify Brand Loyalty.

Is there a huge brand running these products that people have loyalty
to? (Like an Apple for that specific theme)

Ideally, there isn’t and people only care about buying the highest quality

4 - Verify Competition.

You want there to be at least a few stores already selling these

products because it’s an indicator of existing demand

To do this go to Google, and type in “Buy (name of the item) online”

Go to the Shopping section and verify there are already existing sellers.

If so, good, another indicator you should add the product to the themed

5 - Verify Uniqueness

Ideal if your products have some sort of uniqueness but it’s not
necessary, just extra points.

6 - Verify Demand

One of the most important pieces in this niche/product selection

process is verifying demand through concrete data.

To do this use some SEO Software like Ahrefs and Semrush and type in
your product type names to check for the search volume for the
keyword in the last few months.
We’re ideally looking for over 30k monthly search volumes and below
150k on our products as it is the sweet spot between demand and

7 - Verify Margins

After you’ve done all of this and you made a product that fits the criteria
you’re looking go to your competitors in the Google shopping section.

Find the dropshipping stores (usually sell only one product, have a one-
product store vibe to it and a quirky name)

Send them a message asking for a 10% discount.

Here’s a script:

“Hey I’m interested in buying this item, can I get a discount? Your
competitors offered me 10%”

If you can get it, it means the product probably has at least 25% margin
which is what you want to shoot for at minimum.

Anything below that and you’re just going to have thin margins and not
make a lot of profit on each sale which is not ideal.

Repeat this process until you have 10 profitable, in-demand, +

$1,000 products ready to go.

Building a List of Potential Partnerships with

Reliable Suppliers
Now that we have our 10 niche products selected, it’s time to find the
right suppliers to source these products from.

Now let me put a big emphasis on this.

Suppliers will make or break your high-ticket eCom business.

At the end of the day, you’re a mediator for these brands.

Your value proposition is that you get them more customers through
outsourced advertisement + take care of customer service.

When it comes to the fulfillment and quality of your brand, that will be
solely reliant on the suppliers you work with.

So what does that mean?

It means that:

● The quality of the products is solely reliant on the quality of

the supplier

● The quality of fulfillment and delivery times is solely reliant on

the quality of the supplier

● The margins at which you can sell the products are solely
reliant on the supplier's enforcement policy (I’ll explain this in
a minute)

This also means:

● If your supplier delivers bad quality products and your

customers are unhappy, you’ll have to deal with it.
● If your supplier takes a long time to deliver the products and
your customers are unhappy, you’ll have to deal with it.

● If your supplier doesn’t enforce MAP (Minimum Advertised

Price), you’ll have to compete with other brands on price
which will lead to a race to the bottom and you’ll barely make
any profit on your sales

Understanding this, the quality of our supplies will play a huge role in
whether we succeed or not.

So how do we find high-quality suppliers?

The H.T.E Supplier Research Framework

Now, there are many ways to do supplier research.

With a couple of hours of work, you should have an entire list of

suppliers to reach out to and start business relationships with.

1 - Home Depot/Wayfair

The Home Depot/Wayfair method is by far the easiest to find


Go to both of these websites and type in the product type you want to
sell in the search bar and then filter the search to only show items and
brands above $1,000.

Then you will be given a list of brands selling your product type at +
Copy and paste all of them into a sheet.

There you go.

2 - Research Competitors

After you’ve exhausted your options with Home Depot and Wayfair, go
to Google and type “Buy (item) online”.
Go to the Google Shopping section, and filter once again by +$1,000.

Go to the Seller’s section and copy all of the brands in there into a

Then filter the stores that have the name of the product you’re trying to
sell in their name.

For example, if you’re selling grills, sort your list by the stores that have
“Grill” in their brand name as they’re more likely to be dropshipping
stores dedicated to selling grills.

Open the website of these stores and there will be a section that will
say either “Brands” or “Vendors”.

Add all the brands to your already existing list.

3 - Verify MAP (Minimum Advertised Price)

After we compile our list we need to verify which brands enforce MAP.

MAP is the minimum price you’ll be allowed to sell the brand’s products
So let’s say a brand sells Saunas and they enforce MAP of $9,000.

That means that you and all the other stores will only be able to go as
low as $9,000.

The reason you want MAP is so you don’t have to compete with other
stores on price in a race to the bottom.

The way you verify MAP is to simply type the name of the branded
product, go to Google Shopping, and see if the prices being advertised
are similar and don’t go below a certain price point.

