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Middle East

Abraham accord
The Abraham Accords are a joint statement between the State of Israel, the United Arab Emirates, and
the United States, reached on August 13, 2020. Subsequently, the term was used to refer collectively to
agreements between Israel and the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain.

Barry Buzan

‌Regional security complex theory

‌About South Asia

Powers in middle east

 ‌ egional
 ‌Extra regional

How security complex region

 ‌ iddle east is also security complex
 ‌Securitization between jews and Arabs
 ‌Arabs vs Arab , Saudi and yamen
 ‌Kuwait war
 Persian vs Arab , Saudi vs Iran
 ‌Persian vs jews, Iran and Israel
 ‌States vs non state, Hezbollah, ISIS, Huttis, Kurds.
 Extra regional powers arrivals further make it complex.

What is issue
 I‌deology
 ‌Jews vs Muslim
 ‌Dominance
 ‌Sectarianism
 ‌Expansion
 Iranian revolution starts of conflict between Arab and Saudi. Revolution not to be export
 Human right index if middle is east is lowest.
 Humanitarian crisis
 Genocide
 Not strong government structure
 Democracy is not the solution of middle east but stability
 Stability(Economic) is pre requisite for political stability
 Lack of sincere leadership
Jamal Abdul Nasir
Jamal Abdel Nasser Hussein was an Egyptian politician who served as the second president of Egypt
from 1954 until his death in 1970. Nasser led the 1952 overthrow of the monarchy and introduced far-
reaching land reforms the following year.

Ayat ullah kumani.

Sayyid Ali Hosseini Khamenei is a Twelver Shia Marja' and the second and current supreme leader of
Iran, in office since 1989. He was previously the third president of Iran from 1981 to 1989.

Vaccum created is filled by non state actors

Proxy war fare

 Yamen
 Sirya
 Lebanon
 Iraq
 Palestine
 Kurds

Sectarianism, Shia Sunni conflict

Fight for regional dominance between Iran and KSA

Exception, Iran supported Sunni in Iraq, Saddam Hussain

Iran Iraq war

Iraq Kuwait

Arab Israel 1967 6 days war

Yom Kippur war 1973

Camp David Accord

The Camp David Accords were a pair of political agreements signed by Egyptian President Anwar Sadat
and Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin on 17 September 1978, following twelve days of secret
negotiations at Camp David, the country retreat of the President of the United States in Maryland.

Anwar Sadat Nobel price, Egypt

Henry Kissinger, there can be no war in middle east without Egypt and no peace without Iraq

 ‌ rother hood through OIC
 ‌Islam should be unified force against extreme regional force
 ‌Islamic state broadcast, should promote the common interest of muslims
 ‌Islamic military counter terrorism coalition Iran should be added
 ‌Trade between middle eastern countries
 ‌Democracy cannot serve the interests of middle east
 ‌ eed of stability through any mean
 ‌No need of intervention
 ‌Responsibility to protect,
 ‌Marshal plan to reconstruct Europe
 ‌Sincerest of efforts are not there
 ‌International ijtihad council

Role of Pakistan
 ‌ eutral
 ‌Good relations with neighbors
 ‌Shia population have emotional attachment with Iran
 ‌Sunni has attachment with KSA

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