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Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci.

ISSN 0077-8923

Issue: The Year in Cognitive Neuroscience

What’s left in language? Beyond the classical model

Michael C. Corballis
The School of Psychology, The University of Auckland, Auckland, New Zealand

Address for correspondence: Michael C. Corballis, The School of Psychology, The University of Auckland, Private Bag 92019,
Auckland 1142, New Zealand.

Until recently it was widely held that language, and its left-hemispheric representation in the brain, were uniquely
human, emerging abruptly after the emergence of Homo sapiens. Changing views of language suggest that it was not
a recent and sudden development in human evolution, but was adapted from dual-stream circuity long predating
hominins, including a system in nonhuman primates specialized for intentional grasping. This system was gradually
tailored for skilled manual operations (praxis) and communication. As processing requirements grew more demand-
ing, the neural circuits were increasingly lateralized, with the left hemisphere assuming dominance, at least in the
majority of individuals. The trend toward complexity and lateralization was probably accelerated in hominins when
bipedalism freed the hands for more complex manufacture and tool use, and more expressive communication. The
incorporation of facial and vocal gestures led to the emergence of speech as the dominant mode of language, although
gestural communication may have led to generative language before speech became dominant. This scenario provides
a more Darwinian perspective on language and its lateralization than has been commonly assumed.

Keywords: evolution; gesture; language; lateralization; primates; speech

Introduction partly through growing understanding that cerebral

asymmetry was far from unique to humans.3
Chomsky has long proposed that human lan-
. . . a chimpanzee is very smart and has all kinds of guage is profoundly different from any other form
sensorimotor constructions (causality, representa- of animal communication. This view was modified
tional functions, semiotic functions, and so forth),
by Hauser et al.4 who distinguish between the faculty
but one thing is missing, that little part of the left
of language in the broad sense (FLB), which includes
hemisphere that is responsible for the very specific
functions of human language.1 aspects of language shared with other species, and
the faculty of language in the narrow sense (FLN),
which is unique to humans. The main property of
This quotation reveals two widespread assump- FLN is recursion, which allows humans to generate
tions that were prevalent until fairly recently. One an infinity of possible sentences, in theory if not
is that language is an encapsulated system that is in practice. Hauser et al. make no assertions as to
entirely unique to human, and the other is that left- when FLN evolved, and even allow that it may have
hemispheric dominance for language is also unique evolved for reasons other than language. Although
to our species, and indeed dependent on a dedicated Chomsky was himself a coauthor on this paper, he
left-hemispheric system. I myself once subscribed, has since made more specific claims as to the sudden
albeit with a foreboding that things were about to emergence of language as a distinct faculty.
change,2 to the view that cerebral asymmetry, and In a chapter published in 2010, Chomsky asserts
particularly the left-hemispheric specialization for that there were no languages before 100,000 years
language, was unique to humans. And change they ago,5 so that language, presumably in the distinctive
did, in part through the emergence of brain-imaging form of FLN, evolved well after humans actually
techniques that revealed new information about emerged as a distinct species. In this view, language
the nature and extent of cerebral asymmetries, and is a symbolic mode of thought, known as internal
doi: 10.1111/nyas.12761
14 Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. 1359 (2015) 14–29 
C 2015 New York Academy of Sciences.
Corballis What’s left in language?

language (or I-language), and only secondar- and its lateralization, taking us well beyond the
ily involved in communication, whether through view expressed by Chomsky in the quotation that
speaking or sign language. Internal symbols are opened this paper. To set the stage, I begin with the
combined by a process of unbounded merge, the classic findings on hemispheric specializations for
recursive process in FLN that creates potentially language.
an infinity of possible constructions, explaining the
Classical findings
generative character of thought as well as of lan-
guage. Chomsky goes on to write: The discovery that the left hemisphere is dominant
for language in most people can be attributed to
Within some small group from which we are all
Marc Dax. In a paper delivered at a medical society
descended, a rewiring of the brain took place in some
individual, call him Prometheus, yielding the oper- meeting in Montpelier, France in 1836, he inferred
ation of unbounded Merge, applying to concepts from observations of patients with signs of unilat-
with intricate (and little understood) properties eral brain damage that speech was controlled by the
(p. 59). left hemisphere. The paper was not published until
his son Gustav Dax located the text and arranged
Precisely what that rewiring was is uncertain. for it to be published in 1865. This appeared shortly
Elsewhere Chomsky6 writes “Perhaps it was an auto- after Paul Broca10 published his account of a patient
matic consequence of absolute brain size . . . or per- rendered unable to talk by a lesion in the left inferior
haps some minor chance mutation” (p. 18). frontal gyrus, an area since known as Broca’s area. In
The paleoanthropologist Ian Tattersall7 adds sup- 1874, Carl Wernicke documented a deficit in verbal
port to the idea that the properties of language and comprehension associated with damage in the upper
thought distinctive to our species emerged suddenly posterior region of the temporal lobe, the area since
and recently in human evolution: known as Wernicke’s area.11 Based essentially on
Our ancestors made an almost unimaginable transi- the work of Broca and Wernicke, but supplemented
tion from a nonsymbolic, nonlinguistic way of pro- by succeeding observation of the various deficits
cessing information and communicating informa- of language associated with unilateral brain injury,
tion about the world to the symbolic and linguistic Geschwind12 formulated what came to be known as
condition we enjoy today. It is a qualitative leap in the Wernicke–Geschwind model of language pro-
cognitive state unparalleled in history. Indeed, as cessing, involving interconnections between Broca’s
I’ve said, the only reason we have for believing that area, Wernicke’s area, the angular gyrus (for read-
such a leap could ever have been made, is that it was ing), and corresponding sensory and motor areas
made. And it seems to have been made well after the
for input and output.
acquisition by our species of its distinctive modern
form (p. 199).
Cerebral asymmetry for language was largely con-
firmed, but with some qualification, in split-brain
As Pinker and Bloom once pointed out,8 such studies, beginning in the late 1960s, and initiated by
views are contrary to Darwin’s theory of evolu- Michael S. Gazzaniga and Roger W. Sperry. Patients
tion, according to which a faculty as complex as who had undergone section of the forebrain com-
language, and indeed thought itself, should have misssures for the relief of intractable epilepsy were
evolved through small, successive increments. In shown to be able to name objects or read words
this paper, I set language in an evolutionary con- aloud only when they were projected to the left
text that links it with manual functions, including hemisphere.13
simple grasping and more complex manual skills, Rather surprisingly, though, the mute right hemi-
setting it in a context more compatible with Dar- sphere of the split brain proved capable of under-
win’s theory of natural selection (see also Ref. 9). standing language. The patients could generally
This is elaborated below. identify objects or words projected to the right hemi-
Our understanding of the brain mechanisms for sphere by pointing to the corresponding name or
language has also been enriched, if not radically object, respectively, and were generally capable of
altered, by the emergence of brain imaging, as the following instructions as to how to respond to infor-
now-dominant method of study. This has also given mation presented to the right hemisphere. Zaidel
further insight into the likely precursors of language developed a contact-lens apparatus that enabled