If they are then the supplier enforces MAP and that’s ideally a supplier
you’d like to work with.

You only want to keep suppliers in your list that enforce MAP.

4 - Verify Brand Demand

After we have our MAP suppliers, we want to verify people are actively
searching for their products.

We’ll use the exact same process we used to verify Demand.

Use some SEO Software like Ahrefs or Semrush and type in the brand’s
name to check for the search volume for the keyword in the last few

At least 500 searches a month is ideal.

5 - Finding supplier contact information

Now that we have our supplier list, it’s time to get the decision-makers
contact info.

Download Apollo.Io and Hunter.Io chrome extensions.

Check out supplier websites. Use the extensions to scrape the contact
info of decision-makers (CEOs, founders, etc…)

Add them to your list.

Boom - You have a list full of contacts to reach out to.

But before that…

Building A Niche Store with a Theme around

the products we’re going to sell

Now when it comes to building a high-ticket eCom store, it will be a

vastly different process from building a traditional dropshipping store.

Think of traditional dropshipping as one-night stands.

You go to the club, you meet an attractive girl, there’s some chemistry,
you go home and you have sex.

If it’s good maybe you’ll repeat it once or twice, but the likelihood is that
you two will never see each other again.

This is the experience of your average dropshipping store.

Your customer sees something on the Facebook feed, they think it’s
cute or they need it, they buy it and then they have to wait 30 to 60
days for the product to arrive.

The product finally arrives and it ends up being low quality and they
never buy from you again.

High-ticket is the exact opposite.

Think of it like a long-term girlfriend.

You meet an attractive girl and you go out on a few dates to get to
know each other better.

You like each other, there’s chemistry building up, and slowly but
surely, eventually, you’ll have your first time in the bedroom.

It’s a good experience, and both of you enjoy it, so it doesn’t stop

After that first time, you keep nurturing and investing in the relationship.

Maybe you took her to a fancy restaurant on the first date but now you’ll
take her to a new spot.

Eventually, she’s your girlfriend and she always keeps coming back
for more.

This is what it’s like to operate a high-ticket store.

First, you nurture your customers into buying a premium item.

Then you give them a premium experience through proper fulfillment
and customer service.

And then you have an array of related premium items to sell to those

And to add the cherry on top… When doing high-ticket, your customers
are actually “gf material”.

What I mean by that is people who buy expensive items are way easier
to deal with, because they’re people with money.

We don’t deal with no brokies over here.

So how do you build a high-ticket store?

The H.T.E Store Building Framework

Now I’m not going to walk you through a Shopify tutorial here.

Instead, I’m going to explain to you the high-level concept behind the
structure of a High Ticket Store.

For demonstration, let’s assume we’re selling Home Comfort items.

Now Imagine a Pyramid

Now imagine this pyramid has 3 layers.
Now, this pyramid represents the level at which our customers are.

At the bottom, you have people who are looking for a home comfort
item, for example, a Sauna.

They know they want a Sauna, but they don’t know what type of
Sauna and what brand of Sauna.

Above that, you have people who are looking for a Sauna, they know
which type of Sauna but they’re looking around at different brands to
see which one would be the best fit for them.

And at the top, you have people who are looking for a Sauna, they
know which type of Sauna, they know they want a specific brand,
and all you need to do is to put your store (that represents and
distributes the brand they’re already looking for) in front of that
customer and capture that sale.

Now imagine the same pyramid.

But applied to your store and its 3 main sections.

Those being:

- Home Section
- Collection Pages
- Product Pages

The Home Section is designed for prospects at the bottom of the


Its purpose is to build Trust.

You do this by creating a clean and functional aesthetic, providing

social proof through Reviews, and establishing yourself as an
authority through Brand Values/Brand Story.
Here’s an example:

The Collection Pages are designed for prospects at the middle of the

Its purpose is to provide Clarity.

You do this by giving customers clear information that helps them

overcome objections and create clarity on which product might be
the best for them.

Here’s an example:
The Product Pages are designed for prospects at the top of the

Its purpose is to Convert.

You do this by creating a proper argument as to why they should buy

this product.

This is done through copy, elements of social proof, reviews, etc...

Showcasing why this is the product they need and why they should
go with it rather than with something else.

Here’s an example:
When you structure your store like this, we address every level of

As you might imagine given the prices of our products, the conversion
windows (the time between the customer seeing us for the first time and
buying) are way longer.

This way you nurture them every step of the way and you don’t miss out
on potential revenue.

