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Overview of
breast cancer
Elyse J. Watkins, DHSc, PA-C, DFAAPA

Each year, more than 250,000 women in the United States
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are diagnosed with invasive breast cancer. Although overall

mortality for breast cancer patients has declined, it is still the
second most common cause of cancer death in women. This
article provides an overview of nonmetastatic breast cancer
in women, including general features, diagnostic consider-
ations, and treatments for the most common breast cancer
Keywords: nonmetastatic breast cancer, breast imaging,
DCIS, triple negative, invasive ductal carcinoma, hormone

Learning objectives
Identify risk factors for development of breast cancer.
Understand the classifications and subtypes of breast
The pathophysiology of breast cancer is multidimensional
Describe breast cancer treatment options.
and still poorly understood, but certain risk factors are
known. Advancing age and female sex are the most com-
mon risk factors. Genetic mutations, specifically BRCA

linicians who work in settings other than oncology 1 and 2, account for about 10% of breast cancers.2 Other
should have an understanding of breast cancer to known risk factors include a history of ductal carcinoma
help care for women who are at risk, undergoing in situ, high body mass index (BMI), first birth at age
a workup for an abnormal mammogram and/or a pal- greater than 30 years or nulliparity, early menarche
pable breast mass, or being treated for breast cancer. (before age 13 years), family history of breast or ovarian
Breast cancer incidence is increasing in almost all eth- cancer, late menopause, and postmenopausal hormone
nicities in the United States, and estrogen-positive breast therapy use. Among women who use postmenopausal
cancer incidence is increasing across all ethnicities.1 This hormone therapy, white women and women with a
cancer is the leading nondermatologic malignancy and
the second most common cause of cancer death among Elyse J. Watkins is an associate professor in the School of PA Medicine
women in the United States.1 Although overall death rates at the University of Lynchburg in Lynchburg, Va., a lecturer in the PA
from breast cancer have continued to decrease since 1989, program at Florida State University in Tallahassee, Fla., and practices
the death rate among non-Hispanic black women remains clinically at Wake Baptist Health in Winston-Salem, N.C. The author has
disclosed no potential conflicts of interest, financial or otherwise.
disproportionately high.1,2
Up to 80% of invasive breast cancers are infiltrating Acknowledgment: The author would like to thank James R. Sancrant,
ductal carcinomas (IDC). Invasive lobular carcinoma is DO, of Triad Radiology Associates in Winston-Salem, N.C., for his assis-
tance with this manuscript.
the second most common type. Of the noninvasive in situ
carcinomas, more than 80% are ductal and about 10% DOI:10.1097/01.JAA.0000580524.95733.3d
are lobular.2 Copyright © 2019 American Academy of PAs

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Key points morphology, location, and cytological characteristics.

