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Ru eva . Pd for aie Aneurysm Surgery Ole An Educational Program of the Institute of Neurosciences Kolkata 215 - 24" November, 2018 Institute of Neurosciences Kolkata 185/1 A.J.C. Bose Road, Kolkata - 700017 A CORDIAL WELCOME Dean Colleagues, Professor Hinatoste Sana. a macotra in ancarysmn surgery from Fujita Health University Japan and Prof, Robin Sengupta, OBE of the Muatitute of Heunroseiences, Kolkata (7-HR) aud Meweastte, England have joined haude to tant “Sano & Sengupta rtcademy of Hucargam Surgery”. tu the Institute of Hewnroseiences Kolkata (7-UR). This cs an attempt to revive the rapidly vanishing ant of aneurysm dangery (surgery for balloowed blood vessele of brata). Tt i a common ucwrotogieal buowledge that 4 these ballooned blood vessels (anearyem) are wot treated properly. they cau burst aud lead to fatal trata hemorrhage. The treatment of these aneurysms with shdlled microsurgical technique has been well established, But unfortunately it a losing its ground to relatively new treatment of coiling where the ancurysm ts treated by less tnuariue endovascular procedure, But sangery has definite aduautage in a dzeable number of patients as coiling can't treat all of them because of compler structure of lood vessels, lu addition &¢ brings down the cost of treatment, Unfortunately very feu ueuro- surgeons are eft with proper shill to perform this compler procedure, Tt 6 important that younger wearosargeous get an ofiportuatty to lear this compler sangicat shill from the master of the ant, Prof Hirotesti Sano and Prof. Robin Sengupta have started the “Sano & Seagupta Academy of Pucaryem surgery” at 1-10K on 30th AAtnit 2018 to provide this of portunity to them, The aud the Seminars of this Heademy took place tn the month of Afnil and August 2018 respectively and they were a great success, The F* Seminar of the Academy wit take place from Et to 244 Live Surgery, Lectures, Video Presentations and Tuteractive Sessions by Prof, Sano and other top neurosurgeons of India with vast experience in ancaryam ia (am a secede datared Nall chell geen g ncensonteenrdl ec eoe wedrosurgeon with interest (u ancaryem surgery are alto welcome, Robin Sengupta, OBE Third course of Sano-Sengupta Academy Nov 21-24", 2018 (Provisional Program) Nov 21", Wednesday 12 Noon + Registration 13:00 - 13:30 hrs —_: Lunch for the delegates 13:30 - 14:30 hrs _: Lecture by Prof. Sengupta — Why we need Academy for Aneurysm Surgery 14:30-15:30 hrs —_—: Lecture by Prof. Sano — to set the theme of the Academy 15:30-16:00 hrs _—: Tea Break 16:00 - 19:00 hrs : Video Presentation by Prof. Sano 19:00 hrs onwards _: Dinner for the delegates in I-NK Nov 22, Thursday : Registration and Tea/Coffee : Case presentations and discussion along with I-NK Faculty : Lecture/Video presentation by National faculty : Live Surgery : Working Lunch while live surgery continues : Live surgery 16:00 hrs onwards: Tea Break 17:00 -18:00hrs —_: Cultural Dance : Dinner with INK Faculty Nov 23, Friday 08:30 - 09:30 hrs : Case presentations and discussion. 09:30-10:30hrs —_—: Lecture/Video presentation by National faculty 10:30-15:00 hrs _: Live surgery, Packed lunch during Live surgery 15:00-17:00hrs =: My complications, and how to avoid them Free Evening Second course of Sano-Sengupta Academy 08:00 - 09:30 hrs 09:30 - 10:00 hrs 10:00 - 11:00 hrs 11:00 - 15:00 hrs 15:00 - 17:00 hrs Nov 21-24, 2018 Nov 24", Saturday : Case presentation, discussion & Guest Lecture : Breakfast : Lecture by National Faculty and difficult cases presentation by delegates : Live surgery : Complication avoidance in aneurysm surgery 19:00 hrs onwards _ : Dinner for the delegate c oem™N Contact for Registration & information Ms. Joyeeta Basu 98316 30937

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