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(Assumptions and Logic)

Ref: CRHO1002104
Directions for questions 1 to 25: Select the correct alternative from the given choices.

1. Investors buy shares of a company when its profits 3. Mohan: There are many good reasons for the
increase, increasing the share price and sell government to spend tax revenues on education.
a company's shares when its profitability decreases, But, the claim that education offers economic benefit
resulting in the drop in the price. Recently the profits seems to be misguided. The government has to
of Morepen decreased significantly and the share spend a lot of money to develop infrastructure
price was expected to plunge, but a lot of buying needed for education facilities and to pay salaries to
interest substantially increased the share price. the teachers, while the students virtually pay nothing
Basing on this, we cannot conclude that the share for the education they receive.
price movement is irrational because ______.
Ram: Your argument fails because you neglect gains
Which of the following most logically completes the
outside the education system: after growing up, these
educated citizens produce wealth for the whole of the
(A) the profits of Morepen decreased far less than
the profits of other companies belonging to the
same industry as Morepen
Ram's response to Mohan makes which of the
(B) to revitalize the economy, the government
following assumptions?
recently offered some financial incentives to
(A) Educated people get better employment with
companies that are incurring losses
higher wages, paying higher income tax and
(C) most of the times, investors buy shares basing
other indirect taxes to the government than
on future profit potential, rather than on existing
uneducated workforce does.
(B) Mohan is generally against public funding
(D) even slight decrease in profits of a company
because he believes that funds in private entities
creates panic among investors, leading to rapid
are used more efficiently than those in publicly
sell off
funded organizations.
2. Sisco, a computer software company, employs many (C) The economic contributions of those receiving
programmers for its software development. The education from public funded institutions can
highly competitive market has forced it to decrease outweigh expenditure incurred for the provision
prices of its products, adversely affecting its profit of education.
margins. So, to minimize the costs, the company has (D) Funding human resource development should
planned to terminate senior programmers who take into consideration economic factors before
demand higher wages and recruit employees with such investments are made.
lesser programming experience. The company
predicts that this significant cost reduction will enable 4. During elections, educated voters tend to support
it to improve its profits, despite increasing competition a candidate for an office, if they believe that the
in the field. candidate enters politics with the genuine desire to
serve people. As soon as they find that such
In determining the impact on the Company's profits a candidate starts spending exorbitant amounts of
by recruiting employees with lesser experience, it money on campaigning to win the election, they start
would be important for Sisco to research all of the believing that the propagandist does not deserve their
following EXCEPT votes and thus do not vote for him.
(A) Are the companies in the industry undertaking
similar strategies to minimize the costs in order The explanation offered above for educated voters'
to face stiff competition prevalent? not supporting a candidate who spends exorbitant
(B) Do the employees with lesser programming money on campaigning assumes that
experience need as much time to start and close (A) educated voters use proper discretion in deciding
a project as do the existing senior programmers whether or not a candidate for an office is worthy
working for the company? of electoral support.
(C) Do the programs developed by lesser (B) educated voters believe that a candidate
experienced programmers successfully cater to spending a lot of money on campaigning is not
the needs of the clients for whom the programs motivated to undertake genuine public service.
are developed? (C) the amount spent on campaigning during an
(D) Can the Company employ more number of election constitutes a significant proportion of all
programmers with lesser experience spending expenditure of a candidate running for an office.
the same amount paid to the senior (D) candidates can have fair chances of winning an
programmers to offset the former programmers' election only if they spend a lot of money on
demerit, if any? campaigning during that election.
