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Pre-op round

 For each case:

1. Info gathering:
 Review the notes [indication, pervious surgeries, medical H]
 Symptoms still there?
 Her LMP, smears up-to-date?
 What is her BMI [very slim?, very obese?]
2. Communication with pt: ?  these are more relevant in consent stations.
 Confirm name & DOB, check her understanding about the procedure, is PIL
given? Any concerns/queries?
3. Communication with colleagues:
 Involving senior, other specialties as required.
4. Patient safety:
 Check that consent is signed [risks and alternatives are explained]
 her medical conditions optimized?
 Current drugs [any blood thinner that may need to be stopped? HRT?]
 Any known drug allergy?
 preop investigations requested?
 PT performed? [if in child bearing age].
 Postpone procedure if eg suspected pregnancy or on blood thinners.
5. Applied knowledge:
 Asking for specific points for specific cases, eg:
o is family complete in case of hysterectomy
o results of previous biopsy if hysteroscopy for HMB
o FH of cancers to counsel about removing/leaving the ovaries.
 Need to examine her? Eg in case of hysterectomy to plan the route, in case of
fibroid to plan abdominal incision,…[can be intraop].
 Post op plan, including thromboprophylaxis & antibiotics [can be safety point].


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