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C 2015 New York Academy of Sciences. 15
What’s left in language? Corballis

prolonged viewing while restricting visual input by a semantic task requiring subjects to deter-
to a single hemisphere, and found that the iso- mine whether pairs of words were synonyms. This
lated right hemispheres of two adult split-brained occurred across regions in the prefrontal cortex,
patients had comprehension scores equivalent to superior temporal sulcus, and angular gyrus, again
those of the average 16-year-old and 11-year-old.14 largely as expected from earlier lesion-based work.
These findings ran counter to evidence that left- Indices of cerebral asymmetry based on asymmetri-
hemisphere damage can result in profound deficits cal functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI)
in both the production and comprehension of lan- activity correlated poorly with indices on the basis
guage; more specifically, damage to the superior of a dichotic-listening test and identified 26 of the
temporal lobe has long been associated with deficits 30 participants (four left-handers) as left cerebrally
in comprehension (Wernicke’s aphasia). Gazzaniga dominant, compared with only 14 so identified from
has suggested that because the patients sampled the dichotic-listening test. Hugdahl et al. similarly
by Zaidel were not representative of the total- found that asymmetry assessed from dichotic lis-
ity of operated patients they overestimated nor- tening correlated only weakly with that based on
mal right-hemisphere function.15 Sperry himself positron emission tomography (PET).21 In a later
suggested that it was the evidence from unilateral review, Hugdahl22 notes that auditory asymmetries
brain damage that was misleading, arguing that are modulated by top-down processes, such as shifts
right-hemisphere function is suppressed when the of attention, and in any case different measures of
left hemisphere is damaged.16 The extent of right- asymmetry are seldom in perfect agreement. Hand-
hemispheric comprehension, and the conditions edness also correlates only weakly with fMRI indices
under which it does or does not occur, are still not of cerebral asymmetry, and there is often disagree-
fully understood. ment between fMRI indices computed in different
In any event, cerebral asymmetries were largely brain regions, such as frontal and temporal areas.23
confirmed by behavioral studies of normal individ- Functional magnetic resonance imaging has also
uals. The most common procedures were through revealed a strong left-hemispheric dominance in
dichotic listening and tachistoscopic presentations, activation induced by the production of speech. In
which became cottage industries in experimental one study, subjects were asked to silently generate
psychology laboratories in the 1960s and 1970s, words beginning with designated letters, revealing
continuing, although somewhat abated, to this day. pronounced activation in the left prefrontal cortex
Dichotic listening involves presentation of material in an area that included Broca’s area.24 Indices of
simultaneously to the two ears, and if the material is laterality showed significant leftward activation in
verbal the right-ear information is reported more both left- and right-handers, although it was more
accurately than the left-ear information, which pronounced in right-handers. The percentages
is taken to imply a left-hemisphere dominance.17 showing left cerebral dominance were 95.3% for
Tachistoscopic studies involve responses to brief right-handers and 81.3% for left-handers. Similar
presentations of visual input, with a right-visual- percentages were obtained in other brain-imaging
field superiority for letters or words and, less reli- studies (e.g., Refs. 25 and 26) and are in line
ably, a left-visual-field superiority for nonverbal with those previously calculated from earlier stud-
material.18,19 These techniques provide no infor- ies based on the effects of unilateral lesions,27 on the
mation as to the actual brain regions involved, and sodium amytal test administered prior to surgery,28
asymmetries at the behavioral level are dampened by and on the effects of unilateral electroconvulsive
interhemispheric transfer. Nevertheless, they pro- therapy (ECT).29,30 In these respects, then, brain
vide broad confirmation of left-hemispheric domi- imaging supports evidence based on lesion studies
nance for language, at least at the group level. and provides especially strong affirmation since it is
As documented below, the emergence of brain based on individuals without preexisting neurolog-
imaging has altered our understanding of the ical conditions.
brain circuits involved in language, but asymme- Although there is still broad support for the
tries in the regions of the classic areas have been Wernicke–Geschwind model, the advent of brain
largely confirmed. For example, Bethmann et al.20 imaging, along with more detailed study of neuro-
showed strong left-hemispheric activation induced logical cases and altered understanding of the nature

16 Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. 1359 (2015) 14–29 

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Corballis What’s left in language?

