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Course: Ingles III

Teacher: Melina Barrantes Morales / Rocío Munaico Antonio

Exercise: (AC-S11) Week 09 - Task: Assignment - Old vs. modern

Student: Manuel Alberto Jaulis Ortiz

Eslin Cesar López Villanueva

Breydi Jeremías Beramendi


Breydi Jeremías Beramendi Manuel Alberto Jaulis Ortiz Eslin Cesar López

Old vs. Modern
Student A: My favorite device is the smartphone. It's incredible how it has
evolved over the years. I found a picture of the first mobile phone ever made
and a photo of the latest smartphone model.

Student B: That's interesting! I love smartphones too. Can you share some
comparisons between the two devices?

Student A: Sure, here are some comparisons. The first mobile phone was much
larger and heavier than the current smartphone. Additionally, it had a small
black and white screen, while the smartphone has a large color screen. The old
phone could only make calls and send text messages, but the smartphone can
do much more, like taking photos, browsing the internet, and using apps.

Student B: It's amazing how technology has advanced! Have you found any
other notable differences between the two devices?

Student A: Yes, an important difference is the price. The first mobile phone was
extremely expensive, while current smartphones are more affordable for most
people. Additionally, the material used in the first mobile phone was mainly
plastic, while modern smartphones are made of more sturdy and durable
materials like glass and metal.

Student C: I'd like to share my comparison between two different devices. My

favorite device is the laptop. I have a picture of an old laptop and a photo of a
modern laptop.

Student B: That sounds interesting. Go ahead and tell us the differences you
find between them.

Student C: First of all, the old laptop was much larger and heavier than the
modern laptop. The old one also had limited storage capacity and slower
performance compared to current laptops. Additionally, the battery life on the
old laptop was much shorter, limiting its portability.

Student A: It's fascinating to see how technology has improved over time. The
modern laptop is more compact, lightweight, and powerful. It also has larger
storage capacity and much longer battery life, making it more convenient for
work or studying on the go.

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