Lobular carcinoma in situ is less common than DCIS but
Although breast cancer mortality is decreasing, incidence
tends to occur bilaterally. Both DCIS and LCIS are usually
remains high. Clinicians must be aware of the most
common issues and recommendations for breast cancer hormone receptor positive and HER-2 negative.
diagnostics and treatments. IDC is the most common type of breast cancer. About
70% of women with IDC will be hormone receptor
Not all breast cancer is alike, and treatment
recommendations depend on subtype and other biologic positive and HER-2 negative.4
and immunohistologic markers. Infiltrating lobular carcinomas (ILCs) are more common
among postmenopausal women and have an increased
Because estrogen-positive breast cancer is the most
common breast cancer, and more women are surviving risk of bilateral incidence. They are almost always estro-
their initial diagnosis, clinicians should be aware of the gen and progesterone receptor positive.2
common survivorship issues women face. Medullary breast cancer is more common in younger
women who carry a BRCA 1 mutation.5 Inflammatory
breast cancer is less common but more aggressive, and
normal BMI and dense breasts are at greatest risk.3 carries a worse prognosis than other breast cancers.
Women with a history of previous chest radiation also Mammary Paget disease is an adenocarcinoma affecting
are at an increased risk. the nipple and areola. Tubular, papillary, and mucinous
The four breast cancer subtypes (Table 1) are associ- breast cancers and Phylloides tumors are less common
ated with specific histologies and prognoses. Breast cancers.5
cancer also is classified by its anatomical origin, either
lobular or ductal, and its hormone receptivity and human CLINICAL ASSESSMENT AND DIFFERENTIAL
epidermal growth factor receptor 2 (HER-2) expression. A palpable breast mass is evident in about 30% of
Hormone receptivity refers to the presence or absence women with breast cancer.2,6 Visible signs associated
of estrogen and progesterone receptor expression in with breast cancer include dimpling, an orange-peel
the malignancy. Hormone receptor positive breast appearance (peau d’orange), erythema, edema, blister-
cancer, particularly when nonmetastatic, is amenable ing, excoriations, sanguineous nipple discharge, and
to hormone-blocking therapy. HER-2 positive malig- nipple retraction. Skin changes such as peau d’orange
nancies are generally responsive to HER-2 directed and blistering are strongly associated with inflammatory
monoclonal antibodies. Hormone receptor positive,
HER-2 negative is the most common expression status
of breast cancer.
Triple-negative breast cancer refers to malignancies Breast cancer requires
that do not express hormone receptivity or HER-2. About
12% of women with breast cancer will have triple-nega-
a multidisciplinary approach
tive disease.4 Triple-negative disease is more common to diagnose and manage.
among non-Hispanic black women, independent of age,
but tends to be diagnosed at earlier ages than other sub-
types.4 Women with triple-negative disease are also more breast cancer and Paget disease of the breast. Sanguin-
likely to be diagnosed at a later stage (stage III or IV). In eous nipple discharge is associated with papillary breast
addition, triple-negative basal subtype breast cancers tend neoplasia. Ulcerations can be seen in advanced disease.
to be of higher grade and thus more aggressive malignan- Remember to rule out malignancy in patients being
cies than hormone receptor positive HER-2 negative treated for mastitis or a breast abscess that is not
disease. improving clinically.
The proliferation biomarker Ki-67 was recently used The differential diagnosis of a palpable breast mass in
to help stratify risk of recurrence in breast cancer. It is no a woman includes benign conditions such as fibroade-
longer recommended, but other immunohistologic bio- noma, breast cyst, intraductal papilloma, and fibrocystic
markers are being discovered and may help to further changes. Once a mass has been palpated, the next steps
stratify recurrence risk. are to refer the patient for a diagnostic mammogram and
Ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS) is a heterogeneous cat- DIAGNOSIS
egory of noninvasive, noninfiltrating malignancies that Mammography and ultrasonography are used as initial
are localized inside the mammary ducts. (Sometimes IDC imaging modalities. MRI may be used in specific cir-
also will have mammographic or histologic evidence of cumstances, such as in patients with dense breasts, those
DCIS.2) DCIS is further subclassified depending upon its with a history of breast cancer, those who are being

14 Volume 32 • Number 10 • October 2019

Copyright © 2019 American Academy of Physician Assistants

Overview of breast cancer

evaluated for contralateral disease, and those at high motherapy and risk of recurrence in patients with early-
risk for breast cancer.7 MRI also can be used in the stage breast cancer.
presurgical planning of biopsy-proven breast cancer or Breast cancer is staged using the TNM (tumor, nodes,
in the evaluation of patients with dense breasts, con- metastasis) classification system. Most women with a
tralateral disease, or a history of breast surgery or biopsy-proven malignancy should undergo genetic testing
radiation. MRI can more accurately identify skin changes for BRCA 1 and 2 mutations (Table 2).9
common in inflammatory breast cancer, such as skin Cowden syndrome and Li-Fraumeni syndrome also are
invasion. associated with an increased risk of breast cancer. Patients
Common imaging findings in invasive, infiltrating breast with a family history of cancer of the breast, ovary, pan-
cancer include an irregularly shaped mass, spiculation, creas, prostate, colon, thyroid, or endometrium should
pleomorphic microcalcifications, anatomical distortion, undergo more extensive genetic testing.10
axillary lymphadenopathy, and posterior acoustic shad-
owing. The American College of Radiology uses the Breast MANAGEMENT
Imaging and Reporting Data System (BI-RADS) to cat- Treatment of breast cancer, including surgery, depends on
egorize radiographic findings.8 the size of the lesion, hormone receptivity and histologic
Disease is confirmed by tissue biopsy; samples can be markers, presence or absence of metastatic or contralateral
obtained through percutaneous ultrasound-guided core disease, patient age, and patient preference.
needle biopsy, excisional biopsy, stereotactic biopsy, or Surgical options include lumpectomy, mastectomy, and
MRI-guided biopsy. The preferred method for most bilateral mastectomy. Breast-conserving surgery (lumpec-
patients is ultrasound-guided large-bore core needle biopsy tomy) is the preferred intervention for most patients with
with or without a vacuum-assisted device. unilateral disease, but many patients still opt for mastectomy.
Tissue biopsy results will contain information about: Sentinel lymph node biopsy is preferred over wide lymph
• Tumor grade, which is based on cell differentiation. node dissections if the patient has no radiographic or
Low-grade tumors (grade 1) are well differentiated, and clinical evidence of axillary lymph node involvement. In
high-grade (grade 4) tumors are undifferentiated. patients with evidence of lymph node involvement, expert
• Immunohistology, based on the tumor’s hormone recep- consensus remains mixed as to whether axillary node
tivity and HER-2 expression. dissection has clinical benefit.11
• Oncotype DX Breast Recurrence Score, which provides Chemotherapeutic options depend on multiple vari-
an estimate of the potential utility of neoadjuvant che- ables, including hormone reception status, HER-2 status,