of language itself, has led to a deeper understand- syntax, as in words in which tense is conveyed in the
ing of the circuitry involved. This in turn has led word as a whole, such as the English irregular past-
to a better understanding of the nature of cerebral tense forms “ate” or “bought.” Basic syntax is rep-
asymmetry. resented in the ventral system, and may be sufficient
for what has been termed protolanguage—language
The dual-stream model
without combinatorial syntax. Extended syntax is
While brain imaging shows marked functional combinatorial, as in the merging of morphemes
asymmetry in the classic language areas, they to represent past tense (“jumped,” “climbed”), or
also reveal networks that are more complex than in more complex cases where understanding may
that described by the Wernicke–Geschwind model. depend upon integrating across different words, as
Poeppel et al.31 (p. 14125) go so far as to remark that in sentences where subject and verb are separated
“the era of the classical model is over.” In the study by intervening clauses. Extended syntax depends
by Badzakova-Trajkov et al.,24 for example, word on the dorsal system––left-hemispheric in most
generation induced significant left-hemispheric people––and involves interaction between the
activation in a number of areas outside Broca’s area, lateral frontal cortex and the basal ganglia.38
including the supplementary motor area, insula, Friederici et al.39 proposed a similar division
and cerebellum. In the study by Bethmann et al.,20 within the left frontal cortex itself, with Broca’s area
the synonym task also yielded activation outside responsible for the processing of phrase-structure
the classic language areas, notably in the left medial grammar, involving long-range dependencies, and
prefrontal gyrus, the left anterior cingulate, and the frontal operculum responsible for local transi-
the left thalamus. The right cerebellum was also tions. Although their test of phrase-structure gram-
activated, reflecting its contralateral connections mar was questionable40 the distinction does map
with cortical areas. onto the notions of extended and basic syntax,
Integrating findings across a range of studies, respectively; Friederici et al. suggested that the phy-
Hickok and Poeppel32 propose that there are two logenetically older opercular system may account
neural streams connecting posterior and anterior for the limited grammars of nonhuman commu-
regions involved in the processing of speech (see nications. It is the recursive processing enabled by
Fig. 1). A ventral stream processes speech for com- Broca’s area, they suggest, that makes human lan-
prehension, and a dorsal stream maps acoustic guage unique, although Broca’s area itself probably
speech signals to articulatory networks in the frontal derives from area F5 in primates.41
lobes. The main connecting tract in the dorsal Dual-stream organization itself is not confined
stream is the superior longitudinal fasciculus, while to language, nor is it restricted to humans. In
the inferior longitudinal fasciculus is at least one their work on vision in monkeys, Mishkin et al.42
of the routes underlying the ventral stream (e.g., proposed a dorsal stream specialized for location
Ref. 33). Although it applies to speech, the cir- in space (the “where” system) and a ventral sys-
cuits involved in sign languages are strikingly sim- tem dedicated to the recognition of objects (the
ilar, despite the obvious differences in both input “what” system). Goodale and Milner,43,44 on the
and output. The parallels include a phonologi- basis of neuropsychological work in humans, gave
cal structure, left-hemispheric lateralization, and the distinction a different emphasis, characterizing
fronto-temporal circuitry for both production and the dorsal stream as mapping onto action and the
comprehension.34–36 ventral stream as mapping to perception. Similar
Van der Lely and Pinker37 suggest a further elab- streams specialized for auditory perception have
oration of the dual-stream model. They draw atten- been identified in nonhuman primates, and are said
tion to a subtype of specific language impairment to “illuminate human speech processing”45 (p. 718).
(SLI) in which the primary deficit is grammatical. Petrides and Pandya46 identified dorsal and ven-
Children with this subtype, known as Grammatical- tral streams anatomically in the macaque, linking
SLI, are especially deficient in processing complex parietal and temporal areas to the homologue of
grammatical constructions. To account for this defi- Broca’s area. In accord with Goodale and Milner,
ciency, van der Lely and Pinker distinguish between they suggest that the ventral stream in the monkey
basic and extended syntax. Basic syntax connects has to do with the retrieval of mnemonic informa-
words to meanings, and deals with short-range tion from the posterior association areas, and the
Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. 1359 (2015) 14–29 
C 2015 New York Academy of Sciences. 17
What’s left in language? Corballis

A Via higher-order frontal networks

ArƟculatory network Sensorimotor interface Input from

pIFG, PM, anterior insula Parietal–temporal Spt other sensory
(leŌ dominant) Dorsal stream (leŌ dominant) modaliƟes

Spectrotemporal analysis Phonological network

Dorsal STG Mid-post STS Conceptual network
(bilateral) Widely distributed

Combinatorial network Ventral stream Lexical interface

(leŌ dominant?) (weak leŌ-hemisphere bias)

Figure 1. Dual-stream model of language processing. (A) Schematic diagram. (B) Approximate anatomical locations of dual-stream
components. aITS, anterior inferior temporal sulcus; pITS, posterior inferior temporal sulcus; aMTG, anterior middle temporal
gyrus; pIFG, posterior inferior frontal gyrus; PM, premotor cortex; STS, superior temporal sulcus; STG, superior temporal gyrus.
Reproduced from Hickok and Poeppel, with permission.32