And this is how you build and structure a proper high-ticket store.

Closing Partnerships with Suppliers

Now that you have the first version of our store it’s time to close some

I mentioned before the importance of suppliers but I’m going to add

another point.
Bringing on new Suppliers is like investing in a stock that pays you
dividends every day.

You play the role of a mediator between these brands and the people
actively looking for them.

This means the more suppliers you close, the bigger of a customer
pool you get access to.

Simply by closing more and better suppliers, you automatically tap into
more revenue potential.

It’s by far one of the easiest ways to raise your Revenue numbers.

So how do you close these partnerships?

The H.T.E Supplier Acquisition Framework

It’s important to understand that these brands/suppliers get 100s of

emails a day.

If you want to close these partnerships you need to be serious about

this process and stand out.

To do that the first thing we’re going to do is build a pitch deck.

1 - Pitch Deck
The pitch deck should contain at least 5 elements:

- An introduction of yourself
- An introduction to your brand
- Your core values (what you believe in)
- Your value proposition (what you can do for them)
- The benefits of working with you (Exactly how and why
working with you will be a net positive for them)

Here’s an example I made in 10 minutes with Canva:

Slide 1 (Intro)
Slide 2 (Personal Intro)

Slide 3 (Brand Intro)

Slide 4 (Why partner up)

Slide 5 (Core Values)

Slide 6 (Value Proposition)

Slide 7 (Value Proposition Expand)

Slide 8 (CTA)

After you have your pitch deck, record a video going over it.

You’re going to send this to your suppliers.

2 - Outreach Sequence

After we have our pitch deck, we’ll set up our outreach campaigns.

Here’s what the campaigns will look like:

- First Contact
- Follow-up (3 days later)
- Follow-up (3 days later)
- Second Contact
- Follow-up (3 days later)
- Follow-up (3 days later)

Keep this pace until you get a response.

3 - Outreach Script

Here’s the script you’ll be using in this sequence.

Email 1 (Assuming did not speak with on phone)

Hi [name],

I am the owner and CEO of [your store]. We are an eCommerce brand in

the [niche the target is in] niche. We are in the process of partnering
with new suppliers in the [niche] space to build out this section of our

My team has been doing research for the last month, and we believe
that [brand] would be a high-potential partner to add to our [niche]

We are confident that we can play a large role in growing the [brand
name] brand with our omnichannel marketing strategy, plan for
customer success, and strong branding.

Could you please connect me with the correct person to speak with
about opening up an online retail account?

I have attached a video introducing myself and my brand for your

review. If you have any further questions for me, please book a call with
me at the link below.

I look forward to working together and growing [brand name].

Thank you for your help,

[your name]
Email 1 (Assuming did speak with on phone)

Hi [name],

It was great chatting with you. As discussed, I’ve attached the

PowerPoint that gives you a brief introduction to our store and brand.

Please advise me on the next steps on how we can get set up as an

online retailer.

Thank you for your help,

[your name]

Email 2

Hi [name],

Did you have a chance to review my video below?

(OPTIONAL) - We’ve recently partnered with [brand competitor] name

and we’ve had a ton of early success in the [niche]

Can you please let me know how to open up an online retail account
with [brand]?


Email 3

Hi [name],
I am very confident that we can add a ton of value to your brand and
help grow your sales using our omnichannel marketing and customer
retention-based approach.

Is there someone else that I should contact about opening up an online

retail account?

[your name]

Just using these scripts alone, you’ll be able to close suppliers

through email solely.

But just in case you do have to jump on a call, never mention the word
“dropshipping”. Suppliers hate that.

And this is it.

Once this is done, you’ll get everything you need to export the products
to your store, and then all you have to do is repeat this process at scale
to close more suppliers over time.

2 - Launch and Iteration

Now that you have your store built with products ready to sell, it’s time
to launch your business.

And for that you need…

A proper Ads strategy that specifically targets
people that are already looking for what you’re

Once again, like many of the examples before, the Ads strategy used
for high ticket eCom is completely different from traditional
dropshipping (and better).

For high-ticket eCom, you’ll be using Google as your primary Ad


You’ll still use other platforms to retarget the people who’ve already
been exposed to your brand. But the main driver of Revenue will be
Google Ads.

And the easiest analogy to use for this is a literal one.

With regular Facebook Advertisements, you’re playing a losing game.

Ad Costs only go up over time because it’s a bidding war.

It’s a platform that rewards those who can pay the most and the people
who can pay the most money, win the game.

