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Andy Dadou

2nd series:
Marketing, Advertising, etc.

How you see advertising changing in the coming years?

During the last 10 years, with the surge of new ways of consuming information and new forms of
media, the most conventional channels such as TV and radio seem to become more and
more obsolete. It raises the question: What’s the future for advertisement in the years to

We can already observe a shift in consumer behaviour. Indeed, most people spend a big portion of
their day online. That’s why brands tend to put more emphasis on the promotion of their
products on social media instead than on TV for instance. The amount of people who are
still paying attention to advertisement on TV are scarce. However, the number of daily
social network is still increasing by the day. Whether it is from blogs or from the social
media pages of daily newspaper companies, people get most of their information from
Most notably they are able to choose the content that is communicated to them. Thus, it makes
targeting even easier for companies.

As opposed to TV, when you promote something on social media you can communicate it directly
to a specific audience. For instance, on Youtube, when you watch a video discussing
football, the advertisement that precedes it will most likely be football related. Then, in the
video, the Youtuber might also promote products related to football or from sports
companies. On the other hand, advertisement on TV is usually aiming to touch a wider
audience as opposed to targeting a specific one.

Social media gave birth to a wave of influencers with loyal fan bases. Their audiences usually have
trust in them. Therefore, when they promote products they tend to buy them. We observe the
same trend with regard to celebrities. Their fans hold them in high regard and are most
likely to buy the products that they are promoting. The particularity of this type of
advertisement is that it targets with more efficiency than regular advertisement. On top of
being able to sell your products, associating your brand with an admired public figure is also
good for your brand image. For instance when Nike uses Serena Williams as a muse for
their new collection, her image is indirectly also associated with Nike.

Advertisement is an essential part of a company’s success, as it’s what will allow them to
communicate and sell their products to their customers. Therefore, 10% of a company’s
turnover should be dedicated to advertisement. For instance, Nike spent 4 billion dollars on
advertisement in 2020 for a turnover of 40 billion dollars

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