TABLE 1. Breast cancer subtypes

Subtype Immunohistochemistry Prognosis Notes

• The most common subtype

• Usually lower-grade tumors
• Estrogen receptor positive
• Usually diagnosed at early stages
Luminal A • Progesterone receptor positive Good
• Responsive to hormone therapies such as SERMs and
• HER-2 negative
aromatase inhibitors
• Lowest rate of recurrence

• Estrogen receptor positive

• Tend to be of higher grade
Luminal B • Progesterone receptor positive Fair
• Tend to recur more frequently than luminal A
• HER-2 positive or negative

• Some tumors may be amenable to anti-HER-2 monoclonal

• Estrogen receptor negative antibodies
HER-2 positive • Progesterone receptor negative Poor • Not all tumors respond to anti-HER-2 monoclonal antibodies
• HER-2 positive • Resistance develops in most patients to anti-HER-2
monoclonal antibodies (particularly trastuzumab)

• More common in black women

• Estrogen receptor negative
Triple negative • Age at diagnosis usually younger than other subtypes
• Progesterone receptor negative Poor
(basal) • Not amenable to hormone therapy or HER-2 therapy
• HER-2 negative
• Tends to be aggressive with high rates of recurrence

Reprinted with permission of Springer Publishing Co. LLC from Watkins E, The Physician Assistant Student’s Guide to the Clinical Year: OB-GYN.