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5. Sardonia was formerly a major exporter of coal, but (B) It takes for granted that the subjects who had
in recent decades economic stagnation there and more friends than other subjects had high
import restrictions in coal-importing countries sociability even before they were aware of the
inhibited the new investment for development of new sociability scales.
coal fields. Consequently, Sardonian coal exports (C) It overlooks the possibility that subjects with high
dropped steadily as the old coal mines gradually levels of sociability tend to make friends with
became depleted. Sardonia's currently improving many people than subjects with low levels of
economic situation, together with less-restrictive sociability.
regulations outside, will undoubtedly result in the (D) It overlooks the possibility that factors other than
rapid development of new coal fields. However, it the tendency to make friends may be of greater
would be premature to conclude that the rapid importance in developing sociability in subjects.
development of new coal fields will result in higher
coal exports, because ______. 8. Catalonia has long been narrowly self-sufficient in both
iron ore and steel. However, as the country has
Which of the following most logically completes the become more and more industrialized, the
argument? consumption of both iron ore and steel has risen to
(A) there has been rapid surge in demand for power higher levels each year. Therefore, since the
in many developing countries which mostly use industrialization continues to be more prevalent,
coal for power generation. whereas domestic production of iron ore will not
(B) new coal fields can become economically viable increase due to limitations of iron ore mines, Catalonia
only after a minimum of five years of operations. will soon have to import either iron ore or steel or both.
(C) a major proportion of the export revenues in
Sardonia come from the export oil, whose Which of the following is an assumption on which the
reserves are abundant in the country. argument depends?
(D) the improving Sardonian economic situation is (A) The annual production of iron ore will not
likely to result in dramatic increase in power decrease in Catalonia.
demand, which is to be catered to by the (B) The demand for iron ore and steel was more in
country's coal-based thermal power plants. Catalonia than in countries with similar economy.
(C) The consumption of iron ore and steel is similar
6. Many customers of Alpha, a service provider, believe in different industries of Catalonia.
that the most frequent reason for complaint about (D) The consumption of iron ore and steel has been
Alpha is delay in the delivery of service purchased. increasing over the past few years.
This belief is apparently correct, since, of the twenty 9. Large manufacturers in Sardonia, as per the recently
five thousand complaints received during last year by passed law, are now required to implement latest
Alpha's call center, twenty percent are related to the emission control technologies that bring industrial
delivery of service. effluents to minimal levels. But this change is unlikely
to result in a significant decrease in pollution levels,
Which of the following is an assumption on which the because large manufacturers are likely to circumvent
argument depends? the law, exploiting the exemptions in the law to their
(A) The number of complaints received during the advantage, and ______.
last year with regard to the quality of service
provided and other factors was negligible. Which of the following most logically completes the
(B) A majority of call centers mostly receives argument?
complaints about the delay in the delivery of (A) the use of latest technologies to control industrial
services. effluents are far more expensive than the
(C) Some of the complaints received by Alpha's call alternative technologies available in this regard.
center are related to other aspects of services. (B) small or medium manufacturing units, which are
(D) For all call centers, at least twenty percent of exempt from the law, contribute to significant
complaints received are related to delay in proportion of pollution caused in Sardonia.
service delivery. (C) many of the industrial effluents detected are
immediately taken care of by the departments of
7. Sociologist: In a study, researchers gave 200 subjects Sardonia that are related to environment.
a sociometry questionnaire to measure their (D) approximately 45% of industrial effluents were
sociability. The researchers then asked each subject attributed to large manufacturing units of
the number of friends he/she has. The subjects with Sardonia before the law was implemented.
the highest number of friends consistently rated
10. Although Repair Now, which employs skilled workers
themselves as having much higher sociability than
on a permanent basis, is now incurring operating
did the subjects with fewer number of friends.
losses, the management of the company will lower
This suggests that making friends with more number
the service fee across all the services it provides.
of friends greatly improves one's sociability.
The management predicts that the lower service
charges will result in a ten percent increase in the
The sociologist's argument is most vulnerable to number of its customers. Since the additional income
criticism on which of the following grounds? from the larger clientele base will more than offset the
(A) It fails to adequately address the possibility decrease due to lower service charges, the company
that many subjects may not have understood actually expects the service fee reduction to reduce
the actual criterion basing on which the or eliminate the company's operating losses for
questionnaire is made. next year.
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Which of the following, if true, provides most support 13. In a mathematics examination, a complex problem
for the company's expectation of reducing the requiring numerous steps to arrive at the solution was
operating losses? given. During evaluation, it was found that students
(A) The company can provide services to the who arrived at the correct solution were those who
increased customers without recruiting any more used fewer than the minimum number of steps
skilled workers.
required to solve that problem, while students who
(B) Throughout the years that the company has been
went wrong with the problem used far more than the
in service, the service charges have never before
been reduced. minimum number of steps.
