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Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.

Let us give thanks to the presence of Allah SWT.

Dear Chairman of the Baet El Anshar Foundation, Headmaster, and teachers,

so that we are given the opportunity to take part in the class 9 farewell event in good health.

I stand here to represent my grade 9 friends, to express my gratitude for the willingness of the Head of

the Foundation, the Principal, the Baet El Anshar teachers and the parents of the students to attend this

farewell event. In particular, we would like to thank the teachers who have educated us, for about

three years. as well as developing our potential, often experience disappointment because of our

attitude. However, the teachers remained patient and tireless in educating us, so once again I thank


We also take this opportunity to apologize if in the past three years many of our actions or our words

did not please the teachers, so we ask that today you will open the widest door of apology for us. We

also advised our younger siblings, I hope that after we leave, you will continue to persevere and study


Set a good example from us, and throw away the bad examples from us. On this occasion too, we ask

goodbye and ask for the blessings of the teachers, so that we can continue to the high school we have

chosen. We promise that in high school we will study diligently to bring the good name of our school.

That's what I can say, I'm sorry if there are words that are not pleasing to all audiences.

Wabillahitaufik walhidayah Wassalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.

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