dorsal stream has to do with the programming of another individual. These were first discovered in
action. They also write that their findings “are con- area F5, the homologue of Broca’s area,48 but later
sistent with suggestions that specialization for the shown to be part of a broader mirror neuron system
control of action and gesture may have preceded (MNS), which includes not only area F5 but also two
specialization for language” (p. 13)—a theme devel- areas in the parietal lobe containing neurons with
oped in more detail below. mirror properties. The parietofrontal circuit also
Adding their support for the dual-stream model, receives higher-order visual information from the
Saur et al.47 remark “that language, for all its superior temporal sulcus (STS) and inferior tempo-
human uniqueness and sophistication, adheres to ral lobe, but the neurons in these areas do not have
the same anatomical principles that govern brain motor properties, and the circuit is under the control
functions in other domains” (p. 18035). By the of two further areas in the frontal lobes, the presup-
same token, though, the dual-stream model can be plementary motor area, and the ventral prefrontal
taken as evidence against the idea that language is cortex.49 As shown in Figure 2, the MNS conforms
special, requiring dedicated neural wiring. Rather, to the two-stream organization, dedicated to the
it emerged through the modification, whether integration of perceived manual action with its pro-
through learning or natural selection, of structures duction, although with some added connections.
that long predate human evolution. The MNS is now well documented in the human
brain. A meta-analysis of 125 studies using fMRI
The mirror neuron system revealed 14 clusters of neurons with mirror prop-
Another aspect of the dual-stream system emerged erties. These were located in areas homologous to
from the discovery of mirror neurons in monkeys. those identified in the monkey brain, including the
These neurons respond both when the monkey inferior parietal lobule, inferior frontal gyrus, and
makes a grasping movement with the hand and ventral prefrontal cortex, but also included regions
when it observes the same movement made by in the primary visual cortex, cerebellum, and the

18 Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. 1359 (2015) 14–29 

C 2015 New York Academy of Sciences.
Corballis What’s left in language?




Figure 2. The parietofrontal mirror network in the macaque. AIP, anterior intraparietal area; F5a, F5p, F5c, subsections of Area
F5; IAS, inferior limb of arcuate sulcus; IPS, intraparietal sulcus; IT, inferior temporal lobe; LIP, lateral intraparietal area; PFG, area
between parietal areas PF and PG; VIP, ventral intraparietal area; VPF, ventral prefrontal cortex; STS, superior temporal sulcus.
Reproduced from Rizzolatti and Sinigaglia, with permission.49

limbic system.50 Evidence for individual mirror neu- for words, get ideas. It works visually, too, as when
rons was also obtained from multiple electrode you see what somebody means. Fonagy and Target62
implanted in patients to monitor epileptic activity. (p. 437) suggest that such examples are indeed “a
The patients were asked to execute or observe grasp- residue of gestural language”—although, to con-
ing movements of the hand or facial expressions of tinue the theme, some may consider this a stretch
emotion, and neurons with mirror properties were too far.
identified in areas homologous to the MNS identi- As Rizzolatti and Arbib63 recognized, mirror neu-
fied in monkeys, as well as in the hippocampus and rons seem to operate according to the same prin-
the supplementary motor area.51 It appears that the ciples as postulated earlier by the motor theory
human brain is indeed well endowed with mirror of speech perception,64 which holds that speech
neurons, perhaps more so than the monkey brain. sounds are perceived by how they are produced,
Although it embraces areas involved in language, the rather than as acoustic elements. As Galantucci
MNS in humans also seems to be involved in wider et al.65 put it in a review of the motor the-
social and emotional function.52,53 ory, “perceiving speech is perceiving gestures”
With respect to language, the importance of the (p. 361). But the role of mirror neurons in percep-
MNS is that it suggests that language evolved from tion is controversial. Hickok et al.66 point out that
a system largely devoted to manual grasping in perception of speech has been demonstrated in indi-
primates, and extended to manual gesturing, pan- viduals with severely impeded speech production
tomime, and ultimately to human speech. The con- due to brain injury, or even congenital disease pre-
jecture that language originated in manual gesture venting speech entirely. Chimpanzees67,68 and even
has a long history, going back at least to Condillac54 dogs69,70 seem able to understand simple spoken
and Vico,56 but more recently attributed to Hewes,56 requests, and respond accordingly. What is lacking
and developed from remarkably different perspec- in both species, however, is the ability to produce
tives in books by a number of authors.57–61 It is an anything resembling human speech, although great
idea that is partially captured in terms applied to lan- apes have shown some proficiency in the use of a
guage itself. The word grasp is often used to mean simplified form of sign language,71,72 or in pointing
“understand.” Comprehend and apprehend derive to arbitrary symbols on a large tablet-like display.67
from Latin prehendere, “to grasp;” intend, contend Hickok et al. propose that sensorimotor inter-
and pretend derive from Latin tendere, “to reach action occurs within the dorsal system, in which
with the hand;” we may press a point, and expression forward sensory prediction provides a modulatory
and impression also suggest pressing. We hold con- influence on perception, but this influence is not
versations, point things out, seize upon ideas, grope necessary for perception itself. They propose an

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C 2015 New York Academy of Sciences. 19
What’s left in language? Corballis

