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The Pollution Problem

Fade in:
(EXT.) Henley – Clean, open road - (Morning)

The scene will begin with John (main character) tying up their shoes, stretching and putting
in their headphones whilst taking in the fresh, morning air, preparing for his daily run. His
surroundings will be quiet, peaceful and will be low in the amount of pollution meaning there
will be no litter and no excessive amount of vehicles. It will be an open road with not many
people around either. The camera angle will be centralised to where the character will be
standing and getting ready. This will allow the audience to see the clean, clear, open
surroundings in comparison to further scenes where roads will be fill of trash, junk and filled
with cars creating pollution.

During this scene, John will have confidence in himself, he will be happy which will be
clearly shown through his emotions and reaction. This will be done to present the impact a
pollution filled area or even city can impact not only the health of the people, but also their
mood and feelings!

Afterwards, John will begin to slowly jog though the road, peacefully focusing on his
breathing and his clean and open surroundings. As jogging through the open road, he will
continuously, curiously continue to explore his surroundings, looking at the greenery and the
type of clean environment he is in. The camera will stay centralised (wide shot) throughout
this scene, allowing the audience to see the constant clean surroundings he is in. As turning to
a separate road, the camera will switch to a low-down shot of his shoes turning on to another
road. This will be a turning point of the whole short film where the characters goes from a
peaceful, greenery filled road to a road with slight mess and use of cars.
(EXT.) Henley – Slightly polluted road (Morning)

This scene will continue from the last scene (the turning point of the short film) and it will
follow on to go to show the slightly polluted road, showing the small litter on the floor and a
couple of cars driving past. This will make John look a bit worried, staring at the various
amount of unnecessary cars being used and the numerous amount of litter that’s been thrown.
Slight fear gets shown on his face through his reaction of the devastating environment he’s
transitioned into yet he still continues to run, a bit slower compared to previously, now scared
of what he’s entered!

The setting of this road will be slightly similar to the last but with slight change. In this scene,
the road will be slightly polluted with small things like cans and tissues thrown onto the floor.
There will be a couple of cars passing through but not as much to shock John. As john
continues to jog he starts to think about the effect of the minor pollutants like driving. As he
continues to run, he continues to think about the effect of the small pollutants.

As John continues to think about these minor effects, anger begins to build inside him,
thinking about the destruction pollution is creating. At this point he would begin to start
losing control of his breathing. After this point, he would continue taking quick shallow
breaths for a couple seconds, in which then he would quickly take deep breaths and regain
control of his breathing.
(EXT.) Henley – Polluted road

Following on from the last scene, an up close shot of the face would be shown of John
As john moves onto the main road, he stops in his steps, widening his eyes and dropping his
jaw, he is in total shock!

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