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The case clearly defines Genizome a pharmaceutical company consisting of three divisions:
pharmaceuticals, diagnostics, and research & development. Made some changes in their organizational
structure shifted from company structure head to global functional structure. Therefore, their prominent
concern is to standardize IT systems across all divisions of the company. Company’s Excon suggested
company’s CIO to form a team that further develops best practice strategies for the company or
harmonization process for the business. They name this initiative as BPS. And CIO referred Anja Bremmer
as the leader of the project. An IT specialist. Many other leaders weren’t happy seeing her as project
leader. The challenge for her is to complete the task keeping everyone happy in the team.


From the case, Alex Gordesky had a strong feeling for Anja choosing her as a team leader. Rather going
for those who already handling these kinds of critical tasks in a well manner. The issue arises when Anja
asked Alex can she choose the team as per her own interest. Alex told divisional heads will choose the
team. At the end of day, some of the team members question themselves ‘why me’, ‘I am not suitable’.
‘Why Anja I am the one can do this’. These little things became a hindrance for Anja to make team
meeting on first basis. And this took her a lot of time as well.

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