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"Empowerment through quality technical education"

AJEENKYA DY Patil School of Engineering

Dr. D. Y. Patil Knowledge City, Charholi Bk., Via. Lohegaon, Pune - 412 105.
Department of Computer Engineering

Class:T.E.(Computer) Subject: Artificial Intelligence Subject Incharge:

Div: A &B & C Prof.Bharambe Ishwar N.
Question Bank on Unit III
Q.1 Illustrate the Adversarial Game concept using Min-Max game playing.

Q.2.Explain Min Max and Alpha Beta pruning algorithm for adversarial search with example

Q.3 What are partially observable games, illustrate with suitable example?

Q.4Illustrate in brief about the State of Art Game programs like Checkers, Othello, Backgammon, Go,
Bridge and Scrabble.

Q.5. Explain the concept of Constraint Satisfaction Problem (CSP) using 8-Queen problem.

Q.6.Explain how Constraint Propagation is achieved?

Q.7 Explain the concept of backtracking search for CSP.

Q.8. Apply constraint satisfaction method to solve following Problem.


Q.9.Explain with example graph coloring problem

Q.10.Explain Stochastic Games with Example

Q.11.Explain Alpha - Beta Tree search and cutoff procedure in detail with example.

Q.12. How AI technique is used to solve tic-tac-toe problem.

Q.13.Explain Alpha - Beta Tree search and cutoff procedure in detail with example.

Q.14.What are the issues that need to be addressed for solving CSP efficiently? Explain the solutions to
Q.15. Explain in detail the concept of Backtracking and constraint propagation and solve the N-queen
problem using these algorithms.
Q.16.Write a short note on Monte Cralo Tree search and list its limitations.
Prof.Bharambe Ishwar N.
Subject incharge

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