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Theorem 01....................................................................................................................................................2
Theorem 02....................................................................................................................................................2
Theorem 03....................................................................................................................................................3
Theorem 04....................................................................................................................................................4

Theorem 01
Show that Infimum of set of real number is unique.

Let contrary Infimum is not unique.

Inf(A) = n1

Inf(A) = n2

And taking Inf(A) = n1

Here n1 is greater lower bound of A.

n1 ≤ b

and for all lower bound

n 1 ≤ n2 (1)

Now similarly

n2 = Inf(A)

And by definition n2 is also greater lower bound.

n 2 ≥ n1 (2)

n1 = n 2

So our supposition is wrong.

Hence Infimum of a set of real number is unique.

Theorem 02
Let S be bounded set of real number and a be any real number then:

Inf(a+S) = a+Inf(S)

Let that

Inf(S) = J


a+J ≤ a+x

a+J is lower bound of a+x set.

a+J ≤ inf(a+S)

Now let that w is another lower bound of a+S set then:

w ≤ a+x

w-a ≤ x

w-ais lower bound of set S. Then

J ≥ w-a

a+j ≥ w

w is lower bound of a+S set replacing w by Inf(a+S)

a+J ≥ Inf(a+S)

By inequality 1 and 2 we get

a+J = Inf(a+S)

and as we know that Inf(S) = J so by putting this in above equation we get

a+Inf(S) = Inf(a+S)

Theorem 03
Let X be non-empty set and X is bounded below and β is real number such that:

 β ≤ x, for all xϵX

 Ƹ>0, for every x, ꓱ xϵX such that Ƹ+β > x

By definition

(a) β ≤ x, for all xϵX

(b) Let Ƹ>0, β is Inf(X) so it is greatest lower bound but Ƹ+β is not lower bound of X. Because

Ƹ+β > x, for all xϵX

Now conversely let both conditions holds then

β ≤ x, for all xϵX

Β is lower bound of X then we have to prove that it tis greatest lower bond of X.

Again conversely let that β` is greatest lower bound.

β` > β

β`- β > 0

Ƹ>0 where Ƹ = β`- β

By second condition Ƹ>0 , ꓱ for all xϵX such that


β+β`- β > x

β`> x

So β` is not greatest lower bound.

Theorem 04
Let A and B two non-empty bounded set of non-negative real number then prove that:

Inf(AB) ≥ Inf(A).Inf(B)

Let that

α = Inf(A)

So by definition we know that

α≤a for all “a” belongs to set A (1)

and for every Ƹ > 0, ꓱ a which belong to set A such that

α+Ƹ > 0 (2)

Similarly for set B

β = Inf(B)

So by definition we know that

β≤b for all “b” belongs to set B (3)

and for every Ƹ > 0, ꓱ a which belong to set A such that

β+ Ƹ > 0 (4)




α,β,a,b all are positive.

By multiplying equation 1 with β and equation 3 with α we get

αβ ≤ aβ (5)

αβ ≤ ab (6)

By equation 5 and 6 we get

αβ ≤ ab

AB = {ab: aϵA ᴧ bϵB}

Since αβ is lower bound of AB and now prove that it is also greatest lower bound. Set AB is bounded below.
So it contains greatest lower bound such that:

Greatest lower bound = Inf(AB)

Greatest lower bound ≥ lower bound

Inf(AB) ≥ αβ

Inf(AB) ≥ Inf(A).Inf(B)

As: α = Inf(A) & β = Inf(B)


Inf(AB) ≥ Inf(A).Inf(B)

__________The End__________

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