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SY 2017 – 2018
Name __________________________________ Score ______________________
Directions: Read and analyze each item carefully. Choose the letter of the best answer.
1. This element of art as applied to performance creates a striking, even awe-inspiring effect on stage
through the use of lighting, sound, music, costumes, dance, and special effects. What is being
A. Accessories B. Movement C. Music D. Spectacle
2. Which of the following is the traditional theater art and is regarded as one of the cultural treasures of
A. Kabuki Theater B. Kecak Theater C. Nang Puppet Theater D. Peking Opera

3. What is the highest aim of performers in Peking Opera?

A. To train pupils at an early age to become next performers.
B. To put beauty into every motion.
C. To become extremely popular
D. To entertain the audience
4. Make-up is one of the most iconic parts of Kabuki Theater. What elements of art were added to identify
the kind of character being performed?
A. Colors and lines C. Lines and shapes
B. Colors and shapes D. Shapes and textures
5. Which of the following best describes Kabuki?
A. Kabuki Theater is the traditional drama of Thailand and is known as shadow puppet.
B. Kabuki Theater is the traditional drama of China and started during the Qing Dynasty
C. Kabuki Theater is the traditional drama of Indonesia and was given award by the UNESCO
D. Kabuki Theater is the traditional drama of Japan with highly stylized song, mime, and dance, and
performed only by male actors.
6. Which category of Kabuki play is set within the context of major events in Japanese history?
A. Jidai-mono B. Kogakudo C. Shosagoto D. Sewa-mono
7. The stories of Wayang Kulit are usually drawn from the Hindu epics. Which of the following is NOT
A. Mahabharata B. Nang Talung C. Ramayana D. Serat Menak
8. Sarsuela is a drama that became popular in the Philippines with stories showing social issues. Which of
the following theater forms is similar to Sarsuela?
A. Kabuki Theater B. Noh Theater C. Peking Opera D. Wayang Kulit
9. It is organized into patterns that have pitch and rhythm. It is an aid to the rhythmic movement of the
dancers. What is being described?
A. Accessories B. Costume C. Makeup D. Music
10. Which of the following festivals is also seen in Philippine festivities?
A. Balinese Dance C. Loy Krathong Festival
B. Dragon Dance D. Taiko Drum Festival
11. Which of the following is the best known puppet theater of Indonesia?
A. Loy Krathong C. Wayang Kulit
B. Nang Shadow Puppets D. Yi Peng
12. Which among the following festivals is also celebrated in our country?
A. Chinese New Year C. Loy Krathong Festival
B. Indonesia’s Balinese Dance D. Nang Festival
13. The performances of shadow puppet theaters in Indonesia are accompanied by music. Which of the
following instruments is used?
A. Agung and Kulintang C. Hsaing Waing
B. Gamelan D. Koto
14. It is very popular at village festivals, temple fairs, and celebrations such as marriages and one form of
public entertainment in the south of Thailand. What is being described?
A. Dragon Dance C. Nang Shadow Puppet
B. Loy Krathong D. Taiko Drum Festival
15. Which best describes Kecak?
A. A form of Balinese dance and music drama, it originated in the 1930s and is performed primarily by
B. A special performance of a dance-drama about a battle between the mythical characters.
C. A refined dance form characterized by intricate finger movements
D. A lion or dragon representing god.
16. Which of the following is the origin of Peking Opera?
A. Peking opera was traditionally held to honor deities as well as ancestors.
B. Peking opera began in 1603 when Izumo no Okuni began performing a new style of dance drama in
the dry riverbeds of Kyoto.
C. Peking opera was born when the Four Great Anhui Troupes brought Anhui opera to Beijing for the
eightieth birthday of the Qianlong Emperor.
D. Peking opera originated from outcastes struggling to claim higher social status by catering to those
in power, namely the new ruling samurai class of the time.
17. How does the audience able to distinguish a character's sex and status in Peking opera?
A. Through Costume C. Through Music
B. Through Makeup D. Through Props
18. According to tales and legends, the beginning of Chinese New Year started with the fight against a
mythical beast called the "Year". At the night of New Year's Eve, the "Year" will come out to harm
people, animals, and properties. What did the people do for self-protection?
A. People formed the habit burning a folded paper that look like gold nuggets or ingots called Sycee at
year end.
B. People formed the habit of wearing masks to frighten away the mythical beast called the "Year" at
year end.
C. People formed the habit of hanging decorative knotwork known as “Maedeup in their windows at
year end.
D. People formed the habit of posting red Dui Lian in front of their house as well as launching fireworks,
and hanging lanterns at year end.
19. Wayang Kulit has several fundamental components in every performance. Which of the following is
NOT included?
A. A light source C. Taiko drumming
B. Banana logs D. The puppeteer
20. The following are characters usually played in Nang Shadow Puppet. Which of the following DO NOT
A. Comedians C. Kings and queens
B. Gods and goddesses D. Serpents and dragons
21. The following are commonly seen in Nang performances EXCEPT for one.
A. fantastic adventures of a wandering hero C. romantic tales
B. great power, dignity, fertility, wisdom D. star-crossed lovers
22. One of the celebrations Japan is known for is the Taiko Drum Festival. Drums play an important role in
the history of Japan. The following are the uses of drum EXCEPT for one.
A. Drums lead priests in driving away evil spirits.
B. Drums were used to pray for rain and other religious ceremonies.
C. Drums lead warriors into battles in order to scare off the enemy.
D. Drums were used in ancient times to signify the boundaries of a village.
23. The following are reasons why Sky Lantern Festival is celebrated in Thailand EXCEPT for one.
A. People say a short prayer before launching the lantern.
B. It sends a person’s bad luck and misfortune away into the air.
C. People light a sky lantern to lead warriors into battles in order to scare off the enemy.
D. It is an act of veneration to Pra Ged Kaew Ju La Mannee by sending air ballooned lanterns into the
high sky.
24. The following are Chinese traditions which are also being practiced in our country during New Year.
Which DO NOT belong to the group?
A. People will pour out their money to buy presents, decoration, material, food, and clothing.
B. Windows and doors are decorated with red color paper-cuts and couplets with popular themes of
good fortune or happiness, wealth, and longevity.
C. On the Eve of New Year, supper is a feast with families.
D. The family will end the night with firecrackers.
25. Why were women banned in performing in the Kabuki Theater?
A. Because women are intended to stay only at home and Kabuki Theater is intended to be performed
only by men.
B. Because Kabuki Theater has combat and martial arts and women are not allowed to take part in
these activities.
C. Because women used Kabuki Theater as front to display their singing and dancing talents, and to
advertise their bodies and sexual services.
D. Because Kabuki Theater is a prestigious theater and women were treated like semi-slaves by their
husbands regardless of the spouse’s social standing.

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