So your ads compound negatively over time and eat into your margins.

Facebook also doesn’t hold any sort of long-term ROI besides building
your customer list.

Google on the other hand is not only much more efficient in targeting
your ideal customers but it also compounds positively.
What I mean is, your Google Ad Spend directly helps with SEO.

So not only are you capturing short-term conversions but those

advertising dollars are feeding into longer-term organic reach.

Do this for 3 to 4 years and you can run your store solely based on
organic traffic and retargeting ads.

Building a true long-term, antifragile asset

So how do you run a proper Advertisement strategy with high ticket


The H.T.E Paid Advertisement Framework

Now just like with our store-building example, I’m not going to walk you
through a Google Ads tutorial. (You have Youtube for that)

Instead, I’m going to show you the high-level concept of what makes a
good ad structure for high-ticket eCom.

To demonstrate, let’s go back to our pyramid example

We already established that at the top of the pyramid are the prospects
that are most likely to buy.

So you’re going to adopt an 80/20 approach.

80% of your advertising efforts will be directed toward the top 20% of
potential customers.

By doing this you’ll not only increase your conversion rate but you’ll
also decrease your CPM.

How do you do this?

You target specific keywords/searches that only people at that level of

awareness would be searching for.

You tailor it specifically for that top-of-the-pyramid avatar.

Then, once people have visited your site and have been made aware of
who you are, you blast them with retargeting ads on all other platforms
until they buy.

And once you have a winner that’s selling and converting with high-
profit margins…

3 - Systems and Scale

Once you have ads running profitably, it simply becomes a game of

volume, iteration, and optimization.

So this is when we build for scale.

A well-functioning system that refines, and
optimizes all of these pieces as you add
volume to your Ad Spend and Sales.
As I mentioned before, high ticket eCom is much different from
traditional dropshipping in the sense that it’s a much more long-term-
oriented play.

At this point is when you start investing in SEO, improving your CRO,
and building a team to which you can outsource tasks and automate
your business.

I’m not going to get into details in this part because it’s much further
down the line, but these are the last pieces to full scale to millions in


So, as you can see all you need to do is:

- Setup a Proper Business based in the USA that sells high-

quality products from USA warehouses (You need this to
actually deal with high-ticket suppliers)

- Tap into a Niche that consists of Products that already have

built-in demand and people consistently searching for them.

- Build a list of potential Partnerships with Reliable Suppliers

that facilitate you selling high-quality high ticket products and
push volume on them.
- Build a Niche Store with a Theme around the products we’re
going to sell that resonates with the customers we’re

- Close Partnerships with Reliable Suppliers that facilitate you

selling high-quality high-ticket products and push volume on

- Create a proper Ads strategy that specifically targets people

that are already looking for what you’re selling and are ready
to buy.

- Develop a well-functioning system that refines, and optimizes

all of these pieces as you add volume to your Ad Spend and

And if you just do this, you’ll be able to get to at least $10k/month

profit in the next 24 weeks.

And if you still don’t believe me, let me further show you.

This is a screenshot of my first-ever supplier application. Denied.

This is a screenshot of my first-ever ad campaign. 33 add to carts. Not
one singular purchase.

Just like most people in any endeavor, I had no clue what I was doing.

The lessons I learned and everything I’m sharing with you on this doc
were learned through hardship and failure.

But eventually, I made my first sale.

Screenshot of my first sale back on October 21st, 2021.

And then I went on to make more sales.

Screenshot of my first 8 months doing high ticket eCom without any
previous experience.

And then I went on to have +$55k days.

Screenshot of my first $55k day from the Shopify Dashboard.

So just trust me, if you just apply what’s in this document, you’ll be able
to get to at least $10k/month profit in the next 24 weeks.

So what Now?
You have a few options:

Option 1: You keep doing what you’ve done up until now and keep
spinning your wheels hoping something changes but…

How much more willpower do you think you can muster and for how
much longer can you go on without seeing results?

Option 2: You can follow the exact process I laid out for you in this
document. If you follow it to a T and you’ll inevitably see success but it
will probably still take you longer to do so.

There are still variables that I couldn’t cover here and there are still
things that you’ll have to figure out by yourself.

Option 3: You can work directly with me, follow the exact step-by-step
instructions I’m going to give you to a T, make your first high ticket
eCom sale in the next 60 days, and hit at least $10k/month (profit) in
the next 24 weeks.