integrative model of the speech-related dorsal bilaterally organized, though there is evidence to
stream that essentially reverses the motor theory the contrary. In the study by Friederici et al.39 the
of speech perception. Instead of speech perception two grammatical systems, phrase structure and
depending on production, they propose a model local, activated the left frontal cortex, in Broca’s
in which production is supported and molded by area and the frontal operculum, respectively.
perceptual feedback. The system involves forward Functional magnetic resonance imaging tracking
sensory prediction, which provides a natural mech- shows increasing leftward lateralization as one
anism for a limited motor influence on perception, proceeds from posterior to anterior regions, and
but the influence is modulatory; speech can be correspondingly from auditory-phonetic to lexico-
perceived without it. In a more general critique semantic processing.75 The synonym task employed
of mirror neurons, Hickok73 gives the example by Bethmann et al.20 also showed strong leftward
of observing a person playing the saxophone. A asymmetry in the superior temporal lobe, as well
nonsaxophone player may well have adequate as in the angular gyrus. Although the stimuli were
perception of the player’s performance, but a fellow presented visually rather than as speech, the study
saxophonist is likely to have an enriched perception illustrates a leftward advantage in comprehension.
and understanding by relating her perception to Bemis and Pylkkänen76 similarly found that match-
her own expertise. ing word-pair combination to pictures activates the
The role of mirror neurons remains controversial, left angular gyrus and the left anterior temporal
but the important point is that the mirror circuit in lobe, whether the subjects listened to the words or
primates is primarily concerned with visuo-manual read them.
action. Its anatomical homology with the language Nevertheless, as suggested by the split-brain
circuit46 provides strong supporting evidence for findings described earlier, there does seem good
the manual origins of language, at least with respect reason to suppose that left-cerebral dominance
to its perception and production. is more pronounced for production than for the
comprehension of language. Hickok and Poeppel32
Cerebral asymmetry write that “ . . . the finding that the right hemisphere
can comprehend words reasonably well suggests
The dual-stream model offers new perspectives on that there is some degree of bilateral capability
the brain circuits involved in language, and on in lexical and semantic access, but that there are
their asymmetries. Noting conflicting evidence from perhaps some differences in the computations that
brain imaging, Hickok and Poeppel32 proposed are carried out in each hemisphere” (p. 398).
that in the case of speech processing, the dorsal With reference to anatomy and physiology, cere-
stream strongly favors left hemispheric processing, bral lateralization was almost certainly established
while the ventral stream is bilaterally organized. well before the emergence of Homo sapiens, and
The asymmetry of the dorsal stream is anatomical, probably before the emergence of true language.
with evidence from diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) Broca’s area was enlarged on the left in Homo erec-
showing stronger connectivity in the left than in tus (albeit in a single specimen)77 and great apes
the right arcuate fasciculus, which forms part of the show enlargements of the homolog of Broca’s area78
superior longitudinal fasciculus, the major connect- and the temporal planum, which encompasses the
ing fiber tract in the dorsal stream. The asymmetry homolog of Wernicke’s area.79 A PET study showed
was reversed, though, in monozygotic twins with greater activity in the left than the right supe-
opposite functional asymmetries for word genera- rior temporal gyrus in monkeys as they listened
tion; the twin with left cerebral dominance showed to calls made by conspecifics.80 Even mice seem to
stronger connectivity on the left, while the twin with have asymmetrical brains. Shipton et al.81 reported
right dominance showed stronger connectivity on that optogenetic silencing of the left hippocampus
the right. This implies a strong nongenetic com- produces a deficit in long-term spatial memory,
ponent in the structural asymmetry of the arcuate whereas silencing of the right hippocampus does
fasciculus.74 not. Although this might appear the reverse of the
Van der Lely and Pinker37 endorse the idea asymmetry in humans, Shipton et al. suggest that
that the ventral system underlying basic syntax is the asymmetry depends on processing demands,

20 Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. 1359 (2015) 14–29 

C 2015 New York Academy of Sciences.
Corballis What’s left in language?

which in humans might be greater for verbal than with the apparent exception of orangutans, are
for nonverbal memory. Cerebral asymmetry might predominantly right-handed,90 and the leftward
have ancient origins in nonlinguistic mnemonic and enlargement of Wernicke’s area in the chimpanzee
communicative functions, and might adapt to pro- is correlated with a right-hand bias in gestu-
cessing demands. ral communication.91 As discussed above, though,
handedness in humans is only weakly correlated
with cerebral dominance for either praxis or
It has long been known that damage to the left cere-
bral hemisphere in humans can lead to apraxia,
As manual action progressed from grasping to
an impairment of learned skills that cannot be
more complex function, lateralization may itself
attributed to difficulties in language or in sensory
have been emerged. Grasping things, as in plucking
or motor weakness.82,83 Brain imaging reveals a left-
fruit or simply maneuvering through tree branches,
hemispheric network for the planning of tool use,
is better served by a bilateral system providing equiv-
pantomimes, and familiar gestures, a network that,
alent reach on either side of the body. With added
at least within the limits of resolution supplied by
specialization, however, there may be advantages
neuroimaging, seems largely to coincide with the
to asymmetry, especially with respect to internal
language network.84 This network is also largely
programming. One advantage of hemispheric spe-
independent of handedness. Vingerhoets et al.85
cialization is that it avoids duplication, and this may
selected 10 volunteers with left- and 10 with right-
be especially important in complex functions––like
hemispheric representation of language, and found
language––that require large amounts of neural
that the same areas were activated when generating
circuitry. Duplication may therefore be too wasteful
words and when miming actions. The actions were
of neural space, and may also lead to interhemi-
either unimanual, such as aligning one egg with
spheric conflict.2 Another possible advantage is that
another, or bimanual, such as sharpening a pencil
lateralization is not constrained by the relatively
or threading a needle. Regardless of the handedness
slow conduction time between hemispheres, so
of the subjects or the hand used, the asymmetry of
that computations can be carried out with greater
activation for praxis matched that of word genera-
speed.92 A related notion is that the left hemisphere
tion. The authors write:
is itself specialized for rapid sequential processing,
The finding that every individual showed asymme- which is why it is favored for speech.93 Yet, the domi-
try for praxis and language in the same direction nance of the left hemisphere applies to sign language
is a powerful argument for a functional and topo- as well as to speech,35,93 suggesting that complexity,
graphic link between the two, and supports models rather than speed per se, may be the critical element.
that link gestures and speech in an effort to explain Llorente et al.94 document population-level right
the evolution of language (p. 10).
handedness in chimpanzees across a wide range of
Indeed, one might go further and conclude that studies, including their own, but note that the inci-
language itself is simply an example of skilled action, dence increases with complexity of task. Introducing
predominantly lateralized to the left hemisphere in a communicative aspect may also increase the right-
most people. According to Roy and Arbib,86 this hand preference. Meunier et al.95 tested human
may even include syntax; they describe the common infants and nonhuman primates on two manual
brain areas activated during language, pantomime, actions. When reaching to grasp, all used the hand
and praxis as the “syntactic motor system.” closest to the reached-for item. But when pointing
The use of tools may also have roots in pri- to where an item was hidden so that an experimenter
mate evolution. The MNS in monkeys responds could fetch the items for them, human infants,
both to grasping with the hand and grasping with baboons, and macaques showed strong overall
pliers.87 Chimpanzees make and use tools.88,89 Evi- preference for the right hand (tufted capuchins
dence as to whether the brain mechanisms involved did not).
are left-lateralized is sparse, but, as noted ear- The emergence of more complex praxis, and per-
lier, chimpanzees show enlargements in Broca’s haps more pronounced cerebral asymmetry, may
and Wernicke’s areas on the left. Great apes, perhaps date from the emergence of the Acheulian