(C) The reduced service charges are not applicable
to customers who are subscribers, rather to one- Which of the following hypotheses best accounts for
time customers of the company. the findings of the experiment?
(D) The current reduction in service charges, which (A) Solving complex mathematical problems
had been higher than those of competitors, will requires higher levels of intelligence that is
make them on par with those of competitors. seldom present in most of the students solving
11. Often, patients who are supposedly prone to (B) A person undertaking mathematical problem
diabetes, but are not actually affected by the disease, solving, especially when the problem is complex,
are prescribed a repeat diabetes diagnostic test every requires more deliberation than he does when to
six months, because endocrinologists are concerned solve an easier problem.
about possibly having misjudged the proneness of (C) Students good at complex mathematical problem
the patients. When a number of the diagnostic tests solving can efficiently anticipate the outcome of
were reviewed, however, it has been proved that the future steps without actually undertaking the
most of the patients have been identified with the steps.
problem within six or seven repeat diagnostic tests. (D) The longer the steps required to solve a problem,
Therefore, it is not a waste of money to order the more complex it will be for students to solve
a repeat diagnostic test for persons supposedly prone that problem.
to diabetes.
14. Estonia recently introduced a law requiring private
Which of the following is an assumption on which the schools not funded by government to not collect as
above conclusion depends? school fee beyond a certain amount, which is, even
(A) Doctors who are general practitioners rather after the limit, far higher than that collected in
than endocrinologists are less likely than government funded schools. Parents who educate
endocrinologists to judge the proneness to their children in private schools are generally
diabetes. expected to choose to shift them to government-
(B) The test reports of patients of many funded schools, when their disposable incomes go
endocrinologists from different hospitals were below a certain level. These parents, however, are
reviewed. likely to continue their kids in private schools even
(C) Patients prone to diabetes are more likely to during economic recessions, because of the lure of
have endocrine related problems than are
private education.
patients not prone to diabetes.
(D) Endocrinologists are less prone to error in
Which of the following would be most important to
estimating the onset of diabetes than are other
determine to decide whether the conclusion about the
medical specialists.
parents’ inclination is correct or not?
(A) Whether these parents are inclined to limit their
12. In deciding the ways to optimize the potential of
spending of disposable incomes on other things
students at a younger age, it is inadvisable to
to continue their kids education in private
mandate conduction of psychometric tests to identify
the flair of individual students. While such an attempt
(B) Whether private schools that charge high fee
does identify the potential of individual students, it is
offer education that is as good as that offered in
possible only at prohibitive costs. So it would be
publicly funded schools.
practical to identify the students' innate abilities by
(C) What are the percentages of disposable income
observing their behavior in the routine classroom
that are generally spent on kids' education both
during economic uptrend and economic
The argument given concerning the practical way to
(D) What are the advantages of educating children in
optimize the potential of students at a younger age
private schools in comparison with their getting
presupposes that
educated in publicly funded schools.
(A) the education sector has now some system,
though inefficient, to identify students' potential.
15. Insta Write, whose full-version is given free to all
(B) the only way to optimize students' potential is to
use psychometric tests that identify students' users, is a software program developed by Alpha
flair. Company. A recent survey has found that most of the
(C) minute differences among students in their flair users of the program are ready to pay some amount
might make significant impact on their potential. to use the program. Even though Alpha Company is
(D) there are effective ways to determine students' seeking ways to improve its profitability, it has
potential by studying their regular classroom decided not to charge anything from the users of the
activities. program.