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presence or absence of metastatic disease, and Oncotype Tamoxifen use has some association with endometrial
DX recurrence score. Locally advanced disease and triple- hyperplasia and carcinoma, so patients are advised to
negative breast cancer usually are treated with presurgi- report any new abnormal uterine bleeding to their gyne-
cal neoadjuvant chemotherapy. Chemotherapeutic agents cologist. Avoid coprescribing paroxetine, fluoxetine,
include doxorubicin, cyclophosphamide, and paclitaxel. bupropion, and duloxetine, because these medications are
Doxorubicin can cause significant nausea, vomiting, strong inhibitors of CYP2D6 and may lower tamoxifen’s
diarrhea, and fatigue. Some women will experience a effectiveness. Escitalopram, citalopram, sertraline, and
discoloration of their nails. A reddish discoloration of desvenlafaxine are moderate inhibitors of CYP2D6. Ven-
urine, tears, and sweat also can occur. Heart failure has lafaxine seems to have a negligible effect on CYP2D6.15
been documented in women receiving doxorubicin, so Aromatase inhibitors are used in women with natural
carefully assess patients’ cardiac function. Cyclophos- and surgically induced menopause. The National Com-
phamide can cause neutropenia, alopecia, and significant prehensive Cancer Network provides guidance in diag-
nausea and vomiting. Paclitaxel can cause neutropenia, nosing menopause in patients with breast cancer. Consider
alopecia, arthralgias, myalgias, peripheral neuropathy, a woman postmenopausal if she is:
and mucositis. A discussion of chemotherapeutic options • age 60 years or older
for recurrent or metastatic breast cancer is beyond the • has had an oophorectomy
scope of this article. • under age 60 years and has been amenorrheic for at
Adjuvant chemotherapy is administered after surgery. least 12 months without any exogenous medications that
Modalities include endocrine blockers, anthracycline- and could alter ovarian function
taxane-based chemotherapy, and monoclonal antibodies, • under age 60 years and taking a SERM, but has serum
depending upon the histology, HER-2 status, and hormone estradiol and/or follicle-stimulating hormone levels that
receptor status of the malignancy.10 are consistent with menopause.10
Aromatase inhibitors and selective estrogen receptor Women who take aromatase inhibitors experience accel-
modulators (SERMs) can be used for nonmetastatic erated bone loss, so regular monitoring of bone density is
estrogen and progesterone receptor positive breast cancer.12 recommended. Consider prescribing bisphosphonates in
HER-2 positive breast cancer can be responsive to HER-2 postmenopausal women with hormone receptor positive
blockers such as pertuzumab and trastuzumab. Neoad- breast cancer to help prevent further bone loss from aro-
juvant and adjuvant anthracycline-based chemotherapy, matase inhibitor therapy. Aromatase inhibitors can cause
in addition to HER-2 blocking monoclonal antibodies, significant joint pain. Patient education and support are
has shown clinical superiority.10 Monitor left ventricular necessary to help ensure adherence. Treatment of aroma-
ejection fraction before and during treatment in patients tase-induced arthralgia includes NSAIDs and acetamino-
who are treated with trastuzumab. Primary resistance to phen. Patients may find relief from physical therapy,
trastuzumab is present in more than 30% of patients, and acupuncture, exercise, and other complementary therapies.
secondary resistance occurs in more than 70% of patients.13 Triple-negative basal subtype breast cancer is managed
SERMs are used in premenopausal patients. Current with a combination of doxorubicin, cyclophosphamide,
recommendations for hormone-positive breast cancer are and paclitaxel. Clinical trials with immunotherapies and
to use a SERM for 5 years followed by an aromatase other targeted therapies are underway. Because triple-
inhibitor for 5 years. High-risk patients (those under age negative breast cancer does not have endocrine receptiv-
35 years with positive nodes, high-grade, or large tumors) ity, endocrine therapy is not indicated.
who are hormone receptor positive and HER-2 negative Radiation therapy is almost always used, either before
may benefit from using the aromatase inhibitor exemestane surgery or more commonly after it. Whole-breast and tar-
plus chemical ovarian suppression with a gonadotropic- geted nodal radiation have been considered the gold standard
releasing hormone agonist, oophorectomy, or ovarian treatment. Women typically receive radiation therapy five
radiation.14 Tamoxifen is the most commonly used SERM. times a week for 4 to 7 weeks. A “boost” of lower radiation
may be considered in women at high risk of recurrence.
Accelerated partial breast irradiation may be considered in
TABLE 2. Criteria for BRCA 1 and 2 screening9 women over age 50 years who are node-negative, hormone
receptor positive, and BRCA-negative.10 Women who
• Breast malignancy diagnosed at age 50 years or younger undergo breast-conserving surgery receive postsurgical
• Bilateral breast malignancy radiation of the breast and axilla. In women with positive
• Personal or family history of breast or ovarian cancer lymph nodes and tumors greater than 5 cm, radiation may
• Multiple breast malignancies in a patient’s family
be used on the axilla, supraclavicular areas, and sternum.10
• Male breast cancer in a patient’s family
Presurgical radiation therapy often is used for tumors
• Ashkenazi Jewish heritage
that have been staged at T2 or higher, using specific criteria
to guide radiation decisions. Recent data suggest that

16 Volume 32 • Number 10 • October 2019

Copyright © 2019 American Academy of Physician Assistants

Overview of breast cancer

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18. US Preventive Services Taskforce. Final recommendation
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Earn Category I CME Credit by reading both CME articles in this
issue, reviewing the post-test, then taking the online test at http:// breast-cancer-screening1. Accessed June 13, 2019. Successful completion is defined as a cumulative 19. American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists. Breast
score of at least 70% correct. This material has been reviewed and is cancer risk assessment and screening in average-risk women.
approved for 1 hour of clinical Category I (Preapproved) CME credit
by the AAPA. The term of approval is for 1 year from the publication Bulletins----Gynecology/Public/pb179.pdf?dmc=1&ts=201802
date of October 2019. 04T1824108792. Accessed June 13, 2019.

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