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What’s left in language? Corballis

tool industry beginning some 1.6 Ma. Unlike the ear- The MNS in primates is strongly linked to man-
lier Oldowan industry, which comprises simple flake ual action, with little sense of how it might have
tools, Acheulian hand-axes required more complex been adapted to vocal control. In the monkey, some
planning; and PET imaging of modern people mak- mirror neurons are responsive to the sounds pro-
ing these hand-axes elicited activation of brain areas duced by manual actions, such as the noise of
overlapping those activated by language.96 From this a stick being dropped, or the cracking of peanut
time, gestural communication may have begun to shells, but they are conspicuously unresponsive
incorporate combinatorial structure, perhaps a pre- to vocal calls.107 Nonhuman primates also appear
cursor to syntax, although whether this preceded or to be largely incapable of voluntary vocalization.
followed manufacture of more complex tools is a Some counter-evidence, though, has been claimed
matter of conjecture. Brain size increased dramati- by Coudé et al.,108 who trained two macaques, pre-
cally during the Pleistocene, perhaps correlated not selected for a high frequency of spontaneous “coo”
only with the emergence of manufacture but also calls, to emit coos in order to receive food; electro-
with the increasing complexity of social structures physiological recordings from an area of the pre-
and the emergence of what has been termed the cog- frontal cortex known to be involved in orofacial
nitive niche.97 Language, even including recursive movements revealed a small proportion of neurons
syntax, may well have emerged out of this mix. that discharged during the calls. This evidence, yet
Language itself retains a strong manual connec- to be replicated, provides weak support (at best) for
tion. Sign languages activate the left-hemispheric a system that might lead to complex vocal learning
language areas and are predominantly manual, and control. In a broad review of the neurophys-
though with facial accompaniment.98 All humans iology of vocalization in primates, Jürgens109 con-
gesture with their hands while they speak99–101 and cluded that “primate calls can be used as models for
manual gesture may lurk not far below the surface nonverbal emotional vocal utterances of humans,
as a substitute for speech. When asked to communi- but not for speech and song” (p. 247). He also cites
cate without speaking, hearing adults spontaneously evidence that direct connections from the motor
develop a form of sign language, in which gram- cortex to the nucleus ambiguous, which innervates
matical components are introduced.102 Manual ges- the muscles involved in speaking and swallowing, is
tures also play an important role in the development present only in humans.
of speech in children (e.g., see Bates and Dick103 ). Even chimpanzees, our closest nonhuman rela-
Word comprehension in children between 8 and 10 tives, appear to be deficient in voluntary vocal con-
months and word productions between 11 and 13 trol. Jane Goodall, famous for her studies of wild
months are accompanied by gestures of pointing chimpanzees in Gombe National Park in Tanzania,
and showing, and by gestures indicating recogni- once wrote that “(t)he production of sound in the
tion, respectively.103 Manual gestures predate early absence of the appropriate emotional state seems to
development of speech in children, and predict later be an almost impossible task for a chimpanzee”110
success even up to the two-word level.104 (p. 125). David Premack, another pioneer in the
study of chimpanzee behavior, states that chim-
And so to speak
panzees, our closest nonhuman relatives “lack vol-
Despite the strong affiliations of language with man- untary control of their voice”111 (p. 13866). In a
ual action, primate behavior and neurophysiology review of vocal learning in animals and birds, Petkov
provide little information as to the origins of speech, and Jarvis112 note evidence for limited vocal learn-
the dominant mode of language. The putative shift ing in some nonhuman primates but suggest that
from manual to vocal shift has proven one of the this is often based on movements of the lips, such as
stumbling blocks for the gestural theory of lan- the “raspberry” sound emitted by chimpanzees,113
guage evolution. The linguist Robbins Burling,105 rather than of the larynx.
for example, writes, “[T]he gestural theory has one The switch from a manual to vocal medium
nearly fatal flaw. Its sticking point has always been for intentional communication, then, must have
the switch that would have been needed to move occurred after the split, some 5 or 6 Ma, of the
from a visual language to an audible one” (p. 123). hominins from the great apes. Vocal language
MacNeilage106 expresses similar concerns. is not in fact a denial of gestural origins, since

22 Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. 1359 (2015) 14–29 

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Corballis What’s left in language?

