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A long time ago, an old woman named Babushka lived in a small cottage

out in the countryside. One evening, she was preparing a big pot of soup,
when she heard a knock at the door.
When Babushka went to see who was there, she found three richly dressed
men who all carried packages. They looked like men of learning from far in
the East.
"You must be freezing dearies!" exclaimed Babushka, "Come in and have a
warming bowl of hot soup!"
While they were eating, the men told Babushka that the birth of the Son of
God, Jesus Christ, was about to occur and that the brightest star in the
sky would lead them to Him. They were travelling to deliver wonderful
gifts to the precious baby.
"How I wish I could join you to take a gift myself," Babushka sighed.
"Well you're very welcome to join us!" offered the men invitingly.
"Oh yes please!" Babushka said, but then she paused and looked around at
the cottage. "I need to tidy up here first," said Babushka, "I'll catch you up!"
The men left to follow the star and after waving them off, Babushka began
to clean her cottage from top to bottom. She washed the dishes, made her
bed, scrubbed the floors, beat the rug and polished her china. After that,
she gathered some small presents to take, though she was very poor, and
set off.
Babushka looked into the sky to find the magical star which pointed the
way to the King of Kings, but to her dismay she couldn't find it anywhere.
“Oh dear, oh dear," she cried, “I've spent so long cleaning that the stars
have moved on and I've missed the brightest one!"
She had no option but to walk down the nearest road, hoping that she was
heading in the right direction. However, she soon realised that somewhere
her path had gone awry. She retraced her steps and tried again.
But, again and again, she could not find the birthplace of the Baby Jesus.
No matter which road she took or which person she asked for directions,
she got lost. She was determined to reach her destination and simply
wouldn't give up.
That was a very long time ago, but people say that Babushka still walks
out in the snowy winter nights, looking for the King of Kings. And that
every Christmas, she gives gifts from the bag she carries to small children
who she meets on the road or in the houses where she stops to ask
directions; all in honour of Jesus Christ who was born on Christmas Day.

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