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1.) Elaborate the difference between Ethics and Morality.

Ethics are the set of moral principles that guide a person's behavior. Social conventions,
cultural behaviors, and religious influences all impact this morality while morality refers to set of
principles that enable people to live together in groups. It is what civilizations consider "correct"
and "acceptable" also a person's or a group's actions or beliefs.

The difference between morality and ethics is that ethics is focused on the process of
deciding what is good and wrong, which might involve assessing the benefits and disadvantages,
as well as conflicting values and interests while morality is a refers to set of principles that
enable people to live together in groups. It is what civilizations consider "correct" and
"acceptable". Both morality and ethics loosely have to do with distinguishing the difference
between “good and bad” or “right and wrong.” Many people think of morality as something
personal and normative, but ethics refers to the standards of "good and bad" that a community or
social setting establishes. Sexual harassment, for example, may be considered sinful by your
local community, and you may agree. However, if your local community has no strong
sentiments about sexual harassment, but you believe it is immoral on a personal level, the
distinction can be valuable. Your morals would be in conflict with your community's ethics
under these definitions.

As a result, one person's morals may differ from those of another. Ethics, on the other
hand, is always the same for everyone. Another example is if a person has been taught since
childhood that stealing is the right thing to do if it benefits the poor, then his morals will tell him
that stealing from the rich is the right thing to do. Stealing is unethical in and of itself, according
to ethics. Therefore, even though his morality indicates that stealing is right, if ethics were
followed, he would stop stealing.

2.) Are you or do you know someone who believe in hedonism? What do you think why
they believe in it? Is it compatible with our Christian/Islamic belief?

I don’t know someone who believe in hedonism but I think there are people who believe
in hedonism because they think that pleasure is good and pain is bad. Hedonism is the belief that
pleasure is mankind's most important pursuit and the only thing that is beneficial for a person. As
a result, hedonists aim to enhance their whole enjoyment (the net of any pleasure less any pain or
suffering). They believe that pleasure is the only good thing in life and that suffering is the only
bad thing, and that our life's objective should be to maximize pleasure while minimizing pain.
They broadly understand pleasure as a pleasant feeling or experience, contentment, enjoyment,
delight, etc. while pain is understood broadly in all unpleasant experience or feeling: ache,
agitation, agony, angst, anguish, annoyance, anxiety, boredom, dejection, depression, etc.

Hedonism is not compatible in Christian/Islamic belief because when joy and pleasure
are sought in the lives of humans, they bring devastation and turmoil rather than comfort and
success. Humans must understand that they have come here for a variety of reasons, including
excellence and evolution, as well as enjoyment and recreation; they also have other
responsibilities and jobs. If the philosophical school of hedonism exclusively regards pleasure as
the basis of work and its purpose, the road will almost certainly persist.

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