speech is itself a gestural system made up of move- also evident in 5- to 12-month-old human babies,
ments produced by six articulatory organs: the lips, who open the right side of the mouth wider when
velum, larynx, and the blade, body, and root of the babbling, the left side when smiling.121 In adults, the
tongue.114,115 The evolution of speech may therefore asymmetry of the mouth when speaking also influ-
be regarded as the inclusion of vocal gestures along ences the McGurk effect, in which the perception
with manual ones into the dual-stream system. The of spoken syllables depends on movements of the
dual-stream organization was already present in a mouth as much as on the actual sounds emitted.122
multimodal guises, including vision, audition, and This effect depends on movements of the right side
manual grasping, and the primary change needed of the mouth, not the left.123 Again, the asymmetry
was the incorporation of cortical control of voic- may have prehuman origins; Hook-Costigan and
ing, alongside the already well-established systems Rogers124 found that marmosets opened the right
of manual control. side of the mouth wider when making social contact
A natural bridge from manual gesture to vocal- calls, implying left cerebral dominance, but the
ization is provided by the face itself. Indepen- right side of the mouth wider when expressing fear,
dently of vocalization, manual and facial gestures implying right cerebral dominance for emotion.
are closely linked neurophysiologically, as well as The face, then, is a natural adjunct to the hands
behaviorally—a connection derived from integra- with regard to intentional control, manipulation,
tion of hand and mouth in eating. Some neurons and expressivity. The mouth, in particular, is well
recorded in area F5 in the monkey fire when the adapted to complex movement, whether in biting,
animal makes movements to grasp an object with chewing, and even grasping—and of course in
either the hand or the mouth.116 Petrides et al.117 vocalizations, whether learned or instinctive. The
have identified an area in the monkey brain just extension of intentional control to include voicing
rostral to premotor area 6, also considered a homo- may therefore have been a fairly small step in the
logue of part of Broca’s area, which is involved in evolution of productive language. Many facial
control of the orofacial musculature, though not of movements are internal to the mouth, and the
vocalization itself. Gentilucci and colleagues have addition of voicing may then have been selected as a
shown that the extent to which people open their means of rendering invisible movement accessible to
mouths while speaking is influenced by manual the perceiver. Movements of the larynx, tongue, and
grasping. When articulating the syllable /ba/, for velum are perceived through their influence on the
instance, they open their mouths wider when grasp- pattern of sound—the lips, of course, remain vis-
ing an apple than when grasping a cherry, and do ible, enabling some deaf individuals, in particular,
so even when watching another individual grasp- to become skilled at lip-reading; but lip move-
ing these objects. Reviewing some of this work, ments also strongly influence sound patterns in
Gentilucci and Corballis118 argue that it strongly speech.
supports the gestural theory of language evolution. In hearing people, speech gradually assumed
Subsequent work has revealed similar effects in 11- dominance, although manual and facial gestures
to 13-month-old infants.119 Facial gestures also play were still important accompaniments. But the evo-
a significant role in sign languages. Mouth gestures lution of speech was not without its perils. It led to
are especially important, to the point that some lin- other anatomical changes, including the shaping of
guists identify a system of phonology underlying the vocal tract to sharpen phonemic discrimination,
mouth movements. Explicit schemes for mouthed and this was accomplished in part by the lowering
“phonemes” have been proposed for a number of the larynx. This in turn removed some of the sep-
of European Sign Languages, including Swedish, aration between the trachea (windpipe) and esoph-
English, and Italian.120 agus (foodpipe), increasing the chances of choking.
Cerebral asymmetry may also be evident in facial According to the National Safety Council, as cited
movements themselves, especially during speech by Lieberman,125 choking on food is the fourth
or communication. Graves and Potter121 showed leading cause of accidental death in the United
that the right side of the mouth moved more than States, around a tenth of the incidence of deaths
the left during speech, but this was reversed during caused by motor vehicles. The advantages of speech
emotional expressions. These asymmetries are over manual and facial gesture for evolutionary

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What’s left in language? Corballis

fitness must therefore have been strong enough complex ways gesturally, with voluntary controlled
to overcome the risk of choking. What were these articulate speech being a recent evolutionary modi-
advantages? fication, this would go a long way toward explaining
First, the retreat of facial movement into the the naturalness of complex human communication
mouth may have proven adaptive for the saving of in the gestural modality (p. 246).
energy, and might be regarded as an early example
of miniaturization. Speech is driven partly by the
outgoing breath, which requires very little energy126 The modern understanding of language has shifted
and humans must breathe anyway to sustain life. from the notion of language as special, involving the
Second, speech allows communication in the dark addition of neural circuitry unique to humans––a
or when obstacles intervene between sender and sort of dedicated “app” downloaded onto the pri-
receiver. Pinker and Bloom8 suggest that vocal ora- mate brain. Instead, language is now better viewed
tory (especially at night, one is tempted to conjec- as evolving through brain circuits common to other
ture) might have been subject to sexual selection, animals, and probably to birds as well. The dual-
citing Symons’s127 observation that tribal chiefs are stream organization of these circuits underlies visual
often both gifted orators and highly polygynous. and auditory perception, the integration of memory
Third, speech would have freed the hands for other into perception and action, and the mapping of per-
activities. In a species that increasingly made use of ception onto motor outputs. It was adapted through
the hands and arms for manufacture, and probably evolution to manipulation of the environment,
also for carrying things,128 there were surely advan- communicative gesture, and eventually to human
tages to shifting the communicative load to the face, language. Even the recursive structure of language—
and ultimately to the vocal channel. Carrying would Chomsky’s unbounded merge—may have origins in
presumably have been important in an increasingly nonlinguistic functions such as social understand-
peripatetic existence, as exemplified in migrations ing, mental time travel, and manufacture129 and per-
from Africa well before the emergence of H. sapiens, haps navigation.4
beginning a little under 2 Ma.7 perhaps leading to Against this background, not only language itself
the pressure to add voicing. Speech and the free- but also its cerebral asymmetry probably has roots
ing of the hands may have enhanced the develop- in nonlinguistic functions. If language evolved from
ment of technologies, enabling manual crafts to be at systems initially dedicate to the grasping of objects,
once demonstrated and verbally explained.59 More- its lateralization may have derived in part from man-
over, the products of manufacture are cumulative, ual preference. Humans are predominantly right-
so that a slight initial advantage may have multi- handed when picking up objects or reaching for
plied to the point that our African forebears dom- them, and great apes also show preference for the
inated and eventually replaced all other hominins. right hand, although it is less extreme than in
Technology has continued to advance in exponential humans. One problem, though, is that handedness
fashion, allowing humans unprecedented dominion is only weakly correlated with cerebral asymmetry
over and beyond the planet, but it may have been for language, perhaps because it is more labile. There
seeded by a simple change to cortical control that are advantages to maintaining a degree of bimanual
enabled speech. control in a world where access to things is needed
Speech may have evolved emerged after language on either side of the body, and even in brain function
itself. Tomasello60 notes that sign languages show there may be a trade-off between bilateral symmetry
full grammatical structure, and can emerge within and asymmetry.130–132
a few generations in deaf communities. He writes That trade-off might explain why neither right-
that handedness nor left-cerebral control of language
is universal. Some 12% of the human population
. . . it is [also] possible that the human capacity are left-handed, or in a few instances ambidextrous,
for language evolved quite a long way in the ser- while the proportions with left-cerebral dominance
vice of gestural communication alone, and the vocal for speech may be as high as 94%.133 Given that
modality is actually a very recent overlay. If humans those who depart from the “normal” pattern appear
were actually adapted for communication in to show no major deficiencies in sensory, cognitive,

