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a. Sulfur and chlorine are both on the "right side" of the periodic chart. Therefore they
are both nonmetals. Nonmetals will react with each other and form covalent bonds.
Sulfur and chlorine are also Representative Elements which means when they react
they will generally follow the octet rule.
b. A carbon–oxygen bond is a polar covalent bond between carbon and oxygen.
Oxygen has 6 valence electrons and prefers to either share two electrons in bonding
with carbon, leaving the 4 nonbonding electrons in 2 lone pairs :O: or to share two
pairs of electrons to form the carbonyl functional group.
c.ionic bond, Mg loses two electrons to have an octet. Nitrogen gains three electrons
to have an octet. The ionic bond between ions results from the electrostatic attraction
of opposite charges. The final formula of magnesium nitride is Mg N .
3 2

d.metallic bonding
Brass is an alloy of the metals copper and zinc. Hence the metallic bonding is present
in the alloy. Rubber is an elastomer that occurs naturally and also makes up
synthetically. Rubber contains the isoprene (2-methyl, 1,3-butadiene) as its structural
units which involve mostly covalent bonds.
1. The formula of hydrogen is written as H2 because hydrogen is on the top of periodic
table and has only one electron in its last shell which makes it not stable in the
environment,so it shares its electron with another hydrogen atom and they combine with each
other to form H2.
1. The sodium ions and chloride ions are held together by the strong electrostatic
attractions between the positive and negative charges. You need one sodium atom to provide
the extra electron for one chlorine atom, so they combine together 1:1. The formula is
therefore NaCl.
1. The carbon atom is bonded to all the three oxygen atoms by covalent bonds, two
carbon-oxygen single bonds and one carbon-oxygen double bond. Owing to resonance, the
three carbon-oxygen bonds are also of equal length in the carbonate anion.

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