This option is only for you If:

● You’ve tried to launch an eCommerce store in the past and failed.

● You’re currently struggling to try to run an eCommerce store with

the traditional dropshipping model.

● You want to start a proper eCommerce brand but you have no

money to buy large amounts of inventory.

● You work a regular career and you want to transition into an

online business.

● You’re trying other business models but failing to get results.

Again, the goal is to get you to make your first high-ticket eCom sale in
the next 60 days and get you to $10k/month (profit) in the next 24

Here's exactly how it’s going to work:

Business Setup

I'll show you and directly help you set up a proper business.
This includes LLC, business phone number, business address, business
bank account, and business credit card.

Everything step-by-step.

Niche Selection

I'll show you exactly how to do Niche Research.

After we come up with a list of niches that you'd like to sell in, I'll tell
you exactly which one you should go with, which products would be the
most profitable to sell in that particular niche, and exactly where and
how to find them.

Supplier Research

I'll show you exactly what to look for in suppliers, how to find them and
how to find the decision maker's contact information for you to reach
out to them.

I’ll also give you a pre-built list with +50 suppliers in that particular niche
and all the information you need to immediately start reaching out to

Store Building

I'll show you the exact step-by-step process of how to build a high-
converting high-ticket eCom store.

Most importantly, I’ll have my team literally build the first version of your
store for you so there’s nothing left to chance.
Closing Suppliers

I’ll show you how to set up an automated outreach system.

I'll also show you the proven scripts I personally use to close suppliers.

I’ll also literally set up the entire outreach system for you that does all
outreach for you on autopilot without you having to do anything.

Setting up Ads

I'll teach you how to use the Ad Platforms and I'll literally directly build
your first Ad campaign with you, so it’s properly set up from the get-go
so you can make your first sale as quickly as possible.

Systems and Hiring

I'll show you how to find cheap and competent VAs to help you manage
the store.

How to build SOPs to train them, and how to create systems for SEO
and CRO that will help you convert higher, and scale smoothly and

What does it look like on the inside?

You'll have access to the Slack community as long as we work


You'll have access to all the training material for a lifetime.

We'll be working together for a period of 24 weeks.

During that time you'll have direct access to me through Slack and
Zoom in your own private channel with me.

👉 You will have access to the EXACT strategies from the TOP minds in

We have guest speakers who come every 2 weeks who are specialists
in SEO, CRO, Hiring, and Email Marketing.

They will give you the EXACT steps to put you in the top 1% of eCom
stores in each of these areas.

The goal is to get you to $10k/month profit (minimum) in those 24


If you put in the work, it will happen.

How sure am I?

I guarantee that if you're not at least at $5k/month (profit) by the time

6 months mark comes, you can continue working us for FREE until you
hit that target.

So if you're tired of:

- Spinning your wheels through traditional dropshipping

- Working a traditional career that's not fulfilling

If you want to commit to getting your store to $10k/mo profit as quickly

as possible, book a call with me or my team here.

Still on the fence?

Many of the students who joined in the initial launch are already seeing
sales and exceptional results.

1. Here’s an interview I did with Jack and Joel (Now internal

coaches) who scaled their store from scratch to over $290,000 per
month within 4 months:
How Jack and Joel went from $0 to $100,000/Month in 3 Months on a Brand New Store

2. Here’s an interview I did with Christian who scaled to over

$38,000 in 1.5 months since launching his store:

How Christian Went From $0 to $38,000/Month in under 3 Months (on a brand new store)
3. How Nick went from $0 to $10,000/week within 2 months of
launching his store
How Nick Went From $0 to $10,000/Week In 3 Months With High Ticket Dropshipping (with
no experience)

4. How Tryggvi made $20,000 in sales on Day 1 He Launched Ads

How Tryggvi made $20,000 in Sales Day 1 He Launched Ads
5. How Izaiah did $23,000 in Month 1 of High Ticket eCom After
Failing for Months with Low Ticket Dropshipping
$23,000+ In Month 1 of High Ticket eCom After Failing for Months With Low Ticket

6. How Mike did $35,000 in First Month Launching Ads

How Mike Did $35,000 in His First Month Launching Ads
7. How Jack and Joel went from $80,000 to $289,000 in 2 Months
Jack and Joel Went From $80,000 to $289,000 in 2 Months

If you’re still unsure….I put together a page with all of our student
results here.

So if you want to start a store and get it to $10k/mo profit as quickly as

possible, book a call with me or my team here.

I’ll speak to you soon.

- Brook

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