24 Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. 1359 (2015) 14–29 

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Corballis What’s left in language?

or motor function—except perhaps in cases where circuitry is taken up with the invading presence of
handedness and cerebral asymmetry are due to language . . . ”59 (p. 124).
injury or disease—the pressure for asymmetry may These characterizations are in marked contrast to
not be overwhelming. Attempts to locate a genetic the view that emerged in the 1970s as a result of the
source for asymmetry have been largely inconclu- split-brain studies, which earned Sperry the Nobel
sive (and are beyond the scope of this paper), but Prize in 1981, and popularized by Ornstein’s 1972
most agree that departures from the normal pattern book The Psychology of Consciousness.138 The left
are due to the cancellation of a genetic source rather hemisphere was depicted as logical, linear, propo-
than its reversal, and a recent report suggests that sitional, the right as intuitive, emotional, creative.
there may be as many as 40 genes involved.134 It was probably also fuelled by political and social
The pressure to lateralization may have increased divisions of the 1960s, such as the feminist debate
as manipulative action became more highly pro- and protests against the Vietnam War, with the left
grammed and complex, and at the same time less hemisphere associated with the military West and
governed by the layout of the natural world and the right with the supposedly pacifist East.139 A
indeed by the fundamental bilateral symmetry dichotomy between “left-brain” and “right-brain”
of the body itself. This process would have been thinking became well established in folklore, and
enhanced in hominins by bipedalism, freeing the persists in a wide range of contexts. A recent exam-
hands for more complex action. Language itself, ple is McGilchrist’s 2009 book, The Master and His
whether manual or vocal, can be considered a Emissary, which documents cultural trends in West-
process of manipulation, a means of manipulating ern civilization regarding putative struggles between
the minds and behaviors of others. Cerebral left and right brains.140 McGilchrist reverses the tra-
dominance for praxis also appears to be poorly ditional view in that it is the right hemisphere that is
correlated with handedness itself, and more highly the master, the left hemisphere merely the emissary.
correlated with cerebral asymmetry for speech. Neither the notion of hemispheric dominance
Although bipedal humans are especially proficient nor the romantic view of complementary function
at manual skill, and especially in communication, is supported by the evidence. The brain retains
the ability of great apes to make and use tools and to a fundamental symmetry despite the well docu-
communicate manually suggests precursors in their mented asymmetries. But right-brain specializa-
common ancestry. With respect to both the degree tions do appear to be more than a consequence of
of complexity and its lateralization, Darwin’s135 the invasion of the left hemisphere by language and
view, “The difference in mind between man and praxic function. Indices of right-brain dominance
the higher animals, great as it is, certainly is one of for spatial processing, for instance, are only weakly
degree and not of kind” (p. 126), rings true. correlated with those for left-brain dominance for
Historically, cerebral asymmetry has been rega- speech, and not at all correlated with handedness.24
rded as unidimensional, and indeed one of subju- A factor analysis of asymmetries in human brain
gation. The 19th-century neurologists referred to activity suggests that there may be as many as four
the left hemisphere as “dominant” or “major,” and independent dimensions of asymmetry, two favor-
the right hemisphere as “nondominant” or “minor,” ing the left and two the right,141 throwing doubt on
although they also recognized that in some people the idea that cerebral asymmetry has some unitary
this was reversed. Gazzaniga15 once wrote that “it and universal import. There is much still to unravel
could well be argued that the cognitive skills of a in our understanding of the brain’s asymmetry.
normal disconnected right hemisphere without lan-
guage are vastly inferior to the cognitive skills of a
chimpanzee” (p. 536). LeDoux et al.136 earlier sug- I thank two anonymous referees for helpful sug-
gested that right-hemispheric specializations were gestions. Some of the research described in the
simply a secondary consequence of left-hemispheric manuscript was supported by a grant from the Mars-
dominance for language, an idea also noted by Brad- den Fund, administered by the Royal Society of New
shaw and Nettleton.137 I once wrote that “the left Zealand, and I thank my colleagues Isabelle Haber-
hemisphere has forfeited some of its capacity for ling and Gjurgjica Badzakova-Trajkov for their par-
perceptual functioning because a lot of its neural ticipation in this research.

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Conflicts of interest 21. Hugdahl, K., K. Bronnick, S. Kyllingsbaek, et al. 1999. Brain
activation during dichotic presentations of consonant–
The author declares no conflicts of interest. vowel and musical instrument stimuli: a 15O-PET study.
Neuropsychologia 37: 431–440.
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