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INTELLOF?” "Approved For Relea¥e 2003/08/12 : CIA 00 NOT CIRCULATE (CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY cuassirication SecREE| 25x1 INFORMATION REPORT rerort no, oo 0 No. COUNTRY cuba DATE DISTR, gusthuary’ 1953 SUBJEGT Soviet Finaciel Assistance to the NO, OF PAGES 3 Comminist Parties of Latin Aserice DATE OF NO, OF ENCLS. 25X1 INFO, Meo PLACE, ‘SUPPLEMENT TO 28x1 ‘ACQUIRED REPORT NO. THIS IS UNEVALUATED INFORMATION 25x: L. Leaders of the Partido Soctalista Popular (PSP, Cuban Coumnist Party), believe that, as a result of policies 1aia don at the Coumnist Party Congress in iioscow, the Communist Parties of Latin America will henceforth enter into @ period of increased aggressive action. PSP leaders also believe that, these parties vill nov be expected to vork hard to obtain strong political power es soon as possible, vith substantial financial aid from the USSR. 2. Increased financial aid from the Soviet Union to the PSP now appears probable, Although some money for the travel and Living expenses of approximately pixty Cuban delegntes to the Vienna Peace Congress vas collected from workers ‘Shrovghout the country, the rest of the total expense could not have been covered by the PSP, ty the labor unions, 25X1 25x1 |cousents Ta view of the fact thet delegates to the various congr fo act Fetura to their respective coutrics for two or three nozths, ‘tf to probable that the reel purpose for mech of thie expensive travelling 4p for the delegates to receive expert training and/or instructioas from Moscow. Catan PRET SaOOEOE Eo iat ‘Approved For Release 2003/08/12 : CIA-ROP82-00457R015700170006-9

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