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Which of the following, if true, would most help to 18. Loss of biodiversity results, in part, from the use of
explain Alpha’s decision in the light of its objectives? pesticides and synthetic fertilizers, which adversely
(A) Insta Write program runs only on limited affects populations of natural pollinators. As the
platforms which are to be separately downloaded reproduction of most flowering plants depends on the
and used exclusively for the sake of Insta Write pollinators, the reducing populations of pollinators
program. adversely affect the plant diversity, which is essential
(B) Free users of the program, who very frequently for sustenance of different species of animals.
find Insta Write to be efficient, tend to purchase Thus, to protect the biodiversity, Country A has
other high-priced programs developed by Alpha. planned to minimize immediately and prohibit in the
(C) None of the competitors of Insta Write program long run the use of synthetic fertilizers and pesticides.
offers features that are more intuitive and more
user-friendly than those offered by Insta Write. Which of the following is most useful to know in order
(D) For the needs that Insta Write cater to, all the to assess the likelihood that Country A’s plan will be
available programs charge extremely high successful?
amount of money and actually have fewer (A) What species of flowering plants are primarily
favorable features than Insta Write does. dependent on natural pollinators to reproduce in
adequate numbers to sustain biodiversity?
16. In an experiment, a group of volunteers was (B) Whether the plants pollinated by air or water are
presented a hypothetical situation, in which they as important as are the plants pollinated by
needed to impose on a close friend or relative natural pollinators.
a punishment that could be either lenient or severe. (C) What proportion of natural pollinators are
If they did not choose specific punishment, severe or adversely affected by factors other than
lenient punishment was to be given by the flip of pesticides and synthetic fertilizers?
a coin. Then all of them imposed a lenient punishment (D) Whether synthetic fertilizers do more harm to
and said that they acted fairly. When the situation was natural pollinators or pesticides do more harm to
described to another group of volunteers, almost all them.
of them said that the first group acted unfairly. Basing
on these observations, the researchers concluded 19. Since 1900, India has utilized 80% of the coal mined
that most people apply weaker moral standards to for power generation. If power demand continues to
themselves than to others. rise at the present rate, in about 40 years, the coal
reserves present in India will be exhausted and India
Which of the following is a presupposition required by will have to face serious power shortage for want of
this argument? coal.
(A) At least some volunteers who said they acted
fairly in imposing lenient punishment would have Which of the following is an assumption on which the
said that it was unfair for someone to do so. argument is based?
(B) A person imposing punishment on a close friend (A) Since 1900, coal reserves have decreased
or a relative should be as objective as when he significantly as a result of increase in demand for
was imposing punishment on others. power.
(C) Whether people give fair punishment or unfair (B) Any other power production other than thermal
punishment does not depend on individual power using coal will be insufficient to prevent the
circumstances. power shortage from occurring.
(D) People's imposing punishment depends on (C) Other power sources that cater to the needs of
whether the punishment is imposed by an India have shown at least a slight improvement
individual or by a group. in power generation.
(D) Voluntary power conservation will not by itself be
17. Many people who commute to work everyday suffer sufficient to hold India's current power
from allergic reactions due to Particulate Matter (PM) consumption at the current levels.
emitted from diesel engines. A city in Liberia recently
prohibited, during daytime, the entry of heavy-duty
vehicles which exclusively use diesel engines. 20. Any environmental issue discussion about the
Hence, we can expect that many such commuters potential threat to ecosystems due to global warming
can now commute every day without the fear of is not effective if the participating bodies do not use
allergic reaction. terms such as ‘extinction of species’ and use milder
expressions such as ‘decreasing biodiversity’
Which of the following is NOT an assumption on instead. In reality, the harsh expressions such as
which the argument depends? ‘extinction’ engenders desirable reactions, such as
(A) The Particulate Matter released by heavy-duty higher level of concern, whereas the substitute
vehicles during night does not persist for long. expressions do not. Therefore, of the two types of
(B) No other emission released by other vehicles terms, harsher words are the ones that should be
causes an allergic reaction caused by Particulate used during deliberations of this kind.
(C) Regular passenger vehicles that run on diesel do Which of the following is an assumption on which the
not release the Particulate Matter, causing above argument depends?
allergy. (A) Words such as 'extinction of species' have not so
(D) People commuting to work during nighttime are far been used as substitutes for words such as
more prone to allergic reaction than are those decreasing biodiversity in the environmental
commuting during daytime. issue deliberations.

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(B) In serious deliberations related to environment, 23. Several online retailers intensified their fierce
what is said by the participants is more important competition for business by offering cash-back on
than how it is expressed. future purchases that, if made within a certain
(C) In the kind of deliberations in question, the time period, will be eligible for the cash-back.
advantages of desirable responses evoked from The cash-back amount is far higher than the discount
the harsh terms outweigh the disadvantages, offered on cash purchases. The retailers’ long-term
if any, resulting from undesirable emotions from gains from this cash-back will be enormous because,
those terms. unlike the cash purchase discounts, these
(D) The only reason that scholars would have for cash-backs can be availed only for a limited period.
using harsher expressions in the place of mild
The author assumes which of the following about
expressions is to elicit reasonable responses
cash-backs in predicting the long-term gains in the
from the participants.
online retailers’ revenues?
(A) More cash-backs are offered than are actually
21. Fun for All, an entertainment conglomerate, is utilized in later purchases.
undertaking ambitious construction of many (B) Purchases for which discounts are offered are
multiplexes, though it has many unused theaters. not beneficial to the retailers.
These existing theaters, though available for (C) The retailers have to discontinue cash discounts
screening, unfortunately do not meet the safety after introduction of cash-backs.
requirements recently mandated. The company, (D) Majority of the cash-backs are given to first time
therefore, is not guilty of fiscal wastefulness. customers.

Which of the following is an assumption on which the 24. Carbon credits are permits which allow a country to
above argument depends? produce a certain amount of carbon emissions and
(A) The company prefers using new facilities to using which can be traded if the full allowance is not used.
the older ones in cases where these two An environmental organization argues that this will be
alternatives are equally cost-effective. environmentally beneficial in the long run because
(B) The theaters now owned by the company and there is an upper limit for the carbon credits given to
any country and the money collected thus will be used
available for screening are cost-effective to run,
to develop environment-friendly technologies.
though they are not as cozy as multiplexes.
(C) The new multiplexes constructed would not, after The organization's conclusion is based on the
completion, add to the stock of theaters that are assumption that
already owned, but not used by the company. (A) the higher the carbon emissions a country
(D) Adaptation of currently available theaters to meet produces, the higher the possibility of limiting the
the government’s safety requirement, if possible, carbon credits.
(B) countries short of the credits do not purchase
would not make using such theaters a more
them from countries that do not produce the
cost-effective alternative to construction of new
specific amounts of carbon emissions that have
theaters. been permitted.
(C) the money collected by selling carbon credits is
22. Scholars are intrigued by the accuracy of concentric not adequate for the development of eco-friendly
circles in which the iconic stones of Stonehenge technologies.
were erected. The perimeters of the rings of the (D) the short term benefits of carbon credit system
three-millennia old monument are evenly divisible by are not likely to surpass the long term benefits of
a single standard measurement, that is to say, with no the system.
fractions remaining. This measurement, later known
as ‘long foot’, is now attributed to ‘Lavant Drum’, an 25. The average monthly salary of a software
intricately carved chalk cylinder found in a child’s programmer in Sardonia is significantly lower than
grave belonging to the same period during which that in Maxico. Since Maxico dropped all the import
Stonehenge was built. Thus, scholars hypothesize tariffs on software products, the export revenues for
that the Lavant Drum was used as an instrument of Sardonia from exporting software products to Maxico
measurement during the construction of Stonehenge. has not changed. However, a recent study has shown
that the number of programmers in Sardonia has
The scholars’ hypothesis is based on which of the decreased. And so, we can predict that the said
following assumptions? export revenues will be likely to decline in the present
(A) The Lavant Drum found in the child’s grave was financial year.
not placed there many generations later by Which of the following is an assumption on which the
subsequent generations. prediction depends?
(B) Other ancient constructions built during the same (A) Maxico's software companies are likely to suffer
period as the Stonehenge have not used similar because of the removal of tariffs.
measurement tools. (B) The software programmers of both the countries
(C) The occupant of the grave was a member of develop similar software programs.
Neolithic tribe that built the Stonehenge which (C) The efficiency of software programmers in
has concentric circles. Sardonia has not significantly increased.
(D) All concentric circles were drawn using a same (D) The number of software programmers in
unit, the length of which can divide all the Sardonia is decided by the revenues they
perimeters without leaving behind